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    posted a message on [Tut] How to edit your Servers world!!! [/tut]
    Quote from Frost01 »
    Sorry to be a grammar nazi, but use your not ur, you not u and people not ppl. Its quite a good tutorial though.

    You're* =)

    Quote from pers2981 »
    why would i do your/ur etc why 4 letters when i could use 2,
    but thanks

    Because using short hand speak makes you look lazy and unintelligent. You are upset that 25 people viewed this and no one took the time to reply yet you yourself haven't put heavy work into writing the guide and admit in doing so.

    Personally i think the game worlds are amazing, and I believe a lot of people to so there is no high demand/need to edit the maps. When there is however I'm sure people will respond more. Thanks for writing it.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on Server works great in classic, wont start in Alpha
    Says it was refused.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on Server works great in classic, wont start in Alpha

    Server works great in classic mode, so Port IS forwarded correctly.

    I received my IP from whatsmyip.com.

    No errors in the minacraft alpha server software
    [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 0.1.0
    [INFO] Loading properties
    [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    [INFO] Preparing level "main"
    [INFO] Preparing start region
    [INFO] Done! For help, type "help" or "?"

    However when i go to connect through ingame it gives me -Connection timed out: connect-

    This happens when i try connecting using both my local and external IP.

    Idea's ? It worked great hosting classic.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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