• 3

    posted a message on Anyone getting a slight uneasiness with this update?
    If it feels 'off' or weird because the terrain is different and there is some new unfamiliar stuff, I can understand, that takes time to get used to for some. If you're talking about some vague and personal sense of 'foreboding', though... O_o Uhh, I'm not really sure what you mean.. This is only the first snapshot, I have a magical future-sense that a lot of this stuff currently bothering some people (absence of new saplings, weird snow line, etc) is going to end up tweaked in subsequent installments.

    Personally I am excited, to me the terrain looks much nicer overall (it could always use improvements here or there) and I've wanted more flowers for a very long time. I don't have any really negative feelings about this update, I'm looking forward to where they are going with it. If anything, I certainly can't see the game getting worse from any of these changes.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 0

    posted a message on So what's with the super secret options button noises?
    I could swear I heard something that sounds like a parrot, it played twice when I was messing with this button... I can't think of any existing mob that would make such a noise.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Water on fast graphics
    Quote from StalePhish

    And by inconvenient, you mean they took away the cheaty part of fast graphics? Even with fancy graphics, you can barely see what's underwater. It's just dark and murky with the outline of ridges if they're sort of near the surface. If you really want to see what's down there, grab a nightvision potion and an aqua affinity helmet like the rest of us.

    It's not cheaty, it's an entirely new issue. You've never not been able to see at least somewhat into 1 or 2-block deep water. That's just a bit silly. I can see your point if the water is like 20 blocks deep, but... this just makes the world look really weird when even puddles are a deep, opaque blue color.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 3

    posted a message on Water on fast graphics
    Yeah, I like just about everything else in the update, but this is kind of bad. How can you dig for clay or look for underwater caves? Not sure why this needed to be changed. I almost always have graphics on Fast but had to change it for this reason.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Snapshot Today!
    Quote from Gastroid

    This update makes it clear that new tree types are needed. I mean, Savannah trees use Jungle wood and Oak leaves. Redwood forests are just more Spruce that you can get anywhere. This is a problem.

    Roofed Forests also need plenty of work. Great idea, bad implementation. They need their own tree type with darker wood and darker leaves. The trees themselves need to be ten or so blocks taller and the leaf canopies twice as large. Right now the forests are cramped but still manage to be plenty light, and filled with even more Spruce.

    This is true, while it looks pretty good right now to me, everything can always be improved. I'm wondering if they'll actually implement new saplings and wood in future snapshots. Here's to hoping, cos I was looking forward to new saplings. That said, IMO the terrain looks better than it ever has. Changing up/fixing Ex. Hills and adding more variety to the forests made a big difference. And oceans aren't actually gone now, just exploring a couple of worlds I crossed probably 3 very large (taking at least half a MC day to cross in creative flight) oceans with occasional tiny islands.

    Nothing is perfect. I have to imagine they were doing the best they can with the current generator and trying to please as many people as possible, although a vocal minority seems to champion a completely new method of generation. (Let's face it, the majority of players aren't going to be THAT unhappy with it, I'd bet most of them are just happy for a variety in biomes and items.) Personally I could go either way. I'm happy with this, I'm sure I might be happy with a 100% overhaul as well, but I really don't feel passionately about it because I don't think perfection and pleasing 100% of players is ever gonna be possible.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 12

    posted a message on I'm not happy that roses are gone.
    I can understand being unhappy with the change, but... to be honest, the roses never really looked like roses, so to me they were just 'the red flower.' If they were simply replaced in the code with the Poppy, then I'll be happy with that. But is that what happened? I didn't even realize roses were gone until I saw this thread, and the first time I saw poppies I assumed they'd just changed the rose texture. No big deal IMO, the rose texture wasn't anything amazing or special in my eyes.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 0

    posted a message on glacier Seed is Amazing in newest snapshot
    Assuming this is what you're talking about,
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    it's pretty epic.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Sunflowers (and possibly Lavender)
    I've wanted more flowers/plants in vanilla for a long time, finally we can personalize our gardens/home areas more, having different colored flowers to work with. I'd also love it if we had a lot more biome-specific plants similar to how it's done in BoP and Extra Biomes. Actually kind of excited about this... maybe some of the plants could work as potion ingredients or new wool dyes in the future, if that's at all a possibility in the code?
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Pandas!
    Quote from seventonblade

    "Gay" and "retard", by their common usage, have lost a lot of their original denotations, such as how people will say something is gay simply when referring to something they don't like

    Nah, they haven't lost their original meanings because the reason 'gay' was used to mean 'something I don't like' is because gay people were (and are, since no one seems to care that we are insulted) disliked and seen as gross, weird, etc. It's not like gay people stopped being called 'gay' after 14-year old boys decided it was a hilarious term to use for anything random.

