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    posted a message on upload to site?
    Because people could use it to upload viruses and such and because its upload to this site people would somehow complain that the site is liable which it is not..

    Also upload to site takes up space and this size site and user base.. that's a LOT of storage needed that they may not have or want to spend to get.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Lock this thread (hMod thread)
    Quote from ekeup »
    mind saying what IP you were able to resolve hey0.net to?

    Umm what?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Lock this thread (hMod thread)
    Official 131 is out.


    for server 2.8
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Admin control panel god mode, in a way
    Quote from contortioner »
    Hey, i hope Notch reads this, i think that the admin should be able to enter a command on the console that allows him to be basically in god mode or creation mode so he can at least destroy blocks in one hit, but limit it so that when he is in god mode it's then impossible for him to kill anyone. I just think this would be handy since me and my friends have set up teams or nations that have obsidian borders to know when your crossing into our land and at the beginning there was some moving and complications and now there's a bunch of ugly obsidian lines here and there and no one wants to spend the time destroying them.

    Also on a further note for the teams/nations, being a server host and getting this asked a lot, it would be nice if in the server preferences you could at least be able to turn the names off. This would make the game much more fun for lots of people.

    Many mods allow one hit destroy and also god mode.

    As far as not being able to kill someone if an Admin is going god mod and doing so for no reason why would you wan tot be part of that server?
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on HELP ME DANG IT!NOONE EVER ANSWERS!
    Quote from Pyrohawk »
    Alright. Im sick of that guy, Jize, constantly moving threads to SMP support.
    stop minimodding and let us post here, noone ever answers on smp support!
    its impossible!
    duh uh uh uhhhh use mcadmin ugh ugh ahh!
    OK WOW. im running McAdmin. What now? no plugins work
    aaaughhhh combine it lolz noob
    HOW?stop telling me that and explain how for gods sake!

    looking at your frantic post history is fun.. Nothing you type is coherent and i highly doubt you've used search.... once.

    I would attempt to help (point in the general direction) however its very hard to see what you are even asking with this post. Calm down, post again more direct.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on SMP & LAN
    Quote from warlocken »
    Can we do it withouta server? We don't have a comp to dedicate to that

    Nope, you need a host and can host local and play off the same machine.

    Just pick the stronger of the PC's to host.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on ))(( Q&A List For Servers! ))((
    if you already have Hey0's Delete the Mincraft_Mods.jar and the Minecraft_server.jar. Upload new Minecraft_mods.jar and start your server. It will then download latest server.
    (Mind you as of these last 2 weeks the latest Hey0's isn't always the latest for the server so can run into problems)
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on Comment "liking" system.
    That way those who help could have say 100 "likes" to them so others can see they are helpful!....

    and those who post a stupid picture with a dumb caption can have 10000 "likes" to them.

    no thanks.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Posting Pictures
    Quote from musicaldelial »
    I think this is the right place to post this issue, and I'm sorry if its not or if there's a duplicate thread explaining the answer for me. Anyway, I am having issues posting pictures on the forums. It says the picture is too big. I've tried to load them up to photobucket AND imageshack but they both give me error messages. I also dont have any software to resize the photo. What am I doing wrong and how can it be fixed?

    Quote from shairn »
    There shouldn't be a limit on posting pictures.
    You have to take the link to the picture and put it between either [ img][ /img] tags or [ simg][ /simg] tags, the latter of which resizes the picture if it's too big for the forum, otherwise there's no difference. Note you should remove the spaces in the tags before posting them :3

    Heh, you didn't read the OP.

    The error message has nothing to do with minecraft forums. If those sites are giving you an issue saying too big they are most likely talking about file size and not picture size. Most if picture size is to big will resize it however is the file size is to big .. well its to big and you would need to resize it on your PC. open it up in paint, save as jpg (bad QL a know)
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Lock this thread (hMod thread)
    Quote from TRSSZZZZ »
    i have the latest build and since the new update ppl from my server are feeling lots of lag...

    it this to do with hey0 mod or is just from the server ?

    and my server is shuting down on his own :sad.gif:

    same. updated hey0's from link and new 2.8 users and server showing a TON of lag and shuts down about 2 hours later.

    disabled ALL plugins so only server+hey0's and its down.

    I think its part of Notch's plan to phase of mods =p
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Lock this thread (hMod thread)
    Quote from Grumm »
    First alpha build updated for 0.2.8:
    http://hudson.lukegb.com/job/Minecraft_ ... ft_Mod.jar

    Please drop by on irc://irc.esper.net/#hey0 to let us know of any errors which are related to hMod (so no plugin errors!)

    This helped me get the server back up on Linux, using it now. TY
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft LAN Help
    billion of threads on here in regards to LAN, please use search.
    as per sticky up top

    How to Set Up a Server [NEW!] [0.1.1]
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on "Outdated Client" error?
    either you need to update or they *most likely* have not updated.

    smp works fine.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on TheOne Minecraft Zombie Survival
    perhaps you should list what each mean that people vote for in your own words so people know what they are voting for.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on Uhhh what is this?
    same thing that is already posted about 30 times on the front two pages?

    hey0's mod, use the newest updated a few hours ago or revert to old server before today's update.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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