• 0

    posted a message on Shaders Mod (updated by karyonix)
    I've struggled greatly to use shaders lately. I have an NVidia GTX 570. When I load SEUS, I get a fully white world. My UI renders on top of it. Naelaego's Cel Shaders give me black or blue. Chocapic just flickers until I force-close Minecraft. I have tried several versions of driver from the latest to the old 320.49 recommended for SEUS.

    This gets spammed in the log:
    2014-04-08 15:00:49 [INFO] [STDERR] GL error 0x0502: Invalid operation at pre-renderCompositeFinal
    2014-04-08 15:00:49 [INFO] [STDERR] GL error 0x0502: Invalid operation at pre-composite
    2014-04-08 15:00:49 [INFO] [STDERR] GL error 0x0502: Invalid operation at pre-renderCompositeFinal
    2014-04-08 15:00:49 [INFO] [STDERR] GL error 0x0502: Invalid operation at pre-composite
    2014-04-08 15:00:49 [INFO] [STDERR] GL error 0x0502: Invalid operation at pre-renderCompositeFinal

    Can anyone help me out?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on ChickenBones Mods
    Quote from crafteverywhere

    Bug report here:
    Just like the pic.the texture looks like not match the model when the front face to x±.
    I played the lastest version with forge #734 and optifine HD D3.

    I'm having a similar issue with the Translocators crafting grid. Right clicking on a slot in that grid will put the block in a different slot than it's supposed to.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on (Xeno's) Reliquary v1.0.6d
    I updated my server to the latest version you have up, but whenever I right-click with a Vial of Ordinary Water it crashes my server. Any idea as to why this happens?

    Here's the bit with the crash.
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: xreliquary.items.ItemCondensedPotion.func_77636_d(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at xreliquary.items.ItemCondensedPotion.func_77659_a(ItemCondensedPotion.java:635)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77957_a(ItemStack.java:173)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73085_a(ItemInWorldManager.java:349)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.NetServerHandler.func_72472_a(NetServerHandler.java:539)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet15Place.func_73279_a(SourceFile:58)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74428_b(TcpConnection.java:461)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.NetServerHandler.func_72570_d(NetServerHandler.java:134)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.NetworkListenThread.func_71747_b(NetworkListenThread.java:53)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(SourceFile:30)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:675)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:275)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:571)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:469)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Encountered an unexpected exception NoSuchMethodError
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: xreliquary.items.ItemCondensedPotion.func_77636_d(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z
    at xreliquary.items.ItemCondensedPotion.func_77659_a(ItemCondensedPotion.java:635)
    at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77957_a(ItemStack.java:173)
    at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73085_a(ItemInWorldManager.java:349)
    at net.minecraft.network.NetServerHandler.func_72472_a(NetServerHandler.java:539)
    at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet15Place.func_73279_a(SourceFile:58)
    at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74428_b(TcpConnection.java:461)
    at net.minecraft.network.NetServerHandler.func_72570_d(NetServerHandler.java:134)
    at net.minecraft.network.NetworkListenThread.func_71747_b(NetworkListenThread.java:53)
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(SourceFile:30)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:675)
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:275)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:571)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:469)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)
    2013-06-09 10:41:15 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] This crash report has been saved to: C:\Users\Gerhard\Desktop\Testing Server\.\crash-reports\crash-2013-06-09_10.41.15-server.txt

    This only kills the server and I don't crash in single-player.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7] [Vanilla] [No PVP] [Legit] [Whitelist] [AntiCheat] Nibato's Minecraft Server
    I would love to join, as would my friend.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on »» ✔ The Emeralds 1.5.2 ✔ «« Survival PvE! | Grief Protection | Mature 18+ Only | 99.9% Uptime + No Lag | Economy | Open 2+ Year
    Minecraft Username: gerhard2202
    How did you find us?: I was looking through the Minecraftforum server listings and this server looked like a great place to join.
    Why do you like our server?:
    It looks like a mature and well-managed place to play, to say the least. Looking for a place where the things I build don't get destroyed by griefers.
    Any suggestions?:
    Not really - it all looks set up well.
    Have you read our rules?:
    Yes, I have.
    Anything else we should know about you?:
    I am joining with a friend, Elliottdehn. His application should be here as well.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from gibbles111

    Name: Dylan Gibbs
    Minecraft Username: gibbles111
    Age: 16
    Gender: Love Playing Minecraft, i like being sneaky in terms of taking up space...so you dont have to worry about me being a "large" builder...I also hate pvp servers/theive servers...thats it about me!

