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    posted a message on Mod Entity Problem - Updated with Forge
    Alright, this is a bit of an act of humility for me
    I saw most of the OPs fixes but didn't quite understand where some of the functions went since it still wasn't working

    I'm coming up with no errors which is disturbing, also no skips
    Also, it seems to write to NBT alright, and constructors seem to be fine
    Though its only rendering once which is weird to me but makes sense since is storing an internal hash

    Any help would be appreciated

    Heres the code

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Map;
    import net.minecraft.src.eggmen.EntityEggMinion;
    import net.minecraft.src.eggmen.ModelEggMinion;
    import net.minecraft.src.eggmen.RenderEggMinion;
    public class mod_s986s extends BaseMod{
    public mod_s986s(){
    public String getVersion() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return "versioned";
    public void load() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method  stub
      ModLoader.registerEntityID(net.minecraft.src.eggmen.EntityEggMinion.class, "EggMinion", -100);
      public Entity spawnEntity(int var1, World var2, double var3, double var5, double var7)
    		 return null;
    public void addRenderer(Map map){
      map.put(net.minecraft.src.eggmen.EntityEggMinion.class, new RenderEggMinion(0.5F));

    Entity File
    package net.minecraft.src.eggmen;
    import net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving;
    import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
    import net.minecraft.src.World;
    import net.minecraft.src.PathNavigate;
    public class EntityEggMinion extends EntityLiving{
    public EntityEggMinion(World par1World){
    this(par1World, 0);
    public EntityEggMinion(World par1World, int part2){
    texture = "/mob/EggMinion.png";
    public int getMaxHealth() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return 5;
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1){
    System.out.println("Eggman written to NBT");
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1){
    protected boolean canDespawn(){
    return false;
    protected String getLivingSound(){
    return null;
    protected String getHurtSound(){
    return null;
    protected String getDeathSound(){
    return null;

    Render File
    package net.minecraft.src.eggmen;
    import net.minecraft.src.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving;
    import net.minecraft.src.ModelBase;
    import net.minecraft.src.RenderLiving;
    import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
    public class RenderEggMinion extends RenderLiving {
    protected ModelEggMinion mine;
    public RenderEggMinion(float fr){
    super(new ModelEggMinion(), fr);
    System.out.println("Finished Constructor");
    public void doRenderLiving(EntityLiving el, double d1, double d2, double d3, float f1, float f2){
    this.renderEggMinion((EntityEggMinion)el, d1, d2, d3, f1, f2);
    public void doRender(Entity el, double d1, double d2, double d3, float f1, float f2){
    public void renderEggMinion(EntityEggMinion em, double d1, double d2, double d3, float f1, float f2){
    super.doRenderLiving(em, d1, d2, d3, f1, f2);
    System.out.println("It apparently Rendered");

