and if you didn't get it that recently, at least try video card driver updating, sometimes it is the software, hopefully it is. Otherwise its the hardware, aka graphics card is busted.
Alright I want three things with an E-Reader
1. 7" - 10.1" screen
2. Wifi (with real browsing, not just buying books)
3. Nice Reading angle with a screen that won't hurt my eyes really bad like a computer screen does when reading a lot.
As far as price, I would like around $100, and CERTAINLY under $200.
As far as OS, Android would be cool, but certainly not any kind of requirement. If it works, It works!
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Few more things I forgot-
1.Must be able to connect to a Linux computer.
2.I must be able to put my own books on it (some pdfs, and some epubs)
3. Videos if possible(not 100% requirement though)
Well the first one will only allocate a very small amount of your RAM to the server (the default). The second allocates 1024MB (1GB) to the server. Which can be changed:
Java, its fairly simple, and TRUE Object Oriented.
Other good ones would be: C, Python, ANYTHING BUT C++(It can cause you to form some HORRIBLE programming habits, and even though they say its OOP it isn't truly OOP.....)
You don't know what Binary is O.o ............... Why are you trying to program.............. 010011000110010101100001011100100110111000100000010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 <-this is binary. Its counting with only 1s and 0s, base 2. like we count using 0-9s, base 10.
Alright, time for Java resources. As far as books the best for anyone who has had little to no OOP practice seemed to be Java for Dummies. There is also TheNewBoston with some video tutorials. and for IDEs the top two are Eclipse and Netbeans.
Alright. As far as books the best for anyone who has had little to no OOP practice seemed to be Java for Dummies actually. There is also TheNewBoston with some video tutorials. Well if eclipse isn't working you can get Netbeans.
I was wondering if anything like that existed? A server with Magic (either CraftBukkit with some heck of an awesome plug-in or a vanilla software with Mod.)
Anyway, If you do have something like this (or know where I can go to get it) please post here.
Also I do know about HeroCraft, I am a member. That server however is always way to over crowded for my tastes.
1. 7" - 10.1" screen
2. Wifi (with real browsing, not just buying books)
3. Nice Reading angle with a screen that won't hurt my eyes really bad like a computer screen does when reading a lot.
As far as price, I would like around $100, and CERTAINLY under $200.
As far as OS, Android would be cool, but certainly not any kind of requirement. If it works, It works!
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Few more things I forgot-
1.Must be able to connect to a Linux computer.
2.I must be able to put my own books on it (some pdfs, and some epubs)
3. Videos if possible(not 100% requirement though)
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar (1GB)
java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar (2GB)
java -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M -jar minecraft_server.jar (3GB)
java -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -jar minecraft_server.jar (4GB)
and so on.
MB = X*1024
X = # of GB you want server to have avalible.
div {
text-align: center;
Other good ones would be: C, Python, ANYTHING BUT C++(It can cause you to form some HORRIBLE programming habits, and even though they say its OOP it isn't truly OOP.....)
You don't know what Binary is O.o ............... Why are you trying to program.............. 010011000110010101100001011100100110111000100000010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 <-this is binary. Its counting with only 1s and 0s, base 2. like we count using 0-9s, base 10.
00 00000
01 00001
02 00010
03 00011
04 00100
05 00101
06 00110
07 00111
08 01000
09 01001
10 01010
11 01011
12 01100
13 01101
14 01110
15 01111
16 10000
Alright, time for Java resources. As far as books the best for anyone who has had little to no OOP practice seemed to be Java for Dummies. There is also TheNewBoston with some video tutorials. and for IDEs the top two are Eclipse and Netbeans.
Here is a link for netbeans plus the Java JDK in one:
TheNewBoston's Java Playlist:
Introduction to Programming Using Java, Sixth Edition:
Here is a link for netbeans plus the Java JDK in one:
TheNewBoston's Java Playlist:
Introduction to Programming Using Java, Sixth Edition:
I am also having issues connection to the server. is the port standard?
It is just the slight things that aren't quite right about your English that give it away. Just the same with me when trying to write in Spanish.
I agree. However That server is also VERY Large and no magic.
Anyway, If you do have something like this (or know where I can go to get it) please post here.
Also I do know about HeroCraft, I am a member. That server however is always way to over crowded for my tastes.