there was one good topic about guns. the suggeston was for a primitive, medieval era hand cannon. the rest are redundant requests for 18th century weaponry. they also all follow the same format.
do not flame me sentence
lets add a gun sentence
recipe involving 2 pieces
ammo recipe
list of how it works (long range hard hitting low ROF)
closing sentence
possibe reminder about not flaming
now the hand cannon was actually an interesting topic, and it was the one type of gun that fits the theme to a reasonable degree. don't say NO GUNS! just say NO GUN TOPICS!
what is this "theme" you speak of, I see no "theme" in minecraft,
for instance there is medieval European weaponry (with no examples of the diverse variety thereof aside from "ye generic sword and bow" .), yet late 18th century - mid 19th century levels/types of technology, a theme is a joke with this game.
keep in mind that by the late mideval era, even knights carried pistols into battle (wheel-locks, ect.) and the Ottoman armies had been using what can be said as matchlocks for quite some time.
I agree, guns should not, and probably will never, be added to the game.
However, this is what we have mods for! Just go to and all your minecraft-fps fantasies will be realized. That should satisfy anyone mad about this "no guns" talk. :smile.gif:
I don't want automatic firearms, nor a replacement to the bow, I just want an alternative;
a simple, long range, hard-hitting (with slow reload), type of gun would work fine with me, no scopes, and I'm even willing to have a fire-delay to it (it has a pause between when you pull the trigger and when it fires).
A fuse would attach itself to tnt, this would be done via right clicking the tnt while holding the fuse.
What a fuse would do would simply extend or shorten the time from when tnt is activated, to when the tnt detonates, I see this as useful for such things as; anti-player traps (traps designed to kill other players such as thieves, griefers ect), longer-ranged cannons (cannons have a limited range due to the current fixed fuse time for tnt), and likely several more.
when you set the fuse you would simply get a interface with a set of selectable fuse lengths, ranging from 1/2 second(s) to 10 second(s).
the crafting recipe would look like this... = paper = gunpowder.
I think you should be able to have wolves attack intruders in smp, they would stay within a certain area, but they would attack if another player tresspassed over your property.
I honestly rather have pipes, we already have slopes + powered rails, so i don't see the need for fans with minecarts, as for a conveyor, I see water as doing that.
I really dont care about a jump pad, but that's just my opinion.
This was an idea i came up with at one point to solve the problems associated with a single block/compacted redstone logic gate, Unfortunately the thread i posted it in was ill fated.
I apologize if there are any problems with the way in which i explain the idea, but i see it as being a useful way to fix some of problems associated with this concept.
I think if this could be well implemented, it would go great with the many suggestions for increased map height and depth, oceancraft, hunger mode, greater but rarer ore deposits ect.
I would rather have mechanical crafted ones. but that's me.
agreed, that or pigmen servants/workers/guards.
I miss the slaves post... I was the ONLY FREAKING PERSON who wanted zombie slaves, because everybody thought it was racist.
well, people have their opinions... and this board is infested with stupid 12 year-olds who think they're being
Quote from Alectriciti »
"I can't help but think "ZOMG This iz not miencraft", because it really doesn't seem like this is the right way to introduce craftable characters. I think there's far too much of a Frankenstein feel here. I would not want to create a human. I like the ideas of robots though. Redstone wiring, different things like that. But make it very complex to build. Can you come up with some of those ideas? Maybe not just robots.
How about crafting a pet slime?
Get a slimeball (for the slime)
Some soul sand (for it's soul)
And some cake (because it's a lie)
Just an idea. :smile.gif:
possibly, i really only want npc's so that way property can be protected from griefers in smp,
Am I the only one finding it funny how people are using the excuse of the 12 and under playing this game to justify not liking this suggestion?
I think its ****ing hilarious...
I also find it even more funny how its quite likely that most of them think esrb ratings are required by law for electronic games (vidya gaems) rather than by a self regulating alliance of publishers and store owner/managers,
(minecraft isn't sold in stores so it doesn't have a rating)
what is this "theme" you speak of, I see no "theme" in minecraft,
for instance there is medieval European weaponry (with no examples of the diverse variety thereof aside from "ye generic sword and bow" .), yet late 18th century - mid 19th century levels/types of technology, a theme is a joke with this game.
keep in mind that by the late mideval era, even knights carried pistols into battle (wheel-locks, ect.) and the Ottoman armies had been using what can be said as matchlocks for quite some time.
I don't want automatic firearms, nor a replacement to the bow, I just want an alternative;
a simple, long range, hard-hitting (with slow reload), type of gun would work fine with me, no scopes, and I'm even willing to have a fire-delay to it (it has a pause between when you pull the trigger and when it fires).
SDK's gun mod is just generic weaponry, no depth.
A fuse would attach itself to tnt, this would be done via right clicking the tnt while holding the fuse.
What a fuse would do would simply extend or shorten the time from when tnt is activated, to when the tnt detonates, I see this as useful for such things as; anti-player traps (traps designed to kill other players such as thieves, griefers ect), longer-ranged cannons (cannons have a limited range due to the current fixed fuse time for tnt), and likely several more.
when you set the fuse you would simply get a interface with a set of selectable fuse lengths, ranging from 1/2 second(s) to 10 second(s).
the crafting recipe would look like this...
why not?
how exactly is a submarine over powered? what does over powered even mean?
I really dont care about a jump pad, but that's just my opinion.
I apologize if there are any problems with the way in which i explain the idea, but i see it as being a useful way to fix some of problems associated with this concept.
Redstone lines:(scroll down to my post) viewtopic.php?f=1&t=280513
well, people have their opinions... and this board is infested with stupid 12 year-olds who think they're being
possibly, i really only want npc's so that way property can be protected from griefers in smp,
I think its ****ing hilarious...
I also find it even more funny how its quite likely that most of them think esrb ratings are required by law for electronic games (vidya gaems) rather than by a self regulating alliance of publishers and store owner/managers,
(minecraft isn't sold in stores so it doesn't have a rating)