About DreamCraft: Dream-Craft is my idea(and now a W.I.P) for a mod....(obviously)! Dream-Craft is a mod that changes the way you will play minecraft for ever.In my opinion sleeping in MC is to easy . I think its kinda "Cheap" that with the click of a button you can get rid of all the monsters. I think they should have some kind of catch or challenge to sleeping.So heres the idea, the lower amount of hunger the lower chance for a better dream. On the other hand if you have a high amount of hunger your chances of a good dream go up. Theres a few ways to wake up...one is by dieing . Not really sure the percentages for that yet but eventually i will. There will obviously be two kinds of dreams...GOOD and BAD.
Good:Good dreams will consist of you spawning on somewhat of an Aether but definitely not in the sky. Basically it will be the same as normal MC but instead of dirt there will be a cloud like block.I still have ALOT of work to do and i still need some ideas for the good dreams.
Bad:A bad dream will be somewhat of a nether...To tell you the truth i dont like the nether...at all!I think it needs ALOT of changes to actually be "good"...(In my opinion).The bad dreams will not have nether rack AT ALL.If anything it will have more of an obsidian flooring/dirt.
(0.1) October 17 2011: Idea Implemented October 30 2011: Sprites for ores, armor and items created/designed. (0.2) December 2011:Dream Catcher/Dream Collector added. January 2012: Infinium Ore Added February 2012 Infinium Armor added. (0.3-0.4) April-June 2012: Dreaming added...Failed...fixed...and failed again. June 2012: Change-log added ;P
//www.mediafire.com/?f6ed46oaor0b7ci" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://www.mediafire...6ed46oaor0b7ci" rel="nofollow" title="">http://www.mediafire...aor0b7ci
1.Unzip the ZIP file.
2.Install the files in the locations stated in the folder.
3.Install modloader.
4.Your done!
Dream Catcher:
The dream catcher will lower the chances of you have a bad dream by 25%-40%
//minecraftrecipedesigner.com/" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://minecraftreci...edesigner.com/" rel="nofollow" title="">
Dream Collecter:
The dream collector is basically what will collect all the items you have while your dreaming.Without it there really no reason to dream.
//minecraftrecipedesigner.com/" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://minecraftreci...edesigner.com/" rel="nofollow" title="">
Angels: You can tame an angel by giving him/her/it a golden apple. Angels with be your ultimate companion, they are passive( they wont atack mods) but they do have some amazing features. When you take damage they will heal you. About 1 heart every 3 seconds. Also when you fall they will place a cloud under your feet so you can have a safe landing. If you give them glow stone dust they will lead you to a gold dungeon.
Fake Ores: These will be ores found on the surface, but when you atack they will atack you back. They are very strong they will have 6 hearts but when you kill them they will drop the ore that they "are" (just because you see an ore on surface doesn't mean its fake, there will still be REAL ores on the surface.
Panda Hugger: Cute little pink panda bears that will run straight towards you and hug you. Once they hug you they heal you for a heart and will pop. If you put one in a chest you can have a portable "Panda Hugger". With the "Panda Chest" you can carry it arround and heal yourself when you really need it. Then if you surround that "Panda Chest" with gold(or may be changed to diamonds) then it will be turned into "Super Panda Hugger" once you throw down this panda it will hug and help you out till it dies.
Gargoyle:A gargoyle will spawn on top of stone dungeons which will only spawn in Bad Dreams.If you dont look at them they wont atack you...or move at all.If you do they will quickly come at you and you will have to kill them quickly or you will obviously die.
Im not completely sure what they will drop but thats why i need your ideas!
Thief: A theif is basically what you expect it to be. Thiefs wont spawn closely to each other.If a thief is within a 64 block radius of you then it can look at you.Once it looks at you it will come running at you slightly faster then the run speed of us(minecrafters).Once it gets you it will pick up the block that you have in your hand.Once its killed it will drop you item,AND some other item.Im not sure yet but probably like diamonds or something!
Chainsaw Pandas: These are the most ferocious bears you have ever met. These savages will come at you and will stop at nothing to get you. These pandas are crazy and want your meat, so I would recomend to stay away. They will drop cooked meat, and sometimes redstone/iron ingots.
Scary Faces: These faces will coming flying at you like ghast and once they hit you they will push you back 3 blocks and hurt you. Once killed they will drop rare items such as diamonds and iron.
Infinium Ore:
Found only in bad dreams.Can only be used to make armor.Armor is twice as tough diamond but decreases your movement speed by 25%.Also it can only be mined with an Iron+ PickAxe..Takes as long as redstone to mine.Last but not least it hurts you for half a heart every so often do to the poison located in the center of the ore!