    Model File
    // Date: 8/28/2012 12:14:55 AM
    // Template version 1.1
    // Java generated by Techne
    // Keep in mind that you still need to fill in some blanks
    // - ZeuX
    package net.minecraft.src.eggmen;
    import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
    import net.minecraft.src.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.src.ModelBase;
    import net.minecraft.src.ModelRenderer;
    public class ModelEggMinion extends ModelBase
        ModelRenderer Headmain;
        ModelRenderer headtop;
        ModelRenderer headsecondtop;
        ModelRenderer headbottom;
        ModelRenderer headtop3rd;
        ModelRenderer leftsole;
        ModelRenderer leftheal;
        ModelRenderer lefttoes;
        ModelRenderer rightsole;
        ModelRenderer rightheal;
        ModelRenderer righttoes;
      public ModelEggMinion()
        textureWidth = 64;
        textureHeight = 32;
          Headmain = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 12);
          Headmain.addBox(-4F, -2F, -4F, 8, 5, 8);
          Headmain.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, 0F);
          Headmain.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          Headmain.mirror = true;
          setRotation(Headmain, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          headtop = new ModelRenderer(this, 27, 0);
          headtop.addBox(-1F, -6F, -1F, 2, 1, 2);
          headtop.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, 0F);
          headtop.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          headtop.mirror = true;
          setRotation(headtop, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          headsecondtop = new ModelRenderer(this, 24, 3);
          headsecondtop.addBox(-2F, -5F, -2F, 4, 1, 4);
          headsecondtop.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, 0F);
          headsecondtop.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          headsecondtop.mirror = true;
          setRotation(headsecondtop, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          headbottom = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 25);
          headbottom.addBox(-3F, 3F, -3F, 6, 1, 6);
          headbottom.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, 0F);
          headbottom.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          headbottom.mirror = true;
          setRotation(headbottom, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          headtop3rd = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 4);
          headtop3rd.addBox(-3F, -4F, -3F, 6, 2, 6);
          headtop3rd.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, 0F);
          headtop3rd.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          headtop3rd.mirror = true;
          setRotation(headtop3rd, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          leftsole = new ModelRenderer(this, 34, 25);
          leftsole.addBox(-1F, 4F, -3F, 2, 2, 5);
          leftsole.setRotationPoint(-3F, 18F, 0F);
          leftsole.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          leftsole.mirror = false;
          setRotation(leftsole, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          leftsole.mirror = false;
          leftheal = new ModelRenderer(this, 37, 22);
          leftheal.addBox(-1F, 3F, -1F, 2, 1, 2);
          leftheal.setRotationPoint(-3F, 18F, 0F);
          leftheal.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          leftheal.mirror = true;
          setRotation(leftheal, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          leftheal.mirror = false;
          lefttoes = new ModelRenderer(this, 48, 25);
          lefttoes.addBox(-2F, 3F, -7F, 4, 3, 4);
          lefttoes.setRotationPoint(-3F, 18F, 0F);
          lefttoes.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          lefttoes.mirror = true;
          setRotation(lefttoes, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          lefttoes.mirror = false;
          rightsole = new ModelRenderer(this, 34, 25);
          rightsole.addBox(-1F, 4F, -3F, 2, 2, 5);
          rightsole.setRotationPoint(3F, 18F, 0F);
          rightsole.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          rightsole.mirror = true;
          setRotation(rightsole, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          rightheal = new ModelRenderer(this, 37, 22);
          rightheal.addBox(-1F, 3F, -1F, 2, 1, 2);
          rightheal.setRotationPoint(3F, 18F, 0F);
          rightheal.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          rightheal.mirror = true;
          setRotation(rightheal, 0F, 0F, 0F);
          righttoes = new ModelRenderer(this, 48, 25);
          righttoes.addBox(-2F, 3F, -7F, 4, 3, 4);
          righttoes.setRotationPoint(3F, 18F, 0F);
          righttoes.setTextureSize(64, 32);
          righttoes.mirror = true;
          setRotation(righttoes, 0F, 0F, 0F);
      public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5)
        super.render(entity, f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5);
        setRotationAngles(f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5);
      private void setRotation(ModelRenderer model, float x, float y, float z)
        model.rotateAngleX = x;
        model.rotateAngleY = y;
        model.rotateAngleZ = z;
      public void setRotationAngles(float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5)
        super.setRotationAngles(f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5);
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on a second use for experience: skills?
    as it is in minecraft, which is pretty refreshing
    The game revolves around equipment
    which in turn revolves around mining or gathering leather/wood if you don't mind weaker material

    Adding in buffs based on level depletes part of the beauty in the way crafting is what makes the game great
    If you want double breath, there is an enchanting perk for that respiration

    As for the others, in terms of gameplay balance I think it should be rethought
    Understand that when adding too many things to a game it moves away from a sweet serene game where you take joy in finding coal, then iron then diamond. And fear the hostile mobs for your life beating them only with intelligence, only to come back at them in full force once you are all armored up. However, if this starts becoming a first person shooter where people lose that initial joy, the terrain and mining is more of a gimmick than it is the point

    At least that is my opinion
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on WarCraft Expanding MineCraft PVP
    Quote from Kira »
    I like your idea a bit, but I don't think you should pull the aggressive ad hominem ******** on people who don't like the idea and give criticism beyond "BAWW THIS AINT WARCRAFT HOMO" and give reasonings. That really wasn't cool...

    the only issue that I have with it is that you have too many melee weapon options. What about somebody using a bucket of lava or building a stack of stone and sniping with a bow and arrow? If you are adding new weapons, they should do different things. Throwing weapons, snagging weapons, indirect damaging weapons and even distortion based weaponry should be expanded on.

