My name is flairhead, and I'm quite interested in filling one of your developer positions. I've been programming for a little over two and a half years at this point, with Java being my first and primary language, and, for about a year and a half out of those, have focused heavily on the Bukkit API. In the course of said two and a half years, I've managed to pick up distinct knowledge of quite a few programming languages (15 in total, as a matter of fact, all of which I will list below), and thoroughly enjoy development and deployment. I pay an obscene amount of attention to details, which can be quite beneficial in a developer, and always strive to create the best performance and functionality possible in my work. If it matters to you, I'm 15, and will be able to devote between 2 and 6 hours to your server daily. I'll provide my github below, in case you'd like to see a sample of my work. If you need to contact me, feel free to do so through PM, or my email upon either of which I'll be happy to send you my Skype.
· Java (including, as aforementioned, extensive experience with the Bukkit API)
· Python
· C++
· C#
· D
· Ruby
· JS
· Scala
· Bash scripting
· Lua
· Some Objective-C, and finally,
· Brainfeck (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
Skype: If you show any further interest in my services, I’ll be happy to provide this. Until then, if you need to contact me, you can do so through PM, or my email, [email protected].
What experience do you have with this position: I’ve been programming for a little over two and a half years, with Java being my primary, and first, language. Of those two and a half years, I’ve been studying the Bukkit API for a little over a year and a half. In addition to Java, I have reasonable to advanced experience in just over a dozen other languages, which I’ll list below. Finally, feel free to take a look at my github, on which I uploaded several sample plugins, if you would like an example of my work.
· Java (including, as aforementioned, extensive experience with the Bukkit API)
· Python
· C++
· C#
· D
· Ruby
· JS
· Scala
· Bash scripting
· Lua
· Some Objective-C, and finally,
· Brainfeck (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
How would you benefit this server?: I would create efficient, high quality plugins, built upon the specifications provided by you. Said plugins would also perform quite efficiently, as I generally implement several performance optimizations. I'm good at what I do.
Will you dedicate time to this position?: I can devote between 2 and 6 hours daily.
Experience: Well, first of all, I've been programming for just over two and a half years at this point, with my first language being Java (I've been concentrating on the Bukkit API for just over a year at this point). In addition to Java, I have reasonable to extensive experience in just over a dozen other languages, a list of which I will include below. Feel free to take a look at my github as well.
Java (including extensive experience with the bukkit API)
Bash scripting
Some Objective-C, and finally,
Brainfeck (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
Why me?: I'm good at what I do. Plain and simple. I have an obscene attention to details, so I can guarantee that anything commissioned from me will be delivered quickly and efficiently, and will also function as such.
What you're good at: Development and deployment. At this point, I've been coding for about two and a half years, and have mastered over a dozen languages, with Java being my primary and first. I'll include a full list below, in order of most experience to least experience, in addition to a link to my github.
Java (including extensive experience with the bukkit API)
Bash scripting
Some Objective-C, and finally,
Brain**** (which is, believe it or not, actually a language) Github
Age: 15
Have you been banned on a server?: To be perfectly honest, yes (though it was prior to my username change). For a little while, I was actually quite interested in the coding aspect of "hacking," and was banned from many servers while testing.
Have you ever greifed?: No, I'm not that much of an ass.
Why do you want to be a part of staff?: I enjoy coding. Pure and simple. The thing is, I'm horrible at thinking of projects for myself, so that's where you guys come in.
Skype username: If you show any further interest in my application, feel free to PM me, and I'll provide it. For now, if you need to contact me, you can do so at my email, [email protected]
Thank you for your time, and I hope that we can do business together.
If this goes any further, I'll be happy to add you on skype. Until then, you can contact me at my email, [email protected], or by PM.
Have you played Tekkit Classic before?:
Have you worked on Java with custom plugins before?:
Why should I choose you?:
Well, first of all, I've been coding in Java for about two and a half years (yes, I started when I was twelve). So, that is most definitely my strongest language (I'm also fluent in about a dozen other languages, but that's not really relevant). Out of those two and a half years that I've been programming in java, I've spent around one of them poking around the Bukkit API (though I've only actually worked one job; I can provide a reference, if necessary), so I'm quite well-versed in its usage. I don't really have anything else to do this summer, and, as my social life is slowly crumbling, I'll have absurd amounts of time to devote to this. That's about it. My github.
Skype: If you show any interest in doing business with me, I'll give it out. Until then, you can contact me through my email, [email protected]
How many different servers have you been a developer on? (Must be an public, active server. Please include the names of the plugins you have created): I've only officially developed on one server (I can provide a reference if necessary), but I've been working withe the bukkit API for a little over a year now, so I'm not new to creating plugins. For said server, I only really developed one thing (though I did aid their other developers on several projects), a plugin that allowed players to filter the items that they would pick up at any given time, and was controllable through a chest GUI.
