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    posted a message on Dragon Ball Z Mod - Dragon Block C [WIP]
    Quote from AnimeWraith

    I have tried and tried, doing everything it said, but for some reason, I just cant get Jin's Installer to work. Can anybody help?

    or you can just install it manually its very easy to do with this 20 Step plan that can be easily done in 5 minutes or less

    **~Fiery hot and easy mod installation blueprint/instuctions~**

    Step1: run minecraft

    Step2: press the start button on the bottom left corner of your screen

    Step3: type in the little box %appdata% exactly like that

    Step4: open the minecraft file

    Step5: put the folder to the side and go to the internet and download the latest version of minecraft forge

    Step6: once its downloaded it should be automatically open so go back to the open minecraft file

    Step7: double click bin then right click the thing that says minecraft(that is what is called your JAR) and open with winRAR

    Step8: once the JAR file is open look for META-INF kill dat just incase so nothing screws up

    Step9: go the forge file and highlight everything in their and drag it to the very right of the JAR (so nothing goes into the the files in the JAR)

    Step10: close everythng and run minecraft until you see the main menu

    Step11: close minecraft

    Step12: go back to the little button in the bottom left corner and type in %appdata% in the box again

    Step13: their should be a file called Mod double click that

    Step14: download this mod(or any mod since alot of mod are extremely easy to install with this method)

    Step15: their should be a little bronze box that looks like it goes left then up click that

    Step16: look for a pile of books that says the name of the mod

    Step17: drag that one pile of books into the mod folder

    Step18: profit

    Step19: pat yourself on your back cause this is the easiest method ever to install a mod and it take litterally like 5 minutes

    Step20:HAVE FUNNNN!!!!!

    *little side note* when ever you see a mod that has an optional installer please know that the installer is for lazy people who don't like to do thing fast with a bit a work but rather wait like 10 minutes just to play minecraft sooo......yea don't touch installers unless you gotta

    you see the number next to the mods name that says [1.5.2]? thats the minecraft version that the mod is compatable with it is only compatable with that version and will never ever ever work with any other version the same goes for every other mod and Forge too

    Tl;dr: Look at the pretty number next to the name and match it with the pretty number that you see when you open minecraft
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Forge 1.7.10] Bleach Mod [SSP/LAN/SMP] Hollow Test Update Available!
    Quote from Thebadboy1120

    all this commotion over The contest and Bankai makes you wonder when will he add the big H word--- Hollowfication of wholes and then that makes you also wonder------- VISORDS??!!

    Fixed =D

    besides alot of people are giving their idea for the mod maker to look at and see which one he might pick or he has an idea that murders all of ours(which he probably does)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Quote from Cone12

    if i wanted to put this on an online server for me and my friend how would i go about it ?

    i wanna slap you so hard right now does it say SMP anywhere on this thread
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Quote from SystemStrike

    WHAT.no magikarp? D: please add magikarp!

    I never thought I would seen the day someone would ask for magikarp
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Quote from seagoingmanatee

    well, I lost random generation towns and HMs. HMs will be easy to redo, towns not so much

    Well while you fix that I will sit in the corner and cry because I just died alittle inside
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.1.0] Tale of Kingdoms Ver. 1.3.0
    I was rescuing some villagers from the reficules with my army and my dropship from a mountain village their were three reficule holes their so I went back and brought the biggest army ever and kill all the enemies and put the villagers in the dropship it took me one whole hour to do that so my army and the villagers were in the drop ship and I accedently flew over another reficule hole and they started blowing my ship up but I still got home anyway with a ship full of holes and my key missing so as soon as I docked I went to talk to the wander in the center of the guild as soon as I talked to him the reficules invaded the place kill my huge army and almost killing me. So remember be on your guard with this mod
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Pokécube
    Quote from Yourmumispaul

    First you delete meta inf and install mod loader and audiomod
    Second you go into mincraft.jar which is in the bin and open it with winrar(or 7zip)
    Third you put the CONTENTS of minecraft.jar in pokecube into minecraft.jar
    Fourth you go to resources which is out of bin in that area and put the CONTENTS of resources in pokecube in the resources folder
    Fifth it will ask you if you want to merge mod and you merge mod
    Sixth close everything and open up minecraft

    Hope it helped
    (there are tutorials on YouTube to install mod loader and audiomod)

    Yeah I know it was a mindblank (fail by me)
    Thanks but which level is it when it evolves or which stone and if it's a stone would you right click?(I know a bit NOOBy today)

    It evolves at level 7
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Quote from 0_Pikachu_0

    Has it ever occurred to you that people have lives and don't want to read hundreds of pages just to find one answer.

    Has it occurred to you that every question ever asked on this forum has been repeatedly asked every one or two pages
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] The Official PokeMobs
    Quote from astricruler

    Is it just me or is everyone forgetting the most important pokemon to be added of the 151? MEW AND MEWTWO

    Is it just me or are you forgetting this mod is no where near done so calm yourself
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [ADV] Pokemon Hoenn IN MINECRAFT (1.2.5) ♫ {PLAYED BY SLYFOX AND SSoHPKC}
    Quote from blitzscrank

    :sad.gif: Oops, never realized that.

    Abandoned Ship Complete. I know it looks rectangular and bulky, Ill fix it up next time.

    What you need to do is dime down the lights add some holes a cobwebs and make it like like it is half sunk then It would look like the real thin cause no offence it kinda looks like a party boat
    Posted in: Maps
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