Hmm.. this looks great! But I feel like the developers of Minecraft might be done with the End after the whole End City update. Plus, it would be fine with a few Endermen. But your idea is great and it would be awesome to be implemented
I feel like drills would make mining way faster and cooler! They would be able to mine fast though a few blocks, and have different effects on ores.
they will also create an explosion if they run out of durability.
Drills will actually destroy most ores, so just use a pickaxe for them.
Drills will mine through blocks really fast.. like Creative mode fast. However they will rapidly lost durability if they come in contact with Obsidian, or Bedrock.
Drills WILL function in water, but they will lose durability qucker.
If you equip a drill underwater, you will start to sink. You cannot dive while holding a drill.
While holding a drill you will appear just holding it. You will have to of course hold click to start mining. While mining you will appear holding the drill with both hands with the top spinning making a spin noise.
Redstone Ore: Will drop a LOT more redstone dust.
Coal Ore: Will drop less coal than using a pickaxe
Iron Ore: Will drop 5-7 iron nuggets
Gold Ore: Will drop 3-5 gold nuggets (drops less due to gold having poor durability)
Nether Quartz Ore: Drops less quartz than using a pickaxe
Diamond Ore: Drops 0-2 Diamonds when mined with a drill
Lapiz Lazuli Ore: Drops 0-4 Lapis Lazuli
Emerald Ore: Drops 0-1 Emeralds
Drills will destroy most appliances (furnace, crafting table, etc) so they will not drop if mined with a drill.
-If you mine glowstone with a drill it will drop 3-7 glowstone dust!
-drilling sand will cause a lot of sand to drop.
-drilling clay causes more clay to drop as well.
Hmm.. It will include iron ingots, gold ingots, and redstone.
Hmm.. enchantments will include Unbreaking, Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch, Mending, and other pickaxe related enchantments. New enchantments will be
Ore Mining- allows better ore mining. You can mine ore just like with a pickaxe!
@drwho42 I remember getting them at a book fair at my old school
I still have all four! I have just found them and decided to ask the forums about it
Well I see your point, but you do find the elytra, saddle, and other things in minecraft. And thank you everyone for your feedback to far!
Thank you all for the feedback! This actually was based on the Drax from Terraria.
Hmm.. this looks great! But I feel like the developers of Minecraft might be done with the End after the whole End City update. Plus, it would be fine with a few Endermen. But your idea is great and it would be awesome to be implemented
I feel like drills would make mining way faster and cooler! They would be able to mine fast though a few blocks, and have different effects on ores.
they will also create an explosion if they run out of durability.
Drills will actually destroy most ores, so just use a pickaxe for them.
Drills will mine through blocks really fast.. like Creative mode fast. However they will rapidly lost durability if they come in contact with Obsidian, or Bedrock.
Drills WILL function in water, but they will lose durability qucker.
If you equip a drill underwater, you will start to sink. You cannot dive while holding a drill.
While holding a drill you will appear just holding it. You will have to of course hold click to start mining. While mining you will appear holding the drill with both hands with the top spinning making a spin noise.
Redstone Ore: Will drop a LOT more redstone dust.
Coal Ore: Will drop less coal than using a pickaxe
Iron Ore: Will drop 5-7 iron nuggets
Gold Ore: Will drop 3-5 gold nuggets (drops less due to gold having poor durability)
Nether Quartz Ore: Drops less quartz than using a pickaxe
Diamond Ore: Drops 0-2 Diamonds when mined with a drill
Lapiz Lazuli Ore: Drops 0-4 Lapis Lazuli
Emerald Ore: Drops 0-1 Emeralds
Drills will destroy most appliances (furnace, crafting table, etc) so they will not drop if mined with a drill.
-If you mine glowstone with a drill it will drop 3-7 glowstone dust!
-drilling sand will cause a lot of sand to drop.
-drilling clay causes more clay to drop as well.
Hmm.. It will include iron ingots, gold ingots, and redstone.
Hmm.. enchantments will include Unbreaking, Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch, Mending, and other pickaxe related enchantments. New enchantments will be
Ore Mining- allows better ore mining. You can mine ore just like with a pickaxe!
Waterproof- Drills are extra durable underwater
You may reply what you think about this idea!