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    posted a message on WinTehRar LP's!
    yo man just a comment you skin is a lot of solid colours which i sorta have trouble with...if you want i can make you a better version of you skin it will be the same just shaded and stuff...all i would ask is maybe a quick mention? anyway thx alot if you want an example of skins i make my picture is mine :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    Quote from Kamudo

    My opinion is that she got to where she is today by being a woman. A name like Minecraft Chick obviously implies that she wants people to know she's a girl, because "gurl gamers r ttly awesum."

    So, no, I'm not fond of her. Is that reason enough to post?

    i wasn't hattign on the fact your posting i was just unsure of your opinion.....but none the less i don't think its juts cus she is a girl thats sexist k so what if she is there are some really famed people online who are not even close to being girls...so thats still an immature reason to think that :|
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [Request] Enchanting table in english
    thats part of the point
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [Request] Enchanting table in english
    Quote from Fuako

    If u were to replace the alternate.png in /minecraft.jar/FONT With the default.png one. It gets "translated" but its all random words tho.

    like i said :|
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [Request] Enchanting table in english
    ya you realize that it is actually a language but it doesn't translate to anything...its all just jokes and gibberish if i remember well....
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    Quote from Kamudo

    > Have boobs.
    > Make Videos.
    > Become Popular.

    That sums up my opinion.

    thats...not an opignion thats just saying things she did...tho fi anything i take form it your indifferent? if so and you didn't really have an opinion..why did you post on here??
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    Quote from mordredp

    I don't like her but I don't hate her.

    why the hell would you not like her? its not like she is some self centred ***** or something...shes just a chill gamer and so on
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    yo i think she is awesome also she reminds me of annie from LoL so that makes her evan more awesome...and why they hate on her? cus they with they knew someone as cool s her and so on so ya...haters going to hate.....
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Stacking Enchantments
    what i mean in a more clear sense is if A=1 and b=1+2 then your final equation will be A+B=1+2 not 1+1+2...that make more sense?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Stacking Enchantments
    well i think if you have protection 1 on 2 things and say fire protection on one of the 2 things then you get protection 1 and fire protection but the other things will cancel the things out :|......if that makes sense
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Need a new minecraft partner!
    well i have a server i play on that has 0 lag I'm 18 and looking for someone to play with i have Skype and I'm down for whatever...just msg me if you want

    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
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    posted a message on would like a partner
    Quote from whipflash191

    Well i plan on making a series may or may not be an adv map i have played for a while but lack memory in crafting recipes lol. Oh and nice grimjow skin i personally like ichigo! could u make me a skin of him in bankai form?

    ya i can probably make you one no buggy...but ya if you want me in give me a shout i really want to join you sounds like a lot of fun
    Posted in: Video/Series Help
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    posted a message on Upgrade the Ender Dragon
    well about the healing crystals you realize you can freaking shoot them and it is supposed to A destroy them and it also damedges them if they are near it...leanr about what your saying before you go on saying things.....
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on 1.0 causes weird pink pixels
    turn off anti-alaising dude...look for the post theres like 10 of these that have been made in the past hour about....
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Small Private Server Looking For 1-2 People To Join
    IGN: garuda166
    Age: 18
    How Long Have You Had Minecraft: since invdev maybe a little before not entirely sure not hat one
    Reason You Want To Join: well i want a nice server to join with a few really cool people instead of a buttload of people were its way to clustered and you never really make a connection or community feel.... I've played a really long time I'm very active and i a pretty cool guys i guess so i would just like a chance to make new bud's to chill with online in one of my favourite games...also if you need i make real good skins here take a look weather i get accepted into the server or not...thank you for your time

    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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