I struggle to think how such a simple and easy to kill mob gives people trouble, might as well make creepers not explode and skeletons unable to shoot arrows, let's also make it so every creature in minecraft dies in 1 hit just to make sure nothing remotely interesting happens in the game ; )
- firespear1000
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Member for 10 years, 1 month, and 27 days
Last active Fri, Jun, 8 2018 17:35:44
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PopularMMOs posted a message on Final Fantasy VIII Balamb GardenPosted in: MapsAs a huge final fantasy fan this gave me goosebumps lol
Theriasis posted a message on Please read THIS before making a suggestion. (v2.0)
Last Updated: April 16, 2016
• Do NOT post suggestions here!
• If you update your suggestion, update the first post.
• Insulting people who don't like your idea can land you in a locked thread.
• Please make a thread that you'll actually come back to and not ditch after the first post.
• Let's keep the discussion about improving the guide, rather than just complimenting/back patting it.
• Negative criticism is NOT "hating" - please, PLEASE understand the difference.
• NEW: Everyone. Stop picking version numbers for your suggestions. It's utterly pointless.
This guide is solely about making suggestions. However, if you want to read about being the critic of a suggestion instead, go to this delicious thread. Made by yoshi9048. It's a good thread. Seriously.
Possibly Asked Questions
"Why is this guide so long?"
Short Answer: It just is.
Long Answer: Because there's an insane amount of things to go over in posting an idea. In fact, a better question would be "This guide is as long as it needs to be, how did you accurately pull that off?" This guide isn't gonna be a quick read so you can read a few paragraphs then say "I read the guide!" No, a sassy informative guide is what's needed. You do not need to read the guide in one sitting.
"What if I'm super smart and don't need the guide?"
I can't exactly take over your will and make you want to read all this. If you're confident you won't screw up in your suggestions, then cool, but if you do, you'll know why this guide exists. You might even pick something up even if you're already good.
"Why is this guide soo mean? <=("
The very last thing I want is some super formal guide. It's long enough as it is, so I try to keep it interesting. I don't want this guide turning into some high school textbook. Yeah, the guide has some abrasiveness, but if a guide offends you, then perhaps you're not ready for the rest of the internet.
Also, do not go around going "Don't read that guide, it's mean!" That will make you look like the biggest baby. There is a reason this guide exists, and whether you want to believe it or not, what the guide talks about is true.
"Can I contribute to this guide?"
Absolutely. Anything good you contribute will be added to the guide as soon as I see it, and I will kiss you every time that happens. All you need to do is post is in this thread. If you help the guide enough, your name goes in the credits.
"What's with the high requirements of the Hall of Fame?"
On the previous guide, there were some debates that a good suggestion shouldn't require some things for it to be "hall of fame worthy". For example, if someone suggests a flawless desert mob and it's loved by many, an image would make it the suggestion better, but the suggestion is still good without it.
That's the catch. The hall of fame is about two things: a suggestion being good and effort. If I added thread just because they were good, the hall of fame would have a thousand suggestions listed. It's the extreme amount of effort that shortens the list to the best of the best.
"How do I stay up to date with changes on this guide?"
Simply go to the top right of the page, hover your mouse over "Tools" and click "Subscribe". That way, you will get a notification whenever someone posts in the thread. Sometimes you will see a post from me stating what I updated, and those posts are almost always done in the form of a bullet point list.
Forum Terminology
In the chat regarding this guide, a few people have suggested that there should be a mini-section about this:Most forum goers already understand these terms, but you never know how new someone can be.
OP = Can mean "original poster" (guy who started the thread) or "overpowered" (in that something is too powerful). The use of the term depends on the context.
UP = "Underpowered", meaning that something in the suggestion is too weak, not useful or can just be replaced by something better easily.
Vague = Something isn't explained enough to be properly judged, and therefore should be elaborated more.
Wishlist = Two or more ideas in a thread that don't relate to each other. Threads like that get locked.
"Less X, more Y" = A boring game mechanic for an idea. It's just trading one thing for another. "Uhh here's a new weapon, it does +5% but swings 5% slower compared to the normal sword!" Boring boring boring.
Redundant = It been done before, many many many times.Bumping = Posting in a thread for the sake up pulling it back to page 1 so more people can see it.
Necro = Bumping a super old thread that probably should have stayed dead. Generally the post that bumps these threads are pointless posts.
Rezzing = Or "resurrecting" a thread. It's the same as necro'ing but the post that bumped it is much more detailed with its criticism. Sometimes this is done by the very creator of the thread.
Vanilla = Vanilla means Minecraft without any mods or third party editors whatsoever. In short, it's just how the game was made and nothing more.
Support = The idea is liked. If it isn't, a "no" will appear before the "support".
Pre-Enchantment = Armor, weapons or tools that have a "built-in" enchantment for free.
Table of Contents
- How to Properly Search
- Types of Suggestions
- Threads That Aren't Allowed
- Posting the Suggestion
- Suggestion Collaboration
- Logic and Realism
- "It'll be optional then!"
- Suggestion Excuses
- Objective and Subjective
- Artificial Difficulty
- Suggestion Balance
- If You Want a Thread, Locked or Deleted
- What "fits" in Minecraft
- Taking Criticism
- Generally Disliked Suggestions
- Overachiever's Guide
// Introduction
// Let's shake hands first.
Whether you're good at improv with creating good ideas on the spot or if you need some time to think up something clever, a good idea for Minecraft enters our minds at some point. Ever just have a moment where the suggestion gods have touched you? And every vibrating cell of your skin is itching to get on the forums and start blindly typing away? Oh you could probably see it on your minds right now, "I'm gonna get so many supports, I should put this on reddit, maybe I should make a banner!"
However, before this happens, we need to take a deep breath, take a step back and analyze out suggestions more carefully. You down? You dig?
I'm gonna use a strange analogy, but bear with me, I'm really trying. There are tons of singers that think they're good and even go on 'American Idol' or 'The Voice' because "they're just so sure they'll be the next big thing" yet some of them sound unspeakably terrible even though they thought they were good all this time but weren't. A suggestion for Minecraft can fall in that exact scenario. This guide won't make you a suggestion god, but it will provide you with all the do's and don'ts so you can make a suggestion embarrassment-free. Pretty wicked right?
Now, this guide is gonna be a long one. So grab yourself a Vanilla Coke and some Spaghettios, and have yourself a good read. Deal? This guide is gonna get tough sometimes, maybe even a bit abrasive. So chances are, you might read some things you don't want to.
// Guide 2.0?
// Because another guide existed before this one.
If you recall, there was a stickied suggestion guide that had the exact same purpose as this one that was created in 2012, and it took many years to finalize. Back then, the users 0_Zippy, AirOutGland and oohoohswish had a massive part in writing it. However, I'm bringing in a spankin' new guide. Oh yeah, you're curious, I can see it on your face. Your face was all "but why though?" Don't try to lie, I saw it.
I'll tell you "why?" Though the original guide got all the messages across. It wasn't as user friendly as it should have been, and was very redundant. And it also focused to heavily on what NOT to do. This guide should take less time to develop, as most of the material is already there, but just needs to be reworded. I am still crediting the new and old helpers of both guides.
Another problem the original guide had was that - because of the redundancy - hit the character limit allowed for a post, meaning I had to extend the guide to multiple posts, making reading the guide extremely laborious. We don't want
thatmore of that than what there already is.
Here is a link to the first guide.
// Credits
// Because for some strange reason, you care about that.
Top Contributors (Both the thread and the images)
• Theriasis (me btw)
• 0_Zippy
• Core5
• ClookRum
• rbH / redBookHat
• Turcoize
• Cerroz
• Orka_Tank
• ZTick
• mock
• 00_00_1
• airoutgland
• CremeFill
• Badprenup
Other Contributors
• Itsoo1
• swaglord676
• Rex1900Roblox
• teesee
• Endergirl00
• yoshi9048
• FrozenS2M
• SamurottX
• nightworld115
• GateFox
• DarkStar634
• Xystem4
• Gamelord
// Suggestions Hall of Fame
// Brilliant (example) suggestions by excellent posters.
These elite suggestions are not only good and extremely popular, but were made with extreme amounts of effort not always seen, even in other good suggestions.
Cubic Chunks by Calacbolg (#1 suggestion of all time!)
Detailed Nether Villagers by 0_Zippy
Deeper Caves by kittykattykat
Colored Light by Galactic_Muffin (initially known as "Colored Glass")
Ancient Zombie by Cerroz (even has a custom video w/ custom sounds)
What about muskets? by Rhea_M (successfully broke the "unfitting/unbalanced" barrier about guns in MC)
Boats Evolved by ThesaurusRex84
Desert Temple Guardian by DINGO_WINTERWOLF
Mythological Sea Creatures & New Boats by JasonG5
New Nether... Survive This by sabata2
9 Biome Suggestions by LupusX
Pigeons by Snowviraptor
Crossrails and Changes to Currently Existing Rails by megabyte12345
Give Us a Use to Other Villager Professions by wailwail
Ant Dungeon! Found in Mesa Biomes! by joshosh34
Custom Blocks, Items, Entities, Menus by AThingWithAThing
Scarlet Forest Biome by KSKISPER
Stay focused. Work hard, and your suggestion might be up here one day. You may nominate more elite suggestions by just posting in the forum. Regular good suggestions with moderate effort won't cut it here. This list is for ideas of unspeakable quality.
Guidelines of a thread getting in this list:
**Click here for the guidelines**
// How to Properly Search (top)
// Because we don't want to copy people. Intentionally or otherwise.
A lot of people that have made redundant threads but actually did search beforehand. That mistake is most likely filtering the search wrong. Observe the image below:
The things highlighted in green are the basic needs. I think the bottom one is the most essential, because people have searched for topic names but didn't filter that to only the Suggestions forum, thus people end up getting results from every forum at once that share similar words in thread titles.
That aforementioned case causes threads from the Suggestion forum to be spread out too far, making people think that a specific suggestion thread isn't redundant. It's a pretty easy mistake to make.
The Redundancy Rule
One of the rules of the Suggestions forum is that if you made a thread that's too similar to another one that was created within the 30 days, the newer thread will be locked for redundancy. So that's... why you should search. You can check a thread's post date by searching normally, or you can use the "Posted After" feature you see in the image up there.
So for example, if you wanted to avoid redundancy on "new dyes" topic and today's date was July 1st, you want the "Posted After" to be set to June 1st.
Mind you, even if your thread isn't technically redundant, you should still search and learn from the mistakes of previous threads.
// Types of Suggestions (top)
// Two of them: Bad and really bad. I'm joking. But no, some are bad though.
Improved Features
Let's analyze these words carefully. "Improved" means better. It doesn't mean "different" and it doesn't mean "only what I want". If you want to suggest that something be improved in the game, then make it better and balanced. Don't suggest that something be changed just because you want it to be that way and call it "better".
New Features
Suggestions that suggest that something wasn't there before are usually more complex and have the most mistakes associated with them. For this forum, two of the most common fallacies locked in the human brain are "it's new, so therefore it's good" and "this is automatically good because it adds variety!!"
Me suggesting a camel mob that drops jelly beans would be new, but it's also stupid, and therefore shouldn't touch the game. Me suggesting that there'd be 5 new types of brown dye in the game would "add variety" but would be pointlessly redundant.
Is the new idea actually good? Or is it just there to be there?
// Threads That Aren't Allowed (top)
// Unless you got a thing for getting your own threads locked.
Wishlists - Threads that have multiple, related ideas. Suggestions can have many ideas as long as they properly relate to each other. For example, "Hi forums let's add pizza, colored gravel, 5 new types of pigmen and maybe some throwable milk????" is a sloppy wishlist.
Redundant Suggestion - Pretty much what was explained in the "How to Search" part of the guide. Making a thread about "taming cats a second time" when the suggestion already exists (and was created within the nearest 30 days) will get that thread locked so hard that all your siblings will feel it.
Joke Threads - Do I even to elaborate here?
Non-Suggestions - I guess the very name of the forum wasn't enough, eh?
Suggestions not for vanilla Minecraft - The unmodded game is the only thing we can make suggestions for in this forum. So making a thread where you "suggest what you'd like to see in my server!" or "I suggezt a mod where you can also tame cows with diamonds!" are both invalid.
Suggestion what's already in the game - What's the point? That's like protesting in front of your nearest city hall for the sky to stop being blue sometimes at night. Which I've done.
Megathread - "Post your suggestions in my thread!" Oh cool, a thread that copies what an entire forum is for? That's
absolutely geniusone of the worst kind of threads a breathing being can make.
Suggestions with no content - So if your thread is nothing more than "maybe it's time for a new block?" Guess what? There is NO discussion value in that, and therefore, such a thread doesn't need to exist.
