• 0

    posted a message on Dokucraft Animation not working (version 1.11.2), need help.
    Quote from mrdhobbs»

    Notice all those "Skipping non-lowercase path:" errors? In 1.11, Mojang changed resource packs so they must now be in all lowercase (file names as well as folders). It looks like you are running a resource pack that has not been updated to 1.11 standards - either download an updated version, or go into the resource pack yourself and rename any uppercase letters to their lowercase equivalent.

    This worked thank you, I knew something had changed, I will have to massage maker of dokucraft and tell them of this.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Dokucraft Animation not working (version 1.11.2), need help.

    I did not combine them.


    [13:47:11] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: MikeCirka
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Forge ***
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.Attributes
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: mods.betterfoliage.client.BetterFoliageClient
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.BlamingTransformer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.world.ChunkWatchEvent$UnWatch
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Pre
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Post
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$CameraSetup
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$FogColors
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityViewRenderEvent$RenderFogEvent
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event$Result
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.property.ExtendedBlockState
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: akf.getWaterColorMultiplier
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.addDestroyEffects
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.addHitEffects
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.canCreatureSpawn
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.canRenderInLayer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.doesSideBlockRendering
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.getBedDirection
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.getExtendedState
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.getLightOpacity
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.getLightValue
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.getSoundType
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.hasTileEntity
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.isAir
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.isBed
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.isBedFoot
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: alu.isSideSolid
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sn.canRiderInteract
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: sn.captureDrops
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Field not present: sn.capturedDrops
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sn.shouldRenderInPass
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sn.shouldRiderSit
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.getDurabilityForDisplay
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.getRGBDurabilityForDisplay
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.onEntitySwing
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.shouldCauseReequipAnimation
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afh.showDurabilityBar
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bro.handleItemState
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: adp.hasOverlay
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: afy.getRecordResource
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bep.setKeyConflictContext
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bep.setKeyModifierAndCode
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bep.getKeyModifier
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sg.shouldRenderHUD
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sg.renderHUDEffect
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: sh.isCurativeItem
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: asc.canRenderBreaking
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: asc.getRenderBoundingBox
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: asc.hasFastRenderer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: asc.shouldRenderInPass
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bzk$b.preDraw
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: bzk$b.postDraw
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ajs.countEntities
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ajs.getPerWorldStorage
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: ajs.initCapabilities
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: avf.getCloudRenderer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: avf.getSkyRenderer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not present: avf.getWeatherRenderer
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.GuiModList
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.property.IExtendedBlockState
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IRenderHandler
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ItemModelMesherForge
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.settings.KeyConflictContext
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.settings.KeyModifier
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.LightUtil
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.gui.NotificationModUpdateScreen
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderBlockOverlayEvent$OverlayType
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderItemInFrameEvent
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Pre
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Post
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Specials$Pre
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Specials$Post
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.ScreenshotEvent
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.SplashProgress
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.world.WorldEvent$Load
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Vanilla ***
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:
    [13:47:12] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine]
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OptiFine_1.11.2_HD_U_B5
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Build: 20161222-122306
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OS: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Java: 1.8.0_25, Oracle Corporation
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] LWJGL: 2.9.4
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2, version 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.33, NVIDIA Corporation
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Version: 4.0
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Maximum texture size: 16384x16384
    [13:47:13] [Thread-5/INFO]: [OptiFine] Checking for new version
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] ShadersMod version: 2.4.12
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.33
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Renderer: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Capabilities: 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.2 4.0
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT: 8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Load ShadersMod configuration.
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Loaded shaderpack: Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.161 Medium.zip
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Dimensions: -1 1
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Ambiguous shader option: SHADOW_MAP_BIAS
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_textured.fsh: 0.8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_water.fsh: 0.80
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Ambiguous shader option: SHADOW_MAP_BIAS
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_textured.fsh, gbuffers_water.fsh: 0.8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_block.fsh: 0.80
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Ambiguous shader option: SHADOW_MAP_BIAS
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_textured.fsh, gbuffers_water.fsh, gbuffers_block.fsh, composite.fsh: 0.8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in shadow.vsh: 0.80
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Ambiguous shader option: SHADOW_MAP_BIAS
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_textured.fsh, gbuffers_water.fsh, gbuffers_block.fsh, composite.fsh, shadow.vsh, world-1/gbuffers_textured.fsh, world-1/gbuffers_water.fsh: 0.8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in world-1/gbuffers_block.fsh: 0.80
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Ambiguous shader option: SHADOW_MAP_BIAS
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in gbuffers_textured.fsh, gbuffers_water.fsh, gbuffers_block.fsh, composite.fsh, shadow.vsh, world-1/gbuffers_textured.fsh, world-1/gbuffers_water.fsh, world-1/gbuffers_block.fsh: 0.8
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] - in world-1/shadow.vsh: 0.80
