I, like many, have been highly anticipated the 1.8 update since it was announced months ago. All I would like to know, is with atleast 2 months of planning, coding, testing, etc, why does Notch and Mojang half-ass everything? Why is it, that a single mod developer can add more to the game in one week than notch can in 2 months? Does anyone remember the Halloween update? Everyone was extremely excited for it and couldn't wait, only to see it was half-assed and never finished. I feel like this release is going to be the same way. For example: endermen.
The way notch described endermen was creepy and adrenaline-pumping. I imagined them to be awesome and scary. But in reality, what do they do? they walk toward you and cause damage when they touch you. Yeah, real scary.
Or how's about NPC villages. I expected a bunch of pigmen living in harmony, working together mutually. What did we get? A bunch of horribly generated houses that are extremely bugged.
Sorry for the rage thread, but I can't stand the fact that Notch can't do more work in 2 months than any other dev can do in 1 week. I remember the days when notch would update every Friday, and he was close with the community.
On a more positive note: mine shafts, blue spiders, new lighting, silverfish, biomes, and the new combat are awesome. And I do understand that this is just a pre-release, but any other developer team would have atleast 50 more features after 2 months of coding. I do think notch is great, but he needs to get back to the way it was when he was actually an indie game developer. He got more done back then.
- ethood1999
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Member for 13 years and 10 months
Last active Fri, Jan, 6 2012 16:31:06
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jeffery_mcdick posted a message on Why can't notch work to save his life?Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion -
Kanka posted a message on Hunger: The reason it needs to be possible to Disable itIt doesn't matter if pvp takes skill or not. It doesn't matter if pvp even exists. We should have a choice of having hunger, or not.Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion -
chrisishappy132 posted a message on Hunger: The reason it needs to be possible to Disable itPosted in: 1.8 Update DiscussionQuote from OfficerHotpants
In light of it looking like an actual complaint, it's like I said before. Now you have to pick your battles and actually learn a thing or 2 about defense. PvP has been ENHANCED because of this. If you learn to keep your hunger full often, you'll get health regen. Then it comes down to avoidance. PvP takes MORE skill than ever.
If hunger was being REMOVED, and food instantly healed you, people would have this same complaint. That it takes "0 skill".
Your completly wrong, though.
Hunger regerated your healthj Every 5 seconds, and heals 1/2 a Heart. Do you think that'll benefit you at all in a Sword to Sword combat? If your saying what we have to do now is run away from eachother after every hit and wait 15 seconds to gain 1 1/2 hearts, then Id rather them just code a plugin to remove it.
So its not skill, its running. Ruining the fun of PvP.
Watch this video, and tell me if this is possible with the Hunger Bar, at ALL.
Breadlord posted a message on Homophobia (And other discrimination towards gay/bisexual people)I think homophobia is due to the fact that men are so rarely sexually harassed. Straight men know the kinds of things they put women through in an attempt to pursue them. So when they find out that another man might be sexually attracted to them they get very defensive. Homophobes don't want to have some random guy bump up against them at a party and cop a feel. You know... 'cause gay men behave exactly like straight men only they target other men.Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science -
Mein_Kraft posted a message on Most Worthless Item in MinecraftDead shrub.Posted in: Discussion
*edited twice: Here are my reasons as to why (revised):
The reason why I feel so strongly about the dead shrub is because it is an item, just one that can't be added to your inventory without hacking. 'You can't mine it nor craft it' (quoting someone else) is exactly my point. It's generated in desert biomes on new chunks, it's yet one more thing Minecraft has to render, you get nothing when destroying it, and even if you want it for aesthetic purposes, you cannot obtain one legitimately and must build around it.
The dead shrub is the only terrain item that cannot be produced, so if you want it, you'll have to build around it. It's the only purely ornamental object that requires you to cater around it. -
ChampTKE posted a message on How has minecraft affected you irl?Posted in: DiscussionQuote from Mental_Reap3r
I punched a tree, can't remember why, then i though of minecraft
Ah the memories
were you drunk? you had to be drunk. i tend to punch inanimate objects when i'm drunk -
thalectrik posted a message on the most retarted reason why you got banned from a smpPosted in: Discussion
Was it an advertised server? Did you need to apply, etc.? Maybe the ownerdidn't know how to whitelist. I'm saying this because most of all humans are turning into morons. - To post a comment, please login.
The game isn't supposed to be real life. I have no idea where you guys are getting the idea.
The Hunger system does fit real-life Survival but it definitely doesn't fit Minecraft Survival.
Minecraft and real-life are two totally different things.
Simple solutions:
-Make a Hunger toggle (won't hurt anyone, will it?)
-Make an extra difficulty which is Normal + no hunger (this would counter the problem of Notch having to code too many possibilities with the hunger toggle)
-Make all these adventure updates it's own mode.. Creative; Survival = up to Beta 1.7.3; Adventure = Survival + 1.8 and on features (I would sacrifice NPC villages and all that "fun" stuff for the chance to just play Survival normally without hunger)
At the end of the day, I think I proved why the "this is more survival-ly" argument is invalid.
It's fake, it's a virus, it's a scam - whatever you want to call it. Glad people on this forum are smart enough to not easily infect their computers.
No offense, but things like that is why no one is going to take you or this thread seriously.