Yomi, a card game simulating a fighting game that I've had my eye on for awhile, finally went on sale so I picked it up and have been enjoying it this evening. It's got a rather enjoyable soundtrack (albeit only consists of a few songs).
Saw this mentioned on a discord channel and figured I'd share. Stronghold HD and Anno 2044 are currently being given away for free on GOG. I have no idea how long the promotion will last. I haven't played Anno, but Stronghold is a pretty nifty game.
I decided to give Mechwarrior Online a spin after watching that megabots stream thing the other day (even though the fights were obviously staged). I got a Supernova assault mech and fitted it out with a bunch of long range missiles to make it into an artillery juggernaut. Good times.
Saw this mentioned on a discord channel and figured I'd spread the word. Humble bundle is giving away Civilization 3 for the next 48 hours. It's a solid 4X grand strategy game and worth picking up if you enjoy strategy games and haven't been introduced to the civilization series yet.
IKR. Right now I'm really in the mood for a stromboli, but when I stopped at the supermarket where I normally grab 'em there was none to be found (at least none of the pepperoni ones, they had the spinach ones but I don't like 'em since they're too creamy). Shame, since the stromboli comes in large enough portions that I can make two meals outta' 'em.
I've developed a wide taste in games over the years and my interest in particular genres has waxed and waned over time.
In no particular order, some genres I enjoy include: Shooters, fighters, grand strategy games, real time strategy games, platformers, open world action games, card/board games, sports games, racing games, aerial/space combat, RPGs, MMORPGs.
I generally avoid horror, survival, and games that present a bleak setting/POV.
TF2's a fun one, used to be my main FPS. It's my understanding that there's a new update supposed to come out soon with some sort of jungle map, that plus the scream fortress stuff might tempt me to reinstall.
Recently played some Counter-Strike Global Offensive. The latest bunch of operation maps are alright (I particularly like Thrill, Agency, and Black Gold maps).
Lawbreakers. I'm mostly saying this so my que time gets reduced.
It's also fun to play tho.
Edit: Whoa golly, didn't realize this was necro'd.
Rise from your grave!
I can sympathize with your intentions, as I tried the same thing with a few other lightly populated games via raw gameplay videos. I figure that unless one has an established subscriber base, one's best bet for attracting folks to a game is simply to provide a representative view of the gameplay so prospective players can discern whether they want to get involved with a game.
His character design is reminiscent of Mephiles (Sonic 2006), who... (spoilers)
...was part of the time-erasing Solaris boss.
The eyes especially cause me to suspect the two are somehow connected or similar (especially since time travel shenanigans are involved in Sonic Forces).
I've mostly been playing Angels Fall First (indie sci-fi FPS) and Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014.
With DotP I've been playing through various decks to unlock the full decks. So far I've completed the blue/black discard + graveyard delving deck, the mono green elf spam deck, the mono white bounce creatures in and out to spawn tokens/heal deck, the white/green enchantment deck, the mono black zombie horde deck, the mono red kill everything with sorceries/instants deck, the mono blue illusions + counters deck, the mono blue fairy deck, and the red/green/black dragon deck. I'm currently working on the white/red samurai deck.
Just finished playing through Deus Ex: Human Revolution (DC, of course). I'm one mission in to DX: Mankind Divided, then I'll be on my way to original Deus Ex (probably going to play Revision instead of the true original), then it's on to DX: Invisible War if I can get it to run.
Meanwhile I'm on like season 7 of re-watching The X-Files for the nth time. Then I'll maybe re-visit Person of Interest(?)...
If you like conspiracy spy thriller games, you may enjoy Alpha Protocol. 3rd person action game with some stealth and rpg elements, feels like a video game version of a Jason Bourne movie.
Yomi, a card game simulating a fighting game that I've had my eye on for awhile, finally went on sale so I picked it up and have been enjoying it this evening. It's got a rather enjoyable soundtrack (albeit only consists of a few songs).
Saw this mentioned on a discord channel and figured I'd share. Stronghold HD and Anno 2044 are currently being given away for free on GOG. I have no idea how long the promotion will last. I haven't played Anno, but Stronghold is a pretty nifty game.
I decided to give Mechwarrior Online a spin after watching that megabots stream thing the other day (even though the fights were obviously staged). I got a Supernova assault mech and fitted it out with a bunch of long range missiles to make it into an artillery juggernaut. Good times.
Put a fire pit under that car and you could roast it like a pig on a spit.
Saw this mentioned on a discord channel and figured I'd spread the word. Humble bundle is giving away Civilization 3 for the next 48 hours. It's a solid 4X grand strategy game and worth picking up if you enjoy strategy games and haven't been introduced to the civilization series yet.
IKR. Right now I'm really in the mood for a stromboli, but when I stopped at the supermarket where I normally grab 'em there was none to be found (at least none of the pepperoni ones, they had the spinach ones but I don't like 'em since they're too creamy). Shame, since the stromboli comes in large enough portions that I can make two meals outta' 'em.
I've developed a wide taste in games over the years and my interest in particular genres has waxed and waned over time.
In no particular order, some genres I enjoy include: Shooters, fighters, grand strategy games, real time strategy games, platformers, open world action games, card/board games, sports games, racing games, aerial/space combat, RPGs, MMORPGs.
I generally avoid horror, survival, and games that present a bleak setting/POV.
TF2's a fun one, used to be my main FPS. It's my understanding that there's a new update supposed to come out soon with some sort of jungle map, that plus the scream fortress stuff might tempt me to reinstall.
Recently played some Counter-Strike Global Offensive. The latest bunch of operation maps are alright (I particularly like Thrill, Agency, and Black Gold maps).
Read a book.
Rise from your grave!
I can sympathize with your intentions, as I tried the same thing with a few other lightly populated games via raw gameplay videos. I figure that unless one has an established subscriber base, one's best bet for attracting folks to a game is simply to provide a representative view of the gameplay so prospective players can discern whether they want to get involved with a game.
His character design is reminiscent of Mephiles (Sonic 2006), who... (spoilers)
...was part of the time-erasing Solaris boss.
The eyes especially cause me to suspect the two are somehow connected or similar (especially since time travel shenanigans are involved in Sonic Forces).
Mephiles left, Infinite right
I've mostly been playing Angels Fall First (indie sci-fi FPS) and Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014.
With DotP I've been playing through various decks to unlock the full decks. So far I've completed the blue/black discard + graveyard delving deck, the mono green elf spam deck, the mono white bounce creatures in and out to spawn tokens/heal deck, the white/green enchantment deck, the mono black zombie horde deck, the mono red kill everything with sorceries/instants deck, the mono blue illusions + counters deck, the mono blue fairy deck, and the red/green/black dragon deck. I'm currently working on the white/red samurai deck.
If you like conspiracy spy thriller games, you may enjoy Alpha Protocol. 3rd person action game with some stealth and rpg elements, feels like a video game version of a Jason Bourne movie.
This corvette is having a very bad day