As far as I know, and I'm a huge fan too, there is no version what-so-ever that works with 1.2.5. You'll need to rollback to 1.0.0 to play the Aether. I think there was a fan update to 1.1 but I don't know where it went.
I'm gonna try to make all the ores from the Tekkit pack blend in with this pack, nothing special, just no "vanilla" ore backgrounds. I'll upload the results here when I finish them.
I'm using this pack on my post nuclear apocalypse Tekkit server. It just looks fantastic!
Also, full Tekkit support? Anyone? Let's work on it.
How did you get tropicraft to work with thaumcraft?
Thaumcraft just laggs the Tropics. The real problem there would be slow computers or not enough memory allocated to Minecraft.
A bug of my own, when I try to switch to a texture pack, I get this error:
Mods loaded: 70
ModLoader 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
mod_4096Fix v4 for 1.2.5
mod_BE MC: 1.2.3 ; BE: 1.2.3
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.2.5v1
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.1
mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]
mod_Somnia v24 [1.2.5]
mod_SpawnerGUI 1.2.5
mod_adventureItems 0.4
mod_Armor 1.2.5
mod_betterDungeons 0.93
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
mod_coral 1.2.x - By q3hardcore
mod_CoralReefGUI 1.69.10
mod_CraftGuide 1.4.3 for Minecraft 1.2.3
mod_crystalWing 1.2.5.a updated by bspkrs
mod_EditableSign 1.5-44 (MC 1.2.4) MP
mod_EllianDetector V1.30 [1.2.5]
mod_EnderStorage 1.1.0
mod_floatingRuins 1.2.5.c modified by bspkrs
mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4
mod_InfiBase 1.0.9 for 1.2.5
mod_InfiBlocks v0.7.13 Color Bricked
mod_ingameInfo 1.2.5.d modified by bspkrs
mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)
mod_LightSensor 1.2.5
mod_MagicYarn 1.1
mod_Millenaire 2.5.7
mod_AddonTimeMachine Time Machine Add-on Engaged
mod_MoreFuel 1.2.5
mod_AnimalBikes AnimalBikes 1.2.5 v2
mod_Pamsimplehc 1.0.0
mod_Pamflowers 1.2.3
mod_PortalGun 1.2.5v1
mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5
mod_RopesPlus 1.0.0 @ MC 1.2.5
mod_Ruins v7.4 @ 1.2.5
mod_Shelf 1.2.5
mod_startingInventory 1.2.5.a updated by bspkrs
mod_HeroesGuild 1.3.0
mod_treecapitator 1.2.5.e updated by bspkrs
mod_BeachFloatHandler Tropicraft v3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_EntMover Version 0.5 for MC 1.2.5
mod_ExtendedRenderer Version 1.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_LAPI LAPI Version 3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_tropicraft Tropicraft v3.0 for Minecraft 1.2.5
mod_TropicraftDimension Tropicraft Dimension v3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_TwilightForest 1.8.0
mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1
mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1
mod_ThaumCraft 2.1.1a
MultiplayerSupport MC: 1.2.3; MOD: 1.2.5; SMP: 1.2.5
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 9477d8fe --------
Generated 5/21/12 12:58 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 version 4.2.0, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null!
at Source)
at aaw.a(
at aaw.b(
at cn.a(SourceFile:140)
at if.a(SourceFile:150)
at em.a(SourceFile:81)
at lr.b(
at EntityRendererProxy.b(
at EntityRendererProxyWeather.b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT c07cc569 ----------
Does anyone know why this is happening? I've had it happen with all kinds of texture packs and Minecraft mods. I can't seem to narrow it down to a single mod that is causing this error.
As of right now. I will be discontinuing this mod until further notice
Thank you all for trying it out
This was originally just a starter mod and I want to move on to better things
Aw... Bummer
Could you at least release the source code? I'm sure lots of people would crawl all over the code to update it. I would, if I knew Java.
OK, until further notice, all refinement on this map has stopped. I just have too much going on IRL and don't have enough time for this map.
I hope you all will understand and thank you for the downloads!