// Posting the Suggestion (top)
// Otherwise, why would this guide be here? Nah'mean?
Now, before we dive into this topic. You have to ask yourself a very simple question. Why are we posting the suggestion? The answer: because it's something we believe would benefit Minecraft. Let's ask ourselves some more questions.
- Why should the idea be in the game, what does it add?
- No matter what situation we face in the game, will the idea still be balanced?
- Is our idea something that ALL type of players can make use of?
Now, with that in mind, we have to realize that Minecraft was not made just for you, it was made for everyone. Your idea should encompass all players, and not just you, nor a specific type of player. Have an objective reasoning for your ideas. Do not open up an idea with "It's honestly time for more food" or "Hello?! Where's our gold coins?!"
You don't know what it's "time for" unless Mojang just hired you. Do not post like you control the next update to the game.
So posting an idea of "les add pizza to the game becuz i like pizza" is just dumb and selfish. If Mojang added what everyone wanted, we'd have gamebreaking guns, fighter jets, a ton of boring ores and the ability for our blocky limbs to be broken if we took enough damage. That's not the kind of Minecraft people want to play.
This forum isn't for angry rants.
Open up a Twitter account or maybe put that on the Discussion forum, not here. This place is for serious suggestions, not for you to vent out that one game mechanic you don't like and how "moojanng is soooo duuummbb uuughh!!!" because you don't like change. We don't care and don't want to read that trash, please take that somewhere else.
Suggestion Presentation & Details
As said in the previous subsection. We can't exactly read your mind and know exactly what you're suggesting unless you tell us every single possible thing we need to know.
We don't want to read an uninspiring 1-sentence pseudo-idea about "a new villager that can use a sword though!" We don't want to read an incomplete suggestion that wasn't finished because "guys I g2g school now ill finish dis idea later peace y'all".
No. Either give us a fully completed and well-explained idea or don't make a thread at all. If your suggestion has no content, then it has no discussion value. How will I know your mob is balanced if you don't tell us the damage is does? How will I know your new biome is pointless or not if you don't tell us what's in it?
If you've ever seen the movie Tommy Boy or taken any business classes, you might have heard that if you convince someone to buy your product, the consumer doesn't just buy the product. They're buying you. That's how a suggestion is. It represents you. So what does that mean? It means when you post your suggestion, give every single possible detail you can and format your post neatly so it's not annoying to read. Here's some examples:
NotMuchBrains: we don't have to many biomes..... why not add more??????????
GuyWhoThinks: I suggest we add an oasis mini biome in deserts. They would have palm trees and small pools of water. The palm trees would give us a new log type as well as new wooden planks and leaves. The palm trees sometimes have coconuts which can be eaten for 2 health.
See, this guy's cool because he used an ancient Greek method known as "thinking". He fleshed out his idea and explained it well. Is an Oasis biome the best idea in the world? Maybe not, but at least we know what the suggestion is about instead of reading "guys we just need more biomes uggghhh".
Overall, be clear, be concise and explain your idea well. Spell correctly. If you have a long suggestion that needs different headers and such, that's fine, however, don't go overboard by using oversized text LIKE THIS LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!! Also, do not use bright fonts that can't be read and don't use eye-gouging fonts.
Don't be allergic to proper capitalization. Don't be allergic to punctuation. Don't give us a wall of text because your Enter key has the flu. That's what makes people hit the back button before they finish reading whatever you typed. Oh, and you don't need to sign your posts - we don't need to see your username twice and your post is not the bottom of a check. Oh, and please don't spam emotes like a 12-year-old AOL'er.
Oh and do not make threads just for Mojang. Mojang won't be the ones critiquing your idea, we will. So try to talk over our heads and make your words travel all the way to Mojang's secret headquarters will just make you look bad. Yes, by default, we'd all want our ideas to make it in the game, but again, us users are the ones who will be posting about it.
Thread Titles
Here's a rule about clickbait and vague thread titles: don't make clickbait and vague thread titles.
You know what's not gonna impress anyone? Naming your thread with "new mob", "new biome", "way 2 make creepers better" or even "awesome new block!"
No. Please leave a small synopsis in the thread title. If your new mob is about a strange scorpion zombie hybrid, then the title of "Scorpion Zombies in Deserts" is fine, rather than "new desert mob." Do not cry out "PLEASE READ" in your thread title, as we already know that you want your thread read simply due to the fact that you made the thread exist. So yeah. Herp.
Did I mention don't use dumb clickbait titles yet? And don't title your thread the first half of a sentence, where the second half of that sentence is in your first post upon entering the thread. That will only annoy people and bring insults to your suggestion. And don't add text doilies to your thread. That crap is so desperate and cringeworthy. So when your thread title looks like this...
**~~--~~ ({( New Potions! )}) ~~--~~**
You screwed up. Royally.
Originality and Creativity
Let's face a dark, bitter truth. Some people out there are so creative that we wish we can steal their brains. However, others are so painfully uncreative that even if they wrote a simple children's book, it would win a "Worst Seller" award.
Mind you, ideas don't need to be gleaming with pure originality to be good, but it helps substantially. You know what ideas people are tired of? Stay tuned.
Don't make ideas that are so horribly based on prefixes. "so uhhhh we need a nether wolf that be tamed with nether bones and it can be uhhh killed and drop nether fur and uhhh nether nether nether neTHER NETHER!!!!" Copying something from another dimension usually fail.
Don't copycat existing things in the game (even though Mojang did some of that already, but still). Copying chickens by suggesting ducks but dropping the same thing is a going-nowhere idea. Suggesting a bull that drops the same leather as cows is zzzzzzzz idea. At least add something new to those mobs.
Suggestion Stance
One of the most common pointless things people do in their suggestions is praise their own ideas and mention how much they like it. Oh gee, really? If you didn't like your own idea, you wouldn't post it, so there's no sense in going "I think this would be cool to add."
Here is a truth that must be accepted. Your own opinion on your own idea is the least powerful and least relevant. The second you post your idea to the public, you dumped it into "critic waters". So if the critics that correctly point out the flaws in your idea, will your own opinions on your own idea change anything? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope.
It's fine to explain how you believe your idea would be a good thing for Minecraft (which it should be, otherwise why would we want it?) But you need to be neutral over your suggestion and not treat it like some godsend hotfix that will "make the game soar to new heights", because all it takes is one critic to prove that wrong.
A lot of suggesters trick themselves into think they're "game developers" that know exactly what a game needs, when they actually aren't those kind of people. Avoid being that.
Don't have slippery slope fallacies.
Basically, don't end the reasoning of your suggestion with "...the game will just collapse without this!" Chances are, the game was just doing juuust fine without your suggestion, so you don't need to try to pump that lie into our heads.
"We need a fast moving bird mob in the game. We need this because the game currently has no birds, meaning the game will get boring faster without them because the challenge of taking down avian mobs won't be there, which will ultimately lead to the end of Minecraft as we know it!" Woooah! Who knew the power of one flying mob had such power!!
I promise you you will become a cool kid just by simply not posting like that. Proof: recent studies that I can't seem to find right now. So please just assume it's true.
"I don't even like my own suggestion."
Then... don't... post it? This also comes in the form of users using the self-pity garbage. "Yeah I know this suggestion is crap but whatever I might as well post it." Yes, what a smart idea, let's set ourselves up for failure. Reverse psychology doesn't work on this forum.
None of us are gonna go "oh well you said your idea was bad so we forgive you :)" No. If you hate your own suggestion that much but made the awkward choice of publicizing it anyway, then you just made it that much easier for us to go "no support!"
"Please support!"
I'll support if I like the idea, not because you asked. Your emotions on a forum won't alter anything. Putting on big ad puppy dog eyes will not change my line of thinking and make me support your "tameable skeletons" idea. I'll stick to supporting ideas just because they're good. Thanks.
Keep the memes out.
We won't take you seriously if you type like you just finished a 5-mile hike out of Mount 4chan. We don't want to read garbage like "Hey everyone, my idea will add mucho swag to Minecraft! It adds more uses to gold (or should I say BUDDER AAHHHAHAHAA) so yeah please support because one does simply... not support a good suggestion. Peace out, brofist!"
Understand that even if you find a meme funny, you never know if the rest of us heard a thousand times and just want it to die. These forums are not memegenerator.
"I'm new here!"
And? You had plenty of opportunity to read the sticky threads before assuming that you knew everything but made a goofy mistake anyway. Telling us you're new doesn't change anything. It won't make us act nicer toward you, because it doesn't undo what you did when it could have been avoided.
Posting Polls
Please, please make your polls sensible if you're gonna have them. Do not make the polls one-sided, and do the give the poll extremist "left/right" answers without any grey area. A "maybe" option never hurt anyone.
If your stupid idea about TNT that only kills wolves only has the options of "yes" and "sort of yes". Then I'm not voting in your poll at all. Another thing, do not mess with polls if you don't like the answers. Don't switch the answers around, because if I come back to a thread and see that the option of "I love this idea flawless idea!" when I know for sure I voted "no." while 5 posts in a row of "no support", guess what I'm calling out?
Also, have your polls show something of relevance. Asking how many people like/hate the idea and showing that off isn't bad, but it presents nothing of value to the suggestion. What does that info mean to us?
'Idea Cramming'
"What is idea cramming? I'm very curious and I need you to explain that to me in deep detail!" Well okay, if that's what you want.
Idea cramming usually happens when people post a suggestion that doesn't have enough content or explanation for anyone to like the idea or not, so when the OP finds this out, they start mindlessly adding more content at a coked-up rabbit pace just for the sake of the idea being called "complete". It's the equivalent of stuffing a turkey with random objects because you ran out of stuffing.
I'll give an example:
OP: guys hey how are you so yeah my idea is lizards in deserts, so deserts aren't so boring!
Reply #1: Okay? So what do the lizards do?
Reply #2: Do the lizards attack you? How much health do they have? You didn't tell us anything about the mob.
OP: uuuhh ok ok panic panic the lizards do 12 hearts of damage! and they uh.. they attack spiders and maybe wolves idk and they drop lizard eyes which substitute ender eyes because... reasons!!! idea is complete now!!!
Yeah, the OP was a hot mess. Had he explained his idea in full and took the time to develop the idea before posting, that wouldn't have happened. Don't cram stuff in a suggestion to call it full. You're better than that. Develop it first. Use like notepad or something. Write it out first or something. You get me?
"If you don't like the idea don't comment!"
What I'm talking about here is when people, at the beginning of their suggestions, say things like "only these kind of posts are allowed in my thread!"
Let me clue you in on something, unless you're a mod, you have no say in how people post. If someone goes "no negative posts allowed!!!", then guess what. Nothing changes. People are still gonna post how they want.
Also, there's already this guide and the other one about critics. You don't need to copy those entire guides in your threads and horribly stretch out your first post.
Suggestion Popularity
Ahhhh, so your suggestion is getting a lot of supports? Well cool, but just because an idea is loved, doesn't always make the idea good overall. What I mean is, people just see the outer coating of the idea and support without thinking about the the deeper details and long-term possibilities of said idea.
A suggestion about "more animals you guys!" might sound good on paper, but what if the idea has too many animals and they annoyingly crowd the world? What if all the animals are just copycats of others? Some supporters are blinded by "I want more" lines of thinking.
Don't get drunk off the popularity, even a popular idea might need some adjusting.
Bumping Your Suggestion
In other words, you keep posting in the thread you made, which is expected. However, if the idea is terrible and hated, and your thread is slowly drifting off the front page, don't bump it back to page 1. Unless your idea was changed for the better, don't revive a bad egg. Just don't.
You bumping your bad, unadvised idea will only magnet more negativity to it. If I make a thread about one-hit kill bandits that steal everything you have, and I'm shrouded with "no support!", then the idea should just die.
Failing Suggestions / Forced Middle Grounds
Sometimes people get overexcited and bubbly when they come with an idea. They might even get those ballooned hearts in your eyes. After they post a suggestion that doesn't get liked, they might try to find a forced middle ground that doesn't fit the game.
For example, a lot of people suggest overpowered mobs that would only exist in hard mode. If the mob can kill me by looking at me, then great. I can't enjoy hard mode with that thing. Solution: that mob not existing.
Another thing some people suggest are weapons that have pre-enchantments, but they try to "balance" that out by with "guys it's ok because it can't accept any more enchantments on an enchanting table!" Great, your "Nether Sword" now has a scrambled sense of balance that probably doesn't go with the game too well.
If an idea is overall bad, then it's best to let it drop. There's more about this in the 'Taking Criticism' section below.
"Mojang planned it once!"
