Is there a wiki not hosted on bloody wikispaces? I got hit with 'your subscription to this wiki has expired'. I created an account, verified my email address, and it still refuses to let me see the wiki without further verification with a phone number.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB.func_72332_a()Lnet/minecraft/util/AABBPool;
at gravestone.tileentity.GSGraveStoneSpawn.serverUpdateLogic(
at gravestone.tileentity.GSSpawner.updateEntity(
at gravestone.tileentity.TileEntityGSGraveStone.func_145845_h(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
at gravestone.tileentity.GSGraveStoneSpawn.serverUpdateLogic(
at gravestone.tileentity.GSSpawner.updateEntity(
at gravestone.tileentity.TileEntityGSGraveStone.func_145845_h(
-- Block entity being ticked --
Name: GraveStoneTE // gravestone.tileentity.TileEntityGSGraveStone
Block type: ID #637 (tile.GraveStone // gravestone.block.BlockGSGraveStone)
Block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001
Block location: World: (-97,49,739), Chunk: (at 15,3,3 in -7,46; contains blocks -112,0,736 to -97,255,751), Region: (-1,1; contains chunks -32,32 to -1,63, blocks -512,0,512 to -1,255,1023)
Actual block type: ID #637 (tile.GraveStone // gravestone.block.BlockGSGraveStone)
Actual block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001
-- Affected level --
Level name: world
All players: 1 total; [GCEntityPlayerMP['MongoFromEarth'/1881, l='world', x=-93.31, y=49.00, z=737.57]]
Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 1151 Drop: 0
Level seed: -7221445503408484177
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: true
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (92,64,256), Chunk: (at 12,4,0 in 5,16; contains blocks 80,0,256 to 95,255,271), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Level time: 17690 game time, 19379 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
Level weather: Rain time: 137377 (now: false), thunder time: 147376 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
At firs which version crashed - 2.10.0 or 2.10.1 ? (also, It will be great to get crash log)
As for this crash - it looks like you use incompatible forge version. Is this version really required? My mod will work without any problem with 1224(and maybe with some another version of forge).
ExtrabiomesXL doesn't like 1224:
Please note that this will work with Forge for 1.7.10 up to v1223 with no issues. Forge 1224 - 1230 will not work due to a bug in Forge regarding biomes. Version 1231 will work although it will cause border issues between chunks in existing worlds. There is nothing we can do to fix this and it will happen with any biome adding mod due to the change Forge made in how biomes are selected. If you start a new world using 1231 there will be no border issues.
I'm trying to salvage my world but if I upgrade forge it breaks completely, if I don't it stays half broken and mostly unplayable....
This is just peachy... I upgraded to forge 1223 just to get is as close as possible, and that broke backpacks and mocreatures....
Love the mod, but it keeps crashing my server when you get close to graves or other mod related items in the world.
Here's the crash report in case somebody could see the problem. I'm running 2.9 (the server doesn't even starts with 2.10) with forge 1.7.10-
How the hell do you disable mocreatures from spawning on the twilight forest? I keep removing references to twilight forest from the config files, removing twilight forest-specific config files under mocreatures, and the damn thing just keeps remaking the damn files!
Brand new 1.6.4 server. Single player works. On server I followed the instructions, the 3 folders that it says to put on the /mods folder are there. Other forge mods work fine, Witches and more took a bit of block confict resolution to work but it is up and running now.
I was able to make this work back in the day under 1.4.5. It is just not working now.
Were you able to fix this? I'm having the exact same problem; millenaire works fine on single player mode but doesn't work on server. I installed it on server as requested, opening the zip file and moving the 3 folders that it asked you to move to the /mods folder.
I'm very new to minecraft. I play on a mac. I downloaded too many items and successfully installed that in the bin folder. Today I downloaded "minecraft forge" and "witches an more" and added the lot to the bin folder (and deleted the meta-inf folder).
Result is "crashed".
I can't find a way of sending the report to mojang.
I've kept a copy of the original minecraft.jar folder so i'm going to replace my messed one up with that.
Anybody can help or point me in the direction of some good instructions for adding mods?
Thanks guys.
Forge is a mod loader, which means that once installed it creates a mod folder on your ./minecraft folder. From then on forge compatible mods simply get tossed on the mods folder. You need to make sure that the mods are indeed forge compatible or they will not work.
