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    posted a message on Biomes OPlenty for 1.6 won't install
    I'm still a n00b at setting up mods for myself, so sorry if I'm missing something really obvious. I was able to get it working with several other mods for 1.5.2 without a problem, but wanted to upgrade to 1.6+ mods. I first attempted the 'recommended' universal download for 1.6.4 ( but BoP world type never showed up in my world creation menu. Realized this was incompatible with Alternate Terrain Generation (which was the main mod I wanted to test out along with BoP) so I changed to the development version Still no BoP world type choice, and the biomes didn't show up in ATG world type generation either.

    I've tried deleting config files and changing the versions again, removing ATG, putting it back in, reinstalling Forge altogether, but no matter what I do, BoP doesn't show up as an installed mod in the main game menu at all. As far as I can tell, all you're supposed to do is paste the .zip into the .minecraft/mods folder, and that has worked for all other mods. The other ones I have installed at the moment, which currently seem to be working, are: Thaumcraft, Forestry, Bibliocraft/Bibliowoods, Natura, NEI, Optifine, Twilight Forest. Thaumcraft biomes such as Tainted Land and Magic Forest are generating, as well as Thaumcraft structures and Natura stuff, in both ATG and default world types.

    I've googled all permutations of this, read the BoP forum here and at the Forge forums, and I can't find anything about this sort of problem so I feel like it must be something incredibly stupid that I'm missing. I'm at my wit's end trying to get it to work, after successfully troubleshooting everything else.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.7.2 Music Overlap
    It's still happening for me. Anytime I play on the 1.72 version I have to turn the music all the way down, because it literally NEVER STOPS. Often playing at least 2 songs at once.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.7 Rushed?
    Quote from TwinBuilder

    The sky darkening when you go inside is a feature IIRC.

    I thought it was a bug? There were confirmed reports on the bug tracker, right? Either way, it's kind of horrible IMO. There's no point building a house somewhere with a nice view, if you can't even look out and see what is going on because everything looks all black and weird. Also ruins taking screenshots from inside caves, overhangs, etc. It just looks... totally bad. If it's a feature then it needs to go, because I can't imagine a reason anyone would want this unnatural visual glitch.

    That and the bug I've been getting with constant overlapping music that never ever ends, should have been fixed before release. But I'm sure they'll get to them shortly (I hope?)
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Pouring down rain on my wintery cabin in the snow! :(
    (Sorry, I made an accidental post while trying to edit, so I'll add something anyway.)

    It was a bad move to change the Taiga to not be snowy. I think it would have been better if the previous Taiga had just been renamed to Cold Taiga and the new Taiga be the non-snowy varient. That way, people who were living in Taigas previously wouldn't receive a change in climate.

    It's a bummer, really.

    I suppose this is what I assumed was going to happen. Well, we know what happens when one assumes things. In any case, with the particular projects I'm concerned about, I'm sure we can adjust. My personal project isn't even at the stage that requires a snowy climate for the build, so I can change my plan a bit; and the mountaintop city, as it happens, is now populated by the Stark family from Game of Thrones, so having it snow up there might be fitting anyway. It's still a bit disappointing and while it's not a huge deal breaker to me it's a couple of things I do wish they'd adjust for variety/old time's sake. Other people's builds might not be so flexible.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Pouring down rain on my wintery cabin in the snow! :(
    Okay, I actually didn't know that the regular (1.64) previously-generated Taiga we have now was actually going to be changed to snowless taiga after updating a world. Maybe I didn't read enough in depth on this, but I was under the impression that the update wouldn't really do anything much to existing terrain. This kinda ruins the plan I had for one of my bases on server...

    I'd also have to agree that I hope Mojang adjusts the biomes a little to allow for some snowless mountains, for variety. This might semi-ruin a very large mountain city we're building ATM. :/
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!
    Whoa there, calm down. There are solutions to whatever problems you're having if you can attempt to figure it out. If you don't like the new update, you can play any old version of the game you want to, so there is honestly no reason to freak out about this. At all. In any case, that's what happens when you are gone for awhile... stuff changes and moves on without you.

    If you can't get onto a server, find out what version it's running and make a profile using that version. It's not hard, thanks to the new launcher. You can have several profiles, all using different versions for however many servers you want to play on or whatever combinations of mods you want to add. Once you figure out how to do that, it's all pretty awesome.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Did the Terrain Become BORING? (UPDATE 6/5/13 - 1.7 is a biome update?)
    Thanks, Xeno410 and Kholdstare. I thought I remembered someone other than Exalm working on some sort of mod, but it had been a long time since I'd read this thread in any depth.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Did the Terrain Become BORING? (UPDATE 6/5/13 - 1.7 is a biome update?)
    Apologies, I don't know how to find this information in a 500+ page thread where the term 'mod' is used in completely different context most of the time, but given the passionate interest shown by so many posters, was there any collaboration done on a terrain mod to satisfy what people wanted here? I've never been so bothered by vanilla terrain that it ruined the game for me-- I play mostly SMP with vanilla, and mod my single player with other terrain-changing mods-- but I still mostly agreed with things brought up in this thread as suggested improvements. If anyone did make an improved terrain generation mod I'd be interested to see it.