Yes, Mojang mentioned a lot of things that were - at some point - planned to be in the game. These are things that didn't make it in the game for good reasons, not because "they're trolling us". So you don't need to make that 800th thread about how "we neeeeed the red dragon! auuuggghhh!!!" or "hello, where's our normal pigmen?!!" as if Mojang swore this stuff on our parents' graves.
Even an idea being mentioned by a developer can be bad or just not the best idea in the long run. It's tiring to see garbage situations like this.
someuser_993: I suggest a dream world dimension!
Community: nah, wouldn't fit. no support forever pretty much.
Mojang: We're thinking about adding a dream world.
Community: coool cool coooooool here's some ideas how to make that more awesome!
"New! New! New!! Auugh!!"
Suggesting a new mob with new mechanics, new drops that lead to the creation of a new potion is fine. What isn't fine is when an idea has to come with so many new things that it becomes horrendously overspoiling and kooky that it waters down the integrity of the idea so much the idea itself might turn completely into water as well.
A new biome that has new types of trees with the leaves containing a new drop able to be crafted into something that's a gateway to a new dimension containing a new boss that can give you 4 new potion effects - doesn't need to exist because of one lizard mob. That is the fastest way to drain an idea well, or cram too much inside of it. Much like a pizza with 50 toppings teetering on it.
// Suggestion Collaboration (top)
// Promotin' synergy.
Sometimes suggestions are made by multiple people. However, they can only be posted by one person. Human technology has not advanced to the stage where multiple people share a single post. Well I mean maybe with a mod or something.
If you and others come up with a post, be sure to credit to the people that helped you. It would sure blow if that user that made 7 well-textured models went unmentioned. You feel me? What I've been talking about this whole time is users banding together and coming up with the suggestion beforehand. However, your co-writer might appear later after the thread has been made.
When your thread is made, someone might suggest something so good that you just have to add it to your idea. Again, give the person credit. Perhaps you want to make a suggestion inspired by another. If you want to, ask the original thread maker first if it's alright, if it is, credit the person in your upcoming thread.
// Logic and Realism (top)
// "It's Minecraft! it's just a game! My idea of bubble gum trees don't need to make sense!"
The amount of users on this forum that play the blame game to defend their goofy suggestions is staggering. "Guys, we have green walking dynamite and jukeboxes, so why not add stupid fighter jets and dumb villager military bases? It's just a game!!"
Most of the time, blame-gaming like that fails. It's like in elementary school when a kid goes "But Mrs. Featherbee, I saw Johnny throwing rocks at girls, so I thought I could do it too!" when that kid knew better from the start.
Another approach bad suggesters make is "let's make the game a little more realistic, so I suggest we can break our legs and can't walk ever when we take too much fall damage!" Noooooooooooo. Realism is not a positive attribute, it's a neutral one. If we fall down a ravine and shatter both legs, we're not gonna go "I enjoy this! This is realistic! Smiley smile grin grinn grinnn!!!!!"
Gameplay > Realism
Gameplay > Realism
Gameplay > Realism
Gameplay > Realism
Are Creepers random? Yes. Are they realistic? No, but they still have a well developed cause-and-effect system that make them a unique mob without being insanely over the top or plain stupid. Is redstone realistic? Not in the slightest, but it's useful and manages to find a place in the game without being stupid.
An idea does not need to be realistic, but it needs to have some sense and logic behind it. So suggesting a new ore/metal for the game that can be used to craft new redstone items might be a good idea if done right, however, suggesting a new ore/metal to plant in a circle to summon a "EnderNether Wolf" is 9 kinds of goofy.
// "It'll be optional then!" (top)
// "That way, my idea is magically not bad anymore because ppl have a CHOICE!"
This is one of the most common, laziest things people ever do to an idea. Every person that doesn't understand good game design makes this mistake when they fart out a thread on this forum.
See, options should be left to game settings, such as video quality, render distance, difficulty. It shouldn't be left to things like one type of mob or one type of mob behavior. Small things like that don't warrant an option. Understand that if your idea is perfectly balanced, why does it need to be optional to begin with? If it's good enough, it doesn't need to be "turned off".
A lot of not-so-deep-thinkers have the one-dimensional mindset of "it gives people a choice! so both sides win!!" This usually means "I'm aware my idea is complete cancer, so just in case, people can turn it off so there, you guys don't need to hate my idea as much!" Did it ever occur to you, that if your idea is terrible, making it an option is stupid because most players will just leave it off? Might as well just not have the idea at all.
If your idea is about a killer butterfly that goes through blocks and insta-kills me, why would my working brain ever want that option turned on? Another problem options can provide is complicated game updating, because now Mojang has to carefully make sure any update doesn't help one option setting, but damage the other. This is most common when people cry about 1.9 combat.
You don't want an option causing people to have to play two different games. Please everyone, stop leaning the 'optional' excuse.
// Suggestion Excuses and Bad Presentations (top)
// ...because they prove nothing.
If the core idea is bad, then it's bad. Not all ideas can be repaired or reworked and we need to just understand when to let an idea drop. This isn't the movies where one half-baked speech can change the mind of an entire crowd and gain us an applause.
"But it's optional. But it's rare. But it's hard to get."
Options and gamerules are left to game settings, and not stupid things like "blocks of bacon" or "clown villagers, herp!" If your idea is perfectly balanced, it doesn't have to be optional anyway. If your idea is terrible, than most people will have the option off.
Something being "suuuuper rare" or "hard to get" are nothing but balance aides. They can make the idea more balanced or better, but not always outright "good". My idea of "Super De Duper Double Diamond Ore" is still gonna be goofy and absolutely retarded regardless of it it's hard to get/rare/whatever.
"The game needs this!"
Yeeeeeeah no. If the fabric of the game can exist just fine without your suggestion, it's not "needed". Your personal wants are not Minecraft's needs.
We don't need wool stairs. We don't need "Nether Endermen". Do not rewrite your own brain to think the game's foundation is ready to collapse and your idea is the magical girder to fix it all.
"I'm the center of the world!"
Otherwise known as "people who just don't see the light". These are the suggesters that can be told a thousand times over that their idea of an Insta-Kill enchantment is overpowered, but they reply with crap like "yeah i know it's overpowered that's the point!!! it's SUPPOSED to be that way!!"
These are people who never ever step out of their own 'want bubbles' and mentally block out all arguments thrown at them.
A suggestion is not about getting the last word, it's about an idea being good. Another thing, don't talk about your idea like "Mojang forgot to add it." That is just egotistic. Don't be egotistical, this guide already takes that role.
"[Insert_game_here] has this, so Minecraft should have it!"
One of the most baseless statements a living entity could ever blurt out. I once saw a suggestion where hot water heals you because a Legend of Zelda game had saunas that could heal you. Okay.
Minecraft is not all these other games, and there is no objective reason for Minecraft to just copy something like that. No, we don't need to replace emeralds with gold coins just because 8,000 generic RPG games do it.
"This adds a challenge!"
Do you know what a challenge is? No? Then don't say this, and do not craft your own definition of the word.
Do not mix up annoyances with challenges. Stupid ideas like "hurricanes you can't avoid no matter what aahhhahah!" is not a challenge that can be overcome, it's just some dumb trollish thing that comes by and ruins everything.
Also, do not take something in the game that's already balanced and suggest that it be more difficult just because... again, you think that's a challenge. That's not how that works. Understand that please.
Polling the Players
"Every player of Minecraft is a copy of me, therefore our thoughts are the same!" You know the posts I'm talking about. Those people that begin their suggestions with "this is something we all want" or "we all need this!"
No. Stop it. You don't know how over a million players think and we all don't share the same playstyle. Not all of us have homes made of diamond blocks by the time we get to The End, and just because you have chests full of sand doesn't mean "they n33d another use bcuz they're clogging ur chests!!!!!!"
Also, just because your little brother, a couple kids on a server or even a famous person said an idea was good. It still doesn't prove an idea good. /logic
"Put back what was in beta/alpha!"
Yeah totally man, you know that stuff that Mojang deliberately removed for a reason? Let's negate that reason and bring it back because just for some nostalgia! Good reasons!
Yes, we all have special feelings over that older version of Minecraft when we started playing, but you cramming it down our throats and crying how "new minecraft suxxxxxxxx!" is not gonna change a single damn thing. If it makes you feel better, use the new launcher and play an older version.
"Why not? It wouldn't hurt anything."
First, tell us the "why" of your suggestion before you start throw any "why not" dodgeballs at the kids. If Mojang went by that logic, there would be a thousand more mediocre things in the game that "don't hurt anything". No, you want your idea to be good, not some 50/50 meh thing.
Remember that 50/50 ideas get 50/50 reception, and that's not very interesting. Instead, be cooler, and go for a good idea for good reception.
"But it's funny!"
Funny for who? Teens? 8-year-olds? You?
Even if your idea is hilarious, it doesn't need to exist for that very reason, and it will also stop being funny eventually. Like the exact same joke being told over and over.
"Uhh, this thread was just a joke and you all fell for it ahhhaha" - So you defended your idea for 5 posts and then suddenly decided to tell us that? Joke threads also get locked here, so you're shooting yourself the same foot multiple times. It's funny how liked threads never have the OP using this untrue excuse.
Sometimes this is in the form of "i was trolling u guys all along!" If you were a successful troll, you wouldn't openly admit to being one. Nice failed escape attempt though.
"Augh you guys are just haters/trolls!" - You're just saying this to make yourself feel better. No, we just don't like your idea. Apparently it's easier to just undermine everyone else's posts than to defend yours. Because effort.
"Someone else posted that, not me." - You only seem to see this excuse used for stupid posts and never good ones. It's also interesting how the "person who posted that wasn't you" typed exactly you. What were the chances right?
"No wait, THIS is what I was suggesting." - Also known as "changing the story" or "hitting the reset button". You suggested Creeper Scorpions which everyone absolutely hated, then you tried to defend it and all of your defenses were bashed away, and now you're going "no you guys have gotten it wrong this whole time, I was suggesting normal scorpions, I only mentioned the creeper thing as a joke lolol."
That's a hard excuse to believe after you opened with "creepers need
more variants" and every single type "scorpion" appears in your thread,
it has "creeper" right before it. Woooow, good joke man.
"This suggestion was just an experiment." - "Yeah, it's a good thing my hated idea was just a prototype, don't worry, the REAL suggestion is coming soon!" No, what you already posted was the real suggestion. I promise you that if your suggestion was actually liked, you'd go along with it and not mention the "experiment" crap.
For those of you who actually will or have post/posted experiment suggestions that you know will fail. Don't. Because why post something if you know the outcome? If your suggestion is bad, you'll look way better by owning up to it and not using some on-the-fly excuse you had crammed in your pocket.
"I made this for the sake of discussion!"
Gee, you think? This forum is already umbrella'd by the Discussion label. Every suggestion thread is already created for the sake of discussion, so don't use this dumb excuse to farm ideas from others and have other people develop your suggestion for you.
"Yes, I know my idea is bad and redundant but I want to stir up a discussion to develop it more!"Smart thinking!There's your first mistake, if you know your idea is bad, then you know you will get bad reception. Do not set yourself up for failure.
"This needs to be harder/easier!"
Another classic example of "this is how I play the game therefore the world does too." Except no. We get it, you mastered the art of finding diamonds within minutes, but that doesn't the rest of us have, so suggesting that "diamonds be 4 times as rare!" might be good for you, but painfully terrible to everyone else.
Same for when people ask for things to be easier. We don't need to make Creepers say "Watch out I'm coming!" just because you got killed by one when all you have to do is keep your eyes open for them.
"If you don't like it, don't use it!"
Awesome, awesome logic! /notreally
Okay then, I don't need to use these colored grenades if I don't want to. However that doesn't seem to stop other people from chucking them down the chimney of my house. I guess me not wanting to use something didn't help the fact that the idea was terrible, eh?
Having the choice of using something doesn't alter the quality of the idea like that. If it's bad, it's bad.
Advertising in someone else's thread.
If I worked hard on a suggestion for a new biome that took me days to develop, the last thing I want is you popping in and going "huuuurp check out my dinosaur thred!!" No with a side no. You have your own thread for that, don't fart that out in someone else's.
"A lot of people suggested it, so Mojang should give it to us!"
This excuse comes from people that think they understand game development, but actually don't. The human race seems to mistake "popularity" and "good" as meaning the same thing. Me making a thousand alternate accounts and suggesting that "hurr nukes!!!" be added to the game does not make my idea good.
"I don't care about this suggestion."
But you do though, since you made a conscious decision to make a thread and then type another 3 paragraphs about the idea. Like most of the other stupid excuses in this spoiler, the excuse is usually used only when the suggestion is unpopular. If you didn't care about the idea, the thread you just made wouldn't exist.