//img684.imageshack.us/img684/1589/infiniumore.jpg" target="" data-ensure-absolute>http://img684.images...nfiniumore.jpg" />[/spoiler]
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1.MineCraftSky(Keeping this forum alive).
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1.5 returned precipitation to us and gave us rail detectors and booster tracks. Good patch, but I don't see how it was the 'best ever'.
1.6 was definitely better than 1.5. It gave the Nether to multiplayer servers, added visual flavor to the game with grasses and shrubs, gave us maps (which are rather useful, especially in SMP where it marks other players on it), made mushrooms a renewable resource, nerfed the hell out of fire so it stopped killing servers and forests, and had a huge load of bug-fixes.
1.7 Gave us pistons, a wonderful creation that added a lot of functionality to the game, both in form and function. On top of that, TNT can be retrieved, as it doesn't ignite when punched, and made clay way more common.
1.8 was enormous. We got endermen, strongholds, stone bricks, mine shafts, melons, fence gates, iron bars, grass panes, larger biomes so that we can actually see their impact, villages, ravines, the Stronghold, swamps, rivers, oceans, super-tall mountains, made clay more common, crits, blocking, bow-drawing, food, made pumpkins renewable, sprinting (which is very useful, honestly), colored lighting, the explosion particle effect, permanently-placed leaf blocks, and creative mode.
1.0, official release, gave us enchanting, ender pearls, shortened the mining duration of some long-to-mine blocks like redstone and obsidian, nether fortresses and the new aesthetic bricks that they provided, end stone, nether content in general, the whole potion system (which, I hate to break it to you, is not a copied mod; it went through its own developmental process), bow durability, item repair, breeding, the fun little snow golem sentry, mushroom biomes, and a cool little ending and boss battle.
So much was given to you, but you choose to ignore it. Fine. And yet, you come here and say that all of this content is hurting the game. Tell me, what exactly did those patches take away from you, other than make world-gen a bit boring, which Jeb_ has already restored back to some of it's former glory?
Minecraft is (or at least was) to Notch just his own project that he could take in whatever direction he wanted. He lost that privilege when everybody became in love with his game and he handed development over to Jeb. I kind of feel bad for him, really. I draw, and I would honestly be stricken with dread if one of my drawings ended up being the Mona Lisa of 2012 and suddenly everyone had ideas or requests or suggestions or just high expectations for me.
Right now, I use debug crafting recipes. Smoothstone and dirt.
To download, click here! (Minecraft 1.0.0) - Mediafire
First Video - Basics, bug testing, etc.
Second Video - Fixed bugs, added some content.
Third Video - Added detector, but new bug.
EDIT: Got most of the things worked out and added stuff to it. Anyone have comments, ideas, etc?
EDIT2: Unfortunately, whenever I place a detector next to / on top of / under a detector the whole game crashes. Gonna have to fix that soon.
They hate on Minecraft's blocky graphics and say that using the word 'retro' is just an excuse. The sprites and blocks are 16x16. That is retro. To them, anything that isn't the relatively high-poly game of Call of Duty or Battlefield 3, which try to focus on realism instead of develop an art style, is ugly.
They also say that the blocky design of Minecraft is laziness; unfortunately for them, this simply points out their lack of knowledge of hardware limitations as well. The world of computers is enormously different from that of consoles. Consoles have a hardware standard that is regular across all of the systems. In the world of computers, some of us have worse PCs and others, like myself, have machines that could simulate all of the calculations that a console does within a virtual machine without facing a real challenge. To create the world that Minecraft is, with such a modifiable terrain, and include real physics or shrink down the blocks so that you can fit more of them in a space would absolutely obliterate some systems, and would probably make today's console age overheat or crash.
Additionally, he gets a lot of information about Minecraft flat out wrong in the video. I doubt he's spent a legitimate 10 minutes trying to play and enjoy Minecraft; probably just saw a couple screenshots, said 'l0l gey grafx', pulled up Fraps and started looking for anything bad about the game.
Now, here's the biggest wrong thing he said. 'This is the final version of Minecraft.' Release does not mean final for a lot of games. In the MMO world, the release of a game is the beginning of it's content development, not the end. I doubt anybody would call World of Warcraft 1.0 the final version of the game. In the indie world, release often means the point where developers are confident that they have an enjoyable game, not when they're finished with it and are moving on entirely.
