In-game name: Demon13
Age: 18
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a new server to join
How did you hear about this server: I saw it on the forums(here).
I can understand if you refuse the application, as there is a chance I will not remain on the server for an extended period of time.
I'm having a problem with swamps, and I know what you're thinking, "You need to make a swampgrasscolor.png." The problem is, I did, I have also patched it(Trust me that's not the problem either) using the custom colors. I think I read correctly that the dot in the center is the dot that is used by the majority of the biome. If this is true, I think swamp is misplaced. I think this because I set the color as white, and only a few small little patches are set as almost, but not quite white(blended with the color around it).
Also, I was wondering if the same points work for trees as well.
Thank you for the help. I tested it out and it worked great. Hopefully this mod starts to really get popular. You can do SO much more with HD skins, very similar to the likes of HD textures.
All you really need to do is get more people to use it.
This is going to sound a little stupid, but while registering the field marked "Name" is the Minecraft name, and the field marked "Username" is the username for the website?
I have been waiting for another one of these to be available for some time. I think it's silly that there would be HD Textures, but no HD Skins. I applaud this if it actually makes it to release.
-Cactus recolor
-Sapling recolor
-Note block recolor
-Redstone repeator recolor
-Flower stems recolored to match grass.
-Changed the texture for record player.
-Edited lapis lazuli link: mediafire or for those of you who wish not to use mediafire
Hello, this is my first texture pack. It took me quite a while to get as far as I did, and I like it. Most of the terrain is complete, however I left some as is. I also changed a few items and some of the armor. I like it for the most part however, I'm open to criticism.
Here are some images from 1.7.3:
Here are some images from 1.8:
Sorry for not finding any really cool mountains. =(
Here is the terrain.png:
You can download the texture pack at these locations:
Minecraft Username:Demon13
Timezone:[EST] or GMT -5:00 -4:00 I get confused with daylight savings >.<
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use Ventrilo:I've got a mic, not sure about vent.
Is this your first multiplayer server? (Why did you leave your last server if not.):This is not my first, and I have not "left" my last server, it's just not up, and doesn't have mods.
Anything else we should know: I like to build, and redstone is fun.
I see what you mean with the idea of even smaller blocks. Also, as someone recommended in an earlier post, make redstone tiny, it would make things more compact and I could definitely see people using it. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this thread, especially for when SMP comes.
Age: 18
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a new server to join
How did you hear about this server: I saw it on the forums(here).
I can understand if you refuse the application, as there is a chance I will not remain on the server for an extended period of time.
Age (optional): 17
Also, I was wondering if the same points work for trees as well.
All you really need to do is get more people to use it.
Nothing was changed, I just added the new textures. I may change if I find the new textures don't feel right in this pack.
-Cactus recolor
-Sapling recolor
-Note block recolor
-Redstone repeator recolor
-Flower stems recolored to match grass.
-Changed the texture for record player.
-Edited lapis lazuli link: mediafire
or for those of you who wish not to use mediafire
Here are some images from 1.7.3:
Here are some images from 1.8:
Sorry for not finding any really cool mountains. =(
Here is the terrain.png:
You can download the texture pack at these locations:
Mediafire link
Here are links for 1.7.3:
If you find something wrong, or think something should be changed, please make a post, and I'll see if I can change it.
If this post is missing anything, please let me know.
Timezone:[EST] or GMT
-5:00-4:00 I get confused with daylight savings >.<Age:17
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use Ventrilo:I've got a mic, not sure about vent.
Is this your first multiplayer server? (Why did you leave your last server if not.):This is not my first, and I have not "left" my last server, it's just not up, and doesn't have mods.
Anything else we should know: I like to build, and redstone is fun.
[EDIT] when I said 1/16, I meant 1/64. =P
A fix would be nice.
regardless, this generator is just awesome.