Creation Nation is a massive world that has an equally massive player base with hundreds of unique visitors each day. We offer a creative, friendly community full of active players with a responsible staff of moderators, and administrators. With tons of amazing features, (over 70) and our elite class like estate system we are the end all server. Please take a moment to watch our trailer (More than 10,000 Views) and even read the thread, we promise you wont regret it :smile.gif:
Creation Nation also offers an amazing website and forum that directly ties into some of our many features. It offers more customization than any other servers website, a 3D Map, live chat, and tons of resources! The website and its features can be accessed by clicking the buttons below.
Creation Nation has an elite estate class like system where you begin as a common member. In short time your able to work your way into one of the 4 estates. Each estate offers 4 levels with a variety of powers and abilities that grow as you rank up. The higher your rank, the more powerful and richer you become! A brief description of each estate can be found below. You can view the full information for an estate by clicking on its name.
- Builders are a powerhouse in terms of there perks. Abilities such as repairing tools & armor, making advanced constructions like gates, elevators, bridges and a built in measuring tape are only the first level of there powers. Higher levels offer the ability to build even more advanced, complex structures, flight, property demolition, and realtoring!
- Miners are a great estate if your laid back, or simply enjoy mining. They gain abilities such as increased drop rates for certain blocks and ores that increase as they level. They also earn a lava proof suite, and a backpack that they carry with them the size of a large chest. Those are just the abilities you get in your first level. Later you gain access to a special private mining world with its own features, instant mining, monster slaying, and instant smelting!
- Traders run the economy, there the boss when it comes to money! Perks such as owning a physical store to automate the selling and buying of items, setting up casinos with slot machines dice and cards, and stacking unstackable items are only the first level! As you progress you gain perks such as access to a global market with discounted prices on items, the power to open up a bank account with interest, automatic auctions, and the ability to sell town perks!
- Officers are the boss's of Creation Nation. They require intelligence, and a will for power. They can do such things as teleport players to locations for a fee, get paid to train and inform new players, and heal anyone instantly using a book. Thats just the first level! While officers progress in level they gain perks such as the ability to teach magic spells to other players, setup spleef games in automated arenas, create protections to prevent griefing, and get paid for guides!
After reaching the final level, most class based servers leave you with nothing. Creation Nation allows you to earn other estates powers and eventually master them all! Even after doing that you can still obtain a final achievement, and become a god! Only the most hardcore dedicated players will ever reach such a status.
Creation Nation offers tons of features! In fact the number in that title is 100% correct, we really do maintain and offer our players that many features! Were actually gonna list them all for you to! Main features will be given a brief description. Full documentation for all of these features can be found on our forums.
Advanced Anti Griefing We have an extremely low rate of griefing due do what we call the gold sword. The gold sword allows you to see any placed or removed blocks history! Immediately allowing for any griefer to be reported and punished. This ties in perfectly with our mod ticketing system.
Economy - Creation Nation has a dynamic economy that adjusts as the supply and demand of items changes over time. We use a currency called CN which is basically used to pay for anything you could want. From level ups to services and items. There is nothing that doesn't involve CN!
Events - Creation Nation has an entire forum dedicated to events! We have multiple events that run daily, weekly, monthly, and even a few so big they only occur once! We also celebrate each holiday with a huge event and give away tons of prizes!
Treasure Quest - Treasure quest is the end all quest for treasure! Currently there are 3 of these dungeon games that you have to beat in order to receive the ultimate prize! Each one gets harder in difficulty as you play it, they also get progressively harder from I to III!
Cities - Players can start and rule there own miniature empires! Cities have 4 ranks or levels just like each estate. As your city gains more members, the richer you become, and the more perks and power your city gains!
Creative Control - Creative control is a weekly competition that has users vote on 3 entries of player made buildings. The winner takes home the grand prize! Creative control encourages players to create amazing architecture and makes the server look better all around.
Chest Locks - All users are able to lock there chests to prevent theft. This allows people to protect there items and prevent theft of any kind! You can also lock doors, and furnaces!
Magic - Every player has access to magic spells that range from telporting you to distant objects, healing yourself, throwing enemies into the air, walking on air, and much more! These spells are available at the end of each treasure quest. They can also be learned through SpellQuest a weekly event that gives out spells.
Skills - Skills allow users to rank up in certain tasks and earn bonuses when performing certain actions! Currently there are 8 skills available to learn and master! Ranging from woodcutting, to herbalism, taming, and more!
Nether - For the braver, we offer the nether! Riddled with horrible creatures, and alluring loot such as glowstone! Anyone is able to take "the trial of death" to gain access!
Dedicated Mining World - Every user has access to an entire separate world from creation nation where they can freely, and openly mine! The world is large enough to support mining by hundreds of players daily, and is completely regenerated every week!
Wilderness - The wilderness is a free for all building zone. Brand new players can start building for free, and shack up anywhere as long as its not within 75 blocks of a city. This allows newer users to make some CN to join an estate before they begin life in an official city. Optionally Creation City (the main city) offers FREE lots, but these usually go quickly.
Full List being added!
Please keep in mind this entire post is only a snippet of information about Creation Nation and its features. The complete documentation for all our features can be found on our forums.
So your excited and cant wait to join?, Then take a quick moment to do the following :cool.gif:. To join Creation Nation simply fill out the application below as a reply to this thread. We have a whole program dedicated to white listing and you will most likely be accepted within an hour or two at the latest!
Votefor Creation Nation for faster white listing by clicking HERE!
Minecraft IGN -
Age -
Did you vote for us? -
How Did You Find Us? -
Whitelisting is our way of detering hit and run griefers. After you are whitelisted you can access the server by using this (exactly as its shown here no numbers) If you attempt to access the server before you are whitelisted you will receive a message saying to register at our forums. If you have applied for whitelisting here DO NOT apply again on our forums. Thats it, see you in game :smile.gif:
If you enjoy the server, and play on it often please consider supporting it by donating. To show appreciation to our donators we offer them over a dozen perks! The entire list of donator perks, as well as instructions on how to donate can be found on our donation page, or you can click here.
Minecraft IGN - ryanscott6
Age - I'd prefer not saying.
Did you vote for us? - I don't feel like taking the time and effort. And also, servers occasionally don't work for me.
How Did You Find Us? -The forums.
I'd like to be a miner. It sounds ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!
Minecraft IGN - ryanscott6
Age - I'd prefer not saying.
Did you vote for us? - I don't feel like taking the time and effort. And also, servers occasionally don't work for me.
How Did You Find Us? -The forums.
I'd like to be a miner. It sounds ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!
Are you willing to follow any and all server rules: Yes.
Are you willing to respect our staff: Yes.
How long have you been playing minecraft for: A month or 2.
How active will you be on our server: I'll be on whenever I feel like playing minecraft and I can acces the server.
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm just a supportive game player that likes playing online games.
What faction would you like to be apart of? I'd like to be in the one that starts with O.
they probably do. i used to be a critic and i didnt have any friends while i was a critic.
and why do u care so much bout grammar
and also how will peacefull diffuculty affect this
i wont be able to come in the server till the 18th of july
i wont be able to be in the server till the 18th of july though
My dog goes crazy about them