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    posted a message on Pandemonium II / Exile - A truly hardcore survival experience. - Minecraft 1.4.6
    Whitelist Application:
    1. IGN: Fareason
    2. I'm looking for a hardcore survival server with modified mobs and weapons, and this looks like a great place to meet those needs
    3. Not very long, if i'm lucky, 1 night
    4. Another player, I can almost guarantee you haha
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Affinity Coast [McMMO][Towny][LWC][ChestShop][iConomy][NoWhiteList][24/7]
    Looks like a really good server! (Fareason)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ★♔★FallenCraft★♔★ [OFFICIAL][GREAT FEATURES][24/7 Uptime][Light RP][Classes][iConomy][PvP] [CUSTOM Events] [Professional Staff]
    In-Game Name: fareason
    Can you do light RP?: Definitely.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:Yea haha, ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
    Why Do you want to join us?:Ive been looking for a relatively new server that has good staff, a little pvp, a little stealing, a little building, co-op, friends and enemies, and epicness. This server seems to fulfill all these guidelines.
    Do you understand that if you purchase/donate to this server you will not receive a refund if banned?:Yes
    Do you plan on making a donation?:Probably not
    What TimeZone are you in?:Eastern time -5
    If you answered yes to the donation question:I didn't, sorry :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ⚒ - BlueCraft - ⚒ - Semi-Rp SMP - [Whitelist] - [Towny] -[iConomy] - [Custom terrain generation] - [24/7] - [20 Slot] - [PvP & M
    Minecraft Username*: Fareason

    Email address*: [email protected]

    How long have you been playing video games? Top 5 video games/series? anything else. (minimum 1 paragraph)*:

    I have been playing video games since I was three, when my grandma got me a snes for my birthday. I got insanely addicted to the snes, with games like Mario Kart, Super Mario world, Link to the past, Chronno Trigger, etc. Ever since then I have been a gamer, with consoles like the DS, GBA, GBC, PSP, PS3, WII, N64, and my arsenal of PC games.

    I don't like giving out a top 5, since I can't compare games of different genres. I can tell you some of the games I really like:
    1. Zelda series. I really like dungeon raiding games, and feeling that sense of accomplishment when you got a new item, or beat a boss
    2. binding of isaac. Extremely addicting; lots of replay value
    3. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. This was my first PC game, and showed me how awesome PC games could be
    4. Super Smash Brothers. Extremely fun to play with friends
    5. Fire Emblem series. Introduced me to the strategy genre of games, and introduced me to the Advance Wars series.
    How much education do you have?*:
    I am currently in my sophmore year of high school

    Y x 60 + X = ? (when Y= The amount of times per day the hands on a clock overlap, and X= your age)*:
    (I think its 22) x 60 + 16
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
    October 14, 2010. So much nostalgia.
    What was your first PC game?:
    Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (not including minesweeper)
    Picture/link to one or more of your creations (Don't worry if you don't have one, this isn't required):

    This was my failed attempt at making a redstone checkerboard
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Survival Island meets 404 - incredible new seed for 1.8 - "GiantRavine"
    really nice discovery! I'll plan to keep this survival map for a while.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Several points to consider
    Quote from Atanarr

    Whole mojang team does NOT work on minecraft (semms only notch and jeb do 90%+ of the work).

    I was actually thinking of making this a point in my rant, saying that Mojang has other things to work on (scrolls, etc.)
    but decided against it. A few other people work on minecraft besides notch and Jeb. It is mainly notch and jeb who direct all the work. Either way, i do agree that they did get a lot done in this update.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Several points to consider
    Quote from Wolfpax

    Making counter rants does not help. People will have their own opinion of everything and people that are unhappy about something are always going to be louder than happy people.

    I know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just wanted to throw out a few points to consider before posing a rant thread. I know that this sin't going to stop all rant threads. It is just starting to get annoying whenever we see these hreads in every update.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Several points to consider
    Quote from Silent_Samurai

    Doesn't change the fact I don't like it. Mojang really need to release the modding API.