    On the actual topic, if an 'Asian' biome were created I can't imagine what kind of biome that would be. Asia has a lot of different 'biomes'... it's kind of a big place. Even a tiny island nation like Japan has climate and terrain variations of its own. Mongolian desert is not the same as jungles of Laos, or wherever.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 2

    posted a message on Dinnerbone Acknowledges 1.6 Zombie AI
    More attention to difficulty scaling should make the game more rewarding for pretty much everyone, whether you love, hate, or don't care about the zombiepocalypse. Yet some people on this forum just love any excuse they can find to complain about absolutely nothing and make assumptions about things that haven't even happened yet... I just don't understand people sometimes. Sounds good to me, he's acknowledging that the levels could use some tweaking and subtlety. (Notice he never said "I'm going to totally remove zombie mobs and nerf every difficulty down to Peaceful so only 5-year old babies will want to play it.") What, exactly, is there to complain about?
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Since when is minecraft a constant onslaught of zombies?
    You know, I haven't personally had a HUGE problem with the zombies lately, but the more I read comments and think about it, the more that the problem of keeping a village alive in normal survival stands out as a big issue. Seems the only thing you can successfully do in early game with limited resources is to light up 1 or 2 houses containing more than 1 villager and block the doors, hoping no zombies will spawn inside by some random fluke, so that later you can attempt to repopulate. Although if it were my choice I'd just unload the village chunk and come back when I had supplies, but sometimes that's not possible to do if you get caught at night and can't travel. The likelihood of entire villages being wiped out in a single night is probably the main thing that bothers me about the current state of zombies, because in the beginning of the game there's just not much you can do to stop it.

    I suppose it's a luxury to have a nice populated village, and of course if you're maintaining a village you should be working for it. But the odds seem so enormously stacked. It used to be fun to play 'village defender' and go around slaying the zombies without a barrier, but now?? Oh well.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on About Horses and the Community.
    I wanted horses, looked forward to them, and enjoy them very much. Of course nothing in the world is perfect, just about anything can be improved upon with enough work. At worst, people who didn't want them or find them unnecessary can just not use them, so there are worse things that could happen to the game. A more easily controllable riding mob is something a lot of people obviously wanted, as pigs are fun sometimes but a pain in the butt to actually use on a regular or long-term basis.

    Nothing was broken by adding horses, they're just an extra thing that is fun to use if you want to. I understand that some people don't want any extra mobs, or thought it should be a... capybara or chocobo or *insert preferred random wacky mount here*, or thought Mojang would be better off spending their time doing *insert desired feature*, but the rage sometimes felt a little out of proportion to the issue.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 5

    posted a message on It seems Zombies won't be changing.
    I don't understand the need to insult other people for their personal playstyle, especially when it doesn't affect you. They can play however they want on their singleplayer worlds or private/family servers... well, they SHOULD be able to.

    I'm capable of dealing with the vanilla mobs at least on Normal difficulty-- since the 1.6.2 update on our server, we've been mostly caving and exploring new territory and haven't died yet. The other day I slaughtered a skeleton and 2 creepers at point blank range, took about 5 creepers to the face, and survived at least a couple of zombie hordes with no problem. I don't really have a huge issue with the changes, in that context.

    But sometimes when I'm playing single player or modded Minecraft by myself, I prefer to turn it on Easy or even Peaceful. I'm not literally afraid of the mobs and I'm not such a n00b I literally cannot deal with them. I just sometimes... don't want to deal with it. I want to play Minecraft to relax a little bit, zone out after a stressful day, and do some mining/resource gathering/building. Usually Easy difficulty is okay for this, but I can imagine many players even more casual than I am and even less disposed to dealing with mobs, just ragequitting in frustration after being murdered by another zombie horde pushing them into a nest of machine-gun skellies. Because it's likely a pretty big change for some players. I noticed the change a lot when I tested out a new world in Easy and for some people it's obviously gonna be off-putting and hard to adjust to, if not impossible for some.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Since when is minecraft a constant onslaught of zombies?
    I don't have any video proof so anyone could say I hallucinated it, but I was definitely playing on Easy when I watched a zombie spawn 2 or 3 blocks in front of me as I was fighting a single zombie in shallow water, in a torch-lit area in front of my base.

    The server I play with is on Normal all the time and I haven't died yet, but in that world we have enough armor to make iron, decent enchanted weapons if we want to use them, and a steady supply of cooked steak. The zombies are annoying, to the point that I once pillared up and waited out the night rather than deal with a horde containing multiple babies (I was stranded in a dark plains after abandoning my injured horse to save it from creepers, and couldn't find our base.) The hordes and new hunger can increase the challenge somewhat when caving and led to a few tight spots and near-deaths, but has nowhere near the impact it does on an un-armored character in a new world without a reliable food source. I actually died more to skeletons on that SSP world, usually after I'd been weakened by zombies or ran point-blank into a skelly while running from some horde.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 4

    posted a message on --
    If someone feels it is unfair, then they can... not switch to peaceful? It's called willpower. I don't see the reason in creating this whole new mechanic when the means to not switch to Peaceful mode is already there in your brain. Just don't. (How other people choose to play is none of anyone's business.) Maybe someone can make a special gamerule for people with no willpower who feel a great moral weight upon their shoulders playing this blocky videogame.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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