So basically, one day I was thinking: what if some of the useful but kind of irritating blocks in Minecraft had a hard-to-get but really awesome version? Out of that idea came this mod.
THE MODCurrent Version: 1.1, for Minecraft 1.5.2
Basically, this mod introduces five new blocks (possibly more to come later), which are upgraded versions of the original block. Each one of them is crafted with iron ingots in the corners, wood planks (any type will do) in the sides, and a certain object in the middle. This recipe gives you one of {insert block name here}. All of the blocks below can be broken pretty quickly (using a tool does NOT increase braking speed) AND they emit decent amounts of light.
NOTE: the blocks labelled WIP have not yet been implemented into the download.
BLOCK 1: SPEED Block in the middle: ice (Yes, I know ice is hard to get, but it will be worth it. Trust me.) What it does: it has a slipperiness of 3.0. For those of you who aren’t modders, this means that this block will shoot you around ten blocks forwards. It also fires items in a similar manner.
BLOCK 2: SLOW Block in the middle: soul sand What it does: it does basically the opposite of Speed. It shoots you backwards. This can create some really interesting effects.
BLOCK 3: SPIKY Block in the middle: cactus What it does: kind of like cactus, except WAY better. It does more damage and can be placed on anything. Also, it doesn't matter if there's anything next to it. It doesn't destroy items.
BLOCK 4: STRONG Block in the middle: obsidian What it does: actually this does nothing new. It has the same blast resistance as normal obsidian. But just like all the other blocks in this mod, it can be broken by hand fairly quickly.
BLOCK 5: SPARKY Block in the middle: lava bucket (Yes, I'm aware that lava buckets are items, not blocks) What it does: it burns you. When you first make this, it seems to do the same thing as Spiky, but in reality it's fire damage. So if you have fire resistance, it does nothing to you.
BLOCK 6: SPRINGY Block in the middle: slimeball (yes, I know that this is an item) What it does: super duper bouncy! It bounces you four blocks. Pretty fun.
BLOCK 7: SPONGE (WIP, development on hiatus) Block in the middle: empty bucket (YES I KNOW THIS IS AN ITEM) What it does: same function as the sponge used to have: it drains liquds in the surrounding area.
The five blocks, placed and in the inventory The blocks emitting light Speed
Before stepping on And after stepping on A test using the same launcher as above, but with gold blocks marking where I stopped
The apparatus for the apple test (dropping apples down the chute and seeing where they go The results of the apple test The results of another test using the same equipment, but dropping villagers instead of apples
A mooshroom dying An iron golem getting injured
The equipment for a blast resistance test The results of the blast resistance test
An iron golem getting hurt Me proving that this causes fire damage
Okay, here's what I have in mind for the next update.
- Fixing the Forge version (this may take a while, I actually have no idea how Forge works)
- Removing the Strong block because it is useless (but if you still want it, tell me)
- Changing crafting recipie from wood planks and iron ingots to glowstone dust and gold ingots
- Changing the block textures accordingly
- Updating all the screenshots
- A new banner
- Possibly some new content, as soon as I think of something (suggestions appreciated)
- Plus figuring out how to move this topic to the completed mods section
Planned release date is before the next update and before school starts
Provided that I remain within the render area,
will saplings grow in the snow?
In the first picture, a sapling is surrounded by dirt. I know the trees grow successfully like this, but it is a hassle to dig out the snow around the tree before planting, especially if i have to plant a couple of stacks of trees.
In the second picture, is a tree planted directly in the snow. I am not sure if the sapling will grow with snow adjacent to it. I know that using bonemeal works but I am not sure if it will grow on its own. If it does, then it would be many times easier to plant in the snow, because I would not have to dig out, and then have to worry about it snowing over the spots i just dug up.
First of all, what pictures are you talking about? Secondly, I'm pretty sure the tree will grow if it is next to snow. Third, if it doesn't, just use torches or glowstone to melt large areas of snow quickly.
I was wondering if you could add the ability to "mix and match" half slabs. For example, if I want the top half of a block to be wood, for a floor, and the bottom be cobble, for a ceiling, I could do that in the space of one block, using half slabs, as this is not currently possible. I just thought the concept kinda fit with better fences.
That would be awesome. I've been wanting that for a while too.
Uh, it doesn't quite work with Forge... I put it in the "mods" folder but the game doesn't recognize it...