    Quote from Xzarida

    Name: Mike
    Minecraft Username: Xzarida
    Age: 18
    Gender: Both
    Tell us a bit about yourself: I am mike, my minecraft user name is xzarida i am 18 and i like long walks on the beach and am not a bronie but i respect the traits that come when the love of my little pony while not a fan (secret fan) I respect the show for it's creativity
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: I like to joke around...

    I have always had a goal to build a building that I have the scmatics for hoping this is the place to place it.

    Both of you fine gentlemen have been accepted.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Block Metadata not setting properly
    So, I'm using a system that basically grows the same way as grass, but only under limited conditions.

    This is the bluegrass flower; if there is a bluegrass block beneath it, that block should have a metadata of 6, no questions asked. The bluegrass flower should also be capable of converting a loam block into a bluegrass block.

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class DeliciousBlockBluegrassFlower extends BlockFlower
    protected DeliciousBlockBluegrassFlower(int par1, int par2)
            super(par1, par2);
            float f = 0.4F;
            setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, f * 2.0F, 0.5F + f);
    public void onNeighborBlockChange(World par1World, int i, int j, int k, int l)
    if(par1World.getBlockId(i, j-1, k) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
    par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i, j-1, k, 6);
    public void onBlockPlaced(World par1World, int i, int j, int k, int l)
    if(par1World.getBlockId(i, j-1, k) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
    par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(i, j-1, k, 6);
    public void onUpdateTick(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Random par5Random)
    if(par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3-1, par4) == mod_Delicious.blockLoam.blockID)
    par1World.setBlockWithNotify(par2, par3-1, par4, mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID);
        public int getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int i, int j)
         return mod_Delicious.bluegrassFlowerTexture;
        protected boolean canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(int par1)
            return par1 == Block.grass.blockID || par1 == Block.dirt.blockID || par1 == Block.tilledField.blockID || par1 == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID || par1 == mod_Delicious.blockLoam.blockID;
        public boolean canBlockStay(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
            return (par1World.getFullBlockLightValue(par2, par3, par4) >= 8 || par1World.canBlockSeeTheSky(par2, par3, par4)) && canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID(par1World.getBlockId(par2, par3 - 1, par4));

    This is the code for the actual bluegrass block itself. If it has a metadata greater than 0, it should spread the way grass does. It has a limited 'spread' of metadata; it checks for a bluegrass block on the four adjacent sides, and if that block has a metadata value greater than that of its own by two, it sets itself to the adjacent block's metadata value minus one. This way, bluegrass that is capable of spreading should be at maximum six blocks away from a flower; bluegrass placed by this bluegrass may stretch a ltitle farther.

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class DeliciousBlockBluegrass extends Block
            public DeliciousBlockBluegrass(int i, int j)
                    super(i, j, Material.grass);
            public int getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int i, int j)
             return getBlockTextureFromSide(i);
            public int getBlockTextureFromSide(int i)
             if (i == 0)
             return mod_Delicious.loamTexture;
             if (i == 1)
             return mod_Delicious.bluegrassTop;
             return mod_Delicious.bluegrassSide;
            public int idDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3)
                return mod_Delicious.blockLoam.idDropped(0, par2Random, par3);
            public void updateTick(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Random par5Random)
                if (par1World.isRemote)
                if (par1World.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) >= 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        int j = (par2 + par5Random.nextInt(3)) - 1;
                        int k = (par3 + par5Random.nextInt(5)) - 3;
                        int l = (par4 + par5Random.nextInt(3)) - 1;
                        int i1 = par1World.getBlockId(j, k + 1, l);
                        if (par1World.getBlockId(j, k, l) == mod_Delicious.blockLoam.blockID && par1World.getBlockLightValue(j, k + 1, l) >= 4 && Block.lightOpacity[i1] <= 2)
                            par1World.setBlockWithNotify(j, k, l, mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID);
            public void onNeighborBlockChange(World par1World, int x, int y, int z)
             if(par1World.getBlockId(x, y+1, z) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrassFlower.blockID)
             par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 6);
             else if(par1World.getBlockId(x+1,y,z)== mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID || par1World.getBlockId(x-1,y,z)== mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID || par1World.getBlockId(x,y,z+1)== mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID || par1World.getBlockId(x,y,z-1)== mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
              if(par1World.getBlockId(x+1,y,z) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
              if(par1World.getBlockMetadata(x+1,y,z) > par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z)+1)
              if(par1World.getBlockId(x-1,y,z) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
              if(par1World.getBlockMetadata(x-1,y,z) > par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z)+1)
                  if(par1World.getBlockId(x,y,z+1) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
                if(par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z+1) > par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z)+1)
                 if(par1World.getBlockId(x,y,z-1) == mod_Delicious.blockBluegrass.blockID)
                if(par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z-1) > par1World.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z)+1)

