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    posted a message on Hiring Someone To Complete my Prison Server 50$-150$ [PAY]

    I am more of a builder than a dev, here are my screenshots I can make you a good looking prison and evenly split the pay with what dev work on the plug-ins http://imgur.com/a/DfmFO

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need builds, willing to pay, much needed, and the first one that builds for me will be an admin

    IGN: IHeartWifi

    Squeaker?(Not to be rude just preparing ourselves :>) No, I am 15 years old some say I sometimes sound older

    Age: 15

    Past build experience: I have been building for over 2 years now on minecraft and I've been playing for 4 years now. I have had many servers that I have built on, whether it was a spawn, a hub, an rpg map, or just random stuff for fun I have done it. My most recent experiences were on the minequest server (if you want proof I can give ip to show my status on the server and what I've built there). Also my own private server which I can also show you if you'd like.

    1 Screenshot of your best build: (I couldn't decide you judge whats my best one?) http://imgur.com/a/DfmFO

    Why should you be our builder?: I am a experienced builder who is active and always doing something; I work great with others but sometimes best on my own. I do find myself more of a leader than a follower (so if its a head/lead builder you need, I'm for guy) but I am a responsible player who does follow orders or ideas.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Graphic Designer / Builder Needed [Possibly Paid]

    What are you applying for? builder

    What is your experience? I have been building on/for the minecraft community for around 2 years now, I have been apart of many build teams and have done enough work on my own. I have built things from spawns, hubs, rpg maps, mini game worlds, and much more that I kinda for got over the months of work.

    What are you requesting for payment amount? I wish I was like those above me but I would like to get paid (""if your good at something why do it for free?"" ~Joker 'Dark Knight') I would like to get something small like 10-20$ if not thats fine but I guess 5 would be my BARE minimum

    How soon are you able to start the project? Now, right here right now, gimmie an IP It'll be done before I say it will be.

    Screenshots of proof ((If these pictures are seen on the internet and are not posted by users of the name IHeartWifi or djfizz, they have been copied from me, these are 100% my builds)) [[Side note I can only post very few and a lot of my work is lost, I will post a link showing all my recorded screenshots as of 2015, these two are just a small sample]]


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Recruiting Actors For A Video (Needs 1 Hour of Your Time)

    Age: 15

    Timezone: Pacific

    Username: IHeartWifi

    Why you want to participate: I dont know this just sounds cool, never really found an opportunity to do anything like this yet so why not give it a shot!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Server Looking for Builders and Developers.

    Name: Dylan

    IGN (In-Game Name): iHeartWifi

    Age: 15 (Close enough?)

    Builder or Dev?: Builder

    Time-Zone: Pacific

    Country: America/Canada.... Its a long story

    Skype (You may PM this): IDoIndeedLoveWifi

    Why you would like to join: I love helping out others over the minecraft community, its been a while since I've done things like building or administrating for others but I'd like to get back into the swing of things; I love to build on other peoples server rather than my own. I love working with others and would also love to help your guys server out ^_^

    Links of builds (These are all 100% my creations, if such designs are ever found on the internet, they were taken from me, or copied from me) http://imgur.com/a/DfmFO#16

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [THREAD CLOSED] www.thepixelpack.co.uk
    Quote from DangerfieldUK»

    Thanks for applying

    hey lol this is kind of embarrassing, I gave the wrong skype name, I should honestly just change it to IDoIndeedHeartWifi, but its IDoIndeedLoveWifi...... Sorry about that, starting off on the wrong foot .-.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [THREAD CLOSED] www.thepixelpack.co.uk

    Names Dylan, me and 2 of my friends (fellow builders) could help, we have done a couple projects together but mostly on our own stuff, Im 15, SUBTOXIC is 15, and bob is 13. We run things pretty well and have a creative mindset and would like to go help out with your project. I have built many spawns and a few hubs and I personally think we are up to the task. IGN's are IHeartWifi, SUBTOXIC, and bob_is_aboy. Give me a shout on my skype (IDoIndeedHeartWifi) if you're interested.

    (Proof of builds, the castle and modern homes are done by me, the brick town was done by the three of us, modeled after gastown in vancouver [google it!])

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on NEED BUILDERS PRISON! [Payment is included] bagi725

    MineCraft IGN : IHeartWifi

    Skype Username (Must have) : djfizz595

    IRL Name : Dylan

    Reason why you want to join our builders : I honestly think that I am not bad of a builder, I have been building for over 2 years for servers; and thats what I continue to do. I love to help the community by either building things or administrating servers, thats what you will find me doing. I love the dedication and the responsibilities given to me for certain jobs

    How old are you : 15

    How much will you be online on each day : I come online every day so expect a large contribution from me

    Things you’ve built (Not must) : Most recent work.

