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    posted a message on ACTUAL RAVINE AND CAVE SEEDS
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on help
    ​help I need some good island seeds and survival island seeds post your seeds here I will also post mine ;) :):):):)
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on Battledome, Teacher, Cops N Robbers, Epic Jump Map and MORE!
    Sounds cool my username on pe is herobrine
    Quote from Shogaan

    Hey there Minecraft Forum. I believe this is actually my first official post.. Anyway, I recently(yesterday) Made a Minecraft PE Server that can be accessed through Blocklauncher(patching the server ip and whatnot) and on this server, there will be a variety of minigames such as battledome, teacher, cops n robbers, epic jump map, assassins creed parkour deathmatch, and more! So, yeah. Oh, and before anything else, here is the schedule(For the next 8 days by the way, because I am on vacation and once I return to my hometown I will be changing the server IP and everything ;D)

    Today- 3:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Tuesday- 5:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Wednesday- 3:00 PM-10:30 PM

    Thursday- 5:45 PM-10:30 PM

    Friday- 10:00 AM-7:30 PM

    Saturday is not a good day for me, sorry. Onto Sunday-->

    Sunday- 9:30 AM-8:00 PM

    By the way, I am also a youtuber, so there might be 10-15 minutes of intermission per day when I'm recording

    Sorry if it inconveniences you.

    And now, for the server IP:

    The port is 19132.

    Once again, Blocklauncher is needed to patch the IP!


    Go to Blocklauncher Pro, Tap the toolbar thingy at the top, and scroll down to "Redirect multiplayer connection to online".. Then, Patch the ip from there.

    Rules for the Server(s):


    1. No Griefing

    2. No Mods/Hacks(BAN!)

    3. Only Sprint Mod is Allowed(I don't think it works anymore lol)

    4. Do not ask to be OP. If you are trustable, then you will be deemed OP.

    Anyway. Hopefully I'll see someone on the server today. So, uh, yeah. Hello Forums, It's my first post and all, so I guess I'll be posting more in the future. And over the next 8 days, I will keep everyone up-to-date on my youtube channel.




    I'm also a youtuber and my username is herobrine
    Posted in: MCPE: Quick Sessions / Minigames
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    posted a message on Amazing Seed, Weird Name
    Sounds cool
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on MC PE Best Seeds!
    i'll try it
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on Seed Mixing
    here's a s good one it is your mom it has lots of mountains and hills one water fall and a desert valley all of the normal ground is flat
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on [WIP] PocketInvEditor: A Minecraft PE inventory editor for Android
    i do not like it at all...............LOVE IT
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Mincraft PE Seeds!

    I got an EPIC Seed, its just 'v' . If THE world is started, watc behind you and look at the EPICNESS
    i saw the epicness and man was it epic
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on Cool Seed!
    there also is a cactus next to a big canyon
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on Cool Seed!
    i found a seed called you mom it has tall hills skinny mountain thick mountains and a sorta flatland
    Posted in: MCPE: Seeds
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    posted a message on how do i take screen shots on mcpe
    if you know how to take screen shots please tell me remember MCPE!!!!!!!
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on MCX360 Seed Requests
    i would like a survival island seed
    Posted in: MCX360: Seeds
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    posted a message on i need some seeds
    i need seeds for my friend plz post some hear
    Posted in: MCX360: Seeds
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    posted a message on Gamer Army: Now Recruiting
    Quote from XxmadgamerxX

    XxmadgamerxX here with a new clan for MCPE. If anyone can post a 24/7 server for our clan, you can become my assistant. If we get the server soon, ill scedual an open house soon enough.

    Leader (me)


    Miners (our clan's resource finders)



    Recruiters (with my permission)

    Steves ( clan helpers)

    Thanks & See ya Latah!
    i would like to be a miner
    Posted in: MCPE: Clans
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    posted a message on Pocket Builders
    hi i'm interested in joining (great at building)
    Posted in: MCPE: Clans
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