Hey, I am Matt, I used to be on the Development Team until I had to take a leave of absence b/c of midterms. But now, my exams are done and the results are in, and I would like to re-join the team if you guys will still have me.
- Age: 16
- Game Experience: I have played Vanilla/Tekkit/Technic since Alpha
- Server Hosting/Managing Experience (overall): I work part-time for a hosting company for the past 6 months.
- Coding/Scripting Experience (overall): 7 years of it. I enjoy making websites also.
- How active? (how often do you play): Daily
- Are you able to advertise or find players?: Yes
- Why are you interested in this project? (put details): I am interested to see someone developing their own Java modpack and I would like to help out and see where this can go.
- Would you suggest anything for the server? (put details): Buildcraft is a bad mod, especially its pipes.
- Contact Information (preferrably Skype): Skype: matt-hermes1
Hello, I am the owner of SimplistiCraft, an upcoming server which prides itself on its simplicity. We take pains to go and make sure that everything on the server would be able to be done with minimal effort. We have a small number of plugins to ensure that the server doesn't get cluttered. I am currently looking for some builders to help build a medium to large sized spawn that is pleasing to the eye and is easily navigable. If you wish to help me with my endeavor, please post a reply using the format shown below.
In-Game Name:
Have you ever been banned?
If so, why?
I am also looking for 3-5 nice moderators who will help monitor the server and assist the community if they need help. If you are interested in that, please reply using this format.
Any References?
In-Game Name:
Have you ever been banned?
If so, why?
If I accept you, I will add you to the whitelist and PM you the ip for the server. For builders, you will undergo a building test once on the server. For moderators, I will ask you a few questions. I look forward towards your collaboration in this project.
Any chat program that I can talk to you with?(via text, mic broke ): Skype, TS, Email
Time Zone?: US Central
Position?: Tech Person
Why do you want that position?: I love computers.
Why I should choose you over others?: I rock at computers, I can program in 6 languages. I love computers. I can manage a server using SSH better than McMyAdmin can. I can do anything on Linux.
Why should I trust you?: I have no reason to do any damage to the server as I have my own awesome computer. I have never done anything to anyone's server. I have only gotten banned once because someone told me griefing was allowed... it wasn't.
Name: EaTzUrFaCe
Age: 16
Location: MidWest US
Previous experience: I was an admin on RedHawksDown, was co-owner of Alekcraft, run my own Tekkit server (barely), and previously ran another. I have CISCO Networking certification and have taken Oracle Java training. I can do almost anything when it comes to computers. (I made mine literally run my house) I like to keep everything in tip-top shape with no bugs or glitches whatsoever.
Are you affiliated with any other servers: No
What will you do to keep this role: Just about everything
Time you can dedicate: Every other week I can be on almost all day after school is out. The other week I can get in game half an hour per day.
Name: Matt
Forms of contact: [Skype, email, etc... [DO NOT LIST ADDRESSES/USERNAMES]] Skype, Email, Google Chat
PvP on scale of 1-10: 7
Red stone Skills on 1-10: 10
Moderation History: Admin for Alekcraft for about a year, I run my own server for the past 3 months or so.
Age: 16
Why do you think your qualified for this job?: I am an extremely experienced computer know-it-all who knows just about everything about minecraft.
Why should EC pick YOU: See Above
List some traits of yours: Smart, Dedicated, Geeky, Addicted
Bans: I think one when I first started MC.
Greifed before?: Yes, on a griefing server though.
Use any modifications/Hack?: Only tekkit on tekkit servers.
Ever heard of EC before this?: No
Favorite Food?: Souvlaki
Skype(Yes or No): matt-hermes1
Mic(Yes or No): Yes
Can you host a tekkit server: Yes
Can you record: I am pretty sure.
Age: 16
Time Zone: US Central
I would like to join, I am a very experienced, 16 yr. old Minecraft addict. I can host the server ( I have a dedicated web/print/minecraft server). I know everything about Tekkit except RP2 computers and railcraft. If you decide to pick me, please add me on Skype. I am matt-hermes1.
We are putting our all into this. It will be open once we get everything created and setup and all the bugs ironed out.
- Game Experience: I have played Vanilla/Tekkit/Technic since Alpha
- Server Hosting/Managing Experience (overall): I work part-time for a hosting company for the past 6 months.
- Coding/Scripting Experience (overall): 7 years of it. I enjoy making websites also.
- How active? (how often do you play): Daily
- Are you able to advertise or find players?: Yes
- Why are you interested in this project? (put details): I am interested to see someone developing their own Java modpack and I would like to help out and see where this can go.
- Would you suggest anything for the server? (put details): Buildcraft is a bad mod, especially its pipes.
- Contact Information (preferrably Skype): Skype: matt-hermes1
I am also looking for 3-5 nice moderators who will help monitor the server and assist the community if they need help. If you are interested in that, please reply using this format.
If I accept you, I will add you to the whitelist and PM you the ip for the server. For builders, you will undergo a building test once on the server. For moderators, I will ask you a few questions. I look forward towards your collaboration in this project.
Time Zone?: US Central
Position?: Tech Person
Why do you want that position?: I love computers.
Why I should choose you over others?: I rock at computers, I can program in 6 languages. I love computers. I can manage a server using SSH better than McMyAdmin can. I can do anything on Linux.
Why should I trust you?: I have no reason to do any damage to the server as I have my own awesome computer. I have never done anything to anyone's server. I have only gotten banned once because someone told me griefing was allowed... it wasn't.
Age: 16
Location: MidWest US
Previous experience: I was an admin on RedHawksDown, was co-owner of Alekcraft, run my own Tekkit server (barely), and previously ran another. I have CISCO Networking certification and have taken Oracle Java training. I can do almost anything when it comes to computers. (I made mine literally run my house) I like to keep everything in tip-top shape with no bugs or glitches whatsoever.
Are you affiliated with any other servers: No
What will you do to keep this role: Just about everything
Time you can dedicate: Every other week I can be on almost all day after school is out. The other week I can get in game half an hour per day.
Name: Matt
Forms of contact: [Skype, email, etc... [DO NOT LIST ADDRESSES/USERNAMES]] Skype, Email, Google Chat
PvP on scale of 1-10: 7
Red stone Skills on 1-10: 10
Moderation History: Admin for Alekcraft for about a year, I run my own server for the past 3 months or so.
Age: 16
Why do you think your qualified for this job?: I am an extremely experienced computer know-it-all who knows just about everything about minecraft.
Why should EC pick YOU: See Above
List some traits of yours: Smart, Dedicated, Geeky, Addicted
Bans: I think one when I first started MC.
Greifed before?: Yes, on a griefing server though.
Use any modifications/Hack?: Only tekkit on tekkit servers.
Ever heard of EC before this?: No
Favorite Food?: Souvlaki
Skype(Yes or No): matt-hermes1
Mic(Yes or No): Yes
Can you host a tekkit server: Yes
Can you record: I am pretty sure.
Age: 16
Time Zone: US Central