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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    Good ideas, everyone. I don't think we even have the cat yet, we have I think one modder =/
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    posted a message on DrZhark's Mo' Creatures (mod suggestion thread)
    Maybe a ferret. Tamable with raw beed/porkchops. You can make little toys for them but they drown easily.


    Feather rod: Hold this and your ferrets run after you.
    Bell toy: Right click this to put it on the ground. The ferrets will chase after this and knock it around similar to cats.
    They will also roam around and if you jump around they'll chase you and bite you to play.

    TO KEEP:

    Tame them . You can carry them, but they might just squirm away. Right click on a ferret to hold it.
    You now have to craft a ferret cage. First, do this in a crafting table:

    G is Glass, A is Air.

    G G G
    A A A
    G G G

    This will create Ferret bars. Create enough then do this. F is Ferret bars, A is Air.

    F F F
    F A F
    F F F

    This will create a ferret tank. This will be one block long. Place four down then four above on top of it and you have a ferret tank.

    You can now make its essentials. Make a water and food ball:

    W = Lapis Lazuli Ore, A = Air

    W W W
    W A W
    W W W
    Then fill it with water when you place it. To make a food bowl do the same but give it pet food you give to cats.
    Then make some stationary toys (Dangly toys, etc) and put them in. Put your ferret in and right click on it to take him/her out.


    They're quite small, about the size of the players' two feet together plus the tail.
    There are three kinds of ferrets: Albino, White and Sable Mitt.
    You can name them with a medalion.
    You can walk them with a ferret leash.

    Ferret leash:
    R= Rope, S= String, L= Leather, A= Air.

    L R L
    S A S
    L L L

    You can put it on them by right clicking. You can then walk them.
    You can bathe them in a cauldron of water. (Not a water block, they drown easily)

    They have 10 health points. (5 whole hearts)
    They can die easily from water, fire, lava and of course being attacked.
    They're not weak, they do one heart of damage.
    They can lose some health hunting rabbits.
    They eat birds but they can get hurt while attacking.

    I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. It's in memory of my pet ferret.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    Can you do this? I host my own so it will be awkward.
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    of course not!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 19

    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    It might actually work, don't give up!

    EDIT: THANK YOU NOTCH! Notch has added cats, Ocelots and kittens. That made it a lot easier.

    The other one died, which is sad, but I'm learning java right now and I hope to start it up again!
    I'll probably leave stuff like Tigerstar's ghost out of it, though, because it's really unrealistic, and Warriors is, well, you wouldn't find evil ghosts lurking around, killing you with a touch, yet if you kill it, it drops something useless to cats, would you?
    Straight to the ideas:

    If you die, you'll respawn in a cloudy place. This will be Starclan. You CAN get out of starclan, but you'll be a spirit.
    If you have killed another cat, however, you'll respawn in a nether-like place. This is The Place Of No Stars. You're stuck in there for a long time.

    You'll have a lot of health, so you're very hardy as a cat, like the books say. You can take a lot of blows without getting seriously injured. You can also ally with other clans, but this is breaking the warrior code, so if you do anything too bad, the next time you die, you're not sent to Starclan.

    You have additional stats. There is a random chance of being born to a clan.

    Take a lot more damage

    Swim twice as fast
    Can fish with claws
    A bit easier to kill than Thunderclan, still hard

    Sprint for twice as long
    Sprint twice as fast
    Run generally faster

    Can stalk a lot easier
    Hard to kill
    Can take out clans (They always come back though)

    Can jump higher than normal cats
    Some don't really like StarClan too much...

    Bear in mind that I still need modders, even though I'm learning.
    Also, post if you want to help out!

    ORIGINAL POST: http://www.minecraft...rrior-cats-mod/

    EDIT: Awwww yeah! Finished the "crow" (Chicken) texture!

    EDIT: Ok ok shadowclan isn't evil. Especially when I found out that if I was a warrior I'd be Lepoardstorm of ShadowClan.

    Ok, I went for a while, and completely forgot about this.

    FRESH KILL PILE: Idea by sashocku

    A bit like a chest. New block, works like chest, doesn't swing open. Filled automatically by cats, you can put stuff in too.

    MORE PREY: Idea by sashocku

    Squirrels, mice, water voles, voles, shrews, swallows, crows, frogs, fish.

    MORE ENEMIES: Idea by sashocku

    Badgers, dogs, snakes, rogue cats, hawks.

    THUNDER PATHS: Idea by sashocku

    I'll retexture carts and rails. Die when you touch one.

    MEDICINE CATS: Idea by sashocku

    Go to highrocks, heal cats, pick herbs more efficently.

    HERBS: Idea by me

    Catnip, deathberries, stuff like that.

    Please don't think this is going to die! If nothing's posted in a while, just pm me!

    I NEED HELPERS!!!!!!!

    Edit: I think I'll start with a texture pack. Y'know...

    Someone go to this link and signature-code it, I can't figure out how.

    EDIT: The big one is too big apparently. Sawwi, I'll fix it asap!


    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    Whoops. I'll fix that, sorry!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    It won't die! Hopefully...
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    It's not dead! and cubia, I told you we have another map -.-Right now I'm working on a werewolf bukkit plugin that turns you into a werewolf, so this is a little dead, but it will be revived soon!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    Quote from tigerman4527


    -Facepalm at you-
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Warrior cats mod
    Quote from CubiaRemains

    consider it forgotten about friend :D but please dont insult my map...

    Thanks. I just had a stressful few days.
    Quote from lost2stars

    I remember my last suggestions!

    12) Twolegs try to lure cats into there gardens using cheese/milk/catnip/ext.
    13) Cobwebs spawn in tree branches and strings can be crafted into them so that medicine cats can collect them.
    14) Starclan is made up of Cloud blocks, and when broken, they drop 1-4 cloud fluffs that can be crafted into Cloud Blocks. They would be very easy to break and give off a faint amount of light (So monsters don't spawn a lot)
    15) The seasons change every 3 moons and other cats are hostile/docile depending on what season it is. When its leaf bare cats get sick and prey is hard to find, making them more likely to attack. In green leaf cats are healthy and full so they would be calmer.
    16) Special herb crafting, to make different kinds of remedies for a specific sickness or injury. i.e put cobwebs and marigold pulp in a shapless recipe to heal battle wounds.

    I made the banner code up, but I "Cant use that image extension on this community."

    Cool. Thanks for trying to make the banner at least, I'll change the extension soon.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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