    That was a great point

    But heres a reaons why multiple melee weapons are important

    Since Melee is for the most part Ammo-Less it is the most common fighting style if people aren't skilled in ranged combat
    Providing people with more Newbie freindly ranged combat can give way to having melee as "one shot one kill" type situation.
    however, regardles melee combat is the most common in minecraft, and as such small differences in Melee weapons can provide a unique and enjoyable experience so long as there is a "right and wrong" way of playing each weapon

    for example
    -Spear-Further range than other melee weapons, can be thrown for heavy damage and shield breaking, does medium melee damage
    -Sword and Shield-Helps when raiding ranged attackers, does medium to heavy damage
    -Warhammer-attack breaks shields, does heavy damage

    There is a light rock paper scissors scenario here that can still be offset by natural trickyness of the player
    -Spear gets screwed when backed up against a wall though, and sword gets screwed when backed up against a wall against warhammer
    -Spear provides an extra heavy duty projectile for long distance fighting, sword gives oppertunity for safer rush down and warhammer is completely vulnerable

    Daggers seem to me to be a modified bow and arrow with more expense

    however, I agree that expanding weapon options should mean people should be able to think more outside the box
    Obviously, lava and water buckets give people the oppertunity to slow or destroy an unsuspecting opponent, TNT is a pink elephant that everyone has to deal with while Bows and arrows give a Halo esque fighting oppertunity.

    Being able to bounce things off walls like grenades or ricochet, providing a megaman-esque chargeup projectile for heavy delivery if given the oppertunity to rest
    Examples like this expand the mind in for "combat scenarios"
    --Spacing, Safe gaurding and Guard breaking
    --Natural-Maintenence of Aim, Timing, Arcs, avoidence, Awareness of surroundings

    -Close Quarters
    --Natural-Expanding Area (TNT), minitraps, Corner Advantage, first strike Damage (you and opponent are face to face by accident, how much damage can you realease before they try to match your scissors with their rock)

    -Close Quarters Adaptability
    -Ranged Adaptability
    -Safe guard and Guard Break
    -Resting Period Advantage
    -item drop advantage (knock out an opponent, take his stuff)


    But Truthfullly, I believe expanding playstyle has a lot to do with whhat people are good at
    -SOme people play Resident evil and are used to being scared and adapting to a situation at moments notice
    -Some people Play Dance Dance Revolution and are used to timing things at the appropiate rythim
    -some people play Dragon Ball Z and Spam away

    I can't think of tons of unique weapons for every situation, But I think that having a weapon that proves a persons unique playstyle is important

    for example
    -Daggers have a slower Reload speed, but do more damage (time it right and you're all set
    -Bow and arrow is for people that spam away, can deliver 64+ within a moments notice
    -Redstone Beam needs to be charged, but so you need to really make sure that when you fire, your hitting your opponent but do alot more damage
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Thematic Craft tables: Ninja Stars and Lightsabers
    Quote from Patty Cakes »
    I'm going to avoid the lightsaber like the black plague, but ... what would the statistical difference be between rice and bread? Also, the need for an 'oriental' crafting table is a little bit absurd, Notch doesn't like futuristic games so he's unlikely to turn minecraft anywhere close to futuristic - thus redstone dust the BS that Notch pulled out of his bum to avoid electrical circuits, which isn't even futuristic. And how in the world do you presume we craft seeds? The little minecraft dude looks some indian citizen, not a mad scientist making rice.

    meh, lightsaber was more for attracting people, not necessarilly actual "the idea"

    the idea is to make stylized crafting tables just for people that like to have their game culturally centered or even having the same craft making something completely different elsewhere to keep a cultural semi-realism while expanding the item list
    Quote from Kira »
    No thanks. Rice sounds fun, so do ricefarms, but entirely new crafting tables? How would they be made? Why? Is the crafting table ONLY for the rice?

    And for anything futuristic? No.

    no silly, the crafting table isn't ONLY for rice...

    new crafting tables would simply be for different styles of items or more potential with bread and butter crafting mixes

    like a furnace in one would be a stone chest in another
    or a compass would be a lock


    Ninja stars and lightsabers were for publicity purposes and gathering interest
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft API Requests (Warcraft 3 Similarities)
    Quote from Kira »
    I also like the idea of lobbying for servers. Although with how easy it is to get a fake account to grief with, I am sure that public accept-everyone servers are going to have a lot of problems with people finding a nice place to terrorize.