"Fine, this'll just be for hard/hardcore then!"
Nooooooooo. -____-
If I don't want the stupid idea of villagers throwing shoes at my wolves, I don't want it at all. Don't slap it in one difficulty as if that will miraculously save the idea. That doesn't stop a bad idea from being durrtactular. All this does is ruin it for people who want to play a specific difficulty.
"You have your opinion, I have mine."
So someone doesn't agree with your suggestion, and now you're reiterating the point that you and that poster don't agree? You might as well just say "I made a thread and you posted in it." because that's equally as pointless.
"Agreeing to disagree" doesn't do anything. This is what most posters say to get out of defending themselves. If someone is pointing out why your suggestion is horribly unbalanced, don't just write that off. Instead, understand the differing opinion and use it to better your suggestion, or at the very least, defend yourself properly without going "well that's your opinion, moving on." because that's just lazy and unintuitive.
"This'll stop people from complaining."
The only way to stop someone from complaining is bolt their mouths shut or keep a keyboard away from them. Adding a terrible idea to the game to "shut people up" is one of the most self-embarrassing ideas a human can spit up. So we re-add something that was removed to silence half the community? Let's also set up a foundation that gives kids free money for those who complain about not having an Xbox.
Ideas with this... "logic" should land people jail time.
"The _____ Update!"
Don't call your thread "The Bird Update" when all you've suggested is a turkey that drops gunpowder. Updates like that are left to a collection of many good ideas within a theme, not 2 dinky mobs and one senseless ore. Dear all posters, stop doing this.
Using Adventure Mode as a Crutch
Before everyone gets hyper and wants to attack me, yes, I know there are some awesome suggestions for Adventure Mode out there. Though some users take it too far. An Adventure Mode suggestion should be "universal" in that it can be useful in many situations without it being unfitting and over-the-top.
"Let's add a command called '/stayinalive' which makes hostile mobs wear 70's clothes and stuff and like... and like... creepers look like Maurice Gibb! This would be great for people making 70's related adventure maps!!"
Yes, because there are so many people making adventure maps like that. 12/10.
"You guys just need to upgrade your PC's!"
Oh, so that's how that works? So all of us should shell out our money on new parts just so we can deal with your unfitting idea of "reelistic physicsss!" and "super d00per shaderzzz!" It's almost as if... it would be better if that stuff didn't touch the game at all!
We don't need to upgrade our PC's, you just need to upgrade your reasoning for suggestions. And your brain maybe.
Alternate Accounts
You duplicating yourself to support your own idea is the saddest thing you can do here. If your idea is good enough, why would you ever need to do this? Seeing an extra user or two forcibly supporting the idea won't mentally rewire the opinions of other people with working brains. Seeing the following is beyond pathetic:BirdOwner: Why not add Herobrine Creepers? Let's call them Creeperbrines hahahaha!!
FalconDude: flawless idea, should be in 1.9!!!!! =D
someone_else92: no.
SmaRtUser: cancerous idea.
OstrichFan: extreme support! would benefit game! idea is love and life!
Sad sockpuppet accounts get banned here instantly, so you will embarrass yourself eternally as well as having the ban. Self-defeat at its finest.
Do Be The Guy Who Capitalizes Every Word. Stop Acting Like Jaden Smith And Type Like A Normal Person. That's Painful To Read And It Will Probably Make Your Suggestion Look Really Stupid. So... Don't Do It? If You Type Like This, Please Apply Pain To Your Fingers As Punishment. Thanks In Advance.
// Objective and Subjective (top)
// Because the human race always mixes up the two.
Ever read a suggestion where someone goes "we need lapis armor and tools! we need it! need need need! I know this stuff better than Mojang! AAuugh~!"
No. People need to understand the reasoning behind their suggestion. Objective is something that is widely shared and unbiased, and sometimes focuses on actual 'needs' or pure benefits, while something being subjective is a small opinion and focused on a 'want'.
If someone makes a suggestion about a mob that spawns solely in birch forests, has useful and sensible drops and is very balanced. Also, if the OP puts in mind that the mob would benefit the game, the biome it's in, and overall the experience in Minecraft, that can be an objective suggestion. If presented properly.
A subjective suggestion is "les add copper tools and armor and stuff because copper is pretty cool!" Okay, so we should hop on board the idea because you think copper is cool? Yeah? No. We don't "need" pigs dropping bacon because "i like so bacon so idk lol" or some boring ore just for the sake of saying "there's another ore!" Have your ideas truly give us something, and don't suggest it because you 'think it's cool'.
// Artificial Difficulty and "Chance" Ideas// "What if skeleton arrows sometimes insta-killed for no reason? That would add a good challenge!!!"
Having to use what you learned in a game to defeat a last boss is true challenging difficulty. However, if the last boss uses an unavoidable move that punches away 80hp from your maximum of 100 and you have to spam bullets at it and cross your fingers and hope for a win, then that's dumb artificial difficulty.
There's too many humans in the world that come to this forum, suggest some trollish, unfun thing with no fun factor and smother that garbage in a "you guys dis be a challenjge!!" dressing. Only for the OP of these threads to go into an anger frenzy and blame the non-supporters.
Butchering existing game mechanics with unnecessary trash such as "drinking a positive potion has a 10% of poisoning you because reasons" or "there's a 1/50 chance a skeleton's arrow instakills you". Where's the """challenge""" in that? If it's an unseen binary coin flip, my skills can't surpass it. It's just something I have to hope never happens. Good challenge man.
I question how the OP's of these bad threads come to make these ideas. "Yes, I love how this regeneration potion I spent hours getting the ghast tear for poisons me for 2 minutes! I love that! My gameplay experience is enhanced! LOGIIIIIC!!!" Your brains, use 'em.
// Suggestion Balance (top)
// "What if we added HOMING arrows? Yeah, that'd be sooo cooool!!"
Balance in an idea can be a grand illusion. An idea might be perfectly balanced in your head but in actuality, be the most under or overpowered thing ever because we didn't see our ideas in the proper light.
Depending on what the suggestion, it can be extremely difficult to find the perfect pinnacle of balance. Some ideas are so complex and encompass so many things that it can be hard scanning for that sweet spot.
Balance requires us to really want to listen to critics, as they can help greatly with that (just remember, it not their job to do so). Because balance can be hard to find, an idea might take a ton of refining before being completed for good.
"You guys! Less X, but more Y!" (Scale Tipping)
Ahh yes, the most boring approach to a suggestion that can ever be performed. So that new spear idea of yours does -10% damage but can be used +10% faster compared to the sword? So that means it's perfectly balanced compared to the sword? So... why don't we just stick with a sword then?
Having more of something but less of something in a suggestion isn't exactly a bad thing. You would want that new strong weapon idea to be not so easy to acquire (more strength, but less abundance to make the new weapon), but that isn't scale tipping, as that's just regular balance.
Please try to be original with your ideas and don't 'more that but less this' something. All that is senseless hair splitting that doesn't wow anyone. Don't scale tip.
I'm about to present an image by the user 0_Zippy that covers a good chunk of balance:
// If You Want a Thread Locked, Moved or Deleted (top)
// Putting those threads of out of their misery. Or just moved.
If you want any of these three things to happen to your thread. All you have to do report your own post by... clicking "Report" at the bottom of your post, then choose this on the following screen (click to make bigger):
Note that you can also help out a new or inexperienced user get their thread moved to the right location before the original poster realizes the mistake, which can reduce confusion and complications in a thread a lot sooner. However, DO NOT tell the user that "they've been reported" as 1.) that's against the rules and 2.) they may take it the wrong way which can lead to revenge scheming.
And no, do simply edit your posts with "MOD, PLZ DELETE THREAD" while doing nothing else. You will embarrass yourself to death and accomplish nothing.
// What "fits" in Minecraft (top)
// "We already have jukeboxes, so fighter jets would be fine!"
Something fitting or not fitting in Minecraft is one of the most prominent arguments on the Suggestions forum, and in some way, the most controversial. It's a double-edged sword, because both sides can have very strong points. For these reasons, that concept gets its very own section.
It's no secret that Minecraft is not made of realism, and even though there are medieval-like things in the game, such as potions, swords, bows, arrows and armor. However, we have not-so-medieval things, like jukeboxes. So... how do we know for sure if something fits or not? What is our reference point? Which side is correct?
If a game has a distinct theme to it, then it's very easy to know what fits in it and what doesn't. If a game is based around a city where gangs gunfight non-stop, it would be wise for the developers in that game to not add magic spells, because something like that would be extremely goofy, ruin the theme of the game and even distance players away. What if Portal 2 had NFL Announcers that have fork guns? That would be pretty awkward, right?
So what if a game doesn't have any theme to it, does that make it immune to "unfitting" things? The answer: Not really, at least not always. Even without realism or any concrete theme, suggestions for Minecraft can still be very stupid. It can be argued that Minecraft has created its own theme. If someone said to you "Think of a Minecraft theme!" You'd be thinking about punching trees, Creepers, blocks and diamond ore. The game has been out for so long and has been so popular that it has that kind of foundation.
We need to read between the lines and understand what a game is about. Then and only then will we understand what ideas would actually fit in. People often cling to what's already in the game to defend their bad suggestions. For example, going "Well the game has random green things with no arms so I don't see the problem with ." And those arguments usually fail.
Yes, there are some weird things in Minecraft, but strange things like Ghasts and Creepers are still given proper cause-and-effect development. Sure, the Creepers explode on players for reasons unknown, but it doesn't start dancing while summoning frogs with its face. Even in games with no theme, you can still suggest things for it that are so senseless and over the top that they'd subtract any sensible experience for the player.
If you were playing Minecraft, and saw a red caromo emerge from the ocean and started talking to you in Mel Gibson's voice while spawning chickens, how would you feel?
A.) Possibly depressed and perturbed that something so senselessly "out there" touched the game.
B.) Eh, doesn't matter! Nothing doesn't fit or unfit in this game! I'm cool with that car thing.
// Taking Criticism (top)
// Because we want revenge after seeing "No Support!"
As the top of the thread states. If we can't handle negativity, we should just keep our mouse cursors away from that "new thread" button.
Some suggesters are hypersensitive and freak out just because people disagree with them, and because they thought their suggestions was "sooo goooood!!" that they convince themselves that the critics are "wrong".
If your suggestion is proven to be bad and it can't be fixed. Then just drop it. Otherwise you're just going to bring more negative attention to a bad idea and only hurt yourself in the end.
Negative Criticism is NOT trolling...
This has to be one of the most common mistakes to ever exist on the internet. My god. Some people can't mentally except that disliking a suggestion isn't the same as "being a hater". Know what trolling is, and lock it into your head before you mix that up with negative reception.
This whole forum didn't band together and decide to troll you and hate every idea you make. Let me tell you, if you pull the troll-calling card after every "no support" had lengthy explained reasoning, you will look painfully stupid.
The Role of the Critic
This is what the FTC guide tells you already, but I feel I should mention here as well as both critics and suggesters should know.
It is NOT the critic's job to fix or better your idea!
Your suggestion belongs to you. Nobody else. It is not anyone else's job to clean your dirty room which is your suggestion. A critic's job is to read your hopefully well-explained idea, points out the goods and bads in a very readable manner and be on his way, or maybe he might stick around.
A critic does not need to suggest improvements to your idea. A critic does that because they truly might think your idea would be bettered if some changes were made. If a critic doesn't do this, oh well. Again, s/he doesn't have to. Some critics don't see positives in an idea, it happens.
However, if someone spams in your thread and is being deafeningly nonconstructive, don't feed into them. Just report them and let them drown in a sea of warning ratings and bans. "Idea kinda blows, maybe delete thread and lock your account?" deserves to be reported.
"I'm gonna report you! >=["
Reporting someone does not summon a magical thread cleaning fairy that makes the posts you don't like go away. As mentioned earlier in the thread, you can report your own posts to move, lock or delete them. You can also report other posts only if they break rules by spamming or trolling in nonconstructive ways. Do not report someone just because they disagree with your suggestion.
You are not allowed to tell a person they're being reported. That is against the forum rules, and only leads to nasty revenge scheming.
Responding to Critics
If a critic shreds our idea with perfect reasoning, responding "you suck" puts them in the victory chair, not you. Unless you're a mod, you have no control over who posts in your thread. So telling them to "GET OUT!" will just make you look like a baby.
If we lash out at honest critics without defending ourselves, we lose. If someone explains why your "mega mega ultra double tnt" is overpowered, and you respond with just "it's not overpowered", then the critic is the one who's taking your championship belt.
