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    posted a message on Notch Gives $3 Million to Mojang Employees
    Does everyone know that EA employs 7800 people? That means that if they were to give each of their employees $120,000 they would need to have an extra $936,000,000 lying around....

    People don't seem to realize how important it is to have big companies like EA, Activision ect. If everyone was an indie developer and only had 25 employees, there would be a lot of unemployed people out there.

    Not to take anything away from Notch's generosity, but the economy depends on big business as much as small.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on anybody else disappointed in the minecraft release version & minecon?
    Quote from narutoall76

    oh my go-READ TWITTER WILL YOU?Notch is taking a break until next mouth.Anyway about the game...
    If you follow Notch,he said that this is just a stable release,not really a full release.
    And Jeb is just doing some things,not really focusing on fixing too many things untill Notch gets back.

    So why call it a full release if it's not actually a full release? That's kind of the point here. Notch is calling the game complete, while it clearly is not. No one is saying that development can't continue and have new features added, but the features in the game should have at least be finished before calling it a full release.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Too many trees
    I would personally like to see more/larger clearings in forests. Also, it would be nice if there were small patches (maybe 2-5 trees) in plains biomes. It seems that right now, you either have a super dense forest or no tress at all.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Biome critique
    Well, apparently, according to some people, nothing should...

    I would think that the biome size is just a variable in the code anyway(of course I could be wrong), so I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to add. They already let us choose to spawn structures, why stop there?
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Biome critique
    Personally, I don't know if I would want larger biomes. I think they should add a biome size option to the world generator. Possible other options too, like the option to pick and choose what biomes are generated.

    I think this has been discussed in another thread somewhere though.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm Depressed
    Quote from CowedOffACliff

    I hope you become afflicted with depression. Then you'll regret being such a **** to people that suffer from it when you find yourself uncontrollably crying for no apparent reason and then spending days with not a lick of happiness to be seen.

    Actually having depression and whining because your dad won't buy you a new computer are 2 completely different things....
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 Survive The Desert Island Seed! No Download! Hard!
    Just started on this world, and it already looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm just starting off in full survival mode. Planted all the saplings I got from the one tree and started a small 5 plant farm with the seeds from the grass. This is gonna be a tough one. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Official 1.8 Bug Thread!
    Bug: Unusual 'freezing' that lasts for 2-3 seconds, dropping FPS to 0 before rebounding to normal levels.

    Cause: Unknown.

    Solution: None.

    Links to Reports: 1 - 2

    I noticed that this is only a problem for me if I am playing on my flash drive. I switched over to the one on my hard drive and haven't had any FPS issues since.

    Someone else want to confirm this?

    Hopefully this will still be consider a bug if that is the fix, as I really prefer to take my Mincraft with me everywhere :smile.gif:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Word of Notch
    For me, it's not so much "whining", but it's more that I'm concerned. I enjoy Minecraft very much and just worry that it is not getting the attention it deserves from the developers.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Word of Notch
    Quote from Stapledon

    You should read the piece of text on the right-hand side : "I made Minecraft! This is my personal blog, but it's like 95% about Minecraft development. "

    That doesn't mean it's a Minecraft blog, just that it most often features Minecraft. Let the man post what he wants.

    Then maybe he should change the the 95% to a 5%....
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Word of Notch
    I think what he might be upset about is the fact that the last time Notch gave a real update about the development of Minecraft was on July 8...
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 Survival.
    IGN: greyfox485
    Age: 26
    Location: USA
    Have you read the rules? Yes
    Anything else you would like to tell us? For survival, I prefer to eat waffles, but it's too bad they don't grow on trees. :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Stronghold/NPC Idea
    Personally, I like the idea of having more than 1. That way I don't have to start a new world to find another one.

    I do like the idea of the NPC's giving you help in finding them though.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Golden Apples for Healing
    Cool, thanks for the info.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Golden Apples for Healing
    Just as the title suggests, I purpose that golden apples heal you. Maybe have them take 5-6 secs to eat though, so it could only be used out of combat. Of course this would be best implemented when we get apple trees (which are going to be part of 1.9/2.0?)

    Also, in conjunction with this, make health regeneration slower, so the need for the golden apples are greater.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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