EDIT: Also, don't be sad. This is a cool mod, but it's little. Players nowadays prefer big mods like, say, Thaumcraft. I'm not saying either one is better, but, you know... don't give up!
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was on vacation. I will see about the Forge version (along with updates) as soon as I get the new version of MCP set up. And thank you very much for the support.
This is an awesome and beautiful idea. The possible uses of this are nearly endless. This would be a great boon to mapmakers and avid explorers everywhere. FULL SUPPORT.
PS: Could you see if you can find someone to get this up and running for the latest versions of Minecraft? I really want this.
UPDATE: forge compatibility will be done in... i dunno, a week or two? i still can't find a good tutorial, if you could recommend me one, that would be great (i am using mcp). on the other hand, one of the WIP blocks, springy, will be added to the download very, very soon. (actually, as soon as i decide how high it should bounce you.)
Really cool mod, will download. Also, I have a few ideas/suggestions/whatever:
-Make a Super Block that shoots you in the air, maybe based on a piston, on TNT or on a slimeball;
-Make a Super Block that negates fall damage, maybe based on a water bucket; -Make a Super Block that absorbs all liquids, maybe based on an empty bucket or a cauldron; -Make a Super Block in which the player can pass but entities or liquids cannot, maybe based on a trapdoor or iron bars (is this even possible? lol).
the first one seems cool, i could see about that. the second one seems to be just solid water. the third one... i suppose i could just copy off the sponge's code... and the last one seems like a nice idea. dunno if i can do that though.
THE MOD Current Version: 1.1, for Minecraft 1.5.2
Basically, this mod introduces five new blocks (possibly more to come later), which are upgraded versions of the original block. Each one of them is crafted with iron ingots in the corners, wood planks (any type will do) in the sides, and a certain object in the middle. This recipe gives you one of {insert block name here}. All of the blocks below can be broken pretty quickly (using a tool does NOT increase braking speed) AND they emit decent amounts of light.
NOTE: the blocks labelled WIP have not yet been implemented into the download.
Block in the middle: ice (Yes, I know ice is hard to get, but it will be worth it. Trust me.)
What it does: it has a slipperiness of 3.0. For those of you who aren’t modders, this means that this block will shoot you around ten blocks forwards. It also fires items in a similar manner.
Block in the middle: soul sand
What it does: it does basically the opposite of Speed. It shoots you backwards. This can create some really interesting effects.
Block in the middle: cactus
What it does: kind of like cactus, except WAY better. It does more damage and can be placed on anything. Also, it doesn't matter if there's anything next to it. It doesn't destroy items.
Block in the middle: obsidian
What it does: actually this does nothing new. It has the same blast resistance as normal obsidian. But just like all the other blocks in this mod, it can be broken by hand fairly quickly.
Block in the middle: lava bucket (Yes, I'm aware that lava buckets are items, not blocks)
What it does: it burns you. When you first make this, it seems to do the same thing as Spiky, but in reality it's fire damage. So if you have fire resistance, it does nothing to you.
Block in the middle: slimeball (yes, I know that this is an item)
What it does: super duper bouncy! It bounces you four blocks. Pretty fun.
BLOCK 7: SPONGE (WIP, development on hiatus)
Block in the middle: empty bucket (YES I KNOW THIS IS AN ITEM)
What it does: same function as the sponge used to have: it drains liquds in the surrounding area.
Quick install: https://www.dropbox....locks 1.5.2.jar
Forge-compatible/ manual install: https://www.dropbox....1.5.2
if you know how to do any of this, please leave a comment.
April 26, 2013: released first version of the mod
Some time in May 2013: released forge-compatible version
June 3, 2013: released 1.5.2 update
- Fixing the Forge version (this may take a while, I actually have no idea how Forge works)
- Removing the Strong block because it is useless (but if you still want it, tell me)
- Changing crafting recipie from wood planks and iron ingots to glowstone dust and gold ingots
- Changing the block textures accordingly
- Updating all the screenshots
- A new banner
- Possibly some new content, as soon as I think of something (suggestions appreciated)
- Plus figuring out how to move this topic to the completed mods section
Planned release date is before the next update and before school starts
PS: Could you see if you can find someone to get this up and running for the latest versions of Minecraft? I really want this.
yes, certainly.
ty for the support.
on a side note, has ANYONE downloaded this yet?