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    posted a message on very long profile loading times
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    I have a bug,
    whenever a npc respawns, it stays lying down and red as if still dead, but alive.

    Other mods I'm using are TerrainControl, Mystcraft, Better grass and leaves, and Optifine.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [16x] [1.7.2] ChristCraft 1.3.1 (Church Architecture)
    I think we leave this topic for your texture pack and keep talking through private messages?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [16x] [1.7.2] ChristCraft 1.3.1 (Church Architecture)
    Quote from GenghisKhan44
    @ Gabandre: Salve! :D Nice to see a Lutheran! Missouri Synod, Wisconsin Synod, or ELCA? Just curious. [/christianitynerd]

    Yes, "Catholic" should be used by all Christians, because that is what our Church - the pillar and ground of Truth (1 Tim 3:15) - is. She gives us all we need theologically and spiritually speaking, and all the faithful are a part of it (and many may, unknowingly, be a part of it despite not being Christian proper), and we all are a part of God's body. Thus Saint Paul was told by Christ: "Saul, why do you persecute Me (Acts 9:4)?"

    I am well aware Catholic theology is influenced by Aristotle. The Summa, for example, was St. Thomas Aquinas's attempt to harmonise/reconcile (as per Sim City 4, when you "reconcile" the terrain) Catholic theology with the "secular" science of the day, Aristotelian philosophy. Something wrong with that?

    I live in a German colony in Brazil, so I the theology here is very close to that of Germany and I'm member of a pietist community. Theologians here don't like US Lutheranism very much and most, if not all, of US theologies actually, probably because of the great Calvinist influence. But we actually read many US christian books. As for the Aristotle question, it was merely out of curiosity.
    although one of the causes of the tries to reform the church was that Aristotle's word was (in practice) more important than Jesus'. Martin Luther was closer (as an Augustinian monk) to st. Augustine, who was platonic (but Sola Scriptura, Luther also rejected some parts of Augustine's theology that conflicted with the Bible).
    I was a theology student once, but paused my studies because I don't know what job I would take as a theologian, as I don't want to be a sheepherder(pastor), maybe one day I get into apologetics. My girlfriend still studies theology.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [16x] [1.7.2] ChristCraft 1.3.1 (Church Architecture)
    Nice idea, I have a cousin that loves building churches in MC. I'll show this pack to him.
    and nice to see other Christians. I'm christian too, Lutheran protestant but I don't like the church break-up so I just call myself christian. Also, catholic means "universal", and should be assumed by all christian churches, not just the roman.
    (did you know that the roman catholic theology about the Holy Mass(and other things) is heavily influenced by Aristotle? that's why unconsumed bread must destroyed by water, losing its shape makes it lose its identity)
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on very long profile loading times
    every time I try to launch minecraft it takes at least half-hour to load my profiles (there are only 3).
    the launcher itself opens up quickly and after the profiles are loaded the game launches and runs normally, it is only the profile loading that takes a lot of time

    computer specs:
    intel i3
    4GB DDR3 RAM
    intel HD 3000-something
    500GB HD
    Windows 7 64b
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    is there, or will there be a way to only edit a layer range,
    for example, when editing the biomes, only edit to level 62 for making oceans, or from 63-128 for normal, and 129+ mountains.
    I know that is possible to do that with surface layers, but for biomes and other things?
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on question on 1.5
    then no 24x in the future?
    i think ill stay with 1.4.7
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on question on 1.5
    will non power of 2 texture packs work with the new texture system?
    I'm making a 24x texture pack and want to know if I could continue
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on (possible bug) blocks turn into double half-slab
    when i try to place the second one, it appears as the first, but its not just with the 43:6 or higher, stone bricks and other blocks also turn into the double slab
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on (possible bug) blocks turn into double half-slab
    i'm having a problem upgrading to 1.4.5, whenever i try to put some blocks, found first with the full slab block but also with stone bricks and a few other blocks, they are put as a smoothstone double half-slab but appear normal when the character is holding them.
    is this problem known? what can I do? should it go to the bug-tracker?
    sorry if this is posted in the wrong place
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Refactoring the Player Skin for added detail (ALMOST IMPLEMENTED)
    Quote from Amehtta

    So, as I was working on my current skin project and grumbling about this very issue, I had an idea related to this thread that I thought I'd share with you guys. Basically, it's the refractoring you've already got, but with an extra bit: A second layer for the entire skin. By second layer, I'm referring to the Hat area, where that part of the skin texture is placed over the top of the base head and is raised up a little.

    The easiest layout I came up with was a 64x64 set up:

    i think this idea is problematic as it doesnt leave space to mods which could use that space
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Help needed. semi-sequential toggle lock
    I think my problem might be resolved with a pulse generator or an edge detector. (I should have researched more)
    anyway, thanks
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Help needed. semi-sequential toggle lock
    I'm having some problem designing a puzzle lock for an adventure map.
    the puzzle would consist of using levers to try to complete a redstone line, each lever would activate 2 pistons to complete the line and each piston would be activated by at least 2 levers so toggling one lever would deactivate a piston that other lever might have activated.

    the main problem is:
    I have no idea as to how make 2 levers toggle one piston, probably, some way to convert continuous to single-pulse would resolve it, but I have no idea how to.

    a minor problem would be (but maybe by the circuit's logic, not possible) to use an odd number of pistons to complete the line.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [1.4.5] Explosives+ [PR V3.9!][Pre Release 5 1.4.5 December 2nd!]
    i love this mod but water annoys my destructions,
    I want to request a water remover explosive(or add this to all of them)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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