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid option: Nether_Fog, key: screen.FOG_SCREEN
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid option: nFogDensity, key: screen.FOG_SCREEN
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid option: <EMPTY>, key: screen.SKY_SCREEN
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid option: Godrays_Quality, key: screen.SKY_SCREEN
    [13:47:13] [Thread-5/INFO]: [OptiFine] Version found: B5
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, 1.11-Dokucraft-TSC-Light.zip
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading textures ***
    [13:47:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Resource packs: 1.11-Dokucraft-TSC-Light.zip
    [13:47:14] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
    [13:47:14] [Thread-6/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
    [13:47:14] [Thread-6/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
    [13:47:14] [Thread-6/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
    [13:47:15] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Sprite size: 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Mipmap levels: 5
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Multitexture: false
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomItems: Loading mcpatcher/cit.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bone/bone_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bone/bone_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bone/bone_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bowl/bowl_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bowl/bowl_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bowl/bowl_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bread/breadslice_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bread/breadslice_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bread/breadslice_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Bread/breadslice_stack3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Brick/brick_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Brick/brick_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Brick/brick_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Egg/egg_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Egg/egg_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Egg/egg_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Feather/feather_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Feather/feather_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Feather/feather_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Flint/flint_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Flint/flint_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Flint/flint_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Gold/ingotgold_norm.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Gold/ingotgold_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Gold/ingotgold_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Gold/ingotgold_stack3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Iron/ingotiron_norm.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Iron/ingotiron_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Iron/ingotiron_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Ingot Iron/ingotiron_stack3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Nether Brick/netherbrick_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Nether Brick/netherbrick_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Nether Brick/netherbrick_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds Melon/seeds_melon_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds Melon/seeds_melon_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds Melon/seeds_melon_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds/seeds_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds/seeds_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Seeds/seeds_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/String/string_more2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/String/string_more3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/String/string_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugarcane/sugarcane_more.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugarcane/sugarcane_more2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugarcane/sugarcane_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugar/sugar_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugar/sugar_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sugar/sugar_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sulphur/sulphur_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sulphur/sulphur_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Sulphur/sulphur_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Wheat/wheat_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Wheat/wheat_stack.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Items/Wheat/wheat_stack2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Arrow/arrow_more.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Arrow/arrow_more2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Arrow/arrow_more3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Arrow/arrow_one.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Easter Egg/notchspickaxe.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Diamond/hatchetDiamond_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Diamond/hatchetDiamond_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Diamond/hatchetDiamond_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Diamond/hatchetDiamond_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Gold/hatchetGold_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Gold/hatchetGold_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Gold/hatchetGold_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Gold/hatchetGold_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Iron/hatchetIron_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Iron/hatchetIron_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Iron/hatchetIron_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Iron/hatchetIron_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Stone/hatchetStone_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Stone/hatchetStone_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Stone/hatchetStone_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Stone/hatchetStone_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Wood/hatchetWood_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Wood/hatchetWood_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Wood/hatchetWood_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hatchet Wood/hatchetWood_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Diamond/hoeDiamond_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Diamond/hoeDiamond_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Diamond/hoeDiamond_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Diamond/hoeDiamond_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Gold/hoeGold_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Gold/hoeGold_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Gold/hoeGold_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Gold/hoeGold_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Iron/hoeIron_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Iron/hoeIron_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Iron/hoeIron_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Iron/hoeIron_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Stone/hoeStone_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Stone/hoeStone_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Stone/hoeStone_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Stone/hoeStone_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Wood/hoeWood_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Wood/hoeWood_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Wood/hoeWood_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Hoe Wood/hoeWood_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Diamond/pickaxeDiamond_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Diamond/pickaxeDiamond_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Diamond/pickaxeDiamond_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Diamond/pickaxeDiamond_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Gold/pickaxeGold_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Gold/pickaxeGold_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Gold/pickaxeGold_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Gold/pickaxeGold_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/Pickaxe Stone/pickaxeStone_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/Pickaxe Stone/pickaxeStone_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/Pickaxe Stone/pickaxeStone_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/Pickaxe Stone/pickaxeStone_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/pickaxeIron_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/pickaxeIron_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/pickaxeIron_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Iron/pickaxeIron_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Wood/pickaxeWood_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Wood/pickaxeWood_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Wood/pickaxeWood_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Pickaxe