We can't just post our suggestion, we need to learn to defend it to. And with that, sometimes revising. And note that defending doesn't mean just fighting for the last word. If we lash out and directly insult people simply telling us why that suggestion about shovels made from creeper heads isn't very smart, it makes the suggester look bad, not the critic. If two kids are arguing but one of them is trying to act like a chicken while making the weird sounds, which of the two kids looks the dumbest? Don't lash out and be the chicken kid.
Selective Arguing & Post Skipping
Yes, we know. We can see when you're only responding to people who support you with "thx for the support d000000000000000d!!" while ignoring those long, detailed posts that are criticism. Basically, you're only responding to what you want to read.
No. Don't be the guy with Selective Reading Syndrome (SRS). The critics making the long posts explaining why they don't like your idea are usually doing you a favor by taking time out of their day to help you better your idea, so return the favor with some of your time and hear them out completely.
You don't need to respond to every single post in a thread, but the last thing you want to do is skip over good points and important questions. Just because you don't agree with posts, doesn't make them "bad posts" you should ignore.
Baggage Carrying
There's always a user or many users on a forum we don't like. Calling them out and putting them on a spot like you're ready to fight them is just the recipe for a flame-derailing flame war. Stuff like "Don't post here if you're Theriasis!" is just you punching yourself in the mouth.
Just because someone didn't support your last suggestion doesn't give you much right to shout insults about them in every thread you post in.
"Guys calm down, it's just a suggestion!"
Yeah, that's funny, a lot of people who say this are overconfident posters who talk about their own ideas as if they're the Second Coming, yet as soon as they see that people are not supporting, it turns into "omgggggg you guys chill out this is just text on a forum! nothing more!"
First off, thanks we already figured out your idea - is in fact - text on a forum and just an idea. Whew, thanks for clearing that up! Second, saying that stuff doesn't change anything. Sure, it's just an idea, but it's still bad if it's bad. You also don't need to tell us to "calm downnne!!" when we were calm to begin with. "No support" doesn't always translate to "AUUUGH WORST IDEA!!" like a lot of people think it does.
"You guys are nitpicking!"
"You guys keep focusing on this one part of the suggestion! There's more to it than that!"
Well yeah, if your common mob does 9 hearts of damage. Chances are, people are gonna not support because of that and keep mentioning it. People usually say this because they're just frustrated that the critics are successfully pointing out a flaw. I will admit that when a bunch of critics come in and repeat the same thing, that gets pretty old, but still. If a sore-thumb flaw is found in the suggestion, fix it or get rid of it, because keeping it around won't get you those sweet supports you've been craving.
"This forum is terrible! I'm leaving forever!"
Yup, that's some good logic right there. When a lot of people disagree with you, it's somehow the forum's fault for not blindly liking your idea? Telling us how "terrible we are!" won't do anything to us, and the same goes for you leaving the forums. It's taking a lot of extra energy to not post the names of users that have done that.
If you truly want to leave the forums, then leave. You telling us won't change anything, and you won't guilt us with "you guys made a user stop posting, I hope you're happy!" when the fault is on your end.
"Your post was rude so I skipped it!"
So you read the first 10 words of someone's post to actually figure out it was rude, then just gave up reading it because "it was meen". Not every post is gonna be covered with nice sprinkles for you, and it's best to get in the habit of reading what's there, instead of playing "post favorites".
People shouldn't insult you for your suggestion, but some people are gonna be direct and point out something stupid if something stupid is there. That's the point of this forum. You made a thread for people to post in, but you don't get to choose what they type. When you end a post with "What do you think? Criticism is welcome!", you will get just that.
"You're not Mojang, so you can't make that call!"
Here you are saying how much your suggestion would fit the game and how it would revolutionize the world as we know it, but then you turn the other cheek on someone who doesn't support by saying "You're not the one developing the game, so that's not up you!!!" then you go back to talking about your idea that "needs to be in the next update" as if you know the game's development better than Mojang.
We don't need to part of Mojang to know if something is stupid. It's easy to know that the game is not getting a McDonald's franchise in the next update along with a "Big Mac Creeper". Or new mobs that resemble every character from The Wire. Use your itty bitty brains and read between the lines.
// Generally Disliked Suggestions (top)
// Some of these ideas can be done well. Keyword: Some
That section has been reserved on another post. Click here to go there.
// The Overachiever's Guide (top)
// Made by Cerroz. The stuff in this guide in encouraged, but NOT required.
This purpose of the rest of the guide is to not make a bad suggestion, often telling you how to go from "bad" to "good". The overachiever's guide tells you how to go from "good" to "much, much better". This is only one of two sub-guides not written by Theriasis (the other being 0_Zippy for making the balance guide), meaning this guide will be much more positive.
Ever play a video game that involves getting more than 100% completion? Or being able to earn better than a gold medal, which is usually a platinum one? This guide will try to help you get that. If you only care to make just decent, okay suggestions with "eh" amounts of work, this guide is not for you. Who is it for? The people who want their ideas to shine so hard that we can't look directly at it too fast, the kind that most likely make the suggestions hall of fame and get showered with "I support!" for many pages.
Note: Following the guide to a 'T' may also involve you having to learn program-using skills you haven't nailed down quite yet.
Apart from the suggestion being good, proper readability and formatting is one of the most desired things for the reader of a suggestion. If the format of a suggestion is too sloppy, it brings the integrity of the suggestion down. Format a suggestion like you want that A+ grade.
You can't really have a post without text, so you might as well arrange that text as beautifully as humanly possible. This includes good spelling, proper grammar and proper punctuation placement. If you have a long suggestion that has many stats, attributes and features, then it may be best to split that up into some nice sections with pretty headers.
The rest of the suggestions guide mentions how you need proper formatting, but this sub-guide will give much more ideas and insight to that. Make sure your suggestion is split up into nice sized paragraphs - not too long, not too short. Also, even though this part isn't as necessary, but if you can, make sure your paragraphs encompass points properly, rather than having single points splashed around multiple paragraphs, but that really depends on how you present it so that part isn't painfully important. That's a mixed bag.
If a paragraph is too short, it might not even be a paragraph at all and you probably can attach more to it. If it's too long, you could slowly bore reader's until the next paragraph hits. Paragraphs that are too long can overwhelm and "tire" the reader, as if you're telling a super long joke that should have reached a punchline 2 minutes ago, you don't want that. In other words, long paragraphs can come off as rambling. Even this very paragraph is probably boring you now. Sorry guys, do you forgive me?
Lastly, let's talk about headers. Headers are the most awesome way to split up and organize a suggestion. Make those headers nice and big, and if you want, a nice fitting easy-to-read color. For bonus points, maybe make an image of header text like I've been doing. Maybe slap another smaller image to match what the header reads for more bonus points, just don't overdo it and clutter it.
Note: To refine your post better, you may need to do some post editing in [BB] mode.
I'll give a brief here's-good-and-here's-bad example.
Spoiler (click to show)
I personally think the best suggestions absolutely need some good images. There is no collection of words I can think of to express the fact that good suggestions should have this. Yes, it does give something pretty to look at and gives us more than just text, text and more text. But it also helps us readers dive into the mind of the suggester and makes us see what they want us to see. We see the suggester's vision. Ever have a good idea but couldn't express it good enough because others just need to see it?
If you want to show the readers how creative you are, you probably need to obtain some moderate to extreme image editing skills. In some lucky cases, you can find an image without needing to do so, but you making stuff yourself showcases how serious and skilled you are at giving ideas. Another thing people should know, is that even though an image brings home a point, it still might take some editing to make it look better. An example is images that have backgrounds... Let me just show you...
Are both images good? Sure. But chances are, you find the right one better as the background is transparent. The right one just comes off as being blockier while the right looks more defined and sleeker. Sometimes we need to apply that creative elbow grease to make an image shine a little more.
There's a special case for mob suggestions. If you want to make a model of the mob, you have two choices: the first one requires extremely critical and advanced 3D modeling with programs such as Maya or 3DS Max and very, very careful texturing work. Or... the second choice, which requires almost no 3D modeling skill at all and involves a program made specifically for Minecraft in mind called Tabula! See? Uncle Cerroz helps you out.
In the case of sprites, it's pretty easy. Just make a pixelish 16x16 image, and resize it. In most image editing programs, there are options such as "Bicubic" and "Bilinear" resizing, but "Pixel Resize" or "Nearest Neighbor" ensures the image will be nice, sharp/pixelly with no blur. Just make sure to resize it in dimensions divisible by 16.
Sadly, this guide covers just suggestions and won't provide a tutorial on how to use these programs. Some quick Google or Youtube searches will get you on the right track. Don't worry, Techne doesn't take long to understand. It's a pretty simplistic program. Another note, make sure your images are relevant. If your mob is based on a Chinese insect, you only need to post a picture of the insect, not a picture of China.
If you want an idea to make the suggestions hall of fame, good images are absolutely required!!
Image Formats (Added 9/28/15)
Anyone who has been using the internet for a week probably know of all image formats. The most sought after and prominent format is PNG, because it a.) has a very small filesize and b.) can support any type of transparency (being 'index' and 'alpha'). JPEG is also fine, assuming the image is not too compressed and transparency is not needed.
A GIF file can work if you make an animated image, but take note that those kind of files have very exclusive amounts of colors and there's no working around that. GIF images are 8-bit only and can only support this amount of colors: 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127 and 255. A GIF can make an image very grainy and loss-of-colors, so optimize it wisely. GIF files can only support 'index' transparency, so you can't have an opaque slowly blend into transparency (which is 'alpha' transparency). It's only 100% transparency and 100% opaque. No in-betweens.
"But Cerroz, is it possible to have both alpha transparency and animation?" Yes there is. There is a very unique image format known an APNG, but making these kind of files can be very tedious and tricky, and may require many tries before you get them just right. Also, APNG files are not supported by all browsers, so some users only see the first frame, and not a full animation. Sadly, you can't have everything.
There are too many good programs out there to name them all. The most obvious one is Adobe Photoshop. For GIF's, I use Jasc Animation Shop, which is not one of the better programs, but it's one of the easiest to use. Note that Photoshop can make GIF's too, but it might take a smidge longer for you. For APNG files, APNG Assembler is a solid choice.
When you're being an overachiever and stretching your arms out because you're trying to feel the cold medal of that platinum medal just out of reach, you can't just have a good idea, you gotta have the pizzazz to present it beautifully as well.
Talk about eating your cake and presenting it too right? And... maybe still eating it. It's cool you gave us the awesome idea, but can you explain it so cleverly and smoothly that you can hook us more and more, making the idea triply more irresistible?
If you happen to be a clever writer, or just a clever speaker, chances are you're gonna nail this part of the suggestion. There's a difference between "Here's an idea you'll all like." and "Alright, I'm gonna need everyone to sit down. If I'm gonna be serving this good idea cake to all of you, you can't crowd around me. Look at the cake though! It's got a picture of a unicycle lizard on it!" If you truly believe you're funny, you can use that humor as well.
Language Barrier
I think it's safe to say that you already know this forum is English based. If English is not your primary language and you are struggling with it, my advice is this: hang in there. It's understandable you won't master a language just so you can make a good suggestion, but I advise giving a rough draft of your suggestion to an English-speaking person.
In some cases, you can make a good suggestion even if your English isn't fully developed, as sometimes we can still understand what the suggester wants. Still, it's good to give that rough draft to an English speaker.
As the very top of Theriasis' guide states, if we can't handle negativity, we shouldn't make a thread at all. Though you soon-to-be-overachievers know this already. Don't be afraid of negative reception. Grab it! Use it! That feedback is your ultimate ticked to make a gold suggestion into a diamond.
I can promise you that the most famous suggestions did not start out as refined as they are now, and if they did, they probably have a lot to improve anyway. I personally get a bit worried if I get no negative responses sprinkled in here and there, because I don't get to see what to fix in my idea.
If you get too much factual negative responses and the core of your suggestion has been proven to be a bad idea, it may be best to move on to a different idea. As not all ideas can be repaired.
If someone makes a very long post stating negatives on your idea and you want to prove them wrong, then respond to all of the points. If you just "respond to what you want" and skip over many negative points, that can showcase laziness and that you're trying to avoid negativity. That is not the kind of attention you want. If you can't refute a factual point, then openly admit that the critic is correct, and if possible, try to fix what said critic brought up.
This is the most unique section of this sub-guide, as this is this without a doubt the most rare thing ever seen in a suggestion. Some suggesters have uploaded videos helping explain an idea, but maybe once or twice has one gone through the effort of making one, uploading it and presenting it.
