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    posted a message on Concept Freebuild
    ign: gixxy
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on First Programming Language
    Java, its fairly simple, and TRUE Object Oriented.

    Other good ones would be: C, Python, ANYTHING BUT C++(It can cause you to form some HORRIBLE programming habits, and even though they say its OOP it isn't truly OOP.....)

    You don't know what Binary is O.o ............... Why are you trying to program.............. 010011000110010101100001011100100110111000100000010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 <-this is binary. Its counting with only 1s and 0s, base 2. like we count using 0-9s, base 10.

    00 00000
    01 00001
    02 00010
    03 00011
    04 00100
    05 00101
    06 00110
    07 00111
    08 01000
    09 01001
    10 01010
    11 01011
    12 01100
    13 01101
    14 01110
    15 01111
    16 10000

    Alright, time for Java resources. As far as books the best for anyone who has had little to no OOP practice seemed to be Java for Dummies. There is also TheNewBoston with some video tutorials. and for IDEs the top two are Eclipse and Netbeans.

    Here is a link for netbeans plus the Java JDK in one: http://netbeans.org/downloads/start.html?platform=windows&lang=en&option=javase

    TheNewBoston's Java Playlist:

    Introduction to Programming Using Java, Sixth Edition: http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on there will not be a 1.10
    No seriously. It is 2.0 Alright. Otherwise he will have to call it 1.9.# . In terms of significant digits, any math, Any version numbering system, or just common freaking sense, 1.10 == 1.1 which was a LONG time back.

    Notch should change it to 2.0 . IT IS ANNOYING ME.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I need advice on a server host...
    as far as hosts search google. There are many that are strictly gaming. and a few at least that are strictly MineCraft. This daddy cheese looks VERY good, and VERY NICE PRICES!!!!!! (I honestly might start hosting with them too instead)

    SSH would give you more control over the server, allowing you to access the files and create, edit, move, ect. I have a remote host connection set up on my MC server even (although my server is at my house and is Windows so I can't use the Command Prompt.... I only know BASH and the Linux Kernel). FTP is probably just as good.

    Bukkit == good choice.

    Zone protector is NOT needed for spawn area unless the other people are OP (and even if you did, they would have commands to remove the zone protection as well). If you want to protect places away from spawn you will want one. As far as which, I don't know, you can search plugins (btw they are plugins, not mods, while its not 100% vital, its good to make the distinction) at http://plugins.bukkit.org .

    If you want fast building commands you want Worldedit (you can select areas and place blocks with it replace them, remove them, fix griefing easier, or allow the people on your server to build bigger things faster, if you trust them enough to have it).

    Now if you have an economy plugin for currently you will want a shop plugin. So that they can buy and sell items (many of the currency plugins are JUST the API for the currently, It just keeps track of it.)

    There are also warp plugins (like wormholes and such) that are amazing so your people can set up a warp at there house and travel faster to other peoples warps.

    A chest lock like lockette is good so people can't grief others chests.

    Maybe a weather plugin (Rain made my server lag so I turned it off.)

    Also multiworld. You could have a second (or third with the Nether) world that maybe is a creative world, or something else. I have two worlds - Main, and Flatlands which I got a plugin that makes the chunks render as a flat grasslands (although other such plugins give you more options).

    Alrighty links so a few of the plugins I mentioned above.
    A transporting plugin using gates, the default is like the stargate, but you can even make custon gate designs

    Multiworld handler (designed by same guy as the wormhole plugin)

    Lockette - Chest protection

    Chest Shop - user made chest shops. I love this one!! works with almost all{if not all} economy plugins

    iConomy - its the one i choose to use, you might want to look at others, I don't know if this one is the best

    Can generate flat worlds, empty (space) worlds and maybe even a world with JUST an ocean. I think you need a multiworld handling plugin for it, like the one i put above.

    per world inventorys. If you have a creative and survival world you don't want them spawing a million diamonds in the creative world and bringing them back do you?

    Alright I hope this helps. (if it does please hit the plus button :smile.gif: )
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Ultimate Nerd Question...
    Quote from battlekid

    1. What ignorance is this? No more than your own-- you were argueing that linux was better for gaming, then you switch track and claim it has more games, then you switch track again and claim that you never said 1 and 2 and that all along you were claiming that you were not even discussing games at all? Hello there, can you keep on track?
    2. Same can be argued for Mac OS-- $30 for a OS that is light-years ahead of any other OS, and that includes Linux flavors. Personally, I use all three, and I enjoy features from all three, but at the end of the day, I do all my work in Mac OS, simply because for me, it's better. Now for Joe over there, he might like XP, and Bob might like Gentos, and Jill might use W7, but it's all a personal choice, and there is no reason to flame anyone who isn't using YOUR OS, which HAS TO BE THE BEST, NO EXCEPTIONS!

    Linux is 100% capable of playing games.
    your ignorance: comparing a Windows game running on Linux to Mac game running on Mac. You compared apples to oranges.
    If the game is compiled for Linux. Then Linux can actually run the game just as well as Mac runs Mac games, and Windows runs Windows games.

    1. He said it is better for gaming, if you made a WoW for Linux it would take less to run it on max then a windows(or mac) computer. Your argument was about games available, NOT how well a game proforms, what your argument REALLY is, is how many people use mac over linux. That controls the amount of games for the system. He WAS discussing games the whole time, and I don't think he ever said he wasn't.

    2.lol you say that Mac is lightyears ahead and then claim it doesn't matter. Who is pretending they didn't say part 1 now?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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