    One thing I always thought of is having your Minecraft.net account allow a lot more than just "haspaid" and "change skin", along with the launcher downloads.

    Perhaps it can have a list of servers you play on, actions taken against this account, and even how many different IPs you logged in from (to show how many computers the account has used or how many different people are using it) to evaluate new people and check to make sure they can be trusted on the server.

    Should I create a thread dedicated to that?
    This thread has bunched a lot of ideas in one
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on WarCraft Expanding MineCraft PVP
    Quote from muncher21 »
    Rock/paper/scissors combat does'nt work in minecraft because every person can carry every weapon. People would be endlessly switching weapons.

    good luck pressing the right number in time
    Easier said than done
    Heat of the moment leads to mistakes

    A good example of Melee rock Paper Scissors is
    -Bow and Arrow, Sword and Shield and warhammer
    --warhammer does more damage than sword, and doesn't register Sheild as being on
    --Sheild protects from arrow and sword does more damage
    --bow out ranges Warhammer

    sword vs sword becomes a dance of sorts
    warhammer vs warhammer is a "first come first serve" type situation, need to really be on top of out ranging
    Bow vs Bow is common halo esque Batle rifle FPS situation

    With proper Teamwork and line fighting style, ducking swordsman would take the front lines while warhammers and archers take secondary. Warhammers meant to break enemy enemy lines allowing them to infiltrate, Sheild meant to protect and sneak in attacks when posible and spear meant to pick off unsuspecting individuals

    TNT used for general Lkine breaks

    A good example of ranged vs Rushdown
    -Arrows and TNT
    -Rushdown with Sword and Sheild

    basically, the Sword and sheild should out do arrows so long as they stay serpentine, unpredictable and sneak when they are certian some arrows will hit legs

    Arrows meant to lead and hit legs while also preparing tricky TNT to force the Swordsman into a particular direction

    Bowmen have natural "Riskless Gamble" advantage despite might not being able to hit a swordsman effectively
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Thematic Craft tables: Ninja Stars and Lightsabers
    baiscally the idea here is Different Craft Tables can make different things

    Like for example: An oriental Themed Craft Table allows you to create seeds that allow you to harvest rice (grain) in water or make throwing stars

    or a Super Futuristic Craft Table allows you to make Lightsabers

    Yeah, thats pretty much it
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on WarCraft Expanding MineCraft PVP
    Personally, i don't like having to have a pvp game based around being paranoid
    I like the idea of having a pvp game based around an active, risk reward, rock/paper/scissors, minigamed, teamwork oriented combat with a paranoia kicker when you are in someones base

    theres only so much fun in wondering where the next trap is going to be
    Indiana jones is cool and all, but when I'm in a pvp scenario, i expect to be a gladiator not a snare tripper

    I like where this guy is coming from

    as a side point
    -Sheild would have to be an aspect of "right clicking" with items

    Possibly a way to move in and out of "combat mode" through pressing alt or something
    because I feel as though having it always equipped would be a bit rediculous and prevent its use when you have something edible in your hands.
    At least with easy access, it would be better

    With gloves and Belt
    -these types of things shouldn't provide armor imo, something else, i'm not sure, but not armor.
    -Maybe an alternative to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 quick item access we have now
    the better your belt the more items you can get to quickly

    Gloves might have something to do with switching items or torch/fire abuse

    I like spears idea
    dagger is meh, but i guess you can throw it so, its cool with me
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft API Requests (Warcraft 3 Similarities)
    saThis API in my opinion is very important to the extreme long term survivability of the Game

    Wc3 for the most part Had a very strong community for a very long time Especially because of the API
    Custom games were Great; Footmen vs Grunts, Spellcraft, Hero Seiges were all incredible :smile.gif:
    Dota I didn't like but I cannot deny that it was very very popular since it basically took over v_v

    Even Today Wc3 is still hanging on by a thread because of dota (and the low system requirements) even when Starcraft 2 is out and League of Legends/Heroes of Newerth as well