Wood/pickaxeWood_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Diamond/shovelDiamond_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Diamond/shovelDiamond_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Diamond/shovelDiamond_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Diamond/shovelDiamond_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Gold/shovelGold_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Gold/shovelGold_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Gold/shovelGold_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Gold/shovelGold_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Iron/shovelIron_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Iron/shovelIron_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Iron/shovelIron_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Iron/shovelIron_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Stone/shovelStone_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Stone/shovelStone_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Stone/shovelStone_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Stone/shovelStone_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Wood/shovelWood_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Wood/shovelWood_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Wood/shovelWood_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Shovel Wood/shovelWood_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken1.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken4.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_broken5.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/diamond_sword_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/swordDiamond_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/swordDiamond_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/swordDiamond_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Diamond/swordDiamond_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Gold/swordGold_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Gold/swordGold_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Gold/swordGold_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Gold/swordGold_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Iron/swordIron_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Iron/swordIron_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Iron/swordIron_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Iron/swordIron_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Stone/swordStone_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Stone/swordStone_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Stone/swordStone_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Stone/swordStone_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Wood/swordWood_broken.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Wood/swordWood_broken2.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Wood/swordWood_broken3.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Tools/Sword Wood/swordWood_new.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/awkward.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/damageBoost.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/empty.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/fireResistance.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/harm.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/heal.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/invisibility.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/moveSlowdown.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/moveSpeed.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/mundane.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/nightVision.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/poison.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/regeneration.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/thick.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/water.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/normal/weakness.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/damageBoost.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/fireResistance.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/harm.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/heal.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/invisibility.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/moveSlowdown.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/moveSpeed.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/nightVision.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/poison.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/regeneration.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/cit/Potion/splash/weakness.png
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] BetterGrass: Parsing default configuration optifine/bettergrass.properties
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_yellow, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:items/shulker_shell, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_white, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_blue, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_silver, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/waterlily_flower_white, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_lime, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_red, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_orange, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_black, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled non power of 2: minecraft:items/diamond, 30 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_brown, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled non power of 2: minecraft:items/chest, 56 -> 64
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/waterlily_flower_pink, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_green, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/waterlily_flower_red, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:items/map_filled_markings, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/observer_back_lit, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_light_blue, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_magenta, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_cyan, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_gray, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_purple, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: minecraft:blocks/shulker_top_pink, 16 -> 32
    [13:47:17] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024 textures-atlas
    [13:47:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] allocateTextureMap 5 1024 1024
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: Missing elements for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: No weighted models for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: Missing elements for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: No weighted models for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: Missing elements for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: No weighted models for: selector of minecraft:brewing_stand
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading custom textures ***
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] Skipping non-lowercase path: mcpatcher/anim/WitchBlink.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/bateyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/chareyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/coweyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes10.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes11.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes12.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes13.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes14.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes15.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes16.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes2.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes3.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes4.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes5.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes6.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes7.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes8.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/creepereyes9.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/pigeyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/pigmaneyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] TextureAnimation: Source or target texture not specified
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/pigzombieeyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture animation: mcpatcher/anim/sheepeyes.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/pine.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/birch.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/swampgrass.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/swampfoliage.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/sky0.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/fog0.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/underwater.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/xporb.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/colormap/stem.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/lightmap/world-1.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/lightmap/world0.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Colormap mcpatcher/lightmap/world1.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Loading mcpatcher/color.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: particle.water = 99CCFF