    It is fine that you don't like it. Everyone has their own opinion. It is when people make huge rant threads saying "OMG WTFz 1S WR0NG W1TH TH3 UPD4TE!?!?!???!1!!?" that gets on my nerves.

    I do agree that minecraft needs modding support added. It is just a matter of time before it comes.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Several points to consider
    To the haters of 1.8, saying stuff like:
    - the experience system sucks
    - empty npc villages, WTF?
    - I was expecting so much more, and I am so disappointed...

    Here are some points to consider:

    - Haters happen every update. This time, 1.8 sucks, 1.7.3 was the best thing ever, and shouldn't have been changed, and 1.6.6 was the golden age of minecraft. When 1.7 came out, it was the worst update ever, 1.6.6 was the best thing ever, and shouldn't have been changed, and 1.5 was the golden age of minecraft.

    - This is an INCOMPLETE game. You were given the privledges of playing the beta all this time when the game releases in November. It would be just like if we were getting open beta testing CoD: MW3.

    - Mojang can only do so much before a release date in case of new features. I know that notch left Mojang for 2 weeks, but the whole Minecraft crew was still working on Minecraft in that time. Notch has a life outside of Minecraft, you know.

    - Why don't you try to code over 100 different features into the game, including bug fixes, within 2.5 months? Yes, there are over 100 new things in minecraft in 1.8.

    TL;DR: Haters can't criticize mojang. They try the hardest they can. This is an imcomplete game. These things happen every update. Appreciate what you have in minecraft.

    EDIT: fixed a typo
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Does somebody actually play on Tiny?
    Quote from Bump

    I used to play on Normal, but now my game lags with only 50 FPS,

    Quote from Bump

    play on Normal, but now my game lags with only 50 FPS,

    Quote from Bump

    my game lags with only 50 FPS,

    Quote from Bump

    ONLY 50 FPS

    I would love it if my Minecraft with no mods played above 25fps on normal, fancy
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on ♕Herocraft 🌟 Minecraft RPG Server Multiplayer 🌟 THE ORIGINAL RPG SERVER (2010) Heroes RPG!
    In-game name: fareason
    Location & Age: New York, US, age 15
    Previous Bans (Includes other servers): from lunacraft from killing an admin, which was not stated as illegal
    Referral(s): A few friends from another server linked me here
    Reason you should be accepted: I have been looking from server to server to look for exactly what I needed, and this looks like a real good fit! I have been looking for a hardcore,classing system,RPG server. I was really impressed that you make your own plugins! It shows that you guys are dedicated to your server, and you want to make this server the perfect experience for the players. I would spend a lot of time on your server, and I would probably try to make some complex traps, and get a huge kill streak going on. I have also tried building big castles before, but they did not satisfy me.
    Have you voted for Herocraft? Yes!
    Special Key: HCF8
    Additional Info: I attempted to make a redstone fully playable checkerboard, but i realized 2/3 way through the project that I needed more space, and had to take the machine down. I think that this server can give me some ideas about the possibilities of minecraft.

    EDIT: Here are a few pics of my castle and the checkerboard

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Killing notch?
    In order to kill notch in minecraft, you have to build a clculator in minecraft and divide by zero. A black hole will appear and suck your whole world in, meter by meter, and shortly after, a screen will come up saying that you have killed notch, and won minecraft.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Greatest accomplishment?
    I am trying to make a fully playable checker board using minecarts and a crap ton of redstone
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on AssasinsCraft *mob arenas* *PvP* *iconomy* *money* *chest shops* LAG FREE
    Hey, thanks for letting me on.

    Unfortunately i am getting a message saying:
    Failed to connect to the server
    Connection refused: connect

    I'm assuming this means the server is temporarily down?
    I got this message in the past when a server was down.

    Thanks for helping!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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