Which of the following languages do you know?
You didn't actually list any languages here, so I'll just provide all of the ones that I'm competent in (in order of experience, from greatest to least)
Java (including extensive experience with the bukkit API)
Bash scripting
Some Objective-C, and finally,
Brain**** (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
How much time daily can you put into KaiCraft? It would vary daily. Anywhere from two hours, to upwards of six.
What can you do to help make KaiCraft a better place? Develop plugins. yeah that's about it.
Proof of Work:
My github (Which I just pushed the plugin to now, as a matter of fact)
Ari (I tend to not give out my last name)
My IGN is flairhead.
2.How old are you?
3.Do you have a skype?
Yes. If you show further interest in my services, I'll provide it. Until then, if you need to contact me, you can do it through the forums or through my email, [email protected]
4.What position are you applying for?
Plugin manager/Developer.
5.About Yourself..
There's not much to say. I, like your average minecraft player, discovered this marvelous game at a relatively young age, and stuck with it. As the game grew, so did I, until it became a relatively integral part of my everyday life. I regularly play for 3+ hours every day, and, since it is summer, spend most of the rest of my time programming (I'm kind of a huge nerd).
6.Your experience...
I've been an avid minecraft player for roughly five years, at this point. Around three years ago, I grew tired of simply playing, and decided that I wanted to learn more about the more logical, programmatically-oriented aspect of the game, as it is actually quite defined. At first, I fiddled with command blocks, making flying cows, the usual thing. Eventually, though, even that became tiresome. Then, I discovered programming in the traditional sense. The first language that I learned, and the one that I have the most experience with is Java, minecraft's original native language. Eventually, I expanded my repertoire to include over a dozen languages that I can program in fluently (I'll include a full list for you below). I have extensive experience programming with the Bukkit API (the programming interface that both Bukkit and Spigot use for plugins), and, due to my years of experience, have the ability to learn new APIs extraordinarily quickly, in order to tailor my experience to your specific needs.
If it matters to you, I use windows.
Languages that I am fluent in:
Python (both 2.7 and 3.4)
C# (Part of the .NET framework)
VB (Part of the .NET framework)
Batch (Windows DOS scripting language)
Bash (Unix/Posix)
AppleScript (pretty useless, but I have experience nonetheless)
Skype Name (no video or voice) : If it's all right with you, I'd prefer to give this out in a PM.
Activity (i.e. 12 hours a day, once a week) : At least several hours a day.
Position you are Applying for:
Previous Experience:
I've held temporary staff positions on many servers in the past, and have been developing in java for ~3 years. I have extensive experience using the Bukkit plugin API, as well as some experience using forge. I'm quite open to expanding my capabilities to suit your needs, and, in addition to Java, I am fluent in just under a dozen other languages (the usual, Python C++, Ruby, etc., and a few more exotic ones such as brain****). I look forward to (hopefully!) working with you.
Current Positions on other Servers:
None, at the moment.
Have you ever been banned, kicked, or temp banned from a server? If so, why? :
A few years ago, as a squeaker, I was fairly active in what one might call the "hacking" community, which led to, as you would expect, a few more bans than I am proud of (however, this was previous to me changing my account name).
If you have the following commands, what would you do? (ban, tempban, kick, mute)
Advertising: Warning/Mute
Spamming: Warning/Mute
Swearing / Racist Remarks: Warning/Mute
Modded or Items that are Not Allowed: First, I would find out how they had circumvented the basic security I always put into place in order to avoid things such as this. Then, I would fix it. If the same situation arose with the same player in a different manner, I would fix it again, this bettering the server. Eventually, if they persisted, and I was unable to correct the flaw that led to them create these sorts of items, I would ban them.
We play it because we're in a LDR spanning many many miles and her parents computer can only play Minecraft out of the available games we had to choose from. Like, I'd /love/ to play Dead Space 3 Co-op or Dead Island Co-op with her, but her parents computer is just a general use one so not very good
Thanks, I'll check that out.
I'm powering through codeacademy at the moment.
If you want to do web development, you should check out either PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, or all three (my personal favorite is PHP). Though there is a course for PHP on codecademy, it's certainly deficient in a lot of areas, and is intended to teach basic coding logic, not much PHP-specific material. For the PHP-specific material, I would go to w3schools, like Tripredacus said, or you can just get a book on PHP (to utilize PHP to it's full capabilities, you also need a bit of SQL, so I would learn that too).