Im going to release CampCraft for 1.2.4 found a big bug with the camp doors and want to try and improve CampCraft more wont be to long
Ya is a pain some times some of the little updates do look pretty good like the new chat system they added
Looking for testers for minecraft 1.2.3/1.2.4: *Find bugs *Check each recipe to make sure I have not missed any out *Test smp version to make sure it works ok.
Current version should be finished by tomorrow if i don't get too distracted, If you want to help test the latest version post a simple message
Buildcraft?? DUDE! BUILDCRAFT IS EVIL!!! it hosed my entire server...
Do Red Power 2 PR5 instead! Please?
I'm using this pack on my post nuclear apocalypse Tekkit server. It just looks fantastic!
Also, full Tekkit support? Anyone? Let's work on it.
Really?? That's strange... I've never had that problem, only extreme lag. (Mostly because Red Power has messed up ore generation in other dimensions.)
Thaumcraft just laggs the Tropics. The real problem there would be slow computers or not enough memory allocated to Minecraft.
A bug of my own, when I try to switch to a texture pack, I get this error:
ModLoader 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
mod_4096Fix v4 for 1.2.5
mod_BE MC: 1.2.3 ; BE: 1.2.3
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.2.5v1
mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.1
mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]
mod_Somnia v24 [1.2.5]
mod_SpawnerGUI 1.2.5
mod_adventureItems 0.4
mod_Armor 1.2.5
mod_betterDungeons 0.93
mod_BuildCraftCore 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftFactory 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftTransport 3.1.5
mod_BuildCraftSilicon 3.1.5
mod_coral 1.2.x - By q3hardcore
mod_CoralReefGUI 1.69.10
mod_CraftGuide 1.4.3 for Minecraft 1.2.3
mod_crystalWing 1.2.5.a updated by bspkrs
mod_EditableSign 1.5-44 (MC 1.2.4) MP
mod_EllianDetector V1.30 [1.2.5]
mod_EnderStorage 1.1.0
mod_floatingRuins 1.2.5.c modified by bspkrs
mod_BuildCraftZFP (Forestry Package)
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4
mod_InfiBase 1.0.9 for 1.2.5
mod_InfiBlocks v0.7.13 Color Bricked
mod_ingameInfo 1.2.5.d modified by bspkrs
mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)
mod_LightSensor 1.2.5
mod_MagicYarn 1.1
mod_Millenaire 2.5.7
mod_AddonTimeMachine Time Machine Add-on Engaged
mod_MoreFuel 1.2.5
mod_AnimalBikes AnimalBikes 1.2.5 v2
mod_Pamsimplehc 1.0.0
mod_Pamflowers 1.2.3
mod_PortalGun 1.2.5v1
mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5
mod_RopesPlus 1.0.0 @ MC 1.2.5
mod_Ruins v7.4 @ 1.2.5
mod_Shelf 1.2.5
mod_startingInventory 1.2.5.a updated by bspkrs
mod_HeroesGuild 1.3.0
mod_treecapitator 1.2.5.e updated by bspkrs
mod_BeachFloatHandler Tropicraft v3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_EntMover Version 0.5 for MC 1.2.5
mod_ExtendedRenderer Version 1.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_LAPI LAPI Version 3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_tropicraft Tropicraft v3.0 for Minecraft 1.2.5
mod_TropicraftDimension Tropicraft Dimension v3.0 for MC 1.2.5
mod_TwilightForest 1.8.0
mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1
mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1
mod_ThaumCraft 2.1.1a
MultiplayerSupport MC: 1.2.3; MOD: 1.2.5; SMP: 1.2.5
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 9477d8fe --------
Generated 5/21/12 12:58 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 version 4.2.0, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null!
at Source)
at aaw.a(
at aaw.b(
at cn.a(SourceFile:140)
at if.a(SourceFile:150)
at em.a(SourceFile:81)
at lr.b(
at EntityRendererProxy.b(
at EntityRendererProxyWeather.b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT c07cc569 ----------
Thanks for the awesome mod!
Aw... Bummer
Could you at least release the source code? I'm sure lots of people would crawl all over the code to update it. I would, if I knew Java.
I hope you all will understand and thank you for the downloads!
So far, so good.
lol, Seriously, thanks for getting TC2 out! :D:D:D:D
You deserve these: and some more.
HELL YEAH!! Please?