Mojang does not support modded clients. They will quickly point out that this is an issue between you and the mod creator.
This is not a bukkit server. The worldguard site says that they will someday port it to forge but as of now that's not the case.
Forge Essentials is a new mod to bring Essentials for Forge. The /setspawn command on it is broken. The developer stated that they were having problems with people spawning underground and dying. They sort of disabled it; when you set it, it won't reset the initial login spawn point but running the /spawn command takes you to the /setspawn spawn.
Anybody knows of a forge compatible way to correctly move the spawn point, protection and all, or to protect chunks of the world under forge?
Been trying for a while to move the spawn point. Messed around with forge essentials until I finally found out that this particular feature is broken there. Then I used MCEdit and did manage to move the spawn point, but (of course there's a but) the spawn point protection is not working. On the file the line spawn-protection=16 is there, but it is not doing anything.
So now I'm looking for an area protection spell mod to protect the spawn point (and whatever else may need protecting) but I'm having a hard time finding one.
So, if there a forge/1.4.7 compatible mod to protect areas of the world?
Or better yet; is there an easy way to move the bloody spawn point, protection and all?
The last version truly fixed significant lag issues I was having, thanks a lot.
I think some of the loot is a bit out of hand; on the big structures, between the diamond gear loot and the building decorations (ores and gem blocks) the loot may be a bit too much. If there was a way to select the level of loot/valuables on the config file it would be nice.
I set /setspawn with an operator account. Login for the first time with another operator account, and the second account spawns at the original server spawn point. If I type /spawn, then I'm taken to the spawn point set with the /setspawn command.
ExtrabiomesXL doesn't like 1224:
Please note that this will work with Forge for 1.7.10 up to v1223 with no issues. Forge 1224 - 1230 will not work due to a bug in Forge regarding biomes. Version 1231 will work although it will cause border issues between chunks in existing worlds. There is nothing we can do to fix this and it will happen with any biome adding mod due to the change Forge made in how biomes are selected. If you start a new world using 1231 there will be no border issues.
I'm trying to salvage my world but if I upgrade forge it breaks completely, if I don't it stays half broken and mostly unplayable....
This is just peachy... I upgraded to forge 1223 just to get is as close as possible, and that broke backpacks and mocreatures....
Can anybody help? Pretty please?
Here's the crash report in case somebody could see the problem. I'm running 2.9 (the server doesn't even starts with 2.10) with forge 1.7.10-
Simply put, how do you disable mocreatures from spawning on the Twilight forest?
Brand new 1.6.4 server. Single player works. On server I followed the instructions, the 3 folders that it says to put on the /mods folder are there. Other forge mods work fine, Witches and more took a bit of block confict resolution to work but it is up and running now.
I was able to make this work back in the day under 1.4.5. It is just not working now.
Forge is a mod loader, which means that once installed it creates a mod folder on your ./minecraft folder. From then on forge compatible mods simply get tossed on the mods folder. You need to make sure that the mods are indeed forge compatible or they will not work.
Mojang does not support modded clients. They will quickly point out that this is an issue between you and the mod creator.
Forge Essentials is a new mod to bring Essentials for Forge. The /setspawn command on it is broken. The developer stated that they were having problems with people spawning underground and dying. They sort of disabled it; when you set it, it won't reset the initial login spawn point but running the /spawn command takes you to the /setspawn spawn.
Anybody knows of a forge compatible way to correctly move the spawn point, protection and all, or to protect chunks of the world under forge?
Been trying for a while to move the spawn point. Messed around with forge essentials until I finally found out that this particular feature is broken there. Then I used MCEdit and did manage to move the spawn point, but (of course there's a but) the spawn point protection is not working. On the file the line spawn-protection=16 is there, but it is not doing anything.
So now I'm looking for an area protection
spellmod to protect the spawn point (and whatever else may need protecting) but I'm having a hard time finding one.So, if there a forge/1.4.7 compatible mod to protect areas of the world?
Or better yet; is there an easy way to move the bloody spawn point, protection and all?
Thanks in advance, take care.
I think some of the loot is a bit out of hand; on the big structures, between the diamond gear loot and the building decorations (ores and gem blocks) the loot may be a bit too much. If there was a way to select the level of loot/valuables on the config file it would be nice.
How do I reset the original spawn point?