    (Never expected Mojang to implement this kind of change so I can't say I'm disappointed with how the terrain update went. At this point a decent mod is probably the only way it would happen exactly as requested.)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Making Minecraft Harder
    I've never understood why people think the entire game needs to be more difficult for everyone, including Grandpa and 5 year old Susie and the people who are not career gamers born glued to their consoles. Adding a higher difficulty level or adjustable/toggleable options for things would give the hardcore players what they want without making n00bs or casual players ragequit. Even harder to comprehend is the obsession over the fact that someone, somewhere might be switching to peaceful mode or 'cheating' and having an easier time at the game than you. Who cares?? The fact that it's a sandbox seems to get some people into the mindset that their own personal vision of the game is the one true way to develop and play it.

    Quote from Akynth

    The cold, hard truth is this: We don't matter, aside from our worth in mouth-to-mouth advertising (good or bad) to Mojang. They've already got our money.

    Something that's also useful for the uber-nostalgic "stop updating the game" people to remember. They already got your money in Beta 1.4 or whenever, so anything they add from that point on won't get them more income from anyone BUT n00bs. And the more cool new things they add, the more people will talk about it to their friends, make new Let's Plays, et cetera. I have my doubts that a version of the game stalled at, say, 1.73 development would be still gaining this many new players, or sustaining such an active community.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on New Biomes? cool, but then again...
    Cool, but other people have a totally different idea of what Minecraft fun means to them. Mojang hasn't turned the game into Tekkit, they are adding some pretty basic things really (most of which can be ignored if you don't care for them.) What I can't seem to wrap my head around is why the posters who love the 'original/nostalgic' 'Minecrafty feel' of (insert preferred beta version here) even bother complaining about updates if they don't want anything changed? Just... don't update?? No one's forcing you to do so. You have plenty of options if you don't like a particular new biome, even if you do update. (Like Large Biomes, as noted above me.) It's like complaining for hours and hours on end about how everyone else is eating strawberry ice cream and you don't like it and it's too newfangled and sweet for you, when there is a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream right in front of you with no one stopping you from eating it. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something? Seems simple enough.

    To me, all the biomes are blocky, they have Minecraft things in them and I can do Minecraft stuff when I travel through them, so they are plenty Minecrafty. If I don't like a biome, I won't build my house there, same as always.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 13w42a is out!
    Quote from Gastroid

    A pre-release is incoming and we still have the awful chimera trees and sea floors are still rather unfinished. That's concerning.

    Yeah, at the very least I would have expected finished trees for the new biomes. If they don't add that it will seem incredibly lazy to me, I hope it's still in the works as a result of Jeb's vacation or something.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Has minecraft changed too much?
    I've been playing since Beta 1.4, and if the game were never updated or changed since that point, I really doubt I'd be playing it right now (Playing a heavily modded version, perhaps?) Everyone gets a little nostalgic for the time when the game was new to them, but that feeling eventually wears off and isn't enough to sustain interest for most people. There are things I'm not that interested in using like the command blocks, and things I think could be done better, like village generation or zombie AI. But none of the changes 'ruin' the game for me in any way because I really don't expect anything to be perfect.

    If people are so attached to the first version of the game they played, they have no reason to complain about updates anyway, since the new launcher lets you play any version you want. I went back and played in 1.73 for LOLs and quickly got bored when I realized none of the cool stuff I would like to do was gonna ever be there.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that dislikes the mossy cobble in Mega Taigas?
    I don't see the problem, they're basically working as moss-covered rocks/boulders in this setting. And mega taiga is very rare anyway. It's not likely you'd even find one of these biomes before you've already raided about 20 dungeons. It's just another little detail to make the biome look unique, and another way to obtain a nice block, so it's a decent reward for exploration.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on INSANE GENERATED MOUNTAIN 13w39b (W/ SEED)
    Quote from The_catmaker

    If it's survival, why are you flying then?

    Could have cheats turned on.

    Regardless of that, I tried the seed and coords myself in 1.64 and ended up in the middle of an ocean, with an Ex Hills biome within view, but that biome (while attractive) didn't contain anything like the mountain in OP's screenshot. I really don't think this was caused by the 1.64 generator, it was a mixup of some kind.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Podzol changes to Dirt when dug
    I do hope they change it so that podzol regenerates or spreads (at least, only within the mega taiga biome.) If you wanted to gather and use a ton of this block for building in survival, you'd have to ruin your extremely rare forests. I don't think there's another biome wherein the entire 'feel' and look can be destroyed by gathering a resource, anything else can be regrown or replaced somehow.
    Posted in: Discussion
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