I got banned 3 years ago. Since that moment I still want to play and I really want to get ban list reseted to like 3000 players could join again.
I just really want this server to sky rocket the player count. Like, I am telling you, this server was my life. Literally, I am not kidding when I say this, but the server really gave me the best moment with my friends. I come back and I see it totally down with the player count. It's terrible... It really is. I've been playing again on the server, but the Project Ares servers are just not full. It just doesn't feel the same in-game without that full effect. You know? I wish they like advertise more or something. I don't know what to do. I don't want to see my favorite server go to waste.
OCN was and still is my favorite server to this day. I first played on it in 2013. In 2013-2014, there were 1000-1500 people on regularly. It was amazing. There were so many Project Ares servers to choose from, and no matter what you didn't have to fret, because every server was filled with people. It was spectacular! There were so many people on it. It was so much fun! I played with my friends and we had the best time. And then... 2015 came. 2015... ah. Ok, well... Yeah. 2015 was the year. 2015... So, in 2015, the player count started to go down. I don't know why, but it did. It got to about 800 people regularly, which was still amazing. Then 600... then 500... Then 400... And once 1.9 came out it was at like 200. Now it is at about 150 max peak. I can't believe it. I was so heartbroken when it first went down in 2015 that I took a one year hiatus. I came back about a week ago to find that there are like 150 players max on the server, and the amount of Project Ares servers were like cut in half. There's like 8 now maybe, but only like 3 usually have players in it. It's terrible! No one plays Blitz. I was on it last night, and there literally wasn't a single person playing Blitz. I don't play Blitz personally, but I remember it had a lot of players in it either way. I was always a Project Ares type of guy, and there used to be so many players in it. Now just like I said before, there's like 100. It's terrible! There's no server that's ever full now. I don't know how, but I really want to do something to turn this around, because honestly... I swear... I SWEAR... playing Project Ares a few years ago when so many people were on was just some of the best moments of my life with my friends. I am not even joking when I say that. I can't see this server go down anymore. We must do something. Please anyone! What can we do? I don't know what to do! Literally all it would take is for just one big YouTuber to play it in like one video or on stream, but that most likely won't happen, so what can we do?
Just put up Version (again available for both 1.7.10 and 1.7.2) which includes responsive text when using most commands. Fixed the functionality of the deltab command. Added a new command /dim (or /dimension ), which will transfer you to the dimension by its ID. This command should also work for Dimensions added by other mods, as it provides support for Forge dimension Hot Loading when not using a default dimension. (I encountered a bug with the dimension of another group I have been working with, though I'm not sure if that is a bug for all dimensions or just a bug for this dimension, as I did not write this dimension).
I'll try to get a build out with feedback for the commands tomorrow. If not tomorrow, one of my classes is canceled for the rest of the week so I'll definitely be able to add them by the weekend.
I had added a disclaimer to the main post stating that some of the commands do not work yet, and any commands that do not work should either be marked as planned, untested, or incomplete in the Google document.
I'm glad you enjoyed the mod!
Also, I plan on recording a bit of a showcase of at least most of the available commands soon.
Cool. I cannot wait for the showcase and I will download the new version.
I cannot wait for the /setwarp and /warp command. That will be cool.
Hey guys, so have you've heard about the new snapshot? It has Twitch.tv livestreaming integration in it so you can press F6 to lifestream straight to your Twitch channel. Anyway, I am on a Mac. Mojang said on the website that I need to download Soundflower to do it. I looked at their instructions and they are just awful. can someone help me setup Soundflower settings like what mic to use for input and output and stuff like that? Thanks!
The title says it. I need mod ideas! I am just out of ideas! I am blanking out! All I am thinking is .............! I can't think of any mods I could do. This is when you guys come in. Please comment on whatever mod idea you have! THANKS!
wut? The window rendering in Forge? Talking about pinned?
You tried guimode command?
So, the version that is coming up now have Step and Fast Place + A working Spectator / Freecam <3
The 2 features that will not there:
- X-Ray
- Chest Raider
Is X-Ray and Chest Raider ever going to be in the Forge version? Those are two of my favorite features in this mod.
So basically, I got the new 1.2.6 version and now, whenever I try to edit my mod in the mod editor, it won't recompile when I press "Save and Recompile." Also, I can't seem to export my mods. It just kind of freezes! Please help me!!!!
I have a question, You said the "Player Capabilities Class". Is that like a TickHandler? Do I have to make a new class called Player Capabilities and put that in? Thanks
@Tihyo I just wanted to know when the next update for this mod is going to come out because I posted some ideas on my previous post and you responded back saying they were great ideas and I just want to know when the next update for this mod is going to come out because I want to see if you took some of my ideas on the super heroes and added them into your mod. That would be awesome!!!! READ: PLEASE RESPOND BACK. THANK YOU!
Well they probably wont be added the next update but the one after that because the next update is the "Batman Update". It focuses on the Bat-family and new awesome bat gadgets.. I will though add some of the things you suggested in the version after that.. Okay?
I just really want this server to sky rocket the player count. Like, I am telling you, this server was my life. Literally, I am not kidding when I say this, but the server really gave me the best moment with my friends. I come back and I see it totally down with the player count. It's terrible... It really is. I've been playing again on the server, but the Project Ares servers are just not full. It just doesn't feel the same in-game without that full effect. You know? I wish they like advertise more or something. I don't know what to do. I don't want to see my favorite server go to waste.
OCN was and still is my favorite server to this day. I first played on it in 2013. In 2013-2014, there were 1000-1500 people on regularly. It was amazing. There were so many Project Ares servers to choose from, and no matter what you didn't have to fret, because every server was filled with people. It was spectacular! There were so many people on it. It was so much fun! I played with my friends and we had the best time. And then... 2015 came. 2015... ah. Ok, well... Yeah. 2015 was the year. 2015... So, in 2015, the player count started to go down. I don't know why, but it did. It got to about 800 people regularly, which was still amazing. Then 600... then 500... Then 400... And once 1.9 came out it was at like 200. Now it is at about 150 max peak. I can't believe it. I was so heartbroken when it first went down in 2015 that I took a one year hiatus. I came back about a week ago to find that there are like 150 players max on the server, and the amount of Project Ares servers were like cut in half. There's like 8 now maybe, but only like 3 usually have players in it. It's terrible! No one plays Blitz. I was on it last night, and there literally wasn't a single person playing Blitz. I don't play Blitz personally, but I remember it had a lot of players in it either way. I was always a Project Ares type of guy, and there used to be so many players in it. Now just like I said before, there's like 100. It's terrible! There's no server that's ever full now. I don't know how, but I really want to do something to turn this around, because honestly... I swear... I SWEAR... playing Project Ares a few years ago when so many people were on was just some of the best moments of my life with my friends. I am not even joking when I say that. I can't see this server go down anymore. We must do something. Please anyone! What can we do? I don't know what to do! Literally all it would take is for just one big YouTuber to play it in like one video or on stream, but that most likely won't happen, so what can we do?
Cool. I cannot wait for the showcase and I will download the new version.
I cannot wait for the /setwarp and /warp command. That will be cool.
Keep it up! This is awesome and amazing!
Just one thing, can you change the water to make it look more like Super Mario? Thanks!
So basically, I got the new 1.2.6 version and now, whenever I try to edit my mod in the mod editor, it won't recompile when I press "Save and Recompile." Also, I can't seem to export my mods. It just kind of freezes! Please help me!!!!