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    posted a message on The Akuma Clan [New Clan][PvP]
    hay-a guy's i will be in-charge of "the guild". Worker's unite our main base will be called "Hi-Tanma" the ice demon castle. so hi i guess uhh msg me or post if you want smthing.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Gotei 13 - Minecraft bleach clan [New! VPS]
    i feel useless and sad even tho i want to try my hardest to help i guess i am just not that good at this game D: i am sad panda ATM :SSSS: i just want someone to be ma friends :Notch:
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Gotei 13 - Minecraft bleach clan [New! VPS]
    just a minor note i screwed up and askewd if i could be in the 11'th squad and you said i might be :tongue.gif: but there is no 11 here soooooo.... anyway i have thought it over and the squad i want to be in the MOST is 2 pls pls pls 2. and if i can't then 10...and if i can'tthen i dunno :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Gotei 13 - Minecraft bleach clan [New! VPS]
    Application form:
    MC Username: garuda166
    Skype username: meriadoc-foglio
    Reason for joining: love bleach you guy's seem right for me :biggrin.gif: also someone told me to :tongue.gif:
    What squad you would like to be in: = maybe 10 or 11 but if you have it the seireitei black op's would be most fun for me so thats squad 2 if i am not mistaken
    Have you bought the game? if bye bye the game you mean minecraft yes i have owned it for more then a year
    How active are you? mod on 3 servers on almost 7 hours a day 5-7 days a week
    What timezone are you in? BC, canada, so Western Pacific time i think
    Skills in anything? i like to build castle Pretty good with skins / my custom skins -> (minecraft.net down ATM connot upload other skin will try l8r)

    Other info you think we should know: hmm i am knlegable in bleach i play minecraft alot tho i do like to fool around i am trustworthy (mod on 3 servers :tongue.gif:) and i hope to be able to join...pls contact me and tell me if i am in being able to join would make me most pleased.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on offering 20 player server cheap
    so cus you and mage disagreed about smthing i lose my 60$ donation WTH is that legal. :iapprove:--NOT D:
    Posted in: Other hosts
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    posted a message on what notch did in beta
    jsut shut up ok i don't care if it does not work right now it helps notch figure out what is not working and my i remind you that in most cases you CAN"T EVAN PLAY AN ALPHA REALESE LET ALONE ENJOY IT!!!

    are you all brain deadthis game is grate and it NOT working is greate beacus it alaws for the fixes your all complaining you don't have so get a life and stop playing or SHUT THE F UP OK COOL WE understand now so let's calm down and leave the niec game developer alone :SSSS:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on what notch did in beta
    Quote from nvrnlumby3 »
    Quote from Pattoe »
    Quote from Rox »
    "Did"? Beta has only just begun. There's a hell of a lot more to do. We've only had one beta update so far. And let me tell you, the very first alpha update was a LOT less exciting than this. Entering beta is a huge milestone, particularly for the developers. To us, the players, it's just another update among many. "Beta" is not a codename for some huge, important patch. It's just the name of a development phase.

    I've typed those exact words, like, five times tonight... people keep complaining about the same things in the same way in so many different threads...

    Use copy and paste... or create a brand out of that paragraph (A big brand) And go around each person's house individually and brand this across their chest.

    DIBS!! I get the brand first!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Buxville - as seen on Notch' twitter! [new Hardware!]

    -Political(or anything in this area)

    -live in buxville...maybe later in the wild

    also i am not just doing this on a whim this is one of the best SMP servers i have seen i would really like to join.
    from what i have read i think this a really nice community to join.
    also if i do join a reason i think i should be political is so i can interact with other players easier if you have a french player for example who wants to join but can't really speak english(say found out about this from a friend) i speak French fluently and will be able to help

    not trying to be stuck up or anything just saying it could be useful to have bi/tri lingual people helping out (tri= cus i am learning japanese right now)
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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    posted a message on got clan would like more friends
    hay me and my friends are making a kinda building clan and we would love to have somore cool people with us. we have a basic wesite right now if you wanna cheack it out.

    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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