    However, the bluegrass flower does NOT convert loam to bluegrass, and it does not cause bluegrass to spread. Bluegrass does not spread on its own, either.

    How can I get this metadata system working properly?
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from MATTBUSCUSS

    Name: Matthew

    Minecraft Username: Cronu

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I like minecraft and toytles

    Quote from Spencerjj2

    Name: Spencer

    MC Username: Spencerjj2

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    Tell Us a Bit About Yourself: I pwn noobs and I like toast.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from samus223samus223

    Minecraft Username: samus223
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    About Me: I like to build cool useful stuff and play with friends :D

    Quote from aburnedpotato

    Name:Ben "ABurnedPotato"
    Minecraft Username: popa690
    Age: 15
    Gender: Chuck Norris
    Tell us a bit about yourself: I like toytles

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from owhimsicott

    Name: hayden
    Minecraft Username: kingofgods916
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: i wanna play with my friends on the server meow
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: meow meow meow

    Meow, approved!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from ghettiy

    Name: Ghettiy
    Minecraft Username:Ghettiy
    Gender: male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: im 6 foot 9
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: POTATO

    Quote from ymmot012997

    Name: bobby
    Minecraft name: bob1218
    age 16
    gender male
    bit about myself: i like joining towns, helping out other people, and playing minecraft!!!
    anything else: not much, like to have a friendly environment to play on

    Quote from pokemon87100

    Name: Brandon McConkey
    Minecraft Username: pokemon87100
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: ADHD, Will randomly do unexplaneable stuff at random times.
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: Optional

    Quote from miltyism

    Name: Alex
    Minecraft Username: miltyism
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male

    Welcome to the server!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from MrKyte

    Name: Matthew
    Minecraft Username: LordRamasus
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male

    Tell us a bit about yourself:
    I'm friends with Flipyak and, like him, I am not any of the annoying aforementioned people. I'm a brony, and ever since I got Minecraft, I've found it to be a most enjoyable experience.

    Anything else you'd like to tell us:
    Er...Not really sure what to put here... Fluttershy is best pony?

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from FlipYak

    Minecraft Username: FlipYak
    Age: 16

    Tell us a bit about yourself:
    Well, I really enjoy Minecraft, and just gaming in general. Don't worry, I'm not a griefer/spammer/anything else annoying. I'm looking to have a great time on the server!
    Anything else you'd like to tell us:
    Also a Brony :D


    Also, I want to apologize for the lack of recent responses on this thread. Got a bit tied up recently.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [24/7 SMP] Exalted [PVE] [VANILLA+] [ICONOMY] [CHESTSHOP] [GRAYLIST] [TOWNY]
    Quote from glueyblob

    Name: Matthew
    Minecraft Username: glueyblob
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: Well i am freinds with SpeedyJessy and Glooeyblup I also love this server its well organized!

    Quote from Jakey_boi

    Name: Jake
    Minecraft Username: a_loaf_of_bread
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: I live in London and am currently taking my GCSE's. I am very sporty and go out ofter and am ALWAYS on Facebook. But I still believe I will be able to play at least and 2 hours a day on this server. I'd like to get dedicated to it!
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: Perfect Rules and Plugins in me eyes, this is my ideal Server :D

    P.S - What does Greylist actually mean?

    Quote from BenvsMinecraft

    Name: Ben Moorman

    Minecraft Username: Raylex13

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Quote from laxforlife32

    Minecraft Username: greg166259
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Tell us a bit about yourself: I like Vanilla servers and PvE. My friend lpp told me that this server was good
    Anything else you'd like to tell us: Optional

    You have all been approved!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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