Your age has nothing to do with it, regardless if you're 15 or 25, you still play it.
And at the end of the day, Minecraft is kinda a good choice to go with, Minecraft can use teamwork between both of them to bring them closer. Plus, if they both like it, they can play it together if they want.
I'm not trying to discourage OP, nor am I trying to say that only ten year olds are allowed to play it; merely pointing out that most couples don't play minecraft together, and asking OP why he and his gf do.
Hey guys, new here and was just wondering if there's any kind of mod or something available that lets me find a huge bunch of signs that my gf left in my server? She said she randomly teleports to random areas runs around for ages and places a sign down.
Tried looking for anything to help because Im racking my brain just wanting to know what she wrote >_>; but the only one I could find was for 1.7.10 and our world had 1.8 parts in it since the update :/
ANY help would be appreciated!
The point being, why do you and your gf play mc together?
I somehow doubt that she wrote anything important on signs that you could find relatively easily.
My name is flairhead, and I'm quite interested in filling one of your developer positions. I've been programming for a little over two and a half years at this point, with Java being my first and primary language, and, for about a year and a half out of those, have focused heavily on the Bukkit API. In the course of said two and a half years, I've managed to pick up distinct knowledge of quite a few programming languages (15 in total, as a matter of fact, all of which I will list below), and thoroughly enjoy development and deployment. I pay an obscene amount of attention to details, which can be quite beneficial in a developer, and always strive to create the best performance and functionality possible in my work. If it matters to you, I'm 15, and will be able to devote between 2 and 6 hours to your server daily. I'll provide my github below, in case you'd like to see a sample of my work. If you need to contact me, feel free to do so through PM, or my email upon either of which I'll be happy to send you my Skype.
My GitHub
· Java (including, as aforementioned, extensive experience with the Bukkit API)
· Python
· C++
· C#
· D
· Ruby
· JS
· Scala
· Bash scripting
· Lua
· Some Objective-C, and finally,
· Brainfeck (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
IGN: flairhead
First name: Ari
Age: 15
Skype: If you show any further interest in my services, I’ll be happy to provide this. Until then, if you need to contact me, you can do so through PM, or my email, [email protected].
What experience do you have with this position: I’ve been programming for a little over two and a half years, with Java being my primary, and first, language. Of those two and a half years, I’ve been studying the Bukkit API for a little over a year and a half. In addition to Java, I have reasonable to advanced experience in just over a dozen other languages, which I’ll list below. Finally, feel free to take a look at my github, on which I uploaded several sample plugins, if you would like an example of my work.
· Python
· C++
· C#
· D
· Ruby
· JS
· Scala
· Bash scripting
· Lua
· Some Objective-C, and finally,
· Brainfeck (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
How would you benefit this server?: I would create efficient, high quality plugins, built upon the specifications provided by you. Said plugins would also perform quite efficiently, as I generally implement several performance optimizations. I'm good at what I do.
Will you dedicate time to this position?: I can devote between 2 and 6 hours daily.
IGN: Flairhead
Age: 15 (coming up fast on 16, if it matters)
Position: Developer.
Experience: Well, first of all, I've been programming for just over two and a half years at this point, with my first language being Java (I've been concentrating on the Bukkit API for just over a year at this point). In addition to Java, I have reasonable to extensive experience in just over a dozen other languages, a list of which I will include below. Feel free to take a look at my github as well.
Why me?: I'm good at what I do. Plain and simple. I have an obscene attention to details, so I can guarantee that anything commissioned from me will be delivered quickly and efficiently, and will also function as such.
Thank you for your time.
Bash scripting
Some Objective-C, and finally,
Brain**** (which is, believe it or not, actually a language)
Thank you for your time, and I hope that we can do business together.
First name:
If this goes any further, I'll be happy to add you on skype. Until then, you can contact me at my email, [email protected], or by PM.
Have you played Tekkit Classic before?:
Have you worked on Java with custom plugins before?:
Why should I choose you?:
Well, first of all, I've been coding in Java for about two and a half years (yes, I started when I was twelve). So, that is most definitely my strongest language (I'm also fluent in about a dozen other languages, but that's not really relevant). Out of those two and a half years that I've been programming in java, I've spent around one of them poking around the Bukkit API (though I've only actually worked one job; I can provide a reference, if necessary), so I'm quite well-versed in its usage. I don't really have anything else to do this summer, and, as my social life is slowly crumbling, I'll have absurd amounts of time to devote to this. That's about it.
My github.
