Maybe the biggest and the ugliest problem is the memory allocation. Currently the game allocates (and throws away immediately) 50 MB/sec when standing still and up to 200 MB/sec when moving. That is just crazy.
The general trend is that the developers do not care that much about memory allocation and use "best industry practices" without understanding the consequences. The standard reasoning being "immutables are good", "allocating new memory is faster than caching", "the garbage collector is so good these days" and so on.
The old Notch code was straightforward and relatively easy to follow. The new rendering system is an over-engineered monster full of factories, builders, bakeries, baked items, managers, dispatchers, states, enums and layers. Object allocation is rampant, small objects are allocated like there is no tomorrow. No wonder that the garbage collector has to work so hard.
This mentions 1.8 but it has only worsened since then, as I've posted countless times, and while I've never run newer versions I've been told they run a lot worse (over 4x worse performance at mid settings vs max settings is quite bad; many modern optimization mods (not including Optifine) make crazy performance claims, e.g. Sodium, which they likely used as it is very popular, yet they said the game still wasn't as smooth):
Amazing work falls very short, I'm completely impressed at what you accomplished with TMCW, the game runs at 180+ fps on max settings (1.18 barely hits 40 on modest settings, 1.16.5 with a lot of performance mods gets close to that but with choppier feel) with all that extra content of incredible quality.
This post I made includes examples from newer versions:
Actually, it is quite crazy that TMCW/1.6.4, which uses rendering techniques that were obsolete even before Notch started developing Minecraft, can get better rendering performance than the latest version, which uses modern rendering methods; even 1.8 added the use of VBOs, which are supposed to be much faster than the obsolete "display lists" used by older versions (I've seen mixed claims of whether this is actually true, many of the replies here claim that display lists are faster; either way, it is largely down to the efficiency of your own code, which is just as true for Java vs C++; the latter is indeed faster in many cases but bad C++ code can easily be much slower than even interpreted Java code (Java being interpreted is still often used as proof that it is slow but in any modern JVM only code that is run for the first time or very rarely will remain interpreted while any critical code will be compiled, aka "just in time compilation" and this can include optimizations specific to the platform it is run on, not just more general ones, as is the case for a precompiled exe file).
In particular, this is how lightweight the game could be if coded properly, and most of this isn't even due to anything I've done, older versions were just much less resource-demanding, regardless of how much content they had:
Note the second graph in particular, which shows memory usage rising by about 100 MB over 40 seconds or so, a rate of 2-3 MB/s (at maximum settings, except FPS was limited with Vsync, unlimited does increase the allocation rate but has no real benefits), compared to the 50-200 MB/s cited above, and this is for a modded version that adds far more content to 1.6.4 than the 1.7-1.8 updates, or even far beyond, yet all that content hasn't had any noticeable impact except where it might be obvious (such as biomes of massive cloud-height trees, which do require a lot more GPU resources to render, even so, I didn't have issues on a computer from the mid-2000s as long as I didn't set leaves to Fancy, which would max out the limited VRAM it had):
This shows just how low the baseline memory usage is, and even this includes the equivalent of 16 layers of terrain (a full 16x16x16 section is allocated if even a single block or layer is present), which amounts to about 6 MB at the settings used, thus the real baseline is about 20 MB - anything above that is entirely due to loaded blocks, which are also a constant regardless of how many different types there are (the game always allocates the same amount of space per block ID and state, which are stored as simple numerical values which are used to reference the actual block objects. Even newer versions have to work like this as the overhead of handling millions of actual block objects is just crazy):
I actually agree with this.
I'm playing with a mod, that requires me to sneak to pick up nearby stuff or rightclick for a single item i look at.
If that where standard vanilla, almost everyone would complain about it when doing farmwork or tearing down large builds.
Especially becouse sneaking slows you down. So it has it's flaws.
To me, it makes the game way more enjoyable since i don't have to deal with lillypads,
from crossing swamps by boat, worthless drops like rotten flesh or leather etc.
Also, sometimes there are just items laying around at random, like eggs or flowers & they can mess up your inventory rather fast.
Another pro about this is that i don't have to throw away items far enough, to not recollect them.
Automatic collection should be optional by now.
-Full support!
I'm puzzled. How do we determine effeciency? To get something done fast? To automate as much ressorces as soon as possible?
It completly depends on playstyle. Survival ist just a game mode.
A complete new player i would reccommand to not kill every animal near spawn. For lazy ones, i'd recommand breading chickens.
Giant spruce trees are the best to farm, if you climb them with waterbucket & chop from top to buttom.
(Spruce trees or more accurately sticks are a good trading ressorce earlygame)
Now the fuel properties! You can safe lot's of coal if you use sapplings/wool/etc instead of 1 coal for 2 iron ores. Or use lava instead.
1 coal smelts 8 items. 8 coal smelt a stack. 16 coal make 1 stack of torches. And you want lots of torches!