Notch and Mojang had a set of goals that they wanted to complete before they would transition from Alpha to Beta. Similarly, they had a set of goals that they wanted to complete before transitioning to the release from Beta. All these words mean, to Minecraft, at least, are stepping stones in the development process that were accompanied with a justified change in label and price tag.
Major publishers like Activision and EA have botched the meaning of release by implying that whatever you get at 'release' is all you will ever get in that game unless you pay extra money for DLC. These people are victim to that mentality.
These people are biased, uneducated college frat boys who think graphics are one of the key elements of a game and any game where you don't run about shooting the other team with a wide array of military weaponry 'lacks gameplay'. They don't understand the difference between 'graphics', the actual physical realism and quality of what you see on screen, and 'aesthetics', how good a game actually looks when completely assembled (a similar analogy would be to say that anime or manga are crap because they don't look like the Mona Lisa). They did not take the time to properly learn about the game before they reviewed it, getting many facts about the game itself wrong. These people are the target demographics of Activision and EA in a nutshell, but given basic knowledge of video editing and a copy of Fraps, and the largest thorn in the side of the PC gaming community.
Except wheat is related to grass. If you haven't noticed, the wild form of both of those grow in large fields that cover the entire ground; the plants are naturally resistant to being trampled. Pumpkin vines are surprisingly resilient, too; very thick.
Plants are pretty resilient things in general; trees have natural suits of armor, so to speak, grasses are stepped on daily by pretty much every land-dwelling animal, most plants of a low height are designed not only to be able to resist having fecal matter dumped on them, but benefit from it, etc. I can guarantee a single human walking about (walking, mind you, not sprinting or dancing about like a maniac) in a wheat field may leave the wheat slightly flattened, showing a trail, but it's nothing the plant can't resist.
Also, if I may... How do you step on a grapevine?
These are the Minecraft forums, not World 2 of Runescape. Use proper grammar and punctuation so that we can understand what you're saying.
The 'official' beta of Minecraft right up until release was 1.8.1. So everything from 1.9pre1 to RC2 was testing. It was not an official release. That content was released for you to test out; that's why there's an entire 1.9 Update Discussion section and you don't all belong in this one. It's for discussing bugs, balancing, etc. The fact that your Minecraft client never updated to a pre-release or release candidate is proof of this.
Pre is a prefix meaning before. 'Before release', meaning testing the content before it is officially released. Everything that was in this pre-release was simply testing the content before it was officially patched into the game.
Everything Added to Minecraft in 1.0.0
http://www.minecraft...story#Minecraft - EVERYTHING in that 1.0.0 section.
"But all that stuff was already in the game by RC2!"
Take a moment and look at what 'RC' means. Release candidate. That's not gibberish. To dumb down the meaning of the term, it's basically Mojang saying, "This is the game we're going to release at Minecon. Make sure we didn't leave any blatantly absurd, game-crashing, player-base-murdering problems in there." If only Dead Island had done this.
Everything in the release candidates and pre-releases was all testing. When you downloaded that .jar, you were not getting an official update. You were getting official release content prior to the official release of said content. You were testing it. So when some technical issue happened and you whined on 1.9 Discussion and/or Twitter, you did your job. (Do note, this pat on the back does not extend to people complaining about pointless things, such as those who kept saying Minecraft was dead or dying.)
But then, when you came onto the forums and said, "EPIC FAIL MOJANG EVERYTHING HERE IS IN THE GAME!!11ONE!!ELEVEN!" You just proved that you did not understand what was going on.
The moment you downloaded that pre-release or release candidate, you basically gave up your opportunity to have a normal, game-tested, proper update in exchange for the glitchier content early on. You gave up getting to be all excited at the new content, finalized potion systems and a proper enchanting table on release day in exchange for getting to play with the work-in-progress potion system and the enchantment table that broke the moment you happened to left-click on it, disappearing forever way before it was supposed to be officially out.
In other words, you tested Minecraft 1.0.0 before it actually came out.
1.9pre1 through RC2 were all test versions of Minecraft 1.0.0. You were not getting an official update when you downloaded those .jar files, you were getting Minecraft 1.0.0 as it was still being made out of Minecraft Beta 1.8.1. It was a transitional phase where you were slowly exposed to the content that was to be released at 1.0.0, testing the content and making Notch and Jem aware of the mistakes they made so that they could fix them.
The 'normal' Minecraft population, those who stayed at 1.8.1, got an update. You got all that content earlier than they did. Just because you didn't get to have the exciting period of time where a major update came out and you got to run around trying all the new stuff doesn't mean that Mojang 'failed' or made a mistake.
Look at all the geniuses on this forum! Large image, therefore spoiler box.