can you please fix the pictures? otherwise great mod although i do agree with noobsauce this can be difficult to have if you dont know how to install it
oh well that would explain the new but what about brand? now im confuded... :wacko.gif: but now ill be a ninjaaaa :ph34r.gif: so im gonna go hide behind that brick over there....
I just posted the answer to this on another thread, so i'll copy and paste.
Download the new minecraftserver.exe from
Put the .exe in a new folder by itself and run it once. it will create all the new files it needs.
close the server when it finishes, then copy your "world" folder from you 1.6 server files to the folder you just made, it will replace the files it just rendered. If you have banned player or IPs, make sure you copy over the .txt files for those too. don't forget to adjust the new sever proprieties file to the settings your server needs.
after that, just run the minecraftserver.exe and your server should be up and running with 1.7!
thanks! i just started this server and it's my first one so im noobish right now but thank you for the help
I want to update my server but i dont know how. It's a vannilla for now so there shouldnt be any problems with bukkit. Thank you for the help. :biggrin.gif:
Ingame Name: dragon5366
Why you would like to join NatureCraft: the sever im on currently is rp and i need some action. i figured that this would be a good server because my friend told me about it and the awkward but funny pictures you put in this server
Age: 14
How long have you played MineCraft?:since around october when it was still alpha
Will you grief?: not in this lifetime
Did you read the rules? : yes i have
haha i agree with all this one demons fun may be another demons bordom but to all of this i have a solution. as you said eilier each class will have a leader in later gameplay but what if the demons had a trusted leader by admins that would allow only them to know the location of the portal? as the title plainly states demons can teleport into the nether so it wouldnt affect the demons if only one demon to know the location of said portal.
I hate to be that guy, but if that's going to be the only nether portal, then is there going to be an absolute sure way that only demons can use it? Because if not, then the race ability is kind of pointless lol.
ya if ony demons can use it kinda offence though
-edit- decoded message XD
thanks! i just started this server and it's my first one so im noobish right now but thank you for the help
Why you would like to join NatureCraft: the sever im on currently is rp and i need some action. i figured that this would be a good server because my friend told me about it and the awkward but funny pictures you put in this server
Age: 14
How long have you played MineCraft?:since around october when it was still alpha
Will you grief?: not in this lifetime
Did you read the rules? : yes i have
:dry.gif: as in caves and stuff....
hmm well...i guess C...gonna miss the pvp though XD hmm if theres a areana can it be where mobs spawn and u have to the the mobs spawning?
ya if ony demons can use it kinda offence though