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: particle.portal = 80003f
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: lilypad = 67984a
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: text.xpbar = 71b535
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: text.boss = c735c5
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: text.sign = 463428
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: fog.nether = 3e1a0a
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: fog.end = 1a181c
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: sky.end = 1d1d1d
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Invalid spawn egg name: egg.shell.EntityHorse
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Spawn egg shell colors: 23
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/WARN]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Invalid spawn egg name: egg.spots.EntityHorse
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Spawn egg spot colors: 23
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Wolf collar colors: 16
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Sheep colors: 16
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Map colors: 14
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomColors: Potion colors: 20
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky1.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky2.properties
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky: Texture not found: minecraft:mcpatcher/sky_sunflare.png
    [13:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky3.properties
    [13:47:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky4.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky5.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky6.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky7.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky8.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky9.properties
    [13:47:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky10.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky11.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky12.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky13.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky14.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky15.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky16.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky17.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky18.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky19.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky20.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky21.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky22.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky23.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] CustomSky properties: mcpatcher/sky/world0/sky24.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/creeper/creeper.png, variants: mcpatcher/mob/creeper/creeper.properties
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/pig/pig.png, variants: 2
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/wolf/wolf.png, variants: 5
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/wolf/wolf_angry.png, variants: 5
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/wolf/wolf_tame.png, variants: 5
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/zombie_pigman.png, variants: 2
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/zombie/zombie.png, variants: 10
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] RandomMobs: textures/entity/zombie/zombie_villager.png, variants: 5
    [13:47:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] Texture pack clouds: fast
    [13:47:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.11.2
    [13:47:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
    [13:47:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
    [13:47:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
    [13:47:25] [Server thread/INFO]: MikeCirka[local:E:2dda834c] logged in with entity id 6 at (-1193.4180382115253, 6.856667000475925, -1376.257638991391)
    [13:47:25] [Server thread/INFO]: MikeCirka joined the game
    [13:47:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
    [13:47:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Overworld
    [13:47:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Nether
    [13:47:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/The End
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_basic
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_textured
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_skybasic
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_skytextured
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] composite format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux2 format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux3 format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux4 format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gcolor format: RGBA8
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gdepth format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gnormal format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] composite format: R11F_G11F_B10F
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux1 format: RGBA16
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux2 format: R11F_G11F_B10F
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux3 format: R11F_G11F_B10F
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux4 format: R11F_G11F_B10F
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_terrain
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_water
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_block
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_armor_glint
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: gbuffers_weather
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Shadow map distance: 90.0
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] shadowHardwareFiltering0
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Sun path rotation: -40.0f
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: composite
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] gaux1 mipmap enabled for /shaders/composite1.fsh
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Noise texture enabled
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Noise texture resolution: 512
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: composite1
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] composite mipmap enabled for /shaders/composite2.fsh
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: composite2
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: composite3
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: final
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Program loaded: shadow
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedColorBuffers: 8
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedDepthBuffers: 2
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedShadowColorBuffers: 1
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedShadowDepthBuffers: 2
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedColorAttachs: 8
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] usedDrawBuffers: 3
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Framebuffer created.
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Shadow framebuffer created.
    [13:47:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Reset world renderers
    [13:47:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [Shaders] Reset model renderers
    [13:47:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
    [13:47:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Overworld
    [13:47:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Nether
    [13:47:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/The End
    [13:47:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
    [13:47:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Overworld
    [13:47:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Nether
    [13:47:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/The End
    [13:47:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
    [13:47:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Overworld
    [13:47:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Nether
    [13:47:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/The End
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: MikeCirka lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: MikeCirka left the game
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Overworld
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/Nether
    [13:47:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Drake Testing World'/The End
    [13:47:34] [Client thread/INFO]: Stopping!
    [13:47:34] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundSystem shutting down...
    [13:47:34] [Client thread/WARN]: Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Dokucraft Animation not working (version 1.11.2), need help.

