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    posted a message on This is how people treat Notch for not releasing updates
    A constant stream of updates isn't necessarily a good thing. Id rather Notch and his team take their time and produce quality updates than spew out a bunch of random garbage to appease the whiners. Take Farmville as an example, that game updates every few days it seems, and look at the crap they come up with, simply awful!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [32x32] Myst texture pack (1.7.3 compatable)
    edit: nevermind
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on The Purpose of Nether
    Quote from Endorphine »

    'nuff said :biggrin.gif:

    ................I love you
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on A suggested compromise on monster spawns
    Oddly enough, I find that I die less often with more mobs around, because when there was only a creeper once in a blue moon, it would get me... EVERY BLOODY TIME >.<
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on What should the golden mineral be called?
    Amber makes a lot more sense....

    Personally, I think something like "Glowstone" would sound more minecrafty.
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on What should the golden mineral be called?
    ..........Why Australium?.... I really don't see how this makes sense.........
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on Petition to forum moderators
    Quote from Aeliaty »
    Sorry for this, but I think I'm not the only one tired of useless topics... :SSSS: :SSSS:

    This topic isn't so useful either = \
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on Hell mode idea
    Quote from Assassians4hire »
    MrTorus, why don't you just stop being a fail troll and do something productive.

    It would be pretty funny to see this happen. Maybe sometimes you spawn normally, fall from the clouds or end up in hell.
    It doesn't have to be religious >.>

    There's a big difference between a troll and a buzzkill.

    I agree with mr.Tortus, being forcefully taken to hell would be a huge pain in the **** and would make the game A LOT less fun.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minor change to cutting wood
    You all fighting over a game we love.
    It would be nice. But another tier of crafting or another mob is more important than falling trees.

    Actually, block entities and physics would be an EXTREMELY important update!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Hell world Screenshot and Anything Hell Related
    Hell seems out of place, but suicidal cactus men, jukeboxes, golden pants, tree punching and pig riding are alright? = \
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on The Hell world Screenshot and Anything Hell Related
    geKo is thoroughly impressed

    I could totally picture some sort of zerg-esque bug creatures swarming out of that hive thing in the top left!! Can you imagine being zerg rushed in Minecraft =O
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Halloween Update
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    posted a message on A Sea Serpent Proposal
    I love your models man! you should consider working for notch :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Gears and mechanics
    Quote from slowpoke152 »
    Hmm... It's a good idea, but I have no idea how the gears would make the platform move, wouldn't it just spin around?

    the gears would be placed vertically, not horizontally, so no it wouldn't spin; the elevator platform would have some notches on the side for the gears to catch onto, gears turning clockwise would push the platform down and counterclockwise ones would pull it up...... this doesn't sound so complex to me....

    Quote from Wilks228 »
    Quote from geKo »

    I think gears would have made A LOT more sense than redstone.......I also like the idea of requiring power sources, rather than having the power come from a redstone torch (which never really made sense to me)

    Are you serious? It never really made sense. You are joking aren't you? If you are - which you must be - then I apologise for the following outburst.
    WHY THE HELL DOES MINECRAFT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE!!!? Since when has game logic been at all reliable, if you want the game to have realistic circuitry etc. then go make a real circuit, or play a 'fun' educational physics game. Minecraft is a game about a man who upon birth must instantly begin his fight for survival; first he collects wood, using his bare fists to literally punch through the trees. He then must craft a wooden pickaxe which, according to the spatial physics of the game has a 3 metre long pick on a 2 metre long pole. With this wooden pick he must carve a cave out of a mountain, and then using the same wooden pick mine coal. In the later stages of the game this man can perform such amazing feats as collecting boiling hot lava in iron buckets, and creating water falls that literally fall from the sky.
    I think my signature sums it up perfectly, the game makes no sense already and we still love it, so the argument that we should change things so that they make more sense in my opinion is a ridiculous one.

    I wasn't complaining about redstone being unrealistic, I should have made that more clear I guess.... My problem with it is that A: it's confusing, gears would be a much more simple concept to grasp than weird redstone torch reversal switch thingies B: Gears would fit the minecraft theme more than redstone IMO (not that minecraft really even has a theme).

    And jeese, aggressive much wilks? you've been falming nearly every post! calm down!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Gears and mechanics
    Quote from muncher21 »
    There were gears then they got changed to redstone.

    I think gears would have made A LOT more sense than redstone.......I also like the idea of requiring power sources, rather than having the power come from a redstone torch (which never really made sense to me)

    Also, redstone seems to be used mainly for turning blocks on or off, gears would be used making objects move.
    Windmill powered mineshaft elevator anyone? =P

    = gear, :_: = platform, :Portabella: = windmill

    :grass: [] :grass:
    :soil: [] :soil:
    :soil: [] :soil:
    :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: :_: :stone:
    :stone: :_: :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone:
    :stone: [] :stone:
    :opblock: :opblock: :opblock: :opblock:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Canyon Biome
    misread this as "crayon biome" and was expecting something really outrageous xD........ sounds good though
    Posted in: Suggestions
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