Pure Hard Survival Server!
Lag free with great protection, rollbacks and Backups. Wither Protection and No Cheat Plus. Renewable Ender Dragon without world reset. We have a mature administration team. Portals, Mcmmo Vote4Cash and lots more!
Hosted in New Zealand!
hey sonic when might we be getting our hands on those sexy clouds? they look 2 good man keep up the good work. from reading a few post its become aware to me that you can enable the clouds some how. could someone link me to a tut?
im guessing its a dark room spawner? if so then you will have to light up all the caves in your area for it to work the more caves you light up the more efficent your spawner will get
well it could be a few things 1 being someones allready got all the enitys loaded on the server or 2 there could be some kind of protection plugin in place thats stoping mobs from spawning
haha a very grate plugin to check levels type /mctop [skillname] without the brackets
i had this problem at the start to remove it add this to your permissions system
mcmmo.perks.*: false < this is for permissions bukkit if your useing pex i dont think itll work theses a bug with pex and mcmmo
give my server a try no ones on atm were all asleep were located in NZ
were a grate community. we started this server in hope to grow
its 24/7 run from my home so no lag ive got 10 upload to hold a lot more people
and it would be grate to have you join
allso best of all were a mature admin team to lock your chest just place a sign on it and your done http://theminecraftserverlist.com/server/mc.bags.mooo.com
try and find new caves mate you never know the ore might not of spawned in that one but it is very common so if you dont find any soon try and start a new world to find some. if you dont have any luck delete your %appdata%/.minecraft/ folder and reinstall minecraft
Lag free with great protection, rollbacks and Backups. Wither Protection and No Cheat Plus. Renewable Ender Dragon without world reset. We have a mature administration team. Portals, Mcmmo Vote4Cash and lots more!
Hosted in New Zealand!
Plugins: PermissionsBukkit, Iconomy, Essentials, Prism, Residence, Lockette, Frame Protect, McMMO, BookShelf, NoCheatPlus, SimpleChatChannels, LapisPortals, ChestShops and lots more!
JOIN US TODAY:mc.bags.mooo.com
check out our website:www.bags.mooo.com
and if you enjoy your stay vote for us:
just make shore there is no tabs in it and you should be golden
i had this problem at the start to remove it add this to your permissions system
mcmmo.perks.*: false < this is for permissions bukkit if your useing pex i dont think itll work theses a bug with pex and mcmmo
were a grate community. we started this server in hope to grow
its 24/7 run from my home so no lag ive got 10 upload to hold a lot more people
and it would be grate to have you join
allso best of all were a mature admin team to lock your chest just place a sign on it and your done