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    posted a message on **--.. The Wheel of Time ..--** 0.09
    Xaph! a friend put me onto those video's of yours a few weeks ago... amazing work man... it truly looks remarkable :)
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on **--.. The Wheel of Time ..--** 0.09
    i'm curious as to how the project is set, in terms of putting everything in it's right place. you must be using a map, seeing as there's one in every book, more that one in most. i'm currently making a heightmap for my own attempt to recreate the world of the wheel of time, and i'm willing to share it. it's not finished, but i can share again once it is if your interested. it needs to be bigger to work, but stretching it then blurring it in photoshop on a small scale has worked in rest attempts.
    check out: http://i.imgur.com/LNjVB.jpg (i'd display the image, but it's big, and i can't put it in spoilers :( )
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    i'm excited captain, not that i have gotten over the recent additions already... lol and i'm looking forward to the possible new editions, but have no complains with the current features XD

    Quote from Notlim

    I can make a greyscale map fine as I've had experience with it before but importing it into worldpainter feels like shooting in the dark. I tried some super simply test maps and every time I would get something right like water level height something like the highest points would go wrong(I crashed minecraft a few times because i had a large portion of blocks ABOVE the 256 height limit be a number of blocks, sometimes just one block higher others half a dozen higher). Maybe a good explanation of what exactly each value you input does would help me?

    i'm really confused by what's going wrong for you, but i assume when you refer to the input values, you mean the menu the shows up when you import a heightmaps, so i'll try explain that below. but first, it does sound like you are perhaps you are using the height property incorrectly. it only natively supports 256 height (or less i guess) but with mods you can make maps higher. if you are changing it from 256, that's probably what's crashing your minecraft (unless you are playing with height mods in which case i can't help, cause i've no idea). the only other thing i can think of is that you accidentally didn't save the greyscale map in greyscale mode, but instead perhaps a different format capable of colour and just lacking it. sometimes my photoshop reverts back to an indexed mode that is incompatible with worldpainter despite being a completely greyscale map. if you use photoshop, it's in the Image menu, and under Mode select greyscale. If that didn't help:

    scale: effect's only the horizontal axis', stretching your map without making it higher.
    height: allows the use of pre-anvil, or anvil formats as well as various height mod formats. if you don't have height mods installed, don't select above 256.

    bottom and top of image: refers to the how far dark or light you want worldpainter to interpret the image. if you didn't go completely to the edge of black or white, and want to use a slightly off shade to represent the extremes of your image, you can adjust these variables. otherwise, just leave them alone. remember, you probably don't want to expose bedrock to the world even in the deepest parts of your oceans, and it's nice to give tree's rooms to grow on your mountains :)

    water level: as it says, sets the water level between 0 and 127. standard sea level in minecraft is 62, which is the default setting in WorldPainter. So if you want your map to meet naturally formed land, don't adjust this setting. otherwise you will most likely create a wall of water somewhere. personally, i find it easiest to just set to 0 and then flood the sea to an appropriate level. vanilla minecraft rivers don't flow, so they can be painted in via the heightmap, but if you want to add flowing rivers, you're on your own sorry, i can't help.

    top and bottom of minecraft: refers to the the range between which the heightmap will apply. if you go completely black or white in your heightmap, but don't black to be level 1, or white to be 256 blocks high, this allows you to those values. again, perhaps just leave them alone, unless you are using height mods or are having problems.

    oh, and the size of that map you talked about making... make a test blank map that size, and make sure your computer can handle it, before you get too dedicated. my crappy computer can't even get close. i'm going to build a map that size by making it in sections and joing them together in MCedit :)

    good luck!

    oh, and i almost forgot, some guy had a problem with his minecraft.jar 1.2.3 format thing, probably because he was using a modded .jar file... it seriously seems this thread has attracted an audience that is young and enthusiastic, but inexperienced and unwilling to read all 126 pages. so much to learn, so little time... XD

    NOTE: you should probably wait for chaos to confirm everything i've said, but i'm fairly confident, having played with these things a little bit :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    Quote from Notlim

    -I will also be making a greyscale import for the whole world made in photoshop where the lowest value(which will be 100% black) will be one layer above the bottom(so there is a single layer of bedrock), along with the highest point(100% white) being 10 below the highest buildable block(this is using the 256 height limit). I also want the water level to be at 80. If this can't be done has anyone found a good set of lights/darks with good values for the input. I want to be able to narrow down a shade for 0, 32ish 60ish, 80, 120ish, 200ish and 250ish. I say ish because they don't have to be exact(except for the 80 mark) so that while building different lands I can easily figure out the height I'm throwing down in areas. If i can use the full greyscale spectrum then this would be simple(50% grey being at 128, 25% being at 192 etc).

    I can't help you with your first problem, but I recently found a heightmap program which I find extremely useful. http://hme.sourceforge.net/
    But if you want to just stick to photoshop, it should still be extremely easy. you can change the colour of your brush in photoshop many ways, but you want to play with the RGB levels. this is because the RGB spectrum is measured in 256 steps. so you can literally just add whatever height you desire to each red, green and blue, and it will set the shade of grey to the desired level for that height. when RG & B are all set to 0, the colour is black, height is 1... when RGB are all 80, the height should be 80 (ish) :)

    Quote from Rahz

    3d view would be improved if it had 4 viewing angles, but it already does most of the surveying I need it to do.