Provided your idea is actually good, making a good video will put your chances of a hall of fame place at roughly 95%. As expected, providing such a thing will require some serious effort. The video editing software I use is Sony Vegas, but if you have basic knowledge of video editing, almost any software will do. Even something basic like Windows Movie Maker can work.
I made a short video for my Ancient Zombie suggestion, and it wasn't anything spectacular, but it was still awesome to see in a suggestion. Here it is:
If you can manage to animate your mob and put that in a video or .gif image, then you are in. Like. Flint.
tl:dr - Use your brain and don't embarrass yourself.
GerbilCrab475 posted a message on Adding the missing potions. 1000 supporters and counting!Posted in: SuggestionsRight now there are 13 different potions that can be obtained in Minecraft survival mode, but there are actually a total of 27 potion effects in the game. Although some of these can be obtained in other ways it would be nice to see them as obtainable potions. Adding in these potions wouldn't just simply expand upon potions but other parts of the game as well. That's one of the reasons why potions are so great. New methods of obtaining potion ingredients helps expand other aspects of the game. Exploration, hunting, farming, fishing, trading, anything you can think of really.
Rather than suggesting specific ways to obtain a potion's ingredients like how the suggestion previously did. I'm going to name a few potential options for each effect as what specifically makes it is up to Mojang in the end. Here we go.
Haste: This effect increases mining and attack speed. It is currently only obtained through beacons which isn't all to useful. Due to its effects it would make the most sense if the ingredient was obtained from mining in some way. Probably by combining an existing underground material with a food item.
Mining Fatigue (Dullness): This is the opposite of the haste effect so it would make the most sense if it was obtained by using a fermented spider eye on a haste potion.
Nausea: This effect causes the screen to wobble. It is currently only obtained by eating pufferfish. An idea I had would be if the ingredient was sold by a new priest villager (Alchemist?). Due to the strength of the potion this ingredient would be very expensive.
Resistance: This effect increases defense. It is currently only obtained through super golden apples and beacons. Since it raises defense, perhaps a new ore could be made specifically for this ingredient. It would be rare since resistance is very strong.
Blindness: This lowers a player's view distance. It can currently only be obtained through commands. Be cause of it's strength against players, it would simply be obtained through corrupting a nausea potion (another potion that is strong against players).
Hunger: This effect causes the player's hunger to go down faster. It is obtained by eating various rotten/poison foods and by getting hit by husks. Since husks give the effect I thought it would make sense if the ingredient would have a chance to be dropped by them.
Wither: It's like poison but it can kill. Because of this it would not have an ingredient but could be found in the chests found within Nether Forts.
Health Boost: Increases max health. Currently only obtainable with commands. It could be dropped by a new monster in either the Nether or overworld.
Absorption: Instantly gives temporary hit points. Only gained through golden apples and totems of undying. To get the potion one could corrupt a health boost potion.
Saturation: Slightly fills the hunger bar by one point. Only obtained through commands. Perhaps the ingredient could be a rare drop from pig.
Glowing: Highlights mobs. Given to mobs/players that are hit by spectral arrows. Perhaps the ingredient could be dropped by witches.
Levitation: Causes mobs to slowly rise over time. Only given to mobs hit by the shulker's spark projectile. Considering the fact that shulkers now have a drop perhaps it could be involved in the making of levitation potions.
Luck: Increases chances to fish up treasure. It's currently available in the creative inventory. The only right ingredient for this would by four leaf clovers.
Bad Luck: Deacreases chance to fish up treasure. Only obtained through commands. Corrupting a luck potion with a fermented spider eye sounds like a good method of obtaining this potion.
If you support this idea, add this banner to your signature. Spread the word. The missing potions must be added! To add it, just copy the code below and paste it in your signature.
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1578258-adding-the-missing-potions/"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/T4uTnjE.png" alt=""></a>
Calacbolg posted a message on Cubic Chunks: Reduced lag, infinite height, and more [The #1 Suggestion Thread of all time!][Updated! 6/14]Posted in: SuggestionsThis system will not increase lag! The entire point of this system is to avoid the lag caused by higher height limits.
Table of Contents:
Changes in how things work
Data storageFrequently Asked Questions
Changes to world features
Coping with sunlight
Changes to servers
Render/Load distance alterations
[WIP] The Cubic Chunks Mod!
Supporting this suggestion
Special thanks
[spoiler=Tl:dr]Q: Won't this increase lag?
A: Absolutely not. The title of this suggestion and big red letters at the top of this post aren't lying. If you want to know how, then I suggest you actually read this post.
Q: Will this change terrain? Will this break existing worlds?
A: No. Terrain change is not necessary. Existing worlds can be converted fairly easily with a process described later in this post.
Q: How can sunlight or rain work with infinite vertical space?
A: I suggest you read Coping with sunlight, because it's too complex for a tl;dr.
Q: I have a different question but still don't feel like reading this post. What do I do?
A: Too bad, read the FAQ. I put way too much work into this for the entirety of it to be ignored.[/spoiler]
In Minecraft, the sky is the limit - literally. It doesn't matter how many thousands of blocks a player has traveled, or what dimension they're in, or even if they're playing in creative or survival, the highest they can ever build is up to a height of 256. Why is that? If Minecraft can have a world that's infinite in the north, in the south, in the east, and in the west, why can't that world be infinite up and down too?
In Minecraft's earliest days, in Classic and Indev, the world was not infinite in any direction. This was because the entire world needed to be generated at the same time, and the entire world needed to be simulated at the same time as well. This led to a conundrum - the bigger the world, the more it lagged.
Notch didn't like this. He knew his players liked to explore and build large creations, so he found a way to make the world truly infinite. When the Minecraft '' class='bbc'>Infdev came out, it brought with it truly infinite worlds. Suddenly, players could travel hundreds of thousands of blocks in any direction, and never encounter a barrier, or become too laggy.
The Infdev update brought about a very large change to Minecraft worlds to accomplish this feat. For the first time, instead every world being just a single huge piece, they were broken up into a two-dimensional grid of pieces, called chunks. Through breaking the world up into pieces, this 'chunk system' enabled infinite worlds by letting Minecraft create new pieces and simulate them only when it needs to.
Why does that not apply to the vertical axis? Because the type of 'chunk system' Minecraft uses right now is a linear one, which, by using only a two-dimensional grid to map out chunks, means that it is impossible for chunks to stack on top of one another, and by extension, meaning that a single chunk must cover the entire vertical space. This brings back the problem that the Infdev update was supposed to eradicate, now only with chunks, instead of an entire world; the bigger a chunk is, the more laggy it is. You can't just increase the height limit and make chunks taller, because it will become laggier, and laggier, and laggier to do it.
That's why, to fix this, Minecraft must change over to a cubic chunk system. Under this system, 163 block chunks are aligned on a three-dimensional grid, completely eliminating maximum height as an aspect of lag.
The immediate benefits:
•Minecraft worlds become as virtually infinite vertically as they are horizontally: The absolute limit being Y = ±30,000,000.
•A large FPS increase: Alpha testers report an FPS increase of 100~200%.
•Increase in running capability: Computers running Minecraft on Tiny render distance will handle only 30% the blocks they do now.
The possible features:
•Spherical render/load distance: Reduce handled blocks by up to 30% by cutting corners made of unneeded chunks.
•Server chunk occlusion/exclusion: Reduce bandwidth usage and defeat hackers by only sending data for visible chunks.
•Three-dimensional biomes: Save biome data per chunk rather than per block column, create volcanoes with magma chambers, underground rivers, tropical skylands floating over icy taigas, and more.
The disadvantages:
•Unloaded gravity-pause: Falling non-player entities and fluids will be forced to pause their fall if they reach unloaded chunks, but will resume falling when those chunks are loaded.
•Slow falling-pause: Players with slower computers and smaller render distances will have falling occasionally paused as they fall into unloaded chunks, until new chunks can be loaded.
The problems:
•Current sunlight and rain calculation methods cannot work with infinite vertical space: The solution to this is described here.
•Current BiomeDecorator cannot work with multiple vertical chunks simultaneously: The BiomeDecorator code must be altered to function correctly with this, or removed.
•Current cave generation method is executed an extra time for each vertical chunk created simultaneously, leading to lag spikes on world generation: Cave generation's method must be altered to suit this system more.
•Current grass/dirt generation algorithm forces additional chunk requests when chunks are loaded, causing chunks to load slower than they should: This algorithm must be replaced with something else.
Changes in how things work:
Obviously, the implementation of this new chunk system will change quite a few things. These changes are mostly either necessary or in the interest of increased efficiency. Such changes are categorized and explained below.
How worlds will be stored:
[spoiler]How the current storage works, and what changes:
Interestingly enough, the current method of storage, the Anvil format, is derived from the storage method that the original Cubic Chunks mod used. The Anvil format stores individual chunk as a series of 163 quasi-cubic chunks. These 'fake' cubic chunks allow for easier reference of specific data, but they still can't be separated from each other, meaning that it fails to reap the full benefits of this system. Even so, the change allowed Mojang to double the maximum height with no performance hit. Chunks are stored in groups of 322, inside 'MCRegion' files, for a total of 1024 chunks.
By nature, cubic chunks does away with the 'quasi-cubic' nonsense. In terms of chunk grouping, instead of using groups of 323 chunks, new "3DRegion" files would contain groups of 163. This means each 3DRegion file contains 4096 chunks, four times as many as MCRegion files. However, each 3DRegion contains only one fourth the amount of blocks. For per-chunk positional metadata, 3DRegion files would use the same number of bits as MCRegion files, after compression. Calculations show that the same area encompassed by a single MCRegion file would consume 64 kilobytes of extra space with 4 3DRegion files, which is nothing.
Converting existing worlds:
Most people are probably wondering something like "But won't this totally destroy all existing worlds?". Absolutely not; conversion could not be simpler. When a non-cubic world is loaded after the implementation of this system, a conversion process will begin and convert the entire world at once(To avoid making chunk loading take longer during play). First, all existing MCRegion files will be divided into quarters to create 3DRegion files. Then, all existing chunks are divided into sixteenths using the quasi-cubic properties to identify boundaries. After that, conversion is done.
The "isEmpty" flag optimization:
A 1-bit flag is added to each chunk, named "isEmpty". If the chunk consists of 100% air blocks, this bit is 1, any other case makes it 0. When the bit is 1, all data for the chunk besides the isEmpty flag is deleted and ignored, which reduces filesize. Empty chunks are never loaded, and locations where they occur are merely simulated as entities reside in them. The chunk will only load when something requires saving inside it.[/spoiler]
Changes to terrain, ores, etcetera:
By default, nothing will change. Small bits of terrain generation code need to be reconfigured to work properly with Cubic Chunks.
By default, nothing will change.
Ore generation:
By default, nothing will change.
By default, nothing will change.
The Void:
After conversion to Cubic Chunks, the void and bedrock layer will still exist and generate as they always have. However, the void(Not the bedrock layer!) will not exist as a hard limit and is able to be moved, but not removed, by editing an associated NBT data tag inside a world's level.dat. This feature, that allows for increasing the maximum depth, is intentionally disabled without external programs, to prevent terrain change of any sort. It is intended to be used by experienced mapmakers and world generation mods only.
Superflat settings:
Existing superflat worlds will not change. However, new superflat worlds will gain a new decoration parameter, 'void'. Inclusion of this parameter will cause the void to form below the lowest defined layer. Exclusion of it will cause all layers below the lowest defined layer to copy the settings of that layer.[/spoiler]
Coping with sunlight:
[spoiler]There used to be a solution here, but it wasn't deemed good enough by Jeb. Suggest solutions in this thread.[/spoiler]
Changes to servers:
There's a setting inside the Server.properties file called 'max-build-height'. The setting makes it impossible for any player to place or remove blocks above that height.
With the implementation of Cubic Chunks, a new setting named "maximum-generation-depth" would be added. The void, bedrock layers, and magma layers will generate normally at and above the Y level designated by the value of this setting.
Chunk occlusion/exclusion:
Using the raytracing methods already available in the code and used for explosion calculations, servers can identify which chunks are visible to a player, within safe assumptions, and only send the data for those chunks. This both reduces bandwidth usage, and cripples the usefulness of X-Ray cheats.[/spoiler]
Render/Load distance alterations:
[spoiler]After the implementation of Cubic Chunks, view distances' radii will apply to the vertical axis too. This reduces handled blocks in the cases of tiny and short render distances, and increases them in the cases of normal and far render distances. This can be optimized by utilizing a spherical render distance instead of a cubic one, which would reduce handled blocks in all distances except Far.[/spoiler]
Frequently Asked Questions:
[spoiler=FAQ]Q: This is impossible.
A: No it's not. See below.
Q: Is this available as a mod?
A: Not yet! But it will be!
