the simple way of putting it would be i would hold an item when oped type something like /lifetime "72000 < ticks" and end up with an item that has an hr timer on it before it just despawns out of your inventory so i could say have starting items "say a jet pack" on my server that would give you an hr of limited flight when you first start out to help you find a home for example
sorry for the way late reply MFR can strip the enchantment however will only apply up to unbreaking 3 even useing an unbreaking 10 book Botania however.....requireing like 3 mana pools to do so will still enchant things with it
loving the mod looking forward to modded ores and maybe a config to have him eat compressed metal blocks like a block of iron for example for modded metals as for the ore type you could just have the sheep take the color of the ingot/metal if its modded and only texture the vanilla ores that would be a rather easy call to make
Try spawning him properly, as outlined in the compendium...
mithion could i ask you why it is that everyone keeps saying you have Quit deving on AM2 ? i know your working on it my self im just wondering where it came from ?
that being said the comment about regulating capes cannot be in-forced till its added to the Eula so till such a time i would not worry "too much" about it and with the buyout i question if they even care that much anymore about something like this
sorry to expand on this more my issue is that im using it in a modded obsidian generator and the block that i have placing down lava "next to flowing water" is and will replace any block it thinks of as "open" in the area that happens to include any other liquid blocks that are not lava so unless the block its self is solid it gets replaced a good example of what im talking about is maybe somthing like Xywater from xycraft when it was around a solid genral block you could build with stand on and yet it still effected anything touching it like a water block
what i more or less need is a solid block when placed in world that will act like water when next to lava turning it into obsidian/cobble based on if running or solid pref for 1.7.10 Forge
this one i don't think is to major and i would be really thankful to anyone who could do it <3
the first is rather simple i think and that would be a block with the properties of water something i could easily attach to a modded frame quarry that would turn lava touching it into smooth stone and still be pulled along without making a mess
i fully understand if number two down here is impossible or just not something anyone wants to attempt as its a really big request! but again if someone was up for attempting it i would be very grateful
the second is a 3x3 multiblock structure made of "iron chests mod" chests that would as just one chest when clicked on with a tabbed interface to access each one
mithion could i ask you why it is that everyone keeps saying you have Quit deving on AM2 ? i know your working on it my self im just wondering where it came from ?
would pref if forge 1.7.10 was possible!
this one i don't think is to major and i would be really thankful to anyone who could do it <3
the first is rather simple i think and that would be a block with the properties of water something i could easily attach to a modded frame quarry that would turn lava touching it into smooth stone and still be pulled along without making a mess
i fully understand if number two down here is impossible or just not something anyone wants to attempt as its a really big request! but again if someone was up for attempting it i would be very grateful
the second is a 3x3 multiblock structure made of "iron chests mod" chests that would as just one chest when clicked on with a tabbed interface to access each one