I feel pretty bad in just letting my mod page die and I'm happy to see there's a new thread about this where at least here it has more hope of working out. I'd like to thank you all for keeping this up and going and even though I've already pretty much proven I'm not reliable (disappearing for a year or two) I'm willing to help with the arty side of things. I'm okay with textures and modelling, but I don't know at all how to code. (I pretty much gave up after I couldn't make the tutorial work no matter how hard I tried)
Again, I'm truly sorry about this all and I'm glad Wolf has kept it going.
I was exploring my snapshot world, looking for swamp huts so I could kill a witch when I saw a large slime in the water on the topmost blocks so it wasn't drowning, just hopping around trying to get at me. Is this a common bug or is it rare? (I've had quite a few rare bugs before, like my wolves becoming hostile to me)
They're the things that come out of Mycelium and that are in The Void. You know, the little bubble things that come out when you're at bedrock level? Those. At least, I think so.
Won't be doing much on the mod for the week.Nice, cuba! I thought you left us with that other guy. I posted on your mod to merge even more with ours. But can I retexture please?Oh, and, Forge is annoying )=
I think Endermen are a bit scarier than Farlanders. I'm a bit scare though, I think they'll probably be able to move blocks, the "Squid Monsters" looked a bit like them, and they were holding sand )=
I'm going to hack bedrock in then surround myself, after hacking infinite armor, and a pumpkin, plus layers of obsidian over the bedrock i am sealed in, so I won't die. *stomach growls* ...NOOOOO
I feel pretty bad in just letting my mod page die and I'm happy to see there's a new thread about this where at least here it has more hope of working out. I'd like to thank you all for keeping this up and going and even though I've already pretty much proven I'm not reliable (disappearing for a year or two) I'm willing to help with the arty side of things. I'm okay with textures and modelling, but I don't know at all how to code. (I pretty much gave up after I couldn't make the tutorial work no matter how hard I tried)
Again, I'm truly sorry about this all and I'm glad Wolf has kept it going.
I was exploring my snapshot world, looking for swamp huts so I could kill a witch when I saw a large slime in the water on the topmost blocks so it wasn't drowning, just hopping around trying to get at me. Is this a common bug or is it rare? (I've had quite a few rare bugs before, like my wolves becoming hostile to me)
Crafti: I'm not too sure. We should stick to the basics first.
Leadslinger: Good idea, I might add it when we're getting it done.
Shujuju: Sure, help us. We have an abundance of textures and like one modder, but we DO need as much help as possible.
Cri: Get on my server again, we all miss you )=
Mushroomsock: Probably not, I think even getting the MODEL done would be good first.
Leadslinger again: Do help the models. A lot of people want to texture/map and hardly any are actually doing the technical work.
Great ideas, guys! Keep them coming!GUYS. If you're texturing, DO THE CATS FIRST. We need CATS.
Pet ferret died.
Won't be doing much on the mod for the week.Nice, cuba! I thought you left us with that other guy. I posted on your mod to merge even more with ours. But can I retexture please?Oh, and, Forge is annoying )=