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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Pandolen»

    W... Why Groudon throwing stuff at Cow-cow...? Why big boots desert me again?

    Distressed moooooo

    Image result for sad cow pics

    Sorry Pandolen, I tend to get in and out of minecraft forums and right now is one of those times. Plus I've been watching gameplay for a game I really wanna get.

    OT: Um.... I think I'll stick with my hands, I really don't know how to fly a spaceship. So I might just crash the thing.
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield


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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    Saving Mikasa,

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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Pandolen»

    REALLY?? Oh gosh, I'm so happy to hear that. <inserts happy moo here>

    Well, in that case I have something special to show you! Follow me!

    Leads Big Boots away from the other players, through the cow paddock while saying hello to the other cows, then down into my secret lair. It's a big room with many technological items, like cow computers (keyboards designed specifically for animals with hooves), cow cars, other cow contraptions and, most importantly, my very own cow space craft. (it is shaped like and Udder and the teats are the propulsion jets and landing struts)

    I built the space craft myself, you know!
    Smiles happy with myself.
    The Udder Kind shared their technological knowledge with me during last years probing session. So get in, Big Boots, let's go for a ride through the Galaxy!

    *Follows Pandolen,*

    Wow! there sure is a lot of cool stuff down here,

    *Sees the rocket,*

    Wow! We're really gonna ride through the galexy in that thing?! Cool!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield
    Quote from groudongirl59»

    Eren and Mikasa from Attack on Titan.

    Well, I'd put in the characters I wanted. But, groudongirl already did it. Thanks!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Pandolen»

    Well... I guess it just didn't seem like you were enjoying yourself a lot. You don't have to hang around a silly cow if you don't want to.

    But I'm happy to go back to space travel if you want tho. It's up to you.

    Bites off some grass and chews slowly.

    Are you serious?! I'd love to hang out with a cow all the time!
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    Pushes Steve into Dart Trap.

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    posted a message on complain about anything
    Quote from ScorpionXR64»

    But what if the whole game is about multiplayer and there is basically no campaign or anything? That's when it starts to affect the game.

    Not trying to start an argument here

    Yeah, you do have a good point. I never actually knew that there were games like that to be honest.

    And don't worry about me starting an argument I'm not one to fight.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    Kaito slashes undyne with the sword he found, (I feel like a narrator saying this stuff,)

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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Pandolen»

    Too much cow is too much cow I guess.


    Flies back to earth and walks away.

    Pandolen, why are we back on earth?

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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    groudongirl next time come up with a character who actually fights! Its hard coming up with attacks for Kaito! XD

    Kaito manages to get his hands on a sword and strikes Shulk with it,

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    posted a message on complain about anything
    Quote from ScorpionXR64»

    Well let me give you a very exaggerated example:

    Let's say you are at a farm with some horses, someone says horse riding is fun.

    But let's also say when you were young, a horse kicked you into the path of a Combine and you barely escaped, that could ruin the horse riding experience.

    While that was greatly exaggerated, it gives you an idea, let's say you see this one cool game, but you see the community is really, really toxic, that could, at best, somewhat taint the whole experience a bit, at worst it could put you off from buying the game.

    It gets worse with Multiplayer games, since you always have to be with the toxic community when you play, some might even cheat or eat their mic and caterwaul until your eardrums look like they were shot by a cannon.

    If the game is fun enough the experience might still be very good but the community is still an important aspect to a game.

    You do have a good point, but all I'm saying is a cringey fanbase doesn't affect the thing itself.Yes multiplayer does have cringey players. But, its easy to ignore multiplayer if you don't like it. I just can't really see how other people can affect something. And a heads up in case an argument might happen. I may not get what your saying because that happens to me. So please bare with me if I took it the wrong way.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Character Battlefield

    Kaito uses his scarf to attack Kirby,

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    posted a message on Answer the question above you

    Because you want to learn how you spell it,

    How do you say "Hi" in English? XD

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    posted a message on Be the last poster to win!
    Quote from Pandolen»

    XD hey, don't wash my slobber off!

    We can leave right now! it's 2000 billion miles away, give or take a lightyear, but to get there it will only take as long as it takes to finish this sentence.

    Okay, we've arrived.

    Let's beam down there!

    Btw, watch out for mushrooms, they are vicious on this planet.

    Pandolen, you don't understand... I NEED to wash away your cow slobber, I MUST wash your cow slobber.

    Yay! We're on a planet no one probably explored, this feels so cool Pandolen! And I'll keep note about the mushrooms.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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