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    First off, 1.5 hours is enough, but if you really need that extra time interact in real life and show interest in real life stuff, be attentive. You could also do your chores good, and follow the time limits so that your mum knows she can trust you.

    Secondly, grammar and spelling do get you respect, on the internet. I see a lot of times people just don't want to point out bad grammar for the fear of being rude or they honestly don't care that much, but good grammar and spelling looks nicer.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Sword Art Online (Non-canon reboot)
    I love this anime, I also read all the light novels. New season? What where!? WHERE!

    Username: Destro

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Appearance: http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608050005056555249&pid=1.7

    Unique Skill: Holy Flame, he can harness the power of flame and use it for himself, being able to light his sword or body up without harm to himself.

    How you got SAO/Nerve Gear:
    Jake was a beta tester, he always played nearly all day, everyone around him said he needed to stop and get back in real life, he never listened and kept playing, his life became SAO. When SAO was released he was one of the first to get online when it went up, he almost felt happy when he realized he was locked in the game.

    Type Of sword skill used: MCF won't let me use the proper name D: one handed-two handed Sword.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Late Lego Movie
    The thing is, Minecraft or any other voxel game will never replace Legos, for the simple fact that Legos are real, you can feel them, and show anyone them by picking it up and carrying it.

    The Lego Movie is great, I just didn't like the ending. It made me feel like the characters meant nothing, that they were just fake plastic people. I still love the movie, if you haven't seen it, see it now.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on Late Lego Movie
    The thing is, Minecraft or any other voxel game will never replace Legos, for the simple fact that Legos are real, you can feel them, and show anyone them by picking it up and carrying it.

    The Lego Movie is great, I just didn't like the ending. It made me feel like the characters meant nothing, that they were just fake plastic people. I still love the movie, if you haven't seen it, see it now.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on ★ The Republic of Atlas★
    Gold, thank you for your comments. The military I'm proposing would go to servers other than Allimore, and would build a base and help spread the greatness of RoA, most of the military's time would be spent building the base. Training is not as hard as you make it out to be, simply tell the soldier to play on a server with PVP and they can train on that server whenever they have free time. Coordination is the hardest part, you would just have to tell the soldiers when to get on an hope they get on at that time, and the general would also have to plan attacks that work with most of the soldiers.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Good Time Survival Server [Vanilla-Like][24 Slot][Fun Time][No whitelist][Economy][Shops]
    This is a awesome server! I also am starting a new town called Avonsford, if theres empty plots feel free to fill them and when I get on you can pay me!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    The bats seemed to not notice Aver as they flew around, they must think hes one of them, Aver thought and tried to fly up out of the flock of bats. He almost reached the top, a bat screeched and hit him with its claws, the attack was so unexpected he didn't have time to react and he fell down.

    He was hit a few times as he fell, when hit the ground he moaned in pain and was closing his eyes when a voice in his mind said "See Aver, you're weak, you NEED me, just take me in and we can defeat this horde, imagine the power you could have, nobody could stop you, and all you have to do is let me in." "Never, I let you in once, never again" Aver managed out, "You did, and remember the power, you even stopped the skeletons" the voice said, Aver groaned forcing the vice out of his mind, tiring him out completely. Aver shut his eyes and fell asleep.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on .:The Hunger Games:. [22 Spots Available] [OOC] [Join Now!]
    Hey, seems interesting, I might join later, for now I got some tips for you.

    You might want to put the tributes in a spoiler by doing [spoiler]Stuff[/spoiler.] without the period. A more in-depth application would be good, so that we know what there character looks like and so that the roleplayer builds a back story for the character.

    I also have a question about the "*All actions will be done using a random generator, ensuring a fair chance for all tributes*" I'm guessing you mean what events will happen inside the arena, but I just want to make sure.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on ★ The Republic of Atlas★
    Quote from Mr_Dazy

    I think that this was the point of RoA, to not have a military because there are so many other military clans that you could easily go join for a military. No offense.

    I believe you are wrong, when I joened this region in the title it said "[Military]", and in RoA's constitution it has a Military section.

    I call for a vote on The Military Bill Proposal, all Senators please respond with your vote.

    I vote for The Military Bill Proposal.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on ★ The Republic of Atlas★
    Hey, I just finished my proposal.

    Military Bill Proposal
    The purpose of this bill is to establish a military in the Republic of Atlas.
    The military would be called "The Warriors of Atlas" and would have the acronym TWA. TWA's responsibility would be to create bases in servers, and help recruit for RoA.
    The servers that TWA establish bases in would be decided by the senate.
    Recruitment for TWA would be handled by the general. TWA may not draft any citizen without the citizens consent.
    TWA would be commanded by a general, the general would be appointed by the senate. The other military ranks are lieutenant and Sergeant.
    The lieutenant(s) would be appointed by the general.
    The General is in charge of the entire military and reports to the senate only.
    The lieutenant would be in charge of one military base and help organize all military efforts at that base, they report to the General only.
    The Sergeant is the basic soldier, they would fill out the application and then if accepted by the general or a member of the senate they would be given this rank. The Sergeant reports to the General or lieutenant.
    The application to become a Sergeant is:
    Experience in Military:
    Why do you want to join TWA?:
    So does this go straight to voting or?
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    Quote from superrexbrothers

    ((Anyways, Smeltmuch, asking for permission to make a High School AU roleplay based on this.))

    ((You have my permission Super.))
    Aver flew and saw a big mechanic beetle in the distance attacking the group "What is happening" Aver muttered as he flew towards the group and stood back 'Come on, release me, we can defeat it, together' A voice said inside his mind 'No! You can't talk to me the-' Aver was abruptly interrupted by the voice 'The potion can only stop the transformation now' Aver shook his head and flew towards the group 'You can't hold me back forever, just accept me and we will be strong' The voice said but Aver ignores him and kept flying towards the group.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    Aver had flown away from the group and was sitting in a dark cave, a small fire cast light on the cave walls. "I require the Klax Potion" Aver said and a voice coming from one of the caves dark corridors said "You know the cost of this? Aee you sure it's worth it, much easier to undergo the transformation" "I need the Klax potion" Aver said and a old witch stepped from the corridor carrying a pith black bottle the size of a quarter.the witch held the potion in the palm of her hand and aver flew over and grabbed it and quickly left the cave, after he had gone good distance away from the cave he landed on a small tree and drank the potion and a flash of rage came over him before he calmed down and flew away.

    ((Sorry for the inactivity, RL has been taking up all my time.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    ((Smeltmuch! This is awesome, now all the mods are here.))

    Aver saw the, thing, and when the arrow hit he flew to the rest of the group and his in leaves hoping he would survive.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    ((Hey, I'm still here! I would say no becuase it's a water crueture but on special occasions I would say yes, likewise the squid is. What's everyone else's opinion?))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    "I hope he's ok" Aver said and flew near the water about two blocks above, intently watching the squid hoping it was okay.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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