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    posted a message on Lore Spot In Anvils

    Sure. I had an idea like this a while ago. While it isn't that hard to do now, I think it could be very useful in situations.


    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Please read THIS before making a suggestion. (v2.0)

    Uh, just my thought, I think this has gone on for way too long. This isn't that important.

    But don't mind me.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Please read THIS before making a suggestion. (v2.0)
    Quote from Gamelord»
    So what does this tell us? What is the moral of this story? Don't shut down a suggestion because "Look everyone hates this Theriasis said so nooooooob".

    I feel like the whole reason for this argument is you misunderstanding the guide. This wasn't just something that was written over night by someone who the mods thought were qualified. This was a large group effort. Over a decent amount of time, a group of over 20 people (if I remember right) were submitting ideas. Not based off of the old guide, really, but pretty much from scratch. They gave ideas, and even their own personal drafts. Eventually, once everyone agreed that it was ready, a final draft was written by Theriasis. And by the way, these people were all specifically chosen by some of the senior members because they are genuinely interested in this stuff, have been here for a while, and are good at it.

    How is this relevant? This was a group effort. This guide, and specifically that list, was put together by a group of people who know what they're doing. This isn't just a list of stuff that Theriasis thinks is "bad", it's a group of ideas that was put together based on how unpopular it generally is, how it fits minecraft, how balanced it is, general mistakes, ect., to show a group of cliche, over suggested ideas that shouldn't be in minecraft as they are usually suggested. Sure, if someone suggested some stuff off there, but did it very well, or put a twist on it, it may do well. We aren't saying it's a comprehensive list of all bad ideas that will never work. It's just a list of ideas that new members really shouldn't suggest as it wouldn't end well.
    I understand your point, but it seems based on a misconception.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I'm Tired of Minecraft Saying, "You can go to hell and that's the end."

    Quote from gurujive >>

    I would like to completely remove anything involving hell, nether, and the end from my game, and I don't believe that should be a problem.

    Yeah, no. Look, I get it, I'm a Christian. But this is just a game. You can't just get a game no one is forcing you to get, play a game that no one is forcing you to play, then demand they add a bunch of code (which would be a huge waste of time) just because the existence of a completely optional part of the game personally offends you. Like you said, the ender dragon is pretty much the main objective of the game (if you choose). So, when doing this, they wouldn't just have to take out code. They'd have to change and add tons of stuff to make it work, just for maybe a couple people. Out of millions.
    Besides, like others have said, you don't have to add it to your game. So what exactly do you not like? The fact that the code was written at all? You can customize the game. But just because you bought it doesn't automatically mean you have the right to ask them to do whatever you want because you're offended.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm Tired of Minecraft Saying, "You can go to hell and that's the end."

    I would like to point out that if you had a problem with the Nether, you're kinda complaining about it a little late.

    Besides, is there even a suggestion here? I don't even know what you want. You never specified. Do you want an option to take the Nether out? Do you want a "heaven" dimension, or just more dimensions?

    Also, no, the whole point if the game is not to go to hell. Ironically, that's just the way you're playing. See, minecraft doesn't have a story. Not really any objectives. Just a dragon and the wither. But you don't even have to do that. Minecraft is to do whatever you want. You can aim to build stuff, just survive, defeat bosses, or all of it. Or none of it. You can do whatever you want. There are tons of ways to play minecraft, so if you see getting to hell as the whole point of the game, then just play it differently

    Or, you know, you could try suggesting something to change it. By the way, that's not what you're doing right now, if you're wondering.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Blood Particles
    Quote from ThatCowHugger»

    you could turn it on and off in options, with a warning screen that says it makes the game a bit more gore-y?

    But it still adds nothing. It doesn't really fit with minecraft's simplistic feeling and bright colors. Not to mention, no other particles have their own options, and I don't think only one should.
    No support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cameras

    Selfie time!

    But seriously, this could actually be cool. I can already see multiple uses for it, even in things like adventure maps. Not sure if it's really needed in survival, but that doesn't really make a difference.


    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Chests made from different materials for different looks.
    Quote from Rime»

    I've done a search to see if this has been posted before and it turned up nothing

    What exactly did you search there, buddy?
    But, I do like this, but I think it shouldn't only depend on the type of wood (so not out of things like iron and gold), and shouldn't affect the holding capacity. I think sticking to just wood is fine, but I'd like to see a change in color depending on it. They've done it with fences, boats, doors, ect. (if there even is anything else) and it would just make sense.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Lance (Weapon)

    1. I shouldn't have to read seperate comments to find out another part of the suggestion. Update the OP with relevant information.
    2. So having a Lance with Fire Aspeci is prettly logical, huh? Same with smite? The only enchantments I would actually see as logical for a Lance is Sharpness, Knockback, Unbreaking, and Looting.
    3. The issues I listed is what was wrong with the idea that made me not support it. If you don't like it when people don't support a suggestion because of Issues that they point out, then don't make a suggestion. All because you have a good amount of attention doesn't mean that you decide whether or not people can support your idea or not. Heck, someone might not support this idea because of the damage dealt, or crafting recipies, or enchantments, etc.

    I find it kind of ironic that you're lecturing him, considering he's been here almost a year longer than you. And yeah, while you shouldn't have to read comments to find the full suggestion, it is also partially your responsibility to search comments for the same question. Just because he doesn't put an answer in the OP doesn't mean you should ask the same question many other people have.

    But anyway, support. It does have high stats, but it will require strategy and skill to use, and it'd be nice to have a weapon that works differently, in stead of just a scale-tipping sword copy and paste, it's actually different, and it allows you to have different tools for different situations. We need more suggestions like this, in stead of just "clubs" and "knives" and other stuff like this.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Outfits

    So basically, the old idea of making skins changeable in game? For all the reason said in previous threads, no support.

    1. It isn't needed. Who's really going to take the time to add a bunch of skins and change them all the time?

    2. The youtube thing is pointless in vanilla minecraft. I do see how some people could use this for youtube, but such a small percentage of minecraft players actually do something like that where they need a skin change (as opposed to keeping it always the same). I don't think this is a horrible reason, but it would just be much better to make it a mod that those few could download.

    3. It could be laggy. Can you imagine a huge server, with people constantly changing skins? Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't all of that have a huge impact on performance?

    Overall, it's not a horrible idea (I've seen way worse), but it's totally pointless, as very few people would actually use it, and I would prefer Mojang not spend the time to add this when they could be adding something else.

    No support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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