Don't throw away leftover bulding materials. Store them seperated from your organized storage.
Don't craft swords weaker than iron-tier. Use stone-axe instead & practice critical attacks.
No iron shovel/hoe. Stone is good enough untill you hit diamond.
For my personal playstyle... i'm an overworld nomad. And i sattle down extremely rare, when i'm in the mood to build something.
The only effeciency related stuff to me is NOT TO DIE & inventory management. Otherwise it's just travel, trade, fight, mine that cave or loot that structure!
True. Tho in the situation i explained, where you want to cross a swamp, the lillypads take the place where the boat needs to be.
That's the point. To prevent that, i have to take them into the inventory.
If the swamp is a larger one, i end up with 2 stacks lillypads IF i have that space left.
That's why i hate lillypads. There is no way around them but mods / frostwalker.
I don't know... I mean, dogs making noise is one thing i did not think of jet,
that could realy be helpful to not get lost while cavemining.
But taking dyes with you, to dye the dorgs underground doesn't sound practicle.
(Iknow, you did not say so. I assume you dye them before you take off.
Btw, what do you memorize using dogs with colorized collars?)
I used to place signs all over the place.
Nowdays i just dig upwards & travel back, when i realize i got lost.
Another issue is that dogs tent to get in the way, while mining or while fighting in close caves.
It's allready dangerous enough to fight creepers near bats, as they can take the hits instead.
Plus dogs don't fight creepers. They don't even flee from creepers.
A cat might be the better companion when dealing with creepers underground.
We probably won't see cannons anytime in the future. Same with guns, rifles ect.
About your demand for ships:
Have you ever tried davincis vessels mod?
It allows you to build ships, airships & submarines from your favourite blocks in almost any shape you like.
Just attache the steering wheel & off you go!
Altough, there are some requirements if you want to fly or build insane big vehicles.
So yes, you can basically fly & dive with your house or mansion or whatever.
So stupid & jet SO MUCH FUN!
-Highly recommand it.
There are plenty of cacti farm designs but i get what you mean. It would add some fun to the game if this mob would knock down some grown cacti.
Uhm.. first of, this forum isn't run by mojang. They don't even read here.
This is where you post your ideas, get feedback & then you post your suggestion to minecrafts feedback site or minecrafts reddit.
Based on what you suggest, we, the readers, would need to know that specific series you watched.
Do you realy expect people (or mojang developers) to watch a youtube series just to understand what you suggest?
What i understand so far is that you want random armor customization with effects simular to suspicious stew.
So armor with possibly: poison, mining fatigue & nausia? O.o
Ok, you have a lot of ideas for this mob. In general i like your suggestion.
Ther are just 2 problems:
Minecraft does not have male & female mobs. But there are brown mooshrooms, so alternate textures aren't a problem.
The mob should not be able to destroy blocks. Creepers don't grief unless they come close to a player.
Enderman are the exception here.
Also: Riding, chest equippable, sheerable plus cropgrow bonus are a little overpowered.
I would add none of them, even the cropboost. Becouse that would make bonemeal almost useless.
Ramming trees to make sticks & sapplings drop is pritty cool & useful.
Your texture is cool as well.
You should overthink your suggestion, post it on minecrafts official feedback website or minecrafts reddit.
If mojang should turn your suggestion down, suggest it to mod developers instead.
This mob idea has potential, don't let it go to waste.
So i partially support.
Minecraft isn't the only game with broken inventory when you want to take the wight of items into account.
(Carrying stacks of goldblocks in shulkers)
The most broken things i have seen are dolphinspeed plus depthstrider 3 & boats on ice.
When you move faster then the world can load, you know that something is just broken.
Or the PC / server is just bad.
There is nothing we can interact with (lift things for example) to somehow determin the strenght of the character.
It's all speculation to a game with broken physics compared to real life.
I remember i played a dungeon crawler on ps2 with a weight based inventory system. But then i found an item that gave me streanght boost (atk dmg & more carrying capacity) for just having it in my inventory. Since the multiplayer was also broken (import char, drop stuff & export WITHOUT SAVING) i could just dupe these items endlessly, maxing out all streanght related stats. So i just killed the last boss on the highest difficulty with 1 hit.
You can't do that in minecraft, so i would argue that Steve is no where near the strongest.
The game was Champions of Norrath. It got an expansion called Champions return to arms. The devs didn't remove the obviously broken parts, so me & my friends just kept making godlike lvl 1 Characters.
Your best option here is to mute ingame music & play it with youtube or music player program.
To be honest i never liked aby of minecrafts music (except pigstep), so i play what i want seperatly.
There is also a musicplayer mod for forge, which let's you play music ingame from your pc or youtube.
But it crashes sometimes when playing together with other sound related mods like dynamic surroundings or soundfilters.
That's why i stoped using that one.