    As such I believe Minecraft has a significant advantage over these games for a couple of reasons
    1) Rediculously Customizable Terrain and the Fanbase to make incredible things :smile.gif:
    2) already has First/third Person Combat Written in which was a huge request for Starcraft 2 (though Delivered Laggily and many failured/Hackish Successes try in warcraft 3
    3) Already a Fanbase that delivers High Quality Fun Mods

    When the API comes out for minecraft I'm looking for a few things which I will Discuss more thouroughly Later
    1) HTTP Server Communication-A mod has already been released for access to chat off server :smile.gif:
    2) Custom Game Search-Basically this has a lot to do with Regions, but a player can create
    3) Customizable Terrain By massive direct effects, Spacial Restrictions and Randomized Restriction; With trigs and without
    4) Regioning
    5) Grouping - this is associated to Players, Mobs, Regions and Projectiles inorder to make AI's better and Triggering more significant
    6) Lobbying
    7) Triggering-Oriented towards "Event, Condition, Action" GUI
    8) Custom Units/Blocks/Armor/Tools/projectiles/Vehicles
    9) Personas

    HTTP Server Communication
    There are a few ideas I have had associated to this

    1) Chat intergration using ajax or java (which has been done)

    2) Custom Region With Rules and Triggered data
    Basically a Server can submit A custom Region to a Specific Website or something, that website then Checks that Region to see if that Region matches all the specifications of API it desires and allows that Region to Be Stored in a database (Rereading it every 15 minutes or so).
    -This would be significantly great if there were a series of FPS type regions across Multiple Servers, and so long as each one's rules follow the guidelines held by a specific website or server. It would be displayed in an RSS feed or something. And people could access that Server/game right away. Hopefully eventually a "quick game" option

    3) Converging Worlds

    The idea is simple: Making it so terrain from one server can be copied over to another

    This was my own game Idea (I am a programmer myself. And though inspired by games, I however have found myself more able to make websites then game programming) that I created before I ever knew about Minecraft

    Basically the idea was this; Two (or more) Teams, before the start of each Game, they could choose a "fortress" which each player can make in a single player mode (which would be part of the storyline). the Fortress would be chosen within a 1:00 minute timelimit to ensure they've been able to "tour" the fortresses properly
    -Elevator music would be played to support the idea "Sometimes Taking your time is a fun thing"

    Then Randomized Terrain Would be created between the two forts and they would duke it out in an epic thing
    -with a center pivots that gives proper movement restrictions (think Scrap Station on Startcraft 2 vs Lost Temple)
    -And proper Balancing (though possible differences in distances) between the pivots

    Terrain Editing
    -Without Triggers
    --have an Overhead Terrain Brush That is focused on the following parameters
    ---Preset Biome Brushes
    ---Custom Biome
    ----Vegetation Density
    ----Mob Type and Density
    ----Visible terrain Type
    ----Depth Randomized effects (What types of things are created beneath the Surface, further you go more changes)
    --Detail allow for block by block effects

    -With Triggers
    --overall Spacial Restriction
    --Edge Type
    --Region Based
    ---Custom Biome
    ---Slope Effects


    Regioning is very important to allow alot of my own personal Idea
    (If I ever get the motivation to ever make them happen)
    However, in general they Are very useful for many things

    Things associated to regions that should also be aknowledged by HTTP requests
    -HTTP on/off
    -x, y, z area saved

    now regioning should be able to be custom made or randomly generated

    in warcraft 3, regioning is mostly associated to triggering, however Triggering is associated to coding
    And many players aren't very good at coding : /
    Don't mean to toot my own horn but I made some fun things :3
    -And i think mentioning that will give more Credibility to this Request

    newbie-affying (they're allowed to have fun too :3 [if you were never one, that would be a suprise])
    So at the Very Least giving Players Some descrete Parameters they can make custom regions with would be a good idea

    within regions a few different types of Parameters can be set like for example
    most of these I would suggest Short or Boolean integers since some servers may have a huge amount of Regions

    -Damage Taken From mobs-Short (calculates as float then returns rounded aspect)
    -Damage taken from Environment (falls/sand/water)-Short
    -Damage taken from Items and Players-Short
    -HP Recovered per second within location-Short
    (could make it a short that looks like a float when displayed in the UI, forces a player to count by .5's)
    -Mob AI Associated inside of a Location-Whom Do they attack
    -Reset after X seconds or By Trigger

