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    posted a message on Stronghold/Double Ravine/Mineshaft Combo
    Seriously, can someone tell me if this is common, or do I just have really strange luck? I made another seed in 1.1 and this is only the 3rd stronghold I've explored:

    There are too many intersecting ravines to count, mineshaft stuff, a resulting HUGE cavern etc. This is the biggest cluster**** I've ever seen in Minecraft. Is something up with the terrain generator re: strongholds? :blink.gif:

    Screens and seed/coords

    EDIT: Ohhh, I just now realized whats up with that 'meaning of life etc' title that some people have. :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Stronghold/Double Ravine/Mineshaft Combo
    OK, I'm really curious-- is this kind of corrupted generation stronghold unusual, or does it just happen really often in the new snapshot? Because I tried finding one in another 12w01 world I'm scouting out, and it's even more messed up than the other one-- one of the libraries is just totally floating in the ravine. Still only the second stronghold I've ever personally found. Maybe this isn't a weird discovery at all?

    Screens here

    Seed is 'Malice Cannon' (without apostrophes)
    End portal coords x:-885, z:372
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Stronghold/Double Ravine/Mineshaft Combo
    I've been hunting for seeds in the latest snapshot, so this may not work with 1.0. Got bored and decided to look for a stronghold in this seed because I didn't immediately find anything very striking. Dug straight down where the Ender eyes landed, and there was an abandoned mineshaft merging with the stronghold at that point. It dropped me right over the portal room near x: 505, z: -226

    I don't know exactly how unusual this stronghold is, but it looks pretty damn trippy anyway. :blink.gif: It's not just merged with one ravine, but there's another crossing it, and part of the mineshaft floating overhead.

    This is the first stronghold I've explored so I don't know if it's bigger than usual, however I found at least 4 chests and 2 library rooms. There was also some exposed diamond ore in the walls.

    As for the rest of the seed, the stronghold is located under a sort of hilly desert area bordered by swamp, and nearby are taigaand plains biomes and an NPC village (x:593, z:-439)

    A big mountain chain somewhat closeby has a few interesting features.

    Seed 271587324

    (All screenshots HERE, in case I missed anything.)
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Making Wolves Usefull: Herding
    I gave up trying to direct animals and just dug a bunch of random 2- or 3-block deep pit traps in my residence area to see how many mobs I could catch. The only time I had any luck moving them myself was when they were close enough to just bump into the pit.

    Although now that we have the mechanic of mobs following you when you carry wheat...

    I also like that idea of dogs as a warning system, like real guard dogs would act.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Making Wolves Usefull: Herding
    I gave up trying to direct animals and just dug a bunch of random 2- or 3-block deep pit traps in my residence area to see how many mobs I could catch. The only time I had any luck moving them myself was when they were close enough to just bump into the pit.

    Although now that we have the mechanic of mobs following you when you carry wheat...

    I also like that idea of dogs as a warning system, like real guard dogs would act.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Making Wolves Usefull: Herding
    I was thinking about this too after nearly having a conniption trying to 'herd' cows, but didn't think to look on the suggestion forum. I have no idea how feasible it would be in terms of programming, but maybe they could either herd animals into a fenced-in area (with a gate?) or just follow the player and drive the mobs in your general direction. It would be cool if the dogs had another function. Anyway, I figured someone else already had this idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on This cave just blew my mind
    Seed is Kickassia

    :RedShroom: (Edit: I should mention I'm using 1.9, because I'm not sure how different the terrain generation is, if it all.) :RedShroom:

    Main visible features at spawn are those really tall mountains and a lot of rivers going through the forest

    There's a swamp on the other side of the mountains that contains a wide ravine which opens into this really huge open cave system.

    There aren't normal 'tunnels' or pathways except for the ones that drop down from above your head. It looks like a ton of TNT just exploded in the middle of it and blew up all of the floors.

    It just seemed to keep going and going into more caverns... I would be terrified of exploring this in survival, but it looks really awesome. Other than that this might be a good seed for someone who wants a really big, thick forest with multiple other biomes nearby. There's also a village in a desert to the east, that I didn't see until I rendered the map.

