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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    "Iron-5!" Help!" Jim said "The evil chicken put me up here!"
    (I know your a bat but my character does not because he is a baby)
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Medieval Fantasy The New Threat. IC.
    Hearing that john turned around, gulped and said "Everywhere?"
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Medieval Fantasy The New Threat. IC.
    "Then don't answer me" John said and started walking towards the stables to buy a horse so he could ge to the wizard tower closest to him so he could determine the source of this great magic.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    "Get me down from here!" John whined.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    "Chicken!" Jim said as he saw a chicken and came running up to the chicken for food.((Interaction with me!))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Medieval Fantasy The New Threat. OOC.
    Quote from DarkShadowHunter

    Name: Tenebris
    Gender: Male
    Class: Assassin/Archer
    Country: Darken City
    Bio (optional): That moment when a traveler feels like he's being watched, death is imminent. For I Tenebris , the dark one, lives with the shadows and strikes down on those who don't
    Personality:Sly, not really the guy you would trust with your life
    Appearance: Tall, Black hood with black cloak, Mask of death( Corvo's Mask), Black pants with a belt full of the killers tools.
    Weapon of choice: Dagger and Bow
    Magic: Necromancy, Conjuration
    Race: Elven
    Other: I am a well-known assassin who is willing to kill for money

    Clear up the city thing, explain to me the mask and add something else and I wont KIK you from this RP.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    Quote from JFRobot

    Form of Application: Life As A Mob:

    Name/Appellation: James

    Mob/Species: Enderman

    Biographical Information:
    Once a player. Accidentally substituted an ender pearl for a melon when working with potion experiments.
    Drank, and started tranforming into an enderman. Change has been permanent since.

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on ★ The Republic of Atlas★
    Yay! Can't get on till tommorow.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    Quote from Noir_Box

    Name: Sir Snowington III
    What mob are you?: Snow Golem
    Bio (doesn't need to be long): I was made by a player long ago, but unfortunately, I was soon forgotten about. He moved far away, got a new house, made a replacement golem, and I was left at home. I ventured out into the world to see what it was really like. On my travels I've gained a Black Woolen Top Hat and a Red Wool Cape.

    Accepted buttton has been clicked!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    ((NOPE, can zombies craft in minecraft?))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on ★ The Republic of Atlas★
    IGN: Doc_Awes
    Age (not biased): 12
    Country: USA

    If USA what state: Arkansas
    Skype (optional): Teantaman
    Dedication (hours please): 1.

    Clan experience: I have been in the clan swordclash but im done with that clan now.
    What made you choose RoA? (at least 2 sentences please): RoA seems very well ordered with the goverment and bill system and everthing else. RoA seems like it has a great group of builder judging from the pictures.
    What can you offer to the clan? (at least 2 sentences please): I know how to build very productive farms. I can PvP decently, I have gotten up to 14 survivors by being hostile on minecraftPvP's hunger games.
    Did you read the rules?: Sure have!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Medieval Fantasy The New Threat. OOC.
    Quote from Dinh AaronMk

    Seems OP has a better grasp on events, lol. Which is good.

    I hope so.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Medieval Fantasy The New Threat. IC.
    "Well I must be off" John said "Lich, is this the city where you had the strongest magical interfirence?"
    ((PAGE CLAIM!!!))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on 10,000 ways to die
    2. Bounceball hits your eyeball, enters your skull, killing you.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on LIFE AS A MOB (Now in another thread!)
    Quote from YaleTheDog

    Name: Aimi
    What mob are you?: Wolf
    Bio (dos'nt need to be long): Aimi is a white wolf, she enjoys walking around in the snow and hunting. She is good at camouflage and is a good climber. She is also very kind.

    Welcome to the chaos!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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