    In this way newbies would have an easier time learning the basics and having some fun with it

    -player Grouping and Mob Grouping is going to be very important when creating games

    for a game like dota, creating a group of mobs for team A to AI attack group B is pretty important

    Its really as simple as that


    lobbying is a UI that should access either a "gatherer" server (which gathers data associated a multitude of servers), an actual minecraft server or locally stored file and displays it instead of the "join server" page

    In this way people can access servers that they liked in the past or may like in the future
    -Depending on the gatherer server or minecraft server or even locally stored file should be an automatic command that is sent before entering the server in order to reduce loadtimes for the player accessing the things they would like

    Should be based on RSS or some type of XML (could be custom, could care less since XML is pretty easy to parse)

    Pretty Much it

    Triggering should be based on Event condition and Action GUI system however LUA or even java itself based on protocols is fine

    with region detection-if no region is within 20 distance, don't detect "position" in order to reduce lag
    with input detection-
    Lag reduction-
    On Destruction-for blocks
    i think how you guys have it now with each hit not detected by a pickaxe is great for blocks, I'd prefer that and possibly even having current block being hit to be stored locally, and on destruction being sent to server instead of each hit since that should reduce lag quite a bit with many people in one area hitting things can be quite a good amount of frustration.
    On Hit for mobs/Players-same with hit detection to mobs and other players-
    Possible for Server to Detect all hits and the only thing sent by client is "left/right, jump, back/forward, crouch, mouse movement, attack or use is "on" with "postion/rotation detection" once every second or so
    Rapid firing of tools sent as if "attack is on" and allowing the server to actually
    -where so long as they attack before or within a certian time limit, their attack is still considered on

    -Item used, object Attacked, ETC

    -I'm getting Sleepy

    Examples Displayed as
    Example Part; parameter 1, 2, 3, etc

    -Items; when hit, hitting, using, furnace effects, crafting use, on despense

    -Custom Armor

    -projectile; Initial Lag, Projectile Speed, Finish Lag, Impact Effect, Max Distance, Projectile Look, AI
    ---(Projectile AI is associated to the way it moves; Effected by gravity, Homing in on target or closest person, etc)

    -Custom Mobs; Passive Abilities, Items Held, AI, Movement Speed, Models, Sounds, etc

    -Custom Passive Abilities; ladder, Fyling, Better Swimming

    -Camera-how do you look at yourself, do you have a 'self
    -HUD-Custom Hud
    -Custom Actions
    -The Amount of terrain that would actually be Downloaded by client
    (Top level only? lower Level after Explosions? etc)

    Basically, can you turn a FPS mining game into an RTS? that would be swell

    I'm tired Bleh
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft Documentary Part 1 (Fake)
    Lulz that was great
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Capture the Flag,Spleef and Team DeathMatch Event on Feb 21
    Capture the Flag, Spleef and Team Death Match Event on Feb 21st
    Brought to you by Warhub

    On Server

    Will hopefully be an Epic Event with enough people

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Plugin][Bukkit] War v1.7.1 (Doolittle) - Minecraft PVP Arena (TDM,CTF & more!) [1.2.5]
    This is absolutely Great
    I think Minecraft is awesome, but I prefer more interactive and "controlled" PVP games a lot more rather than feel like scum Greifing players on a PVP server

    I'm buying Minecraft because of you, I hope you know that.
    Because I wanna play some CTF/Deathmatches/Whatever :3
    I think you did a great job designing this And Definitely plan on being a part of your forum

    You should keep in mind though, a main form of marketing to the minecraft community is forum posts such as these.
    However, once it becomes more complete, I'm sure you will put out a great trailer.
    Because your work is simple, clean and exactly the kind of work that is worth intergrating into minecraft

    Great Job!
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on DotA suggestion
    Wc3 :3

    Dota would be pretty neat,
    It would probably be fun the way to described it
    To keep it more like dota
    -players would start out with wood sword and have to buy up to diamond
    -teleport item that allows you to go back to base that takes a couple seconds to finish

    To keep it even more like dota
    -Splash attacks, hooks, blinks and other spells and such

    But I wouldn't mind not have more than just what minecraft offers
    Or even just TNT
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Deathmatch Mania's Future Updates Suggestion Page.
    just so you know, you are a strong reason for me to buy minecraft, just to play your mod

    Honestly, The nice thing about minecraft is you can make something completely original
    Not another CoD or General FPS, you can make a great game

    Suggestion list (I would really like to be able to hide stuff since these lists can be pretty long....)