    (Also I know you said not to but idk man I think I could help ;) )

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    Name: Dylan

    Age: 15

    Ign: IHeartWifi

    Experience: I have player mc for about 3 years, and I have been helping those in the community of minecraft (building things, or administrating servers.) for about almost 2 years. I have been co-owner on a total of 3 servers, a Head Admin on 5, Admin on 8, Jr Admin 1, Head Mod 4, Mod 6, and I have also been a builder on 20+ servers. I do a lot of building

    Skype: djfizz595

    Why you would like to be staff: I have loads of experience with a well rounded line of staff positions, not only that I am a good leader in role model for the players of the server, as well as the fellow staff of the server. I love to dedicate myself in my work (this being minecraft) and I love to help others on the community of minecraft. I feel as if I am responsible enough to take a higher role like Head Admin or Admin but if you think other wise we its not up to me :P


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on DynamiteCraft Needs Staff!!

    OOps lol tried to copy the application I just sent you

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on | Bomb Network | Staff Recruitment

    IGN: IHeartWifi

    Age (optional): 15

    Skype (optional): djfizz595

    Male or Female?: Male

    Past experiences?: Ive been on many servers in the past some of those names I cannot remember but here are a few plus the positions I took hold on those specific servers (servers) CrabCraft - Admin/Builder, Outlands - Co-owner, Bat Craft - Admin, (build teams) Athena Build Team, CuberBuilds (All those servers are down currently, the build teams I havent been able to find them on any websites) I cant remember the other servers names but I have been co-owner on two other servers, admin on 7 more, Head admin on 5, jr admin on 2, mod on 3, head mod on 6, and builder on over 15 servers (I am sure over 15 its been a while

    Why should we choose you over the other applicants?: I have a well rounded positions in this sort of business fore I've been playing minecraft for some time, and have been staff/ build for a long while too. I'm a good leader with a good mind set for goals achievable for certain servers; I love dedicating myself to things like these because I love helping those out in the community and joining those who are in need of assistance on their server. I'm a good role model for how players should act and treat each other while also making sure my fellow staff are doing their duties and not abuse the powers given to them.

    Why do you want to be staff?: Like I stated previously I love to dedicate myself to servers and the community and help those. It also helps me learn to better set goals for myself. The fun thing about things like this, I just love it for some reason its like having a job, that you have to on a routinely basis but you get to stay at home. Its fun

    Do you have any types of social media (twitter, instagram, youtube, etc.) If so, how many followers/subscribers?: I have an instagram account with only 60 followers, its private and none of my friends would like me for advertising (if thats what your getting at)

    Do you agree that you will follow all of the rules and treat everybody how you want to be treated? (Yes/No): Of Course! Yes.

    Is there any extra information we should know?: Well if your ever in need of builders you have always got me (PROOF) \/ \/ \/

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on DynamiteCraft Needs Staff!!

    First Name: Dylan

    Age: 15

    Minecraft UserName: IHeartWifi

    Skype Name: djfizz595

    Email: [email protected]

    Activity (i.e. 12 hours a day, once a week) : I will come on once a day work on a few things, maybe 3 hours minimum

    Position you are Applying for: Admin / Head-Builder (Will give proof of builds)

    Previous Experience: Bat Craft - Admin, Outlands - Co-owner, crabcraft -admin/builder, cod/survival craft - Jr Admin/Builder and much more I cant remember

    Current Positions on other Servers: Building my own private server.

    Have you ever been banned, kicked, or temp banned from a server? If so, why? : Yes once. It was a server

    If you have the following commands, what would you do? (ban, tempban, kick, mute)

    Advertising: give 2 warnings, because im a man for second chances, if persisted I will mute.

    Spamming: mute for 10 minutes if they continue to spam I would mute them for a long while

    Swearing / Racist Remarks: give a warning, if persisted, I will kick them and give them a warning for a temp ban

    Modded or Items that are Not Allowed: If the server has the plug-in /invsee (player name) i will remove those items and warn them, if continued they'd be banned

    Griefing: I would give them a temp ban, if they come back and do it again (I will remember them) they will be banned


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on McNation ≫ New ≫ Revolutionizing ≫ Looking For Staff ≫ Check Us Out Now!
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    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Starting a new gaming community, looking for admins to run our Minecraft server

    He stated the fact that he is 10 which has nothing to do with anything

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need Builder ? I Think I Am Your Guy :)

    OK so just some critic advice with your application. Its too short you give little detail of what you are capable of and you don't prove it by not providing screenshots, even if you don't have any on your computer that you can take a screen capture of that's fine so make something quick to show off so you aren't just misleading people and building things for them that you took from a tutorial. Also you made this application yourself by the looks of it and you asked yourself if you have a Skype and you don't; so you don't need to tell us. I would suggest making a new thread with a larger application and so then people will actually think you're worth hiring. Honestly if I sound rude in any way I'm sorry I'm just trying to help out.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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