• 2

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from XxstealthyshotxX

    Skype (if you don't have it it's ok):no sorry
    Age (tell the truth. To us age doesn't matter):13
    On a scale of 1-10 what is your maturity level?:10 but sometime everyone need little laugh
    Why should I choose you?:I'm a very good minecraft player,I'm really nice to people and I love to help others
    Ever been banned before?:No
    How often can you be on?:5 weekdays and maybe 12 weekend but I'm on my computer like every second of the day
    Do you have any experience?:yes I was part of the edge gamer clan before i quiet,I'm the captain of my soccer team so I'm a great leader

    I'll think about you! :D PM you soon!
    Quote from Rypat7301

    Have I been banned:no
    Experience:yes i have been admin on 3 servers
    Maturity level:10, I find cussing to be immature
    When I'm on:about 3 or 5 hours a day

    You should pick me as super admin because I will always be on and be respectful and make the server an enjoyable experience. If not super admin than anything but mod.

    Thank you

    Great! I'll Skype you! You got Admin (got enough super-admins for now)
    Quote from xYourFreindx

    Sorry for not following the format,
    I'll write another application in the format if you prefer.
    But before I do, I'd like to know if you need a pluginmanager?
    Or If being experienced with plugins would be a attribute you would be looking for in a co-owner?
    I've had over 15 servers worth of experience in managing plugins and developing a server.
    I am interested in co-owning with you, But I personally do not believe it is possible to know somebody well enough from a paragraph that probably took five minutes to work up in order to accurately decide if they would be fit for such a position.
    Please, even if I am not to get the part, add me on skype at xYourFreindx so we can get to know each other.

    Well there are some questions i'm dying to ask but i'll add you when I can. We are having a server meeting atm
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 1

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from flufflerainbow

    I'll add you on Skype. And your answer to How often can you be on is kinda.... Out of the question. I also do need you IGN to write down.

    CANT FIND YOU! So many of you find me
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 3

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from davidp1999

    Skype (if you don't have it it's ok): david plumb
    Age (tell the truth. To us age doesn't matter): 14
    On a scale of 1-10 what is your maturity level?: 10
    Why should I choose you?: im good with commands and building and helping players
    Ever been banned before?: no
    How often can you be on?:help players and you out
    Do you have any experience?: co-owner

    I'll add you on Skype. And your answer to How often can you be on is kinda.... Out of the question. I also do need you IGN to write down.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 2

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from 3mptied

    Oh sorry, it somehow ignored my spaces... I'm glad you loved it! Thank you :D I'll get a new skype account soon and add you (Becuase I don't use my personal account often xD).

    EDIT: I edited my other post so you can read it xD

    That's better! Thanks :P. Btw... If I find you doing a great job on the server I will upgrade your rank so if you get I rank you don't like. GO WITH IT STILL!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 3

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from NoahRocks999

    IGN: NoahRocks999
    Skype: NoahDoesMC
    Age: 12
    Maturity Level: From a scale to 1-10 its 9
    Why Should We Choose You: I am a great builder, I love to help servers and, I always make sure everyone follows the rules
    Ever Been Banned: Nope
    When Can You Come On: A little bit on weekdays and on weekends I'm all yours XD
    Any Experience: Yes, I have been mod on 1 server, admin on 2 servers, and co-owner on 1 server

    Thank you for taking your time to read this. I hope you like it!!

    Like the app. I think you are great for being a HEAD-ADMIN
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 6

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from 3mptied

    IGN?: 3mptiedSkype (if you don't have it it's ok): I don't have (I'll get one if you insist)Age (tell the truth. To us age doesn't matter): 15On a scale of 1-10 what is your maturity level?: 10Why should I choose you?: I consider myself educated, serious (and smart). I can/will report any suspicious hacking/rule-braking/chat spam. I could help in building.Ever been banned before?: neverHow often can you be on?: 2-3 hours a day, aprox. 3-5 days a weekDo you have any experience?: No, but I hope this will be my first :) I have no problem in getting another skype account (I already have a skype account but it's personal)

    I have no problem in getting another skype account (I already have a skype account but it's personal)

    Very hard to read but I managed xD. You don't HAVE to get Skype I insist but if you use Skype for personal reasons only it's ok. I love it. This will be your first experience I'm sure! Thinking about your rank. If you get Skype add pancakez911 (me) i'll PM you your rank or Skype you it :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 10

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Quote from bunny745

    skype: camobunny101
    age: 11
    maturity level: 10
    why should we choose you? as i have lots of experience with plugins and also know how to make a good looking spawn.
    ever been banned before: no
    how ofter can you be on: it depends. but i can be on at the weekends.
    do you have any experience: yes. as i have been a admin on a server before.

    This is a good application. I'll Skype you! Btw If anyone reads this.... You don't have to Skype CALL just message eachother :)
    I will choose your position for staff.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 118

    posted a message on NEW SERVER COMING! NEED STAFF 1.7.2!
    Hello, So what this post is about is... I NEED STAFF FOR A BRAND NEW SERVER. I have got some money to spare so I am going to start up a new BUKKIT Minecraft server. We will have tons of plugins. Here's what we need!
    Co-Owner (1)
    Head-Admin (2)
    Super-Admin (3)
    Admin (2)
    Head-Mod (1)
    Mod (4)
    V.I.P (3)
    Builder (6)
    In order to become a staff member you need to answer the following questions in the comments:
    Skype (if you don't have it it's ok):
    Age (tell the truth. To us age doesn't matter):
    On a scale of 1-10 what is your maturity level?:
    Why should I choose you?:
    Ever been banned before?:
    How often can you be on?:
    Do you have any experience?:

    GOOD LUCK! If you have Skype add your Skype name to the application please. :) Bye! BTW... The server will be up within a month or 2. You have some time to make your app the BEST!Sorry we need 3 admins not 2. :) Once again GOOD LUCK!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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