    If you press R in the 3D preview, it will rotate the preview 90 degree's :)

    Quote from Rahz

    Possible idea for a river tool. When the user clicks a point on the map it converts the blocks's texture to water. The program then checks to see if adjacent blocks to the brush area are higher, even, or lower. Even or lower blocks have their texture converted to water and so on. Eventually it would reach a water source, or the lowest point which could be flooded into a lake.

    It would be possible to unexpectedly flood large areas, but if the river course was sculpted with the elevation tools the water would run down where you wanted it.

    There is already a tool that does this, with either Lava or Water. It's called "Flood" and is just above the Raise Mountain and Smooth tools.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    For those of us who like generating our terrain from heightmaps, I found an awesome tool for editing them: http://hme.sourceforge.net/ enjoy :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator

    if i make a custom map would you play it

    i'm going to say yes, because it will encourage you to play around with WorldPainter, but I'm lying, cause i won't play your map.
    Quote from craggy2569

    I need help!
    I created my world but how to i play it?

    You need to export your map. Once it's finished, go to the File menu, and select Export World, and then configure any final setting you want to change (resource layer, borders, chest of goodies, etc) and click Export. Once the export has finished, your world should be loadable from within Minecraft :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - user creations
    Wow nice RedSyndicate... keep up the good work :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    Quote from Damahr

    After importing a custom heightmap, I am unable to access the Biomes tool. Did I do something wrong? Or could this be a bug?

    No, you did nothing wrong. It's just when you import a heightmap, WorldPainter defaults to using the 1.2.3 biome scheme. If you go to the Edit menu, Change biome scheme and select "Custom biomes" you will be able to use the biome tool :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [1.2.3] Legacy Better Then BuildCraft Thread (defunct)
    now that's laughable... you just got owned kravitzz...

    actually, what's really laughable is the idea that Better Than Wolves isn't Better Than Buildcraft anyway XD

    edit: or do i mean "the idea that Better Than Wolves isn't better than Buildcraft anyway... I don't want to re-offend you FC, I promise Xd
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on **--.. The Wheel of Time ..--** 0.09
    hey, your teaser in the WorldPainter thread hooked me. I didn't read the whole 5 pages of comments, but i read most of them. I did however read all the books... most of them multiple times over. The first 8 at least three times each, the last one only once, but I'm on another re-read at the moment, up to book 6, my second favorite. I think it might be just me, but I really liked book 13. Like... ALOT! =D

    anyway, i too wanted to build a minecraft version of the world of the wheel of time. i never could find a good reference to the height of dragonmount, except that it seems it should be at least double the height of the white tower. then there's the deepest point of the ocean, some trench over near tremalking i think. lets say that point is bedrock, and the ocean is 32 blocks above it. this means you can make the white tower 100 blocks high, and dragonmount 224 blocks high. it's not going to be to scale on the height, but it should still be impressive, and give you some of room. to play around.

    oh, and when i did the calculations for scales, i found that the total area would have to be 50k x 45k blocks. if you're going for scale too (it would certainly be ambitious) then i can only say goodluck :) i think i worked it out to something ridiculous like 2.1gb's for a map that size XD
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    Quote from Captain_Chaos

    What do you think of the new biome painting feature? Does it conform to your wishes? :)

    And then some!! Considering you're closest rival in the biome editing game uses a text based system to replace biome data chunk by chunk, the simple fact that I can paint biomes makes this program a winner. =D

    Quote from Misantropia_11

    also, here's a link to some usefull heightmaps http://bmp.thefloati...net/heightmaps/

    awesome!! cheers for sharing.... i seriously find heightmaps easier to draw than using WorldPainter for my terrain. Photoshop is just that much more powerful :)
    i wrote a tutorial on other ways to get real world data into WorldPainter a little while ago. You might find it useful if you like heightmaps too :)

    Quote from Acoustic

    I have this really large map that I intend to put mountains on but it is taking forever to slowly drag the mountain tool from one side to another. Anyway to keep the same height of mountains no matter how fast you move the mouse?

    if you use the "flatten" tool, and start at the highest point you want, it will quickly raise any terrain you drag over to the same height. then go back and smooth your hills, adding smaller peaks where needed.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from nimh1898

    Do you have an estimate on we can expect a 1.2 update? (3.5201) :huh:

    he did, but then you asked about it and now he has to push it back. thanks. DON'T ASK ABOUT UPDATES!!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on WorldPainter - graphical & interactive map creator/generator
    Quote from Yrthis

    Even better than my idea with the biome ranges.

    it's funny that you say that, because i'm a lazy person, and i'd probably just prefer to use your idea and have the biomes pregenerated based upon height values. ocean at <48, continental shelf 48 - 60, beach at wherever the height difference isn't too great between shoreline and land for up to 8 blocks either side, then swamps where river meats ocean, forest next to river, plains next to forest and desert next to plains and far from forest or river. with that kind of intricacy, and a bunch of configurable settings, i'd barely have to touch up from a heightmap. apart from those damn rivers... they still mess with me. i'd certainly want a 're-calibrate according to rivers' function to go with that kind of biome mapping. stupid goddamn rivers, the bane of good mapping i swear.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [1.1] BioMod 1.0

    here's that update you were asking about :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.3] BioMod 2.0 - Remember Biometerrain mod?
    rofl, as a warning to others, you probably don't want to use the following settings:
    [Map Gen Village]

    it creates a high probability that villages will spawn on top of each other, and become unrealistic. i tried setting additionalVillageProbability to 10, and got good results, with villages all over the place, but none too close to each other. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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