Q: I like X-ray! What if I don't want it to be broken?
A: First of all, breaking X-ray hacks will only be possible to do in multiplayer. That said, the system that would break X-ray would be possible to disable by the server owner. If the owner doesn't disable the system, then they don't want you using X-ray, and you should not be doing what the server owner doesn't want in the first place.
Q: I play on a PvP/Anarchy/Raid/Faction server. Won't this system let people pillar up into the sky and create a base thousands of blocks in the air and never be found?
A: No.
Q: I like Minecraft's current height limits. What if I don't want to have an infinite sky or infinite underground?
A: If this system is added, all worlds will not automatically gain an infinite underground. As stated below, the Void will remain in all worlds, even after the conversion to Cubic Chunks. The ability to remove the Void will simply be there. As for infinite space in the sky, the current build limit is over one hundred blocks above any terrain that vanilla Minecraft can possibly generate. It is ENTIRELY your decision on whether or not you take advantage of this height. If you play on a server, like stated above, the server owner can set a maximum build height. If s/he doesn't, then don't play on their server - you don't play on servers where the server owners allow things you don't like. Why would you play on an anarchy server if you hate being stolen from and killed?
Q: Will this affect Redstone at all?
A: No. This system will simply make it possible to make larger redstone circuitry than before.
Q: Won't this break existing worlds?
A: No. Existing worlds can be easily converted by dividing each MCRegion file into 4 pieces, then slicing the existing 256 block-high chunks inside them into 16 individual chunks.
Q: Won't this affect mods? Won't mod authors have a hard time updating their mods?
A: The answer to this question depends solely on the answer to the following two questions: Do parts of the modification code rely on chunk data/metadata? Does the mod author want to take advantage of the features of the new chunk system? If the answers to the first and second question are both "No", then updating a mod to this system should be very easy and quick. If the answer to the first question is "Yes", then those parts of the code will need to be rewritten somewhat, but in most cases, the changes should be fairly quick and easy. The only time that it should be hard to update a mod to this system, is if the answer to the second question is "Yes".
Q: Won't this require a total rewrite of the mod API if that's released first?
A: No. Whether or not even a small part of the mod API needs to be rewritten depends on the way that it is implemented and whether or not there are API inclusions for chunk handling and other chunk-related behavior.
Q: Could a player fall into unloaded chunks if chunks aren't loaded fast enough?
A: No, they could not, and for several reasons. Minecraft has a terminal velocity, though it might not seem like it. This velocity is slower than it should take to load new chunks below the player. In cases with exceptionally slow computers, even if the player did manage to reach an unloaded chunk, their fall would be paused until that chunk can be loaded.
Q: What would happen when water, sand, or a mob falls into an unloaded chunk?
A: Nothing. The water/sand/mob would freeze in place until the chunk is loaded and it can continue moving. You can already see this same thing happening on the horizontal axis.
Q: What will happen to the Void?
A: It will still exist, along with all its effects. The only difference is that the Void is no longer a hard limit and it can be moved. After the conversion to Cubic Chunks, the Void's location will be stored in a world's ' class='bbc'>level.dat, and this location can be changed with NBT editing tools. When and where the Void exists, chunks will cease to generate.
Q: Will this affect terrain?
A: No. However, terrain generators will gain the ability to use infinite height.
Q: Will this affect ore generation?
A: No. Ore is a part of terrain generation. As stated above, terrain will not be changed.
Q: Won't all current terrain generators be incompatible with this system and need to be rewritten?
A: No. Terrain generators work independently of chunks. When a chunk is generated for the first time, it calls the terrain generator and receives a specific section of the resultant terrain to save inside itself. Because of this, some custom terrain generators can generate steep terrain all the way to Y256, where you can experience a large, flat cut-off. Since there are no chunks above Y256 to call the terrain generator for terrain, no terrain exists there.
Q: What would happen if there's a huge solid ceiling so far above you that it is unloaded? Wouldn't you just see the sky, just with everything being completely dark?
A: Yes. This already happens on the horizontal axis, and it is an issue with sky rendering, not this chunk system. As such, this has nothing to do with this suggestion. Please do not post about this.
Q: If you go deep underground, will your plants grow/ores smelt/animals grow?
A: No, because those chunks would be unloaded, just as if you had walked far away. This is a flaw with any chunk system, regardless of shape. It is a necessary evil that allows Minecraft to have infinite worlds. The only way to fix this would be to introduce a separate new system that works with chunks as they are loaded and unloaded. This suggestion deals with the chunk system itself, and not sister processes. Because of that, that is outside of the scope of this suggestion. Please do not post about this.[/spoiler]
[WIP] The Cubic Chunks Mod! (Tall Worlds Mod):
Cuchaz has taken it upon himself to bring us the glorious Cubic Chunks, since Mojang refuses to do so.
Cuchaz is using a API of his own creation to help assist in the making of this mod, and he's quite far along, as seen in these two tech demo videos:
[spoiler=T-Demo 1: Vertical chunk loading][/spoiler]
[spoiler=T-Demo 2: Broken height cap and no lag!][/spoiler]
With the basic functionality in place - a complete overhaul of the basic chunk system, and height limit removed - this whole concept can already be considered proven. What remains is making sure everything else functions correctly under the new chunk system. In any case, stay tuned for future updates if it interests you(If it doesn't, then you are the weakest link - goodbye!).
You can follow the mod's development in much more depth in its very own topic!
[spoiler=A mountainside with an experimental engine using Cubic Chunks designed by Nocte. 960 block view radius, and 30 FPS.][/spoiler]
[spoiler=A different view of the mountainside with the same engine by Nocte. This time, with 1600 block view radius and 15 FPS.][/spoiler]
[spoiler="A video demonstrating Nocte's engine."]
Support & Submission to Mojang:
If you support this, hit the rep button in the bottom-left corner of this post. It is the only good way of accurately measuring support here.
If you wish, you can put the following banner, courtesy of laz2727, into your signature. It helps to attract support from all parts of the forum!
Please help us get word out of this suggestion! Share this with your friends, with Minecraft celebrities if you're familiar with them, or even with Mojangsters like Jeb or Dinnerbone! (Do not share this with Notch. Notch doesn't work with Minecraft anymore.)
The purpose of this suggestion is to have Cubic Chunks implemented in Vanilla. Being available as a modification does not fulfill that purpose. The modification featured in this suggestion is to act as a proof-of-concept only(Note: Its being featured here is to act as a proof-of-concept. The modification itself is on its way to becoming a fully fledged modification).
Special thanks:
Cuchaz, for taking Barteks' proof and running with it, to give us a truly functional Cubic Chunks mod.
Barteks2x, for updating the Cubic Chunks mod to 1.6.2, proving that it is possible.
Azraile, for posting the original suggestion and allowing me to take ownership of it.
Nocte, for helping resolve flaws and designing Hexahedra.
MineCrak, for a large amount of valuable insight and enthusiasm into the topic of Cubic Chunks.
aaronfranke, for helping resolve flaws.
PanJouda, for creating the original banner.
Flexico, for creating the predecessor to the current banner.
laz2727, for creating the current banner.
Robinton, for creating the original Cubic Chunks mod.
The_Watchman13, for answering all those stupid questions so I don't have to.
Note: Many calculations and information can be found among the many posts of this topic. There are too many for me to cite here, but if you wish, you can search for them yourself.
kittykattykat posted a message on Deeper caves: caves going more than 2 kilometers underground! Less lag! [400+ Supporters]Posted in: SuggestionsTell me what you think of each level in the poll above, and how good you
think this idea is overall. If you support, click the green arrow in the
bottom left corner of this post. Thank you!
First, I have been lately noticing people posting their own ideas for my suggestion. There are some pretty cool ones, and I like them a lot! But please, don't let me steal your ideas! Start your own thread instead. I will certainly check them out! This idea is big enough already. : )
Second of all, I want to say that this would be optional, you could have the "old" world type and the "extended" world type. It might also be interesting to see the player select the levels they want in world settings, because this is a mouthful.
Third, I made this suggestion without ever knowing or seeing the "cubic chunks" suggestion. This increases world height too, but also increases world variety.
Fourth, people here don't seem to know how to read. Right below this, there's an explanation HOW THIS DOES NOT LAG. No matter how much I tell people this, they don't even listen. READ THE ENTIRE POST.
Finally, I know that this idea might not be realistic. On the other hand, I do want people to support the idea and continue to polish a mod of this. One fun thing to see would be an adventure map. Because of this, I want to put this idea on the mod suggestions page. But, if for some reason this could be added, I'll keep it here.
What about the lag?
Now I know what you might be thinking. Chunks are loaded in the x and z direction, and are actually 256 blocks high. This would cause major lag, wouldn't it? My proposal is to have each layer load separately, with portals between each layer, meaning occasional portals on the ceiling and floor. The largest layer is in fact only around 256 blocks, and the other layers won't be loaded at the time. This might even cause high performance on small layers that only have around 75 blocks. These portals would be a 3x3 area going straight down, and would about every 10 or so chunks.
A portal to the next layer:
Picture credit: DrWeegee123
Here's my idea:
You might know what this is. It's the normal surface, duh. No changes there.
Hardware level:
This is also a level you should be familiar with. The caves haven't really started yet, but there should be plenty of iron and coal lying around.
Mob level:
This is usually around level 20 or 30. This is before some of the rare ores start appearing, and there are monsters swarming the place.
Rare Ore level:
This is the last level you're familiar with. This is around where you get all the diamonds, lapis, redstone, emeralds, gold, etc. At this point, you have to jump through a portal to the next level.
Drop level:
This is where things get interesting. There are giant drop offs that go down hundreds of blocks. Lava would be flowing down the side of these, and ores from the rare ore level may be found in the rock. You would spawn on an area near the edge of the drop. The rock that makes up this drop is mostly stone. There might be huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling, also made out of stone. As the drop continues, there is less lapis and redstone, but more metals like gold, diamond and emerald. These drops continue for 200 or so blocks.
Picture credit: Valiec2019
(with night vision)
Maze level:
This level is basically a huge maze of caves. It doesn't look like a maze, but it is one, winding, dead ending, and constantly forking off. Ores like gold, diamond, and emerald continue to appear, but appear rarely. This level also contains some new materials, such as acanthite ore, which becomes silver ingot when smelted. This cannot be used for any type of tools or armor, but is very valuable for villagers in trade, and can also be smelted from its ingot form into silver dust. Silver is a very conductive material. It will work like redstone, but will travel for 25 blocks instead of 15. Silver dust can also be used in potions to make a potion of cloaking, which make you invisible to mobs, but not to other players. This dust can also be a rare drop from iron golems. This level winds down for another 200 blocks, before you arrive at a portal.
Picture credit: PD101
(This is an example of what silver might look like, but not a model of the actual level)
Crystal level:
This is the level where new crystals are found. These include sapphire, aquamarine, and ruby. They are all valuable trading items. This level continues for about 150 blocks
Sapphire is an interesting block. Besides its value in trade, it can be crafted with nine into a sapphire block, which is purely for decoration. Sapphire can also be used in enchanting. Combine a book with sapphire crystal in an anvil and you get a random enchantement (Mostly low level enchants, no OP enchants). Sapphire is also fairly rare. For every 10 redstone, there is one sapphire ore.
Despite being mostly useless, aquamarine has interesting water powers. When crafted with nine aquamarine crystals, you get an aquamarine block. This block is helpful with plants, and plants grow faster when close to it. It isn't too hard to find, about as rare as gold.
This crystal is considered to be a crystal of greed. It's a mix of shiny purple and orange. It's easy to spot in a cave. Villagers will go to ridiculous extent to obtain these in trade. When in block form, mobs of all types will be attracted to it. Cave mobs, such as skeletons, creepers, and zombies, will have glowing purple eyes while seeing this block. It can also be put on the end of pickaxes to make them mine faster than usual. These are called ametrine tipped pickaxes. To craft it, you need your pickaxe of choice with one ametrine crystal on either side. This ametrine is very rare. For every 10 diamonds, there is one ametrine crystal.
Picture credit: DrWeegee123
Compressed level:
This level is full of gaping ravines, and is the level of most value to the player. Here, the ores are of the same rarity, but look a little different. Multiple drops come from these compressed ores. Diamond, emerald, and gold ore drop 2-3 per ore. redstone drops 10, lapis drops plenty as well. This level is about 100 blocks.
