Your IGN Godzilla200000 Age (It's fine if you don't want to say, just leave it as "Don't want to say) i dont want to say it but im mature Any questions/comments you have about the server nope ill ask them later when i find them -edit- now i do are there any textures pack you need?
i think there should also be a pigman dimensoin maybe where you could get certain blocks in the pigmen biomes and make a nether like portal and you go to the dimensoin where the whole place is a pigman biome and maybe there could be a pigman castle that you could find along with small pigman villages.
I looked on your application page for a testers application and I didn't see one
So could I please be one
Here are my minecraft details:
IGN: Ninjadude100
How long I have played minecraft for: since beta 1.2
why I should be a alpha tester: I have reviewed a few minor mods and given feedback at planetmincraft and i want to be part of testing this mod. P.S: I'm a big doctor who fan
Please reply
theres a reason for no alpha tester app since its not near public testing and the staff choose the testers them self and they are also the testers and they have had an incident involving a cookie
for the polar biome there should be a way to make it so its night every 14 minecraft days and day every 9 minecraft days as in your would spend the equiviant to 14 minecraft days in night then day for 9 minecraft days
lol hes showing off my survival freebuild server Mineland 2.0
Hes also showing off the fact that his computer can run shaders at high settings lol
well my computer would explode if i tried to run it on that over half of my computers things are broken excluding the basics to run minecraft without to much lag and etc
exactly what are you trying to show us? all i see is who ever is the player,some npcs,some buildings,some blue building in the backround, and a blue cloud.
Age (It's fine if you don't want to say, just leave it as "Don't want to say) i dont want to say it but im mature
Any questions/comments you have about the server nope ill ask them later when i find them -edit- now i do are there any textures pack you need?
who are you?
i have been following the daily reports or most of them
theres a reason for no alpha tester app since its not near public testing and the staff choose the testers them self and they are also the testers and they have had an incident involving a cookie
well my computer would explode if i tried to run it on that over half of my computers things are broken excluding the basics to run minecraft without to much lag and etc