    yes, I got the lastest version and try mcpatcher and optifine.

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Dokucraft Animation not working (version 1.11.2), need help.

    Dokucraft animations don't work anymore and can't get them working and need help.

    I don't know if they are outdated or I need to do something to fix them.

    I'm not the creator of the texture pack, I just really like the texture pack.

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on If minecraft mobs were in real life, which would be most dangerous?

    I believe Ender Dragon, I know that missiles could kill it but The Ender Dragon lives in the end and believe it is a cold place to live in. So the missiles would have a hard time locking on to cold blooded animals.

    Ender Dragon appears and going though all builds destroying and killing everyone below.

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Herobrine: What I believe herobrine is and why I think that? (This is a theory/guess, so go with it) (please read first)

    Ok before I get to this topic, I want to take a look over what is fake and what is not that has been going around and if Herobrine is really.

    1. The videos that show Herobrine attack, placing blocks and dropping items are all fake.

    2. Herobrine standing still is the closes thing that is 100% really sighting of Herobrine, moving around don't know.

    3. Herobrine will watch you from the worst locations and is nearly impossible to see.

    Seeing that it out of the way, I believe Herobrine is aGuardian Angel. This really videos show herobrine watch and then disappears.

    In normal mode when you die, you can respawn but the question is why do you have this option, only god or angels can do this.

    Angels and Demons can go to the Nether not humans. How can you broke/mine trees with only your fists?

    I believe that Herobrine is a Guardian Angel, he has white eyes that resembles heaven and in some cases your Guardian Angel may look like you. (In this case Steve)

    I don't care that people believe Herobrine isn't really but I will ask you non-believes this questions.

    1. How do we know it (Herobrine) name and how it (Herobrine) looks like?

    2. How do you know Herobrine was in your world but you didn't see him?

    3. Is Herobrine watching you right now?

    I hope you guys enjoyed this topic but hey it just my believe. (sorry guys, been watching game theory way to much)

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Add an offline in game wiki for recipes

    I want the developers to add in an in game recipe.

    What if my internet is down and I want to make rabbit stew but can't because I need to look it up in the wiki and my internet is out.

    An in game wiki is very good for players who need to look up stuff when can't use the internet.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Server help I can't see players and mobs also server been laggy seen 1.8.3

    what about not seeing the mobs from far away

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Server help I can't see players and mobs also server been laggy seen 1.8.3

    ok what about seeing enemies only when they are in your face?

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Server help I can't see players and mobs also server been laggy seen 1.8.3

    try destroying a blocks on skyblock

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Server help I can't see players and mobs also server been laggy seen 1.8.3

    I just tryed that and no it didn't work.

    If you ask I play on play.reactivemc.com, so if you want to see it for your self go ahead.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Server help I can't see players and mobs also server been laggy seen 1.8.3

    I have been playing a server for some time and I can't see my friends (same with them) from far away. I have to be 3-5 blocks away until I have to see the mobs and players also I have my render distance to max (32).

    I keep getting lag also there is no help from any youtuber and no signs of change, I break a block then it comes back then destroyed and I got the block.

    I have no lag but I Believe this is a delay also sometimes I destroyed lots of blocks (5-10) then it resets and I have to re-destroy them again.

    I can run minecraft on the highest settings and with 64x and 128x just fine but I use 32x most of the time because dokucraft have tools that look like they been used too much and broken.

    Is there any help I can get?

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on in game recipe books
    {Um, try to figure it out, like most people I know. Or try to remember it?}

    ok what about the 1.8 update, some people are still new to it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on in game recipe books
    {Why? This just seems pointless to me. I mean, if it was something that you put recipes in there yourself, that's one thing. But one of the fun things about minecraft is having to figure out how to craft something. If you don't like that, look it up. Using google, you can probably find the recipe in 30 seconds.}

    Your right on that part but what if your internet is down, somehow broke your internet LAN cable or wifi is not working right, also going to be like that for a while and you need to look up a recipe, also you don't have a recipe mod, what do you do then?

    {An in-game way to view recipes would be pretty nice- as in actual in-game, not metagaming like NEI.
    I support your idea, but not the implementation- by the time you've found those books, you'll have surpassed the need for them.

    It might work better as a notebook {crafted out of paper/leather/string? found in starterchest?}- giving more recipes/hints as you progress.}

    you do have a good point on that if you guys want to give ideas go a head.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on in game recipe books
    I don't like to have to go on a wiki or download a mod that shows me how to craft stuff, so can we have recipe books.

    recipe book types:

    cook book, smith book, farming book, and more.


    strongholds-smith book, villages-farming/cook books, witch hut-Alchemy/potion book and more. ( also starter chests)

    to craft it you have to have a recipe book(cook book, smith book, farming book or the others) and a book and quill side by side to craft the same recipe book. (cook book + book and quill = 2 cook books)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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