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    posted a message on Do you want horses in the game?

    I resent the implication that because I wouldn't mind horses in the game I must be a 'brony' or something like that. Nope, I just like the prospect of more mobs! If they didn't put in vanilla horses I'd probably seek out a mod for it eventually.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Minecraft, Horses Confirmation? in 1.6! :D!
    So... pigs, cows, chickens = totally original and awesome
    Horses (one more generic farm animal to fit into the generic farm animal club) = ZOMG so unoriginal! Ragequit! Minecraft is destroyed!!
    This has never made any sense to me.

    I really don't see the harm in adding horses if they are challenging to get, maybe give them some required maintenance like regular feeding to balance out being able to usefully maneuver them or go a little faster than pigs. Riding pigs is hilarious, but seriously it is a pain in the butt to control them. I've only ever ridden them for the lol factor. Make horses rarer and more difficult to get so fewer hipsters will whine about it, maybe... but a more controllable riding mobs than pigs would be a good thing IMO.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Are you falling for Pico too?
    Quote from Dr Zudsi

    I have met a few girls that crave attention whilst playing video games. Not all girls do it of course but there are definitely ones who do seek attention.

    Oh, okay. So it's fine to accuse this complete stranger none of you know, of being an attention seeking troll, just because she appears to have breasts. Because of that one girl your cousin's friend's dog told you about that one time who was talking on CoD.

    I dunno why anyone would 'crave' the attention of average internet gamers, given the way they talk about women as if they are some bizarre alien species that only exist when dudes are looking at them.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Are you falling for Pico too?
    Quote from MartyLoup

    read the title and i thought it was about the sega pico

    anyway, no, i hate pico as much as i hate curse's excuse for "journalism". her entire gimmick is just "look at me lol i play video games just like guys do! oh and look i have boobs lol but don't hit on me silly boys!"

    people like her make me sick

    Yep because all women who play games only do it to please you and receive YOUR attention. It's not like women have ever actually enjoyed playing games, or anything like that. Why, they're barely even human! :steve_sillyface:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Will I be able to continue my game in 1.3? (Kind of a unique situation here)
    Quote from sikcool

    Not to be rude, but.

    Why would you use Iron Fist? Doesn't it kind of remove the point of the game?

    I guess that if you have a physical disability, it would make the game less stressful, but i have a hard time seeing how it would make it more fun... So either we're all different and like different things, or is there something else?

    Just wondering :)

    I don't know the OP's disability, but if they had a condition like, for example, repetitive stress syndrome or carpal tunnel, then reducing the amount of same-y clicking to get blocks would greatly reduce their level of discomfort. I say this as someone who has had some mild issues with things like that (I don't have great discomfort playing the game right now, but in general I have to limit my time doing such things, including spending long periods typing/chatting.)
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on bucket duplication glitch
    This duplication/ghost bucket thing happened to me in one of the snapshots with water, but repeated in a slightly different way after 1.3.1. I had a stack of 2 buckets after raiding a dungeon, and right clicked to fill up with lava. Visually it looked like one lava bucket was thrown into the lava pit, even though I hadn't clicked the 'throw item' key or anything else, and the bucket in my hotbar was empty. I checked for ghost buckets but nothing else in inventory. Had to click again to fill the 1 remaining bucket with lava. I have searched but haven't found anyone else reporting a glitch like this.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Does the 12w21b courput your world?
    I've had the problem of no chunks loading in a couple of test worlds I created. They played normally, but when I tried to open the saves again the next day, I was just floating in the void. But my survival test world and a couple of other saves reloaded as usual. Also found 2 NPC villages, both of them were glitchy with invisible blocks or 'force fields'. I didn't realize what was happening the first time, but after making a second pass over the second village I found, all the blocks loaded properly.

    First pass

    Second pass

    There's also a weird thing I haven't experienced before where the world is slower than usual in generating, and when I'm in creative I can sometimes fly out into the unloaded area and look into the world...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 12w08 Trees are kinda gone..
    Yeah, this tree generation thing bothers me a lot. I assumed that it was one of the bugs 1.2 was supposed to fix, but I generated acouple of worlds in the snapshot today and did some wandering around in creative mode. Still stumpy/goofy looking regular trees, ZERO birch or pine trees in any biome, and I hate the way the swamps look now. (I actually have always liked the swamps. But not having any trees on the land looks weird to me...)