Minecraft Name: flairhead
Age: 15
Skype: If you show any interest in doing business with me, I'll give it out. Until then, you can contact me through my email, [email protected]
How many different servers have you been a developer on? (Must be an public, active server. Please include the names of the plugins you have created): I've only officially developed on one server (I can provide a reference if necessary), but I've been working withe the bukkit API for a little over a year now, so I'm not new to creating plugins. For said server, I only really developed one thing (though I did aid their other developers on several projects), a plugin that allowed players to filter the items that they would pick up at any given time, and was controllable through a chest GUI.
Which of the following languages do you know?
You didn't actually list any languages here, so I'll just provide all of the ones that I'm competent in (in order of experience, from greatest to least)
How much time daily can you put into KaiCraft? It would vary daily. Anywhere from two hours, to upwards of six.
What can you do to help make KaiCraft a better place? Develop plugins. yeah that's about it.
Proof of Work:
My github (Which I just pushed the plugin to now, as a matter of fact)
1.What is your name?
Ari (I tend to not give out my last name)
My IGN is flairhead.
2.How old are you?
3.Do you have a skype?
Yes. If you show further interest in my services, I'll provide it. Until then, if you need to contact me, you can do it through the forums or through my email, [email protected]
4.What position are you applying for?
Plugin manager/Developer.
5.About Yourself..
There's not much to say. I, like your average minecraft player, discovered this marvelous game at a relatively young age, and stuck with it. As the game grew, so did I, until it became a relatively integral part of my everyday life. I regularly play for 3+ hours every day, and, since it is summer, spend most of the rest of my time programming (I'm kind of a huge nerd).
6.Your experience...
I've been an avid minecraft player for roughly five years, at this point. Around three years ago, I grew tired of simply playing, and decided that I wanted to learn more about the more logical, programmatically-oriented aspect of the game, as it is actually quite defined. At first, I fiddled with command blocks, making flying cows, the usual thing. Eventually, though, even that became tiresome. Then, I discovered programming in the traditional sense. The first language that I learned, and the one that I have the most experience with is Java, minecraft's original native language. Eventually, I expanded my repertoire to include over a dozen languages that I can program in fluently (I'll include a full list for you below). I have extensive experience programming with the Bukkit API (the programming interface that both Bukkit and Spigot use for plugins), and, due to my years of experience, have the ability to learn new APIs extraordinarily quickly, in order to tailor my experience to your specific needs.
If it matters to you, I use windows.
Languages that I am fluent in:
Assuming you were talking to me, I just sent you an email.
First Name: Ariel
Minecraft UserName: flairhead
Skype Name (no video or voice) : If it's all right with you, I'd prefer to give this out in a PM.
Activity (i.e. 12 hours a day, once a week) : At least several hours a day.
Position you are Applying for:
Previous Experience:
I've held temporary staff positions on many servers in the past, and have been developing in java for ~3 years. I have extensive experience using the Bukkit plugin API, as well as some experience using forge. I'm quite open to expanding my capabilities to suit your needs, and, in addition to Java, I am fluent in just under a dozen other languages (the usual, Python C++, Ruby, etc., and a few more exotic ones such as brain****). I look forward to (hopefully!) working with you.
Current Positions on other Servers:
None, at the moment.
Have you ever been banned, kicked, or temp banned from a server? If so, why? :
A few years ago, as a squeaker, I was fairly active in what one might call the "hacking" community, which led to, as you would expect, a few more bans than I am proud of (however, this was previous to me changing my account name).
If you have the following commands, what would you do? (ban, tempban, kick, mute)
Advertising: Warning/Mute
Spamming: Warning/Mute
Swearing / Racist Remarks: Warning/Mute
Modded or Items that are Not Allowed: First, I would find out how they had circumvented the basic security I always put into place in order to avoid things such as this. Then, I would fix it. If the same situation arose with the same player in a different manner, I would fix it again, this bettering the server. Eventually, if they persisted, and I was unable to correct the flaw that led to them create these sorts of items, I would ban them.
Griefing: Ban
Oh hahaha. Anyways, good luck OP!
If you want to do web development, you should check out either PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, or all three (my personal favorite is PHP). Though there is a course for PHP on codecademy, it's certainly deficient in a lot of areas, and is intended to teach basic coding logic, not much PHP-specific material. For the PHP-specific material, I would go to w3schools, like Tripredacus said, or you can just get a book on PHP (to utilize PHP to it's full capabilities, you also need a bit of SQL, so I would learn that too).
I'm not trying to discourage OP, nor am I trying to say that only ten year olds are allowed to play it; merely pointing out that most couples don't play minecraft together, and asking OP why he and his gf do.
Yeah, but minecraft? I'm 15, and literally the only one in my grade who plays.
The point being, why do you and your gf play mc together?
I somehow doubt that she wrote anything important on signs that you could find relatively easily.