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    posted a message on Food and Hunger System Overhaul!

    Neutrition... god that would ensure I never play Minecraft again.

    Hunger was the single worst thing added to this game. It was more fun without the egg timer.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I bought the plastic texure pack on ps4 and it keeps on saying that its the trial one.

    There is literally nothing we can do to help with account issues.

    Posted in: Legacy Console Support
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    posted a message on The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail??

    It really has nothing to do with your "first time". It really should be common sense.

    Curse page for mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/instant-structures-mod-ism?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=300635

    On the right it lists the "owner" of the mod. "officialMaggiCraft", where you can send a message to them.

    If you have a problem, posting for help on forums is fine, but most things can, if not be solved, then greatly helped if you do some digging yourself. Seriously, I found all this information in less than a minute. It doesn't solve your problem, but it directly helps you get closer to a solution than this forum post alone will.

    And yes, I understand I am coming off as a bit harsh. That is on purpose. My goal is to encourage you to try and solve problems on your own and not relying just on forums like far FAR too many people do. Posting for help is fine, but do some digging yourself too. You will never improve yourself otherwise.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail??

    Where did you get the mod? finding out who made it isn't exactly rocket science...

    This took me less than a minute of searching. https://instant-structures-mod.com/contact/

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail??

    Why not try asking the person who made the mod that is causing the crash? This forum is for vanilla game support.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on I can't buy Minecraft...

    There is literally nothing we can do. You need to contact Mojang support.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Is it just my computer or is Minecraft laggy in the 1.13 snapshots?

    Wait, are those... are those actually the minimum and recommended now for Minecraft!? That's insane, and Mojang is going to hurt themselves if they keep this up. The 1.x GHz and low 2.x GHz Core i3s (and even less!) are going to be a big portion of your average notebook user these days. It's understandable for a 1.1 GHz Celeron to not play the game too well (especially since those usually worse integrated graphics), but to need a decently fast Core i3 as MINIMUM!?

    It makes me wonder where my ancient Core i5 2500K would sit, because that makes it looks like it'd barely cut it, but here I am playing with a render distance of 32 absolutely perfectly (haven't tried 1.13 yet and now I'm not sure I want to, as 1.7 and 1.8 cutting my performance already put me off). Also, my even worse Core i3 4010U in my laptop (a measly... 1.6GHz? 1.7GHz? I forget) plays the game as well as my desktop believe it or not, albeit it at a render distance of 12 and a much lower resolution of course.

    Either they are admitting that this next version is going to be THAT much more performance hungry, or they simply don't have much hardware knowledge and that's simply the lowest end thing they tested it on themselves. It's understandable for hardware needs to go up in a game being developed as long as this, and of course they won't test with super old hardware (like mine), but it's still scary to see how much the requirements jump up with this game. Hopefully it's simply because it's still in pre-release and these high hardware jumps don't get reflected in the final release.

    The current system requirements are actually very low end. An i5 2500k is much stronger than the minimum. Older, but still stronger.

    If you are using a notebook to play games, you are basically setting yourself up for failure. They are not designed for games at all. They specifically prioritize power efficiency, so their CPUs are underpowered, they use slower hard drives, etc.

    The jump in spec requirements is not unreasonable at all. Basically any run-of-the-mill computers on the market right now will have no problems playing Minecraft. The OP has a computer that is AT LEAST 8 years old AND was low end at the time is was bought, so naturally, performance is go0ing to be an issue.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Server Problems?

    So you are running the server on the computer you are playing from? Can you connect via If not, then there is a bigger problem with your computer.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Friends Cannot Join My Realm

    Contact mojang support. They are the ones that support realms.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on how to play online minecraft alpha

    It was possible, the same way it is now. You ran the server software and people logged in to it. But it was indeed extremely buggy. On the up side, tools didnt degrade, and there was no fall damage. On the downside, minecarts were so buggy, they weren't worth using, among other things.

    I don't know if the alpha server software can be downloaded anymore, at least not officially. but yeah, it really isn't worth it outside of a quick nostalgia trip.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Help with minecraft

    The xbox version is different than the java version.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Pixel Issue - Java Error - Fail to Lanunch
    Quote from JosTheDude»

    In store I am allowed to return ... here my 2 emails to Minecraft and zero response on returns.

    I am the father of the child wanting this software. He has the Pocket Edition in iPhone, XBox edition, Apple TV edition. He is presumably the lead in his classroom when it comes to Minecraft. He wants it in his PC - which is where we are having the problem. I am simply put - extremely frustrated. I had offered him Minecraft Windows 10 apparently written in C++ using native Windows code (something BTW i am very familiar with) but he tells me its a useless version compared to Java edition. I really don't want to spend +500$ just for Minecraft!!

    Then don't spend $500 just for minecraft. Spend it to improve ALL computing functions you currently do, and it just so happens, Minecraft will actually work that time.

    Or don't, but either way, this isn't Mojang's fault, it is yours and yours alone.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Pixel Issue - Java Error - Fail to Lanunch
    Quote from JosTheDude»

    So - Minecraft knows the system requirements - you've confirmed it. Excellent. However, they make you PAY first and then you download the software. The software during installation doesn't do any checks. After installation - when trying to execute - fails to load. Sorry - I might be the biggest dumb guy here but the software can't do a GPU compatibility check BEFORE install? Apparently, there are so many users having this that they have a procedure outlined in support on how to analyze and submit but still they can't do any preliminary checks? Finally, why make a consumer pay FIRST ; ideally they should have allowed the installation and during activation required me to pay.

    Virtually every software outthere that you pay for has you pay before download unless there is a trial version... You act like this is unusual, but the reality is it is very VERY common.

    I have NEVER seen a SINGLE game EVER check hardware requirements during installation. This would be incredibly stupid too because it is possible to get some software working reasonably well on lower than required hardware, not always, be sometimes (Not in your case though), or perhaps the hardware checker fails to properly identify hardware, or as has happened before, the software get to be old and thinks newer hardware is insufficient. It is not practical to program in a foolproof hardware check.

    They have a procedure because unfortunately the vast majority of people in the world are, lets be honest, rather inept with computers.

    Finally, why make a consumer pay FIRST

    Try this logic next time you go to the store for something. See how far you get. Your logic is so backwards, it is literally laughable.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on When Did You Stop Liking Minecraft?

    The first downward tick in my love of the game happened on Beta 1.8 with the introduction of hunger. I consider it to be the single worst thing ever added to the game. It is nothing more than a pointless egg-timer that does nothing to make the game more difficult or "challenging". Food is trivial to obtain, so I consider it completely pointless.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I've lost enjoyment in minecraft.

    Take a break. Sometimes a long one is necessary. Its very common to get burnt out, and even more so, burn out quicker over time.

    Posted in: Discussion
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