    I hope they fix this, I won't want to use 1.2 to generate any new terrain if there is no proper taiga. It's just very weird.

    The 'bushes' that generate now in normal forest biome wouldn't be bad as kind of a mini-biome or scrubland that appears near plains or bordering proper forests, but it looks derpy when it's every forest biome like this.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on 404-ish proposal for 12w08
    I made this world just to play with the new villager AI in 12w08 (creative mode screwing around), but later found something potentially interesting that I might try out as well... There isn't really much to the landmass where you spawn, it's basically all plains and swamp and not that large. From where I spawned I could see the tiny 4-building village, a swamp area, and beaches on both sides.

    The village is kind of messed up, I had to dig out some of the villagers and make stairs for them because it generated on/in a kind of hill. But it has a blacksmith with a decent chest, a church and a library house. Oddly, I think this is the first time I've seen a village with NO wheat farm. So if you want wheat you're on your own...

    There are also tons of cows and other livestock, so the enterprising player may raid the blacksmith chest and then collect as much beef, wood, chicken eggs or whatever as possible before heading for the closest swamp...

    I saw a light in those underwater rifts next to the random water squares, and jumped in.

    This is what you'll see when you enter, the water is shallow and there is no danger of drowning here unless you are really horrible at this game. You could take either waterfall, I suppose... I took the one to the right and it landed me at level 23 eventually.

    The drop area looks like this lit up

    It will eventually lead you to a double/intersecting ravine and more cave system, plus a very convenient skeleton spawner

    I explored the caves a little bit, it seems to be a large cave system but I don't know how far it extends. I guess if you're really hardcore you could just not even use the stuff from the blacksmith chest, but I saw tons of mobs on the way down the waterfall, and since I suck I will probably use it if I try to do this in survival. >_<

    The seed I used was 'haru desu yo'
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Is it possible to survive in this seed?
    Quote from Pinata

    Try amidst program/mapper. You took a really unfortunate direction.

    Ah, I figured that might have happened. :rolleyes: I haven't tried that program yet, maybe I will give it a shot.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Is it possible to survive in this seed?

    Seed is "CAVED" all caps no quotations.

    You get about 5 pieces of grass... yay? If you're lucky enough to get seeds from it, good luck sowing without any wood to make a hoe. I turned the underground into swiss cheese and managed to find a decent cave system, but no signs of any ravines or mineshafts. There are some other small islands a swim away, but none large enough for trees.

    Traveling approximately due south I hit a small landmass with a desert, plains and some trees at x:-249, z:844. I then tried my luck traveling north, and hit a proper continent with mountains, forest, rivers, village, ravines and everything, after about 4000 blocks. Reached the land around x:-535, z:4285. Flying there in creative mode still took forever. I was tired at this point and didn't feel like traveling more thousands of blocks to look for land in the other cardinal directions from spawn, but nothing that looked like land was at all visible even from way up in the sky.

    If you can make it to the continent, you will be rewarded by a nice blacksmith chest, though.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on CATS or MONKEYSSS
    I don't like monkeys, therefore they should never be added because the game should personally cater to MY desires. :cool.gif:

    Seriously though, what use would a monkey be? The jungle needs some colorful birds or reptiles or something.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Stronghold with 3 dungeons, 12w04
    Seed is 'yona yona yona'

    Spawn in a forest next to plains. Jungle, village and mountain biome are visible in the distance. Pic 1, Pic 2

    Village on the plains, somewhat close to the jungle. Caves open right under the village, the ground is practically hollow.

    Beautiful jungle beaches and bays:

    A stronghold is located in this area at x:15, z:682 (dig right into the beach) and from what I could tell there are 2 spider spawners and a skele spawner within or bordering the stronghold:

    Spiders at x:-4.7, y:51, z:696 and x:-38, y:22, z:687
    Skeletons at x:-103, y:14, z: 678

    There's also a really pretty mountainous jungle area around x:1800, z:950 with a lot of nice scenery.

    Screenshots here
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Persistent Squids
    I want a squidquarium too! And hopefully more future water mobs to join them, always wanted to make a house with an aquarium in it :biggrin.gif: I know there are mods for that (water mobs/fish), but the game has been updating so often I haven't bothered with any mods since 1.73...
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on 12w05a Abandoned Mineshafts

    Yeah, no more floating fences... Also maybe it's just this particular seed, but I feel like I found a lot more chests than usual in this mineshaft area. Maybe nothing notable.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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