    Sniper Rifles, AK47's, Shotguns, MP5's, Desert Eagles, Rocket Launchers, Laser-Guided Rocket Launchers, Flame Throwers, SG552, Gatling Gun, Frag Grenades, Flash-Bangs Sticky Grenades,
    Smoke Grenades, Grappling Hooks, Scuba Tanks, Night-Vision Goggles, and Parachutes

    My Idea
    Gun Crafting
    -Though each gun comes standard as one thing or another, you can mix and match them to change the way they work
    -Barrel-Forces a gun to go short, mid or long range
    -body-Body Depicts if a weapon will be single shot, Burst or Full auto
    -magazine holder-Depicts what the gun will be firing
    -Bottom Rails-Alternate Single Shot Weapon, requires a Barrell and

    Depending on where you put a weapon on the crafting, it will change the outcome of the crafted weapon
    -Top Left-Body-firing Rate
    -Bottom Left-Magazine Holder-The ammo type
    -Top Right-Barrel
    -Bottom Right-Rails (optional) (requires an premade weapon, but forces single shot)

    If you make it 3x3 also could include scope or gunbutt

    this would be a good use of Weapons that you find through out the area and makes the game alot more dynamic.
    -Making Weapons that are naturally "Worthless" Possibly "Carry" weapons that you carry around with you just to eventually use in crafting. While very strong weapons would not be prime targets of weaponry.

    Example-Flamethrower and laser Guided Rocket launcher, After Using up Laser Guided Ammo, can use the Long Range barrel for the Flamethrower (automatic sniping fire)

    Didn't really think this one through too much

    -Each weapon is catagorized in one of three ways
    Short Range-Effective short range however has poor accuracy, can be used moderately long range
    mid range-has reasonable accuracy but a negative to make it a risky weapon
    Long Range-has Great Spread but horribly risky

    Projectile Types
    -Fire-Does Splash and deals damage when walked over lasts a on the ground for a while. however deals damage over time making you still vulnerable will killing off someone, also causes smoke
    --Short to Long-Short automatically causes a wave of flames, Mid has initial bullet that explodes on impact or max distance, Long range Maintains bullet till long range

    -Explosive-has splash, knockback and massive damage
    --Short to long-Each shot is single with a moderate projectile speed, Shorter range has less Reload time however follows gravity arch, midrange has medium reload time and goes straight, long range is laser guided and long reload

    --Short to Long-Short does More damage however more Spread, Long does less damage but less spread

    --Short to Long-Short Has Full auto but low accuracy, mid has burst and mid accuracy, Long has single shot but high accuracy.

    Also Making ammo Able to be turned into grenades through Crafting, 4 ammo for grenade, 4 grenades for stationary (Are mainly for traps, Incindiary Fog, TNT, Claymores, not sure)

    Types of Grenades (Besides Utility), Fire, Concussive (Knock back), Frag/Pellet, Shards (Only a few projectiles are created on impact, but each does significant damage, they also ricochet)

    In this way, giving a player time can lead to their advantage, while Keeping the pressure on be more effective for elimination. Also A player can Take a Gamble, create 3 grenades or save 12 bullets they might need later on? these types of decisions can make or break a game


    From videos I've seen, it seems like the gameplay is very open ended. I'm hoping you'll eventually establish a more controlled environment instead of a free for all

    Even a smaller place thats not so dark and Doomsday Looking : /

    General Things
    I'd like a run button, I like the idea of fast motion being a limiter since you cannot fire, but I like fast paced games

    Melee Combat
    it can be hard to pull off, But stun and knockback is my idea of an effective melee strategy.
    I didn't like how Halo Turned into Rockem Sockem Robots, Nor making Melee Do meh damage like in Team fortress 2. If you make melee a free gamble, Where you have a free chance to take out your opponent, it will be more skill based.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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