    Cartographer map and some more screenshots
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Worst seed ever?
    70497386 spawns you on a tiny island with no trees and one grass. There are a few more islands nearby, a couple of which have 1 tree each and more grass, and some caves if you look for them, but there are no peaceful mobs other than squid. If you travel far enough you will reach a very large mountain island with animals, trees and caves, but you have to cross a lot of water to find it. http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm299/eva-st-clare/Minecraft/ooyama/
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on AMAZING 1.8 SEED THE NEW GLACIER !!WITH PICS!!
    I found a seed this week with a lot of really good mountains and arches close to spawn: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/648746-wolfaboo-crazy-mountains-and-ravine-down-to-lava-level/page__p__8494384#entry8494384
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Seed that spawns you in ocean water??
    The seed I used was 'Legends of the Hidden Temple', this is directly above my spawn point:

    The first land I saw

    and first actual landMASS:

    I didn't know it was possible to actually spawn IN water, if someone else used this seed will the same thing happen? The Cartographer map came out screwed up for some reason, so I don't even know for sure where the spawn was in relation to that large land.

    Forgot to mention, I'm using the 1.9 prerelease.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Any nice Winter seeds?
    I found a pre-1.8 seed a while back with a really big, relatively flat tundra area, the seed name = Curry is not a beverage. (with period, I think... if it doesn't work, I can pull up the world and find the number value... Here's an album of those screenshots: Photobukkit

    Another seed, WerePhoenix, was a big snow biome spawn, but more mountainous than the previous one. Don't think i have any screens of it though.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on "Survival island" and "Epic Overhang" Double Feature
    This is the first island seed I've found. You spawn on the crappiest island ever, no caves, no trees, no animals, and one grass. I'm not even sure survival would be feasible staying on this island, unless there is a mineshaft under there somewhere.

    (the tower is just something I usually make at spawn for my own reference, ignore it)

    But, if you swim a little ways you WILL reach two more less crappy small islands with one tree each, and a nearby underwater drop into a lava cavern with some natural obsidian. It's small and I'm not sure if there is a cave system nearby. Still no mobs, but there is more grass on these islands.

    You're gonna have to swim for a while to get to the first sighting of a bigger landmass... but it's still not attached to a mainland. It does however have a few more trees, lots of mobs, and really cool caves in the mountain (not sure what's underneath)

    Big, tall cavern inside the mountain

    It could be a pretty challenging survival seed, with or without strict rules. Try to reach the decent landmass as quickly as possible and establish an epic mountain fortress?? Seed is ooyamawadokodesuka (lulz) I actually may try to do this on survival mode, and I've never done one of those maps before.

    Epic Overhang seed: Homuhomu~~~^__~ (like dat) Stupid name, good seed. All this stuff is a pretty short walk from spawn area. Nicest overhang type seed I've found.

    There are a couple of freakin' weird floating things like this

    Nice big arches too

    That's all in one area, I plan to fly around some more and see if it's consistently generating that weird stuff...
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Double and Intersecting Ravines??
    Does this happen normally? It's like one ravine is 'doubled' and then it intersects at a weird angle with a totally different ravine... drops all the way to lava level. It looks really beautiful after I lit up a little bit with glowstone.

    This is the 'doubled' one

    Just a random hole in the middle of a boring plains biome. The seed (3Lxlily-an) seems nice otherwise but nothing else shockingly remarkable that I could see so far.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on wolfaboo -- Crazy mountains and ravine down to lava level
    Quote from Shade117 pro

    Damn this seed looks AWESOME! What really catches my eye is what seems to be a waterfall above the dirt block you're holding in the first image.

    Above the block? I'm not sure I see what you're referring to... although there are tons of waterfalls I can't see or remember where they are in that screen.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on wolfaboo -- Crazy mountains and ravine down to lava level
    'wolfaboo' all lowercase, that's it.

    First mountain area I encountered near my spawn-- It's slightly separated from another large mountain biome by a little stretch of forest and river. The mountains are full of little tunnels and hidden passages and cave entrances, there's also a small ravine in here that goes into a cave system.

    Coords from somewhere in the middle of those mountains: x:269 z:405

    'Coliseum Rock' on the edge of that range,

    travel approximately due west from there to reach a ravine that drops you to level 13 and has multiple 'floors' and side caves
    (x:-310 z:1623)

    Extremely steep, narrow canyons in this other mountain range area

    And found a 3rd mountainous area
    (x:154 z:345)

    Double Waterfall! what does it mean

    Click for Cartographer map, the ravine can be seen on the far left.
    Posted in: Seeds
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