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    posted a message on New Languages
    A Vulgar/Modern vulgarity one would be hilarious. Cobble would be "Rock n ****", Flint and tender would be "Ingnizzle machine"
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Ladders...

    Here's a mock up.

    As you can see, there are some iron blocks (the doors) used for added security and to look inconspicuous if replaced by the surrounding blocks. However, the change to ladder's collision boxes makes this particular system impossible to navigate, as the last block you could cover before the change is now impassable.

    And an attempt using half-blocks proves just as impossible.

    And to humor anyone who says "Use hatches/trapdoors"... Ya, that didn't work either.

    KEEP IN MIND! I am not suggesting this is the ONLY way to achieve this particular system, but I am however showing one particular thing ladders COULD do efficiently that they can no longer do. For anyone whose spent any time trouble-shooting redstone circuits, this time spent screwing around trying to find something that works in a limited space seems wasteful. The change to ladders extended the time it takes to achieve a working system, which is reasonably unsettling for anyone trying to make something like in the pictures above.

    Also, in-before-flames, I can see how the ladders before were a little annoying, but that's the price to pay for an entire field of possibilities the collision boxes created. I for one, am willing to pay that price.

    Edit: If you don't know what you are looking at, I encourage you to try and replicate the system.

    1. Realize the stupidity of this post
    2. Raise the iron doors up one block.
    3. >still looks inconspicuous.
    4. raise ladders up one more.
    5. holy **** are you a wizard
    6. profit from dumb people
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Why are Mob Traps NOT considered cheating?
    Lol at the poeple that say its easy. Far from it . You have to light up every chunk in a 275x275 area to at least get some good loot from it. People can play it however that they like, its a sandbox game. You van do whatever you like. And if you say its overpowered, youve probably never done it before. It requires hours of work.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Look what spawned in a NPC village
    Quote from rpentecost

    Oh. Mods are Gay.

    Specifically more Creeps and Weirdos
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The new Moon Phases make no sense :p
    Question: Who gives a ****?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh my god. Seriously?
    Usually it's a good thing when you hear women orgasming near you.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Captain Bgbba's General Thread about the Bad Points of 1.9
    Quote from Bgbba

    So I have been through many updates, some big, some not. I have seen dozens of additions. But this latest prerelease has officially gone to far. The entire 1.9 update is a massive push in a fantasy/RPG direction. Yes, I know that you all like fantasy, I do too. I like RPG's as well, and I recognize that Minecraft isn't an RPG or anything like one. But certain elements that could be wildly dangerous or corrupt have been added lately.

    1. The End. I like the idea. I really do. But in reality, it is not time for the End, nor is the End anything more than another Nether with literally no use save some asthetic use of Endersand and two mobs, one of which is quite avoidable.

    2. Potions and Enchantments. I was originally quite against both. Now, I see potions as a highly limited joke with little foreseeable major uses or applications. Enchantments are a good thing in that they made a use for experience, for that was almost the first move in an RPG direction. But, they are just an indeciferable mess of ancient runic script that will only allow people to either A. show off, which is the bad part of them, and B. to have a rave party using the glowing property of enchanted armor. Combined with the disco-sheep plugin, and server would have a huge blast, so I like that use.

    The rest of the update I like for the most part. But these two major issues are really getting to me.

    Rules of Reply Conduct

    1. Don't tell me to just go back to 1.7 or to go to Creative mode. I like survival, and I think that it's great, but it needs a bit of improvement.

    2. Don't tell me it's "Notch's game" and all that ****. We are Beta testers. Emphasis on testers. We are the people who judge his game, not him.

    3. Don't flame. Just don't.

    4. If someone is in the minority, listen to them respectfully, then if the use actually arguments, then you may respond.

    5. Don't be repetetive in whatever way you all will surely devise to hate on me. Don't use the same tired arguments multiple times. Be respectful and think for yourself. Use your own arguments. And don't call me a hypocrit because of this rule, for I am just trying to control the inevitable flood of ignorance.

    You have some valid points, but I see that you don't quite understand the use of potions and enchantments. Enchantments are not for showing off, nor are they for rave parties. Have you seen the update today at all? I've already enchanted some of my stuff and it actually significantly helps me, especially the knockback enchantment. With the new splash potions (also in the latest patch, which you inevitably "forgot" to mention), potions almost have a whole new meaning now. You can heal your teammates in multiplayer, you can give them strength bonuses, or you can hurt multiple people/mobs at once. Poison them, slow them down,even weaken them. The possibilities are endless.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Square moon/sun vs Round ones!
    I very much like the new round moon. I suppose some people can't handle change...
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch Jeb i have just lost a lot of respect for you
    I would take your post seriously, but it seems like you didn't take your English Class seriously.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on MineCrafta 1.9 Should add this Plz
    Quote from Jefferist

    This thread sucks I'm out of here.


    Me too.

    >can't spell
    >says trololololo

    Cancer these days... :dry.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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