Im with Crazy a little. Except I play on BR. Im at the very least happy to see them not trying to work on a new update but actually trying to fix several of these game breaking bugs. Im still disappointed they aren't fixing the data storage issue bug on this one that is causing worlds with anywhere from 700mb+ to crash immediately. My world even broke but luckily a restore got it back to the point it wasn't crashing constantly...
Anyways... Im glad they are a little more focused on squashing bugs
If you would like I can add your gamertag to my world.
30 player realm with crossplay and some fun features. We are doing a zombies event this weekend
testforblocks instead. It works similarly to clone
Say I have a barrel with a key in its first slot at 0 1 0
I want players to put the key in a barrel at 5 67 5
/testforblocks 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 67 5
unfortunately those are not doable. But you can testfor a button in a pressed state
It's an economy realm. We have PvP however in designated areas such as a free for all arena, dueling pit, and a wilderness area that is dedicated to it.
The rest is not PvP and you can use the currency you receive to buy plots to protect your builds so you can actually build in highly trafficked areas without fear of damage to your build. We have a market community that players can easily and more readily trade with one another.
Then we are also constantly doing events that usually have around a 20 player turnout. The spawn is super active and has a lot to do
We have a 30 player console realm. We are having a summer solstice build competition tomorrow!
Drop your gamertags:
A user named "WorldWide MCPE" will add you. Add him back and then check the bottom your friends/realms list and the world will appear.
If you have Discord it's much easier to stay informed but not required
Dis man is not in the right forums. You do realize this is the BEDROCK forums right? Not Java...
use testforblocks... And compare it to another frame with the item you want
oh man you have to figure out the rotation stuff but you have 4 diff commands. This is not exact but its the general idea
/execute @s[rx=90,rxm=0] ~~~ tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~~~1
/execute @s[rx=180,rxm=90] ~~~ tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~1~~
/execute @s[rx=270,rxm=180] ~~~ tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~~~-1
/execute @s[rx=360,rxm=270] ~~~ tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~-1~~
you might have to use ry and rym instead of rx but thats enough to get you started
why don't you do something like
/execute @a[x=#,y=#,z=#,r=#] ~~~ say test
what event are you trying to detect?
A pressed pressure plate?
true but conditional chain command blocks are effectively an "if" statement
try it in an impulse set to unconditional and needs redstone
/ticking area circle ~~~ <radius in # of chunks>
All consoles are welcome! We just released yesterday! Join the Discord and then from there we can add your gamertag! And yes it is 30 players online. if you don't have discord drop your GT below. But its nice if you need help from mods
/tp @a[x=#,z=#,y=#,r=#] <coords to tp player to>