Picture credit: Valiec2019
Bedrock Planes level:
The bedrock planes level is an open, flat area of bedrock with no ores. There is a low roof of bedrock about 20 blocks above you. Instead of pools of lava, there are entire lakes of a similar substance. Molten iron. If water is poured onto it, the water disappears in a puff of smoke. If you jump in, it kills you in about 2 seconds, but it can be collected with a special type of bucket. This doesn't have much use, but has incredibly long smelting time. Sometimes, you might come across a piece of bedrock that looks a little broken. It's called fragmented bedrock, and can collected with an ametrine tipped diamond pickaxe. Fragmented bedrock cannot be used in any swords or tools, but cannot be blown up or broken by the wither. There is also the fragmented bedrock bucket, which can hold molten iron. The molten iron, besides the smelting time, is a trophy representing the skilled caver. This level stretches about 100 blocks.
Near nether level:
This place seems like the normal caves, but there are traces of netherack, and you can hear the sounds of the nether nearby. You may here the sound of a blaze or screams in the distance, but wherever you mine, you will find nothing. There also may be a few quartz lying around. This level lasts for about 100 blocks.
Picture credit: Valiec2019
Lava level:
This level is made up of giant lava falls and cobblestone, lighting up the caves like a flame in the dark. This level stretches down for about 50 blocks, and looks like a giant ravine. There are still a few traces of bedrock on the walls.
Picture credit: SnailsAttack1
Near void level:
This level is a jaw dropping hole in the minecraft world, a rip in the fabric of the gaming universe. The void is not present here, but has started to “Infect” this level, and there is a weak effect of the void here, around half a heart every 10 seconds. The best and safest way to pass this level would be with a bucket of water and a golden apple. This level lasts about 100 blocks.
Deep world level:
On this level, all ores are twice as common. They are almost everywhere. But the mobs here are twice as powerful. They have more health, and more armor, but nothing else. This dangerous level lasts for around 75 blocks.
Picture credit: Valiec2019
Darkness level:
When you get to this level, everything goes eerily quiet. You can place torches, but they emit less light than usual. The caves slope down, curving into an even darker area, which keeps on descending. Night vision potions do not work in this area. There are also new blocks, like dark stone, which takes longer to collect than normal. This level goes for a whopping 250 blocks, convincing the player to turn back and give up.
Abandoned caves level:
If the player has been brave and patient enough, they will receive a reward. Light will begin to shine around the corners. They will encounter the cave villages, an incredibly large network of underground homes, all abandoned. Most chests are empty, but some may have useful loot. This place looks like it was left in a hurry. The caves continue to lower villages, which eventually continue farther underground. This level is about 100 blocks.
Mutation level:
As you continue down, you get to an area blocked off by iron bars and wood. This was obviously placed by the cave villagers, but why? This is why they left. If you jump through a portal, you will encounter giant ravines of "mutated" mobs. These mobs are more hostile than usual, and have buffed health as well as speed. Creepers will explode in a slightly larger radius. There are waterfalls of a poisonous, green substance that will kill you if you touch it. This level lasts another 100 blocks.
Void level:
You spawn where the caves continue down, and there are giant gaping holes that go into the void. The void is as black as night, and there is treasure for the most risking explorer. On the underside of this, just above the void, is plenty of compressed ore everywhere. This includes a new block, supercooled obsidian. This is almost indestructible, but doesn't have much use. There is also heated obsidian, which is easier to break than normal. Combining supercooled and heated obsidian in a crafting table gives you 2 obsidian blocks. The most mysterious thing about this level is for the closely observant only. Ever so often, there may be a trace of endstone, or the faint roar of an enderdragon below...
Picture credit: Herobrine150400
(With night vision)
Far Void level:
This is where the real void begins. Blocks can still be placed, but there is the full effect of the void on you. Legend tells of an ancient race who carved the paths below the void. There is the age-old saying that no one has deciphered. “At middle earth, light shines on”
Forgotten level:
This is the level below the void. The secret to get here is to drop from a point where x and z can both be divided by 100, and stay in the shaft of light. You will then get the building terrain screen. Below is the forgotten level. This level is pitch black, and the only mobs that spawn are the shadows. The shadows are like normal mobs, but they are completely black with glowing red eyes (Almost like they’re not there). If any of them attack you, you get the blindness effect. At day, the shadow mobs hid. Hurry through, the shadow mobs will come in giant waves of attacks at night, which will surely kill you. This level is around 230 blocks deep.
Picture credit: DrWeegee123
Evil level:
There are only two new blocks on this level. There’s fragmented cobblestone, and also there’s soul obsidian, said to contain the crying spirits of victims who had fallen into the void. It’s slightly easier to mine than normal obsidian. It has a 2 out of 3 chance dropping normal obsidian, and a 1 out of 3 chance of poisoning you for 20 seconds. This level is about 70 blocks.
Picture credit: PD101
Final labyrinth level:
This is the very last level there is. Another cave-like maze stretching over the entire bottom of the world. The walls are made of fragmented bedrock, and the floor is made of normal bedrock. There is a very rare chance you will stumble upon a material called forgotten gemstone. It currently has no use, but represents the fact you are a ridiculously hardcore miner. When broken, a portal appears. Jump through the portal, and you will be teleported back up to the mutation level. Now to get your way back to the surface…
Picture Credit: Valiec2019
This is my idea. I spent quite a while on this, so I would greatly appreciate constructive feedback on what sounds like a good idea.
Also, any pictures on what it could look like will be put in the picture gallery. If they seem good enough and you want them in there, they will be put in there. A banner for this would be amazing.
Special thanks:
Anyone who has supported so far!
Thanks for 10000 views and 150+ supporters!!!
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Picture Gallery:
Obsidian vs. supercooled obsidian:
Credit: herobrine150400
Staring at a shadow in the eyes:
Credit: Herobrine150400
Where light shines on:
Credit: herobrine150400
More pictures coming soon! -
CoolSquid posted a message on List of sites stealing Minecraft content. StopModReposts!Posted in: Mods Discussion#StopModReposts on Twitter! Want the last info? Follow @StopModReposts! We also have a website!
The list may be found at GitHub.
If you are a mod author trying to get your mods removed from those sites, look at this. If your videos are being reposted at YouTube, look at this.
StopModReposts is a movement against illegal redistribution of
Minecraft content, mainly focused on mods. The movement consists of a website, a Twitter campaign, a list of illegal mod mirrors, and several browser plugins. We also have an IRC channel and a Twitter profile.
To report a site that might be illegally redistributing mods, please open an issue in our issue tracker.
We do currently target reposts of the following content types: mods,
resource packs, maps, and modpacks. In addition, we target websites
providing malicious Minecraft content.Why is mod theft a problem?
The feeling of finding your work on those websites. Just the feeling of finding your mods on those websites is extremely discouraging for many people. Lets say that you wrote a book. The day after, you see the book in a shop, with a big "9books" logo on the front page. You haven't even been notified. How would you feel? You then read the books ToS, and see that "9books" is claiming to own your book! This is extremely discouraging.
Outdated versions. When users find a bug, they then go to the mod author to report it. The problem is, that the bug was fixed 2 months ago! This is very annoying for both the author and the user.
Wrong Minecraft versions. Those websites are marking the mods as working with wrong Minecraft version. They do this to get more downloads. The user will then go to the mod author and complain.
Possible malware. Mods from those sites are untrustable, and may contain malware.
Making money of other peoples work. Those sites are placing other peoples mods behind AdFly links, and other ads, and are directly earning money on other peoples work!
Stealing money. When many people download from those sites instead of the official sites, the author loses revenue. Modders don't earn much from their mods, but small amounts of money can be a big motivation.
Stealing downloads. Maybe one of the most encouraging things about making mods, is seeing your mods getting lots of downloads. When many users download from those sites instead of the official sites, the author loses many of downloads from his/her server. This is extremely discouraging for the modder.
PSA: If you come across a site that you believe to be illegally re/distributing minecraft mods, you can PM me, and I'll check it out as soon as possible.
If you want to block those sites automatically, take a look at this Firefox addon, this Chrome addon or this Opera addon!
Equip this signature banner, and help spread the word!
KibblesBits posted a message on Find me Mesa seeds? ;3How's this one look? Taiga-mesa-snow-plains village. The seed is: -3200857569343076362Posted in: Seeds
I'm pretty sure the mesa goes on for a while, if I remember right.
There's an extreme hills biome nearby too. I made a whole page with a YouTube video about this seed at: http://minecraftvillageseeds.com/wiki/index.php?title=Minecraft_NPC_village_seed_1.8.2_spawn_at_village_by_a_MESA
MineMaster2224 posted a message on My survival house!This is a survival house I started working on (it's not finished yet). It's in vanilla survival with no cheats. Does anyone have any suggestions for it? Do you like how its turning out so far?Posted in: Survival Mode -
thebaum64 posted a message on Better Beds! Custom Bed-Sheets! [223 Supporters!]Minecraft beds are very plain and have been since the beginning, what if you could make custom bed-sheets to customize your bed to your liking? This is something I have been thin gs about for sometime now, it may be small but it would be a neat little add on.Posted in: Suggestions
How it works:
How this would work would be you make a bed as normal, then you make a banner such as this:
(Banner made HERE)
and once it is made, you shift click the bed with the banner. The banner becomes the bed-sheets. Then if you want to remove it, you shift click it again with your hand, plain and simple. I know this is a very small suggestion but I think it would be really cool for people who enjoy decorating houses or just want to make something their own. Hope you like it!
Here is a render for a example by ThePiDay:
NOTE: I am planning on making a mod for this, please do not steal my idea. Thank you!
If you like Better Beds, please PUNCH that like button!
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Also, in the poll, can you remove the whole "i like getting brutally killed by them" part of the poll. I fell like you are trying to lead us away from that answer =/
Man, this stuff requires so much dedication, and I love it! I love every single one of these posts. These worlds are insanely cool, and I would love to see more activity on here!
Yay! A hole in a hole! JK, but I am really enjoying the journal! Keep it up!
I love that joke from SpongeBob xD I am laughing so hard!
I didn't even know Zombies could spawn with only foot gear... I thought it always went chance at helmet, and when that happens, chance at Chestplate, and when that happens, they have a change at leggings etc... Weird...
Hello, and I just thought of an idea for Iron Gates! They would be a 2x2 block of Iron Bars but there would be a little lock design for it.
It would mainly be for when you have a big iron bar fence, and it would connect to the iron bars. It could be opened by hand, but it also could be with redstone. When it is opened, it will make a faint creeking noise. The spoiler has the the crafting recipe and what it looks like. It would not be able to generate naturally and would break if you have a stone, iron, or diamond pickaxe. That's about it! I hope you enjoy the suggestion!
Image of it and its crafting recipe!
When i try to load minecraft, i keep getting an error message saying it can't download the new launcher. I'm not sure how to get on minecraft if i can't download the launcher! Help? It just keeps saying "Unable to update the Minecraft Game Launcher"
I was thinking, since there aren't blue stairs, purple stairs, Green stairs, and stuff, i was thinking, what could Minecraft makers do to make colored stairs. Then it hit me, Carpeted Stairs!
This can be world crafted and could be crafted.
World Crafting, what is it? If you dont know, read this paragraph. If not, go to the next paragraph. If you were to world craft something, its like creating a nether portal, you don't use inventory or the crafting bench to use it. You build the portal. Also, the Wither. You don't use a crafting table to craft it. Thats
world crafting.
Anyway, so the crafting recipe would beC= CarpetA= AirS= StairA A AA C AA A SInventory crafting:C AA S
Due to the poll, this is shapeless craftable, so all you need is a carpet and a stair anywhere in the inventory/ crafting table and it will be the same.
It would then appear as the carpet goes on the stairs, so the surface would be black if you chose a black carpet, red if you chose red, etc.
World Crafting
OK, im really bad at doing this paragraph, so i will edit it alot. So, what you will do, you will shift-click the stair with the carpet in your hands, and as simple as that, you have a regular carpeted stair.
Again, more poll results. The carpeted stair would not have the sides covered.
Can i get a banner for this suggestion? I would but i don't know how. Can someone please get a banner, i'll put it up, credit you, and you won't be forgoten (i guess)
Thank you for reading, and have a good day!
Random other things
The sound would not be regular stairs for carpeted stairs. It would be the sound of walking on wool/carpet.
Mob spawning:
Mobs can't spawn on carpeted stairs.
Instead of the stair being at a .500 at the middle step, it would be a .550 and the top step would be at 1.100
Water would wipe out the carpet.
redstone can't be placed on it.
If you were to try to place something on the top step, it would float like it would trying to place something on a carpet.
Q- Will the sides be covered
A- No, the poll results say "NO"
Q- If you break the stairs, will the carpet like stick to the stairs or will it drop?
A- It would stick, but this can change later
I was building a house with lava walls. Forgot the ground holes.
firespear1000 went up in flames
The hole or the water?
The water, it